30 research outputs found

    Strongest coronal magnetic fields in solar cycles 23-24: probing, statistics, and implications

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    Strong coronal magnetic field, when present, manifests itself as bright microwave sources at high frequencies produced by gyroresonant (GR) emission mechanism in thermal coronal plasma. The highest frequency at which this emission is observed is proportional to the absolute value of the strongest coronal magnetic field on the line of sight. Although no coronal magnetic field larger than roughly 2,000 G was expected, recently the field at least twice larger has been reported. Here, we report a search for and statistical study of such strong coronal magnetic fields using high-frequency GR emission. A historic record of spatially resolved microwave observations at high frequencies, 17 and 34 GHz, is available from Nobeyama RadioHeliograph for more than 20 years (1995-2018). Here we employ this data set to identify sources of bright GR emission at 34 GHz and perform a statistical analysis of the identified GR cases to quantify the strongest coronal magnetic fields during two solar cycles. We found that although active regions with the strong magnetic field are relatively rare (less than 1% of all active regions), they appear regularly on the Sun. These active regions are associated with prominent manifestations of solar activity

    Issues of young specialist’s corporative identity forming during the period of their own professional adaptation

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    В статье рассматриваются основные проблемы формирования корпоративной идентичности молодых специалистов в период их профессиональной адаптации на основе рефлексии норм и ценностей существующей на предприятии корпоративной культуры.The absract: the main issues of young specialist’s corporative identity forming during the period of their own professional adaptation are presented in the article. This process is described on the base of existing corporative culture norms and values reflexion

    Molecular genetic markers in solid malignant neoplasms: Diagnostic methods, drugs for targeted therapy

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    The article presents a brief review of modern scientific views on the problem of selecting targeted therapy for solid malignant neoplasms. The main advantage of using targeted drugs (compared to standard chemotherapeutic protocols) is the targeted effect on the pathogenetic mechanisms of the development of malignant neoplasms and, accordingly, lower toxicity. Nevertheless, despite the availability in clinical medicine of the possibilities of genetic testing of tumors and the use of various targeted drugs, malignant tumors in the late stages still occupy a leading position among the causes of death. There is still a need to search for new targets for targeted therapy and the development of new targeted drugs that will make it possible to achieve significantly greater success in the treatment of cancer patients, up to the complete elimination of the tumor population.В статье представлен краткий обзор современных научных взглядов на проблему подбора таргетной терапии при солидных злокачественных новообразованиях. Основным преимуществом применения таргетных препаратов (по сравнению со стандартными химиотерапевтическими протоколами) является направленное воздействие на патогенетические механизмы развития злокачественных новообразований и, соответственно, более низкая токсичность. Тем не менее, несмотря на доступность в клинической медицине возможностей генетического тестирования опухолей и применения различных таргетных препаратов, злокачественные опухоли на поздних стадиях до сих пор занимают лидирующие позиции среди причин смерти. Сохраняется потребность в поиске новых мишеней для таргетной терапии и разработке новых таргетных препаратов, которые позволят добиться в лечении онкологических больных значительно больших успехов, вплоть до полного элиминирования опухолевой популяции


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