1,326 research outputs found

    Corporate Social Responsibility and Firms Performance: an Analysis on Italian Listed Companies

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    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is getting an increasingly important issue for economic agents all over the world, due to a new attention to all the aspects of firms activities and their relationships with stakeholders. Also in Italy, the number of firms that prepare voluntary corporate social responsibility (CSR) reports (e.g. sustainability reports, environmental reports, environmental and social reports or corporate social responsibility reports) is increasing. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of the voluntary disclosure about Corporate Social Responsibility on firms stock prices of Italian listed companies in order to analyze if it can somehow contribute to increase the stock market prices. Our empirical analysis will test the relation, during a period of three years, between corporate social responsibility (CSR) reports and firms stock prices, considering a sample of Italian listed companies.Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is getting an increasingly important issue for economic agents all over the world, due to a new attention to all the aspects of firms activities and their relationships with stakeholders. Also in Italy, the number of firms that prepare voluntary corporate social responsibility (CSR) reports (e.g. sustainability reports, environmental reports, environmental and social reports or corporate social responsibility reports) is increasing. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of the voluntary disclosure about Corporate Social Responsibility on firms stock prices of Italian listed companies in order to analyze if it can somehow contribute to increase the stock market prices. Our empirical analysis will test the relation, during a period of three years, between corporate social responsibility (CSR) reports and firms stock prices, considering a sample of Italian listed companies.Uninvited Submission

    Vitamin D3 in High-Quality cow milk: an Italian case study

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    The quality-labeling category of High-Quality (HQ) milk defined by the Italian legislation must comply with specific requirements concerning rigorous breeder management, hygienic controls, fat and protein content, bacterial load, somatic cells, lactic acid content, and non-denatured soluble serum proteins. However, there is no specification for the vitamin D content of HQ milk. Moreover, the data on the vitamin D content of this milk category is very scarce. In the present study, the content of vitamin D3 was evaluated in HQ raw and pasteurized cow milk obtained from Italian cowsheds and supermarkets. The vitamin D3 content varied from not detected (less than 1 \ub5g L-1) to 17.0\ub12.0 \ub5g L-1 milk and was not related to the milk fat content. These results represent a case study including a significant although not exhaustive part of the contemporary Italian market of HQ milk. It was shown for the first time that HQ raw milk does not necessarily contain more vitamin D3, even though non-expert consumers likely to buy milk labeled as HQ could expect it. The vitamin D3 content in HQ pasteurized whole milk should be reported on the label of the milk package as a best practice of consumer information policy

    Intake of prebiotic fibers and the risk of laryngeal cancer: the PrebiotiCa study

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    Purpose To evaluate whether the intake of specific fibers with prebiotic activity, e.g., inulin-type fructans (ITFs), fructo-oligosaccharides (FOSs), and galacto-oligosaccharides (GOSs), is associated with laryngeal cancer risk. Methods Within the PrebiotiCa study, we used data from a case-control study (Italy, 1992-2009) with 689 incident, histologically confirmed laryngeal cancer cases and 1605 controls. Six prebiotic molecules (ITFs, nystose [FOS], kestose [FOS], 1F-beta-fructofuranosylnystose [FOS], raffinose [GOS] and stachyose [GOS]) were quantified in various foods via ad hoc conducted laboratory analyses. Subjects' prebiotic fiber intake was calculated by multiplying food frequency questionnaire intake by the prebiotic content of each food item. The odds ratios (OR) of laryngeal cancer for prebiotic fiber intake were calculated using logistic regression models, including, among others, terms for tobacco, alcohol, and total energy intake. Results The intakes of kestose, raffinose and stachyose were inversely associated with laryngeal cancer, with ORs for the highest versus the lowest quartile of 0.70 (95% confidence interval, CI 0.50-0.99) for kestose, 0.65 (95% CI 0.45-0.93) for raffinose and 0.61 (95% CI 0.45-0.83) for stachyose. ITFs, nystose and 1F-beta-fructofuranosylnystose were not associated with laryngeal cancer risk. Current smokers and heavy drinkers with medium-low intakes of such prebiotic fibers had, respectively, an over 15-fold increased risk versus never smokers with medium-high intakes and a five to sevenfold increased risk versus never/moderate drinkers with medium-high intakes. Conclusion Although disentangling the effects of the various components of fiber-rich foods is complex, our results support a favorable role of selected prebiotic fibers on laryngeal cancers risk

    Unbalance between Excitation and Inhibition in Phenylketonuria, a Genetic Metabolic Disease Associated with Autism

