8 research outputs found

    Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Purchase Intention Dan Brand Loyalty Pada Produk Kosmetika Lokal

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    Laju pertumbuhan bisnis kosmetika di Indonesia cukup tinggi. Hal ini ditunjukan dengan beragamnya brand kosmetika internasional dan lokal yang ada dipasar Indonesia. Strategi pemasaran digital melalui media sosial merupakan salah satu strategi yang paling sering digunakan oleh perusahaan untuk menarik minat konsumen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai sejauh mana variabel Social media marketing, Brand Image dan Brand awareness terhadap Purchase Intention dan Brand loyalty produk kosmetika lokal. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan menyebar kuesioner kepada 207 responden. Data yang terkumpul akan diolah dengan bantuan aplikasi SEM PLS versi 3.2.9. Hasil penelitian diharapkan dapat membantu perusahaan kosmetika lokal dalam memahami perilaku konsumen terutama pada niat pembelian produk dan brand loyalty produk kosmetika lokal. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Social media marketing tidak mempunyai pengaruh terhadap Brand loyalty, namun mempunyai pengaruh langsung terhadap niat membeli konsumen pada produk kosmetika lokal. Brand Image dan Brand awareness mempunyai pengaruh langsung terhadap Brand loyalty dan niat konsumen untuk membeli produk kosmetika lokal


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui : (i) pengaruh reinforcement terhadap motivasi belajar siswa kelas XI IIS pada mata pelajaran ekonomi di SMA Kartika XIX-1 Bandung. (ii) pengaruh self efficacy terhadap motivasi belajar siswa kelas XI IIS pada mata pelajaran ekonomi di SMA Kartika XIX-1 Bandung. (iii) pengaruh reinforcement dan self efficacy terhadap motivasi belajar siswa kelas XI IIS pada mata pelajaran ekonomi di SMA Kartika XIX-1 Bandung. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah survey yang menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan sampel penelitian berjumlah 82 peserta didik. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis verifikatif data melalui perhitungan rata-rata skor dengan bantuan program IBM SPSS Statistics Version 24.0 for Windows. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (i) adanya pengaruh reinforcement guru pada siswa kelas XI IIS di SMA Kartika XIX-1 Bandung sebesar 3,86 dengan kategori ā€œbaikā€, (ii) adanya pengaruh self efficacy siswa kelas XI IIS pada mata pelajaran ekonomi di SMA Kartika XIX-1 Bandung 4,29 dengan kategori ā€œsangat baikā€, (iii) adanya pengaruh reinforcement guru dan self efficacy terhadap motivasi belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran ekonomi sebesar 0,764 atau 76,4% dan sisanya 23,6% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain. Sebagai akhir penelitian penulis menyampaikansran bagi: (i) bagi guru, diharapkan untuk selalu memperhatikan motivasi belajar siswa, sehingga guru sebagai pendidik dapat mengetahui seberapa penting motivasi belajar harus diberikan kepada peserta didiknya, (ii) bagi sekolah, diharapkan mampu meningkatkan dan mempertahankan kualitas dalam kegiatan pembelajaran, karena selain reinforcement guru dan self efficacy (faktor intrinsik) kegiatan pembelajaran (faktor ekstrinsik) juga menjadi salah satu faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi motivasi belajar yang dimiliki oleh siswa (iii) bagi peserta didik, diharapkan siswa dapat memperthanakan dan juga lebih memahami pentingya mempelajari mata pelajaran ekonomi bagi kehidupan sehari-hari, dan (iv) bagi peneliti selanjutnya, diharapkan dapat mencari lebih banyak sumber informasi dan referensi lain mengenai reinforcement guru, self efficacy dan motivasi belajar, sehingga hasil penelitian bisa lebih baik lagi. Kata Kunci: reinforcement guru, self efficacy, motivasi belajar, mata pelajaran ekonomi

    Pengaruh Social Media, Kemasan, Dan Kualitas Produk Terhadap Resiliensi UMKM Dengan Kinerja Penjualan Sebagai Variabel Mediasi

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    This study aims to analyze the effect of social media, packaging, and product quality on MSME resilience with sales performance as a mediating variable. The population of this research is MSMEs in the Soloraya area and the sample in this study is 120 respondents. The type of data used in this study is primary data. Data collection method using closed questionnaire and processed using Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis tool with SmartPLS 3.0 software. The results of this study indicate that social media has a positive and significant effect on sales performance. Packaging has a negative and insignificant effect on sales performance. Product quality has a positive and significant effect on sales performance. Sales performance mediates the relationship between social media, packaging, and product quality on MSME resilience, only the relationship between packaging variables and MSME resilience cannot be mediated by sales performanc

    The Role of Internship Program and Entrepreneurship Training to Hole Entrepreneur Capability and Startup Performance

