2 research outputs found

    Pelatihan Pengolahan Telur Asin menjadi Kerupuk dan Telur Asin Panggang untuk Meningkatkan Produktivitas dan Pengetahuan Kelompok PKK Desa Rowosari

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    Rowosari Village is one of the villages in Bonorowo District, Kebumen Regency which is dominated as an agricultural area. With the availability of abundant agricultural produce as animal feed, many farmers raise ducks to produce eggs. Duck eggs are a popular product in the community. One of the duck egg products is salted egg and salted egg crackers. The need for innovation in duck egg products to make it durable, one of which is made of salted egg crackers. This community service carried out in Rowosari Village aims to provide training on the process of making salted egg crackers, improving the family-based community economy. The training was conducted at the Rowosari Village Hall, RT 04 / RW 01, and was held from November 2020 - January 2021. Family Welfare Empowerment Cadres (PKK) who participated in this salted egg processing activity were 25 people and all of them were married. Extension activities were carried out by the LAWET IGTF (IPB Goes To Field Domicile) team, as a means of increasing the added value of duck egg products into innovative products and having higher selling value. The results of the questionnaire that have been carried out can be seen from the 20 extension participants, the points obtained before the extension were 148 points, while after counseling it increased to 190 points. This shows an increase in knowledge and insight from PKK women in Rowosari Village about salted egg crackers and roasted salted eggs. The taste of these egg crackers will be unique with the addition of the main ingredient of salted duck eggs. The composition used in the training for making salted egg crackers is salted egg, starch, wheat flour, salt, garlic, baking soda, coloring, and flavorings. Keywords: innovation, egg crackers, community service, economic improvemen

    Light Intensities Affect Canopy Architecture and Fruit Characteristics of Cayenne Pepper (Capsicum frutescens L.): Intensitas Cahaya Mempengaruhi Arsitektur Kanopi dan Karakteristik Buah Cabai Rawit (Capsicum frutescens L.)

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    Mechanical harvesting in cayenne pepper is developing, however, factors affecting canopy architecture and fruit characteristics are still lack. Study aimed to evaluate the effect of shade intensities on canopy architecture and fruit position in cayenne pepper to support developing smart harvesting tools. The experiment was conducted in Babakan Sawah Baru Experimental Farm, IPB from September 2021 to March 2022. The experiment used nested design with shade levels (no shade, 25%, 30%, 50%, 60%, 90%, and 100%) as the main plot and time of shading application (4, 6, 8, and 10 weeks after planting) as sub-plot. The canopy architecture and fruit position were affected by the shade level and its time application. Plant height increased and the canopy widened with increasing shade levels up to 50%. Thus, the shading level should be considered in the development of smart harvesting methodology. Keywords: cabai rawit, climate change, labor, low light intensity, plant architecturePemanenan cabai rawit secara mekanis sedang berkembang, namun faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi arsitektur kanopi dan karakteristik buah masih kurang. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh intensitas naungan terhadap arsitektur kanopi dan posisi buah pada cabai rawit untuk mendukung pengembangan alat panen cerdas. Percobaan dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan Babakan Sawah Baru, IPB pada bulan September 2021 sampai Maret 2022. Percobaan menggunakan rancangan bertingkat dengan tingkat naungan (tanpa naungan, 25%, 30%, 50%, 60%, 90%, dan 100%) sebagai petak utama dan waktu pemberian naungan (4, 6, 8, dan 10 minggu setelah tanam) sebagai sub-plot. Arsitektur kanopi dan posisi buah dipengaruhi oleh tingkat naungan dan waktu penerapannya. Tinggi tanaman bertambah dan kanopi melebar seiring bertambahnya tingkat naungan hingga 50%. Oleh karena itu, tingkat naungan harus dipertimbangkan dalam pengembangan metodologi pemanenan cerdas. Kata kunci: cabai rawit, perubahan iklim, tenaga kerja, intensitas cahaya rendah, arsitektur tanama