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    Phenylketonuria (PKU) is the most common genetic metabolic disease with a well-documented association with autism spectrum disorders. It is characterized by the deficiency of the phenylalanine hydroxylase activity, causing plasmatic hyperphenylalaninemia and variable neurological and cognitive impairments. Among the potential pathophysiological mechanisms implicated in autism spectrum disorders is the excitation/inhibition (E/I) imbalance which might result from alterations in excitatory/inhibitory synapse development, synaptic transmission and plasticity, downstream signalling pathways, and intrinsic neuronal excitability. Here, we investigated functional and molecular alterations in the prefrontal cortex (pFC) of BTBR-Pah(enu2) (ENU2) mice, the animal model of PKU. Our data show higher frequency of inhibitory transmissions and significant reduced frequency of excitatory transmissions in the PKU-affected mice in comparison to wild type. Moreover, in the pFC of ENU2 mice, we reported higher levels of the post-synaptic cell-adhesion proteins neuroligin1 and 2. Altogether, our data point toward an imbalance in the E/I neurotransmission favouring inhibition in the pFC of ENU2 mice, along with alterations of the molecular components involved in the organization of cortical synapse. In addition to being the first evidence of E/I imbalance within cortical areas of a mouse model of PKU, our study provides further evidence of E/I imbalance in animal models of pathology associated with autism spectrum disorders

    Association of prebiotic fiber intake with colorectal cancer risk: the PrebiotiCa study

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    Purpose. To evaluate the association between the intake of specific fibers with prebiotic activity, namely inulin-type fructans (ITFs), fructooligosaccharides (FOSs) and galactooligosaccharides (GOSs), and colorectal cancer risk. Methods. Within the PrebiotiCa study, we used data from a multicentric case–control study conducted in Italy and including 1953 incident, histologically confirmed, colorectal cancer patients and 4154 hospital controls. The amount of six prebiotic molecules [ITFs, nystose (FOS), kestose (FOS), 1F-β-fructofuranosylnystose (FOS), raffinose (GOS) and stachyose (GOS)] in a variety of foods was quantified via laboratory analyses. Subjects’ prebiotic fiber intake was estimated by multiplying food frequency questionnaire intake by the prebiotic content of each food item. The odds ratios (OR) of colorectal cancer for quintiles of intakes were derived from logistic regression models including terms for major confounders and total energy intake. Results. GOSs intake was inversely associated with colorectal cancer risk. The OR for the highest versus the lowest quintile of intake were 0.73 (95% confidence interval, CI 0.58–0.92) for raffinose and 0.64 (95% CI 0.53–0.77) for stachyose, with significant inverse trends across quintiles. No association was found with total ITFs and FOSs. The association with stachyose was stronger for colon (continuous OR = 0.74, 95% CI 0.66–0.83) than rectal cancer (OR = 0.89, 95% CI 0.79–1.02). Conclusion. Colorectal cancer risk was inversely associated with the intake of dietary GOSs, but not ITFs and FOSs

    Hepatic pseudocystic metastasis of well-differentiated ileal neuroendocrine tumor: a case report with review of the literature

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    ABSTRACT: Imaging appearance of cyst-like changes is most frequently described in primary neuroendocrine lesions, especially pancreatic NETs. The imaging finding of a pseudocystic lesion of the liver puts in differential diagnosis many pathologies such as infectious diseases, simple biliary cysts up to biliary cystadenomas and eventually to primary or metastatic malignancies. Primary or metastatic hepatic malignancies with pseudocystic aspects are rare, and a pseudocystic aspect is reported only after neo-adjuvant treatment. Liver metastasis of untreated neuroendocrine tumors are usually solid and, to our knowledge, only two cases of neuroendocrine cystic hepatic metastases of ileal atypical carcinoids have been reported so far. We present a case of a 67 years old man with synchronous finding of an untreated hepatic pseudocystic lesion and an ileal mass histologically diagnosed as a well differentiated (G1) neuroendocrine tumor. VIRTUAL SLIDES: The virtual slides for this article can be found here: http://www.diagnosticpathology.diagnomx.eu/vs/1443883503102967

    Olive Oil and Nuts in Rheumatoid Arthritis Disease Activity

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    Few observational studies investigated the relationship between single food groups and disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Within a recent Italian cross-sectional study (365 patients, median age: 58.46 years, 78.63% females), we focused on two food groups, olive oil and nuts, representing vegetable sources of fatty acids. Disease activity was measured with Disease Activity Score on 28 joints based on C-reactive protein (DAS28-CRP) and the Simplified Disease Activity Index (SDAI). Robust linear and logistic regression models included tertile-based consumption categories of each food group and several confounders. Stratified analyses were performed by disease severity or duration. Higher consumption of both food groups exerted a favorable effect on disease activity, significant only for olive oil (Beta: -0.33, p-value: 0.03) in the linear regression on the overall sample. This favorable effect was stronger in the more severe or long-standing forms of RA (p-value for heterogeneity <0.05, especially for disease severity). Significant ORs were as low as ~0.30 for both food groups, strata (i.e., more severe and long-standing RA), and disease activity measures. Mean DAS28-CRP significantly decreased by ~0.70 for olive oil and ~0.55 for nuts in the two strata; mean SDAI significantly decreased by 3.30 or more for olive oil in the two strata. Globally, the beta coefficients doubled, and the ORs halved (in absolute values) for both food groups, reaching significance in 12 of the 16 available models fitted to the more severe or long-standing RA strata. More compromised forms of RA may benefit from increasing consumption of olive oil, olives, and nuts

