44 research outputs found

    Az uralkodó, a Szentszék és a magyar főpapok Luxemburgi Zsigmond korában

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    Th e Monarch, the Holy See and the Hungarian Prelates in the Era of Sigismund of Luxemburg. During the reign of Sigismund of Luxemburg (1387–1437), altogether 14 dioceses (two archiepiscopacies and 12 episcopates) functioned except for Croatia, which belonged to the Hungarian crown as well. Related to the church, Sigismund of Luxemburg made attempts to establish a personnel policy which was independent from the papacy. In 1404, he launched Placetum Regium. (According to this decree, Papal bulls could not be pronounced in Hungary without the consent of the king.) This reinforced the regulations of the national assembly held in 1397. Furthermore, the royal forbad to make the papal grantor bulls (provisio), citation letters as well as the judgements passed by the papal court public without his approval. In 1417, he have the cardinals participating in the Council of Constance acknowledged the right of patronage (ius supremi patronatus) of the Hungarian king. These things indicated that Sigismund and his successors had a possibility to fill in all the church benefices in the territory of the Hungarian Kingdom. During the reign of Sigismund, altogether 59 people received the pontificate in the country. This present study makes attempts to give a complex picture about the small group heading the Hungarian church hierarchy from different aspects, e.g. on the bases of their social origins, education, church and secular career, network system

    A magyar medievisztika egy kevéssé ismert forrása. A Libri formatarum és bejegyzései

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    Fegyverek, seregek, háborúk

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    Magyar klerikusszentelések Rómában a hitújítás kezdetén (1516-1523)

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