3 research outputs found

    Ex-vivo mechanical sealing properties and toxicity of a bioadhesive patch as sealing system for fetal membrane iatrogenic defects

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    Preterm prelabor rupture of membranes (PPROM) is the most frequent complication of fetal surgery. Strategies to seal the membrane defect created by fetoscopy aiming to reduce the occurrence of PPROM have been attempted with little success. The objective of this study was to evaluate the ex-vivo mechanical sealing properties and toxicity of four different bioadhesives integrated in semi-rigid patches for fetal membranes. We performed and ex-vivo study using term human fetal membranes to compare the four integrated patches composed of silicone or silicone-polyurethane combined with dopaminated-hyaluronic acid or hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC). For mechanical sealing properties, membranes were mounted in a multiaxial inflation device with saline, perforated and sealed with the 4 combinations. We measured bursting pressure and maximum pressure free of leakage (n = 8). For toxicity, an organ culture of membranes sealed with the patches was used to measure pyknotic index (PI) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) concentration (n = 5). All bioadhesives achieved appropriate bursting pressures, but only HPMC forms achieved high maximum pressures free of leakage. Concerning toxicity, bioadhesives showed low PI and LDH levels, suggesting no cell toxicity. We conclude that a semi-rigid patch coated with HPMC achieved ex-vivo sealing of iatrogenic defects in fetal membranes with no signs of cell toxicity. These results warrant further research addressing long-term adhesiveness and feasibility as a sealing system for fetoscopy

    Intraamniotic sealing of fetoscopic membrane defects in ex vivo and in vivo sheep models using an integrated semirigid bioadhesive patch

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    BACKGROUND: Preterm prelabor rupture of membranes is the most frequent complication of fetoscopic surgery. Strategies to seal the membrane defect created by fetoscopy have been attempted with little success. We previously developed an integrated semirigid bioadhesive patch composed of silicone and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose that achieved ex vivo sealing of membrane defects. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the feasibility of the insertion of our integrated semirigid bioadhesive patches using a fetoscopic technique and to test the adhesion in ex vivo human membranes and in an in vivo ovine model. STUDY DESIGN: An experimental study involving 2 experiments: (1) ex vivo—human fetal membranes were mounted in a custom-designed model with saline solution simulating intraamniotic pressure. The insertion of 2 different bioadhesive patches made of silicone-hydroxypropyl methylcellulose and silicone-polyurethane-hydroxypropyl methylcellulose was performed through a 12-Fr cannula mimicking fetoscopic surgery technique. The experiment was repeated 10 times with membranes from different donors. Measures included insertion time, successful insertion, and adhesion at 5 minutes; (2) in vivo—16 patches of silicone-hydroxypropyl methylcellulose were inserted by fetoscopy in the amniotic cavity of pregnant sheep (4 bioadhesives per animal, in 4 ewes). Measures included successful insertion, adhesion at 5 minutes, and adhesion at the end of surgery. RESULTS: In the ex vivo insertion study, there was no difference in the insertion time between silicone-hydroxypropyl methylcellulose and silicone-polyurethane-hydroxypropyl methylcellulose patches (P=.49). Insertion was successful in all cases, but complete adhesion at 5 minutes was superior for silicone-hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (P=.02). In the in vivo study, insertion of silicone-hydroxypropyl methylcellulose by fetoscopy was feasible and successful in all cases, and no complications were reported. Adhesion persisted at 5 minutes and at the end of the surgery in 68.8% and 56.3% of the patches, respectively. CONCLUSION: We describe the feasibility of deploying through a fetoscopic trocar a semirigid silicone-hydroxypropyl methylcellulose patch that seals fetal membranes after an invasive fetal procedure. The results warrant further research for improving long-term adhesion and developing a clinically applicable system.This project has been funded by the Cellex Foundation and the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union (Framework Agreement number: 2013-0040). This publication reflects only the authors’ views, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. T.M. was supported by a predoctoral grant from Erasmus Mundus FetalMed-PhD. E.E. has received funding from the Departament de Salut under grant number SLT008/18/00156.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    New sealing system as a surgical tecnique to avoid the iatrogenic Preterm Premature Rupture of fetal Membranes (iPPROM)