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    Research aims: This study aims to determine whether entrepreneurial capability mediates the association between an internship, entrepreneurship training, networking learning, and startup performance.Design/Methodology/Approach: This research design is quantitative. The population in this exploration totaled 869 UMS Independent Entrepreneurial Students. Purposive sampling was the sampling method used. The sample size of this study was 250 respondents. Utilizing SMARTPLS software, the Partial Least Square (PLS) was employed to analyze the data in this study.Research findings: Internships, entrepreneurship training, and networking learning had a significant positive effect on startup performance by fostering a portion of their entrepreneurial capabilities.Theoretical contribution/Originality: This research contributes to the field of entrepreneurship in startup companies. In addition, it provides insight into the millennial generation's entrepreneurship to motivate them to become young entrepreneurs. This research also discusses corporate entrepreneurship.Practitioners/Policy implications: Companies need to know what factors affect startup performance so that they can make policies based on the existing conditions for the creation of quality startup companies.Research limitations/Implications: Based on the research done and the research results obtained, several limitations to the research exist. The questionnaire in this study was closed so that each respondent only answered the answer criteria provided. It could allow each respondent to answer the questionnaire, not by the actual situation. Also, the respondents in this study were only limited according to the level of respondents who were within the sample criteria. In this study, it was only limited to the independent and mediating variables. As for other factors that might affect startup performance, they were not examined


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    Transformational Leadership Of The Head Of Madrasah In Increasing Teacher Professionalism During The Time Of The Covid-19 Pandemic At The Madrasah Tsanawiyah Baitul Mubtadiā€™in Penerokan, thesis, management of islamic religion nusantara batang hari, outhor did at madrasah tsanawiyah baitul mubtadiā€™in through observation and a number of deeping through interviews and supported by various documentation fact, there are several problems that researcher found in the field. First, the teacher in carrying out this duties as professional educators has not been equipped with learning tools. Second, the method used by the teacher in carrying out learning method. Companies with transformational leaders have greater decentralization of responsibilities, manager are more inclined to take risks and compensation plan are greared toward long term sults all of which facilitate corporate entreoreneurship. Professional teacher ate teachers who have criteria including having knowledge, skills and skills as well as the right attitude toward renewal and are at the same time an effective disseminator of ideals for reformers. Indicators of teacher professionalism include : 1) must have talent as a teacher 2)nmust have expertise as a teacher 3) have a good and integrated personality 4) have a healthy mentality 5) be in good health 6) have extensive experience and knowledge. This study uses a descriptive qulitative approach by using research methods of observation, interwviws and documentation. The subjects in this study were th head of madrasah and deputy curriculum, teacher, staff of TU madrasah tsanawiyah baitul mubtadiā€™in penerokan is and innovation of educators to be certified, changes in KTSP 2006 into 2013 curriculum, prepare reports on the implementation of ssupervision. Three, namely, not having NUPTK and diplomas are not linear with the PPG Study program (teachers lack of understanding in using the 2013 curriculum, barriers in compiling reports on implementation of supervision. Furthermore, the solutions carried out by the head of madrasah in overcoming these obstacles are, optimizig the professional competence of teacherss, building cooperation with the heads of madrasah and teachers in overcoming curriculum changes, professional teacher achievement

    Pendampingan BUMDes Asung Daya Kabupaten Semarang untuk Peningkatan Pengendalian Internal Siklus Pengeluaran

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    The main problem at BUMDes Asung Daya is the control weaknesses that results in the difficulty of mitigating existing risks, particularly related to the cash disbursement cycle. While on the other hand Asung Daya Village Social Enterprise were asked to stay afloat during the Covid-19 pandemic. The purpose of this activity is to assist Asung Daya Village Social Enterprise in creating better cash management by promoting optimal internal control. The method used in this activity is assistance, observation and case discussion. The result is the mapping of threats in the cash disbursement cycle, the formulation of preventive controls, the detection and improvement of each of its business activities, and the creation of a flowchart as part of the technical documentation of the Asung Daya Village Social Enterprise cash disbursement system.Permasalahan utama di BUMDes Asung Daya adalah kelemahan pengendalian yang mengakibatkan sulitnya memitigasi risiko-risiko yang ada, khususnya terkait dengan siklus pengeluaran kas. Sementara di sisi lain BUMDes diminta untuk tetap bertahan di era pandemi Covid-19 ini. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah mendampingi BUMDes Asung Daya dalam menciptakan pengelolaan kas yang lebih baik dengan mengedepankan pengendalian internal yang optimal. Metode yang dilakukan dalam kegiatan ini adalah pendampingan, observasi dan diskusi kasus. Hasilnya berupa pemetaan ancaman dalam siklus pengeluaran kas, perumusan pengendalian pencegahan, pendeteksian dan perbaikan di setiap aktivitas bisnisnya, serta pembuatan bagan alur sebagai bagian teknik pendokumentasian system pengeluaran kas BUMDes Asung Daya