5 research outputs found

    Droplet-digital PCR assay to detect Merkel cell polyomavirus sequences in chorionic villi from spontaneous abortion affected females

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    Droplet-digital polymerase chain reaction (ddPCR) technique was set up to detect/quantify Merkel cell polyomavirus (MCPyV) DNA in clinical specimens, including chorionic villi and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from spontaneous abortion (SA)-affected females. This ddPCR assay showed high accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity in detecting MCPyV DNA cloned in a recombinant plasmid vector, the control. ddPCR was extended to MCPyV DNA to investigate/quantify its sequences in clinical samples. Overall, 400 samples were analyzed, that is, 100 chorionic villi and 100 PBMCs, from SA females (n = 100), the cases, and 100 chorionic villi and 100 PBMCs from females who underwent voluntary pregnancy interruption (VI, n = 100), the control. MCPyV DNA was detected in 4/100 (4%) and 5/100 (5%) of SA and VI chorionic villi, respectively. The mean viral DNA load was 1.99 ( +/- 0.94 standard mean deviation [SD]) copy/10(4) cells in SA and 3.02 ( +/- 1.86 [SD]) copy/10(4) cells in VI. In PBMCs, MCPyV DNA was revealed in 9/100 (9%) and 14/100 (14%) of SA and VI, with a mean of 2.09 ( +/- 1.17 [SD]) copy/10(4) cells and 4.09 ( +/- 4.26 [SD]) copy/10(4) cells in SA and VI, respectively. MCPyV gene expression analysis by quantitative PCR for the large T antigen (LT) and viral capsid protein 1 (VP1) showed their mRNAs in 2/4 (50%) SA- and 2/5 (40%) VI-MCPyV-positive samples. MCPyV DNA was detected/quantified using the ddPCR technique, in chorionic villi and PBMCs from SA and VI. In our experimental conditions, ddPCR provided a powerful tool to detect/quantify MCPyV DNA sequences in clinical samples

    Investigation on Spontaneous Abortion and Human Papillomavirus Infection

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    Viral infections are considered to be risk factors for spontaneous abortion (SA). Conflicting results have been reported on the association between Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and SA. HPV DNA was investigated in matched chorionic villi tissues and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from women who experienced SA (n = 80, cases) and women who underwent a voluntary interruption of pregnancy (VI; n = 80, controls) by qualitative PCR and quantitative droplet digital PCR (ddPCR). Viral genotyping was performed using real-time PCR in HPV-positive samples. Specific IgG antibodies against HPV16 were investigated in sera from SA (n = 80) and VI (n = 80) females using indirect ELISA assays. None of the DNA samples from SA subjects was HPV-positive (0/80), whilst HPV DNA was detected in 2.5% of VI women (p > 0.05), with a mean viral DNA load of 7.12 copy/cell. VI samples (n = 2) were found to be positive for the HPV45 genotype. The ddPCR assay revealed a higher number of HPV-positive samples. HPV DNA was detected in 3.7% and 5% of SA and VI chorionic tissues, respectively, with mean viral DNA loads of 0.13 copy/cell in SA and 1.79 copy/cell in VI (p >0.05) samples. All DNA samples from the PBMCs of SA and VI females tested HPV-negative by both PCR and ddPCR. The overall prevalence of serum anti-HPV16 IgG antibodies was 37.5% in SA and 30% in VI (p > 0.05) women. For the first time, HPV DNA was detected and quantitatively analyzed using ddPCR in chorionic villi tissues and PBMCs from SA and VI women. Circulating IgG antibodies against HPV16 were detected in sera from SA and VI females. Our results suggest that HPV infection in chorionic villi may be a rare event. Accordingly, it is likely that HPV has no significant role in SA

    Investigation on Silent Bacterial Infections in Specimens from Pregnant Women Affected by Spontaneous Miscarriage.

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    Miscarriage is one of the main complications occurring in pregnancy. The association between adverse pregnancy outcomes and silent bacterial infections has been poorly investigated. Ureaplasma parvum and urealiticum, Mycoplasma genitalium and hominis and Chlamydia trachomatis DNA sequences have been investigated by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) methods in chorionic villi tissues and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from females with spontaneous abortion (SA, n = 100) and females who underwent voluntary interruption of pregnancy (VI, n=100). U. parvum DNA was detected in 14% and 15% of SA and VI, respectively, with a mean of bacterial DNA load of 1.3 × 10−1 copy/cell in SA and 2.8 × 10−3 copy/cell in VI; U. urealiticum DNA was detected in 3% and 2% of SA and VI specimens, respectively, with a mean DNA load of 3.3 × 10−3 copy/cell in SA and 1.6 × 10−3 copy/cell in VI; M. hominis DNA was detected in 5% of SA specimens with a DNA load of 1.3 × 10−4 copy/cell and in 6% of VI specimens with a DNA load of 1.4×10−4 copy/cell; C. trachomatis DNA was detected in 3% of SA specimens with a DNA load of 1.5 × 10−4 copy/cell and in 4% of VI specimens with a mean DNA load of 1.4 × 10−4 copy/cell. In PBMCs from the SA and VI groups, Ureaplasma spp, Mycoplasma spp and C. trachomatis DNAs were detected with a prevalence of 1%–3%. Bacteria were investigated, for the first time, by quantitative real‐time PCR (qPCR) in chorionic villi tissues and PBMCs from women affected by SA and VI. These data may help to understand the role and our knowledge of the silent infections in SA

    Clinical characteristics, management and in-hospital mortality of patients with coronavirus disease 2019 in Genoa, Italy

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