    Alcohol abuse in subjects developing or not developing posttraumatic stress disorder after trauma exposure

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    Background and Objectives: The complex relation between trauma and alcohol abuse is still far to be recognized. Traumatic experiences can prompt and facilitate an excessive use of alcohol. On the other hand, alcohol use may increase the possibility to be involved in traumatic events or reduce post-trauma resilience. This study aimed to explore alcohol use and abuse in a sample of traumatized participants, with or without posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Methods: Thirty-five outpatients with a Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR) diagnosis of PTSD and 35 outpatients with trauma exposure who did not develop PTSD were recruited. The clinical assessment of the participants comprised the following scales: The Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV, the Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale, and the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT). Results: Correlation analysis conducted on all participants showed a significant positive correlation between the AUDIT score and trauma load. When considering the two groups separately, the same correlation reached statistical significance in the PTSD group only. Analysis of beta-coefficients of regressions confirmed a significant influence of trauma load on the AUDIT score. Conclusion: A greater use of alcohol significantly correlated with trauma load only in the PTSD group. This data indicates that trauma itself is not sufficient to determine drinking problems, whereas PTSD symptoms may lead to alcohol use. A circular relation, rather than a linear one, can therefore be considered when traumatic experiences and alcohol use are taken into account. Specifically, traumatic experiences could cause the PTSD development, which could, in turn, lead to alcohol use or abuse as a self-medication. Such outcome could develop in alcohol use disorder that, circularly, enhances the risk of traumatic experiences. Hence, in the clinical evaluation of PTSD patients, a deep investigation of drinking patterns is highly recommended

    A matter of life and death : substance-caused and substance-related fatalities in Ibiza in 2015

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    This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: Rita Santacroce, et al, 'A matter of life and death: substance-caused and substance-related fatalities in Ibiza in 2015', Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical & Experimental, Vol. 32 (3), e2592, May 2017, which has been published in final form at DOI: 10.1002/hup.2592. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving. The Accepted Manuscript is under embargo. Embargo end date: 18 May 2018.Objectives and methods: In the framework of the EU-funded project “EU-Madness,” we collected and analysed all the reports of fatalities directly or indirectly related to substances of abuse registered in Ibiza from January to September 2015, in order to analyse the characteristics of the sample, the identified substances, and the nature of deaths associated with their consumption. Results: A significant increase of substance-caused deaths with respect to the previous 4 years has been highlighted. Most of the subjects were young males, more than half were not Spanish. Males prevailed also amongst the victims of traffic accidents and suicides. The most commonly involved substances included MDMA, alcohol, cocaine, THC, opiates and prescription drugs. Conclusions: Although the use of NPS is rapidly increasing in Europe, according to the results from our sample, alcohol and well-known stimulants (MDMA and cocaine) are still the substances of abuse mainly involved in the cases of substance-caused and substance-related fatalities. The significant increase of fatalities in Ibiza in the last 5 years is an issue that must be taken into account and should be better investigated, as other theories besides NPS-increased diffusion should be proposed, and therefore, targeted prevention strategies should be designed.Peer reviewe

    Does Pizza Consumption Favor an Improved Disease Activity in Rheumatoid Arthritis?

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    To our knowledge, no studies so far have investigated the role of pizza and its ingredients in modulating disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). We assessed this question via a recent cross-sectional study including 365 participants from Italy, the birthplace of pizza. Multiple robust linear and logistic regression models were fitted with the tertile consumption categories of each available pizza-related food item/group (i.e., pizza, refined grains, mozzarella cheese, and olive oil) as independent variables, and each available RA activity measure (i.e., the Disease Activity Score on 28 joints with C-reactive protein (DAS28-CRP), and the Simplified Disease Activity Index (SDAI)) as the dependent variable. Stratified analyses were carried out according to the disease severity or duration. Participants eating half a pizza >1 time/week (vs. ≤2 times/month) reported beneficial effects on disease activity, with the significant reductions of ~70% (overall analysis), and 80% (the more severe stratum), and the significant beta coefficients of −0.70 for the DAS28-CRP, and −3.6 for the SDAI (overall analysis) and of −1.10 and −5.30 (in long-standing and more severe RA, respectively). Among the pizza-related food items/groups, mozzarella cheese and olive oil showed beneficial effects, especially in the more severe stratum. Future cohort studies are needed to confirm this beneficial effect of pizza and related food items/groups on RA disease activity