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    Aquesta tesi es centra en la creació d'un sistema de segellat que permet taponar els forats de la membrana corioamniótica produïts per l'instrumental quirúrgic de mínima invasió en operacions fetals. Actualment, amb la millora de les tècniques d'imatge per al diagnòstic fetal que s'utilitzen per fer el seguiment de l'embaràs, ha augmentat la detecció d'anomalies fetals i, per tant, també la necessitat de dur a terme intervencions quirúrgiques amb les que accedir directament al fetus de forma segura. Ja des de fa alguns anys, per a realitzar cirurgies de la manera menys invasiva possible s'utilitza la fetoscòpia. Tècnica en la que mitjançant la inserció d'un trocar a través de la cavitat abdominal som capaços d'introduir les eines necessàries per dur a terme la cirurgia fetal corresponent. Tot i així, l'accés al fetus des d'un sol punt limita les possibilitats de la tècnica, en contraposició de si es tingués accés des de diversos punts, ja que permetria abordar al fetus des de diversos eixos. Un dels problemes associats a les cirurgies fetals és la presència romanent de l'orifici a la membrana corioamniótica un cop s'extreu el trócar i finalitza l'operació, ja que per si sola és incapaç de regenerar-se. La permanència de l'orifici, sobretot en les primeres hores, pot causar diferents patologies. Des d’oligohidramnios, corioamnionitis, hipoplàsia pulmonar del fetus, ..., fins trencament de la membrana corioamniótica, que pot cursar amb la mort del fetus. Aquest trencament de la membrana rep el nom de Ruptura Prematura de les Membranes a Preterme per causes iatrogèniques (iPPROM) i és una de les complicacions més comuns durant l'embaràs. L'objectiu d'aquest treball és crear un pegat que permeti el segellat d'aquests orificis i que es redueixi de manera significativa el risc de pèrdua de líquid amniòtic i el trencament de la membrana corioamniótica durant els primers dies després de la fetoscòpia. El desenvolupament del sistema de segellat s'ha dividit en tres parts, en que els experiments, avenços i resultats s'han obtingut de forma semi-paral·lela fins a obtenir un prototip final de dispositiu mèdic: d'una banda, desenvolupar un adhesiu amb propietats bioadhesives en medi humit i que s'activa en entrar en contacte amb el propi líquid amniòtic; d'altra banda, el substrat on estarà disposat l’adhesiu, i que junts actuen com un pegat; i finalment un sistema d'inserció que permeti la col·locació d'aquest pegat de la forma més ràpida i segura possible per part de l'equip mèdic partícip en la cirurgia.Esta tesis se centra en la creación de un sistema de sellado que permite taponar los orificios de la membrana corioamniótica producidos por el instrumental quirúrgico de mínima invasión en operaciones fetales. Actualmente, con la mejora de las técnicas de imagen para el diagnóstico fetal que se utilizan para hacer el seguimiento del embarazo, ha aumentado la detección de anomalías fetales y, por lo tanto, también la necesidad de llevar a cabo intervenciones quirúrgicas con las que acceder directamente al feto de forma segura. Ya desde hace algunos años, para realizar cirugías de la manera menos invasiva posible se utiliza la fetoscopia: técnica en la que mediante la inserción de un trócar a través de la cavidad abdominal somos capaces de introducir las herramientas necesarias para llevar a cabo la cirugía fetal correspondiente. Aun así, el acceso al feto desde un solo punto limita las posibilidades de la técnica, en contraposición de si se tuviera acceso desde varios puntos, ya que permitiría abordar al feto desde varios ejes.   Uno de los problemas asociados a las cirugías fetales es la presencia remanente del orificio en la membrana corioamniótica una vez se extrae el trócar y finaliza la operación, ya que por sí sola es incapaz de regenerarse. La permanencia del orificio, sobre todo en las primeras horas, puede causar diferentes patologías. Desde oligohidramnios, corioamnionitis, hipoplasia pulmonar del feto, …, hasta rotura de la membrana corioamniótica, que cursa con la muerte del feto, si éste aún no es viable. Esta rotura de la membrana recibe el nombre de Rotura Prematura de las Membranas a Pretérmino por causas iatrogénicas (iPPROM) y es una de las complicaciones más comunes durante el embarazo. El objetivo de este trabajo es crear un parche que permita el sellado de estos orificios y que se reduzca de forma significativa la pérdida de líquido amniótico y el riesgo de rotura de la membrana corioamniótica durante los primeros días tras la fetoscopia. El desarrollo del sistema de sellado se ha dividido en tres partes, cuyos experimentos, avances y resultados se han obtenido de forma semiparalela hasta obtener un prototipo final de dispositivo médico. Por un lado, el desarrollo de un adhesivo con propiedades bioadhesivas en medio húmedo y que se activa al entrar en contacto con el líquido amniótico; por otro lado, el sustrato donde de depositará el adhesivo, y que juntos actúan como un parche; y finalmente un sistema de introducción que permita la colocación de este parche de la forma más rápida y segura posible por parte del equipo médico partícipe en la cirugía.This thesis is focused on the creation of a sealing system that blocks the orifices of the chorioamniotic membrane produced by minimally invasive surgical instruments during fetal operations. Currently, with the improvement of imaging techniques for fetal diagnosis used to monitor pregnancy, the detection of fetal anomalies has increased. In this scenario, it is essential to develop surgical procedures to directly access the fetus in a safer manner. Over the past few years, the use of fetoscopy has provided lees invasive surgical procedures. Fetoscopy is a technique in which, by inserting a trocar through the abdominal cavity, we are able to introduce the necessary instruments to perform the corresponding fetal surgery. Even so, the access to the fetus from a single point limits the possibilities of the technique, as opposed to having access from several points, since it would allow the fetus to be approached from several axes.   One of the problems associated with fetal surgeries is the remaining presence of the orifice in the chorioamniotic membrane once the trocar is removed. The permanence of the orifice, especially in the first hours after surgery, can cause different pathologies: oligohydramnios, chorioamnionitis, pulmonary hypoplasia of the fetus, etc., and also the rupture of the chorioamniotic membrane, which could result in fetal death. This rupture of the membrane is called iatrogenic preterm preterm premature rupture of membranes (iPPROM) and is one of the most common complications during pregnancy. The aim of this work is to create a patch that allows the sealing of these orifices and significantly reduces the leakage of amniotic liquid and the risk of chorioamniotic membrane rupture during the first days after fetoscopy. The development of the sealing system has been divided into three parts, which experiments, advances and results have been obtained in a semi-parallel process until a final medical device was obtained: on the one hand, the development of an adhesive with bioadhesive properties in a wet environment, which is activated when it comes into contact with the amniotic fluid itself; on the other hand, the substrate where the adhesive will be placed and which acts as a patch; and finally, an insertion system that allows the placement of this patch as quickly and safely as possible by the medical team involved in the surgery