3 research outputs found


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    *ABSTRAK* Tujuan penelitian ini untk mengetahui komposisi tubuh ideal yang harus dimiliki wasit taekwondo Indonesia menggunakan alat mi body composition scale. Wasit di Indonesia khususnya dalam olahraga taekwondo memiliki komposisi tubuh yang sebagian kurang ideal dan membuat kinerja dalam memimpin pertandingan kurang maksimal. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan survei. Dalam hal ini survey dilakukan dengan menggunakan tes dan pengukuran yaitu melakukan pengukuran terhadap kondisi komposisi tubuh Wasit Nasional Taekwondo Indonesia. Dari 46 orang Wasit Laki – Laki dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat 17 orang atau 37% memiliki tinggi badan sedang, 14 orang atau 30% memiliki berat badan sedang, 11 orang atau 24% memiliki Body Mass Index normal, 2 orang atau 4% memiliki kadar lemak tubuh yang normal (acceptable), 18 orang atau 39% memiliki kadar lemak visceral normal, 45 orang atau 98% memiliki kadar air yang normal, 27 orang atau 59% memiliki kadar masa otot normal, 16 orang atau 35% memiliki kadar basal metabolik normal, 18 orang atau 39% memiliki kadar protein normal. Dari 46 orang Wasit perempuan dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat 24 orang atau 51% memiliki tinggi badan sedang, 19 orang atau 19% memiliki berat badan sedang, 18 orang atau 38% memiliki Body Mass Index normal, 5 orang atau 11% memiliki kadar lemak tubuh yang normal (acceptable), terdapat 45 orang atau 96% memiliki kadar lemak visceral normal, 45 orang atau 85% memiliki kadar air yang normal, 43 orang atau 91% memiliki kadar masa otot normal, 17 orang atau 36% memiliki kadar basal metabolik normal, 3 orang atau 6% memiliki kadar protein normal. *ABSTRACT* The purpose of this study was to find out the ideal body composition that Indonesian taekwondo referees must have using the mi body composition scale. Referees in Indonesia, especially in taekwondo, have a body composition that is partly less than ideal and makes their performance in leading matches less than optimal. The method used in this research is descriptive method with a survey approach. In this case the survey was carried out using tests and measurements, namely measuring the condition of the body composition of the Indonesian National Taekwondo Referee. Of the 46 male referees, it can be concluded that 17 people, or 37%, have a medium height; 14 people, or 30%, have a moderate weight; 11 people, or 24%, have a normal body mass index; and 2 people, or 4%, have high fat levels. normal body (acceptable), 18 people, or 39%, have normal visceral fat levels, 45 people, or 98%, have normal water levels, 27 people, or 59%, have normal muscle mass levels, 16 people, or 35%, have normal metabolic basal levels, and 18 people, or 39%, have normal protein levels. Of the 46 female referees, it can be concluded that there were 24 people, or 51%, who were of medium height, 19 people, or 19%, who had moderate weight, 18 people, or 38%, who had a normal body mass index, and 5 people, or 11%, who had low body fat levels. normal (acceptable), there were 45 people, or 96%, with normal visceral fat levels; 45 people, or 85%, had normal water levels; 43 people, or 91%, had normal muscle mass levels; 17 people, or 36%, had normal metabolic basal levels; and 3 people, or 6%, had normal protein levels

    The Influence of Money-Holding Ethics on the Behavior of Muslim Individuals During the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    According to an Islamic economic perspective, the ethics of holding money for Muslims encompass acquiring money, limitations on its usage, and its distribution. The COVID-19 pandemic has indirectly impacted people’s attitudes towards holding money. This study aims to elucidate the influence of money-holding ethics on the behavior of Muslim individuals during the pandemic. The findings indicate that the variables of acquiring money and the allocation of its distribution partially affect the behavior of Muslim individuals. However, the variable of limiting the use of money does not exhibit a partial effect on variable Y. Additionally, all variables exert an influence on the behavior of individual Muslims. The coefficient of determination (R Square) in this study is 0.21, indicating that the variables of acquiring money, limiting its use, and allocating its distribution account for 21.1% of the impact on Muslim individuals’ behavior, while the remaining 78.9% is influenced by other variables. Keywords: ethic, money, Muslim’s behavio