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    Concomitant infections, parasites and immune responses.

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    Concomitant infections are common in nature and often involve parasites. A number of examples of the interactions between protozoa and viruses, protozoa and bacteria, protozoa and other protozoa, protozoa and helminths, helminths and viruses, helminths and bacteria, and helminths and other helminths are described. In mixed infections the burden of one or both the infectious agents may be increased, one or both may be suppressed or one may be increased and the other suppressed. It is now possible to explain many of these interactions in terms of the effects parasites have on the immune system, particularly parasite-induced immunodepression, and the effects of cytokines controlling polarization to the Th1 or Th2 arms of the immune response. In addition, parasites may be affected, directly or indirectly, by cytokines and other immune effector molecules and parasites may themselves produce factors that affect the cells of the immune system. Parasites are, therefore, affected when they themselves, or other organisms, interact with the immune response and, in particular, the cytokine network. The importance of such interactions is discussed in relation to clinical disease and the development and use of vaccines

    Entre le droit à l'éducation et une culture de migration: le choix des enfants roms à Genève

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    Le droit pénal suisse des mineurs est entré en vigueur le 1er janvier 2007 après une gestation de plus de vingt ans. Il s’applique aux enfants infracteurs dès l’âge de 10 ans. Ce seuil de minorité pénale est parmi les plus bas d’Europe et du monde. Il suscite les critiques, notamment de la part du Comité des droits de l’enfant. L’avant-projet soumis en consultation prévoyait un seuil plus élevé (12 ans), qui semblait faire consensus. Le Conseil fédéral ne l’a pourtant pas retenu dans son message aux Chambres et le Parlement s’est accordé sur l’âge actuel. Au fil d’un parcours historique et sur la base des résultats de la procédure de consultation lancée en 1993, ce travail aborde la thématique sous un angle interdisciplinaire et s’attache à comprendre les motivations des acteurs consultés et du Conseil fédéral pour ne pas augmenter l’âge minimum de l’intervention pénale à la hauteur recommandée par les experts. Il met également en perspective les positions des uns et des autres à la lumière des enseignements de la Convention des droits de l’enfant et des derniers développements débattus par des acteurs importants dans le champ des droits de l’enfant

    Supporting the transition from HND Social Sciences into BPS accredited second year psychology degrees

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    Executive Summary Under the auspices of the Higher Education Academy Psychology Network, and supported by the Scottish Funding Council, a small Colleges/ HEI working group was set up with the objective of investigating any pedagogical objections which could be a barrier to transition for students with a HND in Social Sciences articulating to second year BPS accredited degrees in Psychology. To investigate possible gaps in curriculum between Psychology content in the newly validated HND Social Sciences and that of first year undergraduate in HEIs, a survey of the course content, delivery and assessment methodology of undergraduate Psychology courses were undertaken. The findings were then compared to those in the Psychology component delivered in the newly validated (May 2006) HND Social Sciences. The survey showed that there was a communality of curriculum between the Psychology content of the HND and the first year undergraduate in Scottish HEIs, and that the delivery and assessment methods needed for the successful completion of the HND were comparable. To order to assess the likely consistency of delivery between Scotland’s Colleges and the HEI sector a comparison of the main Quality Assessment procedures were undertaken with the parallel processes in place for colleges by the SQA and HMIE. Information from the following four areas was examined. • • • Provision of SPSS Licence and tutor training across the Scotland’s Colleges Matching of optional topics by Course Leaders in colleges to those widely used in Universities Wide distribution of this report to all interested parties • • • • Resource review Content review Assignments – setting, undertaking and grading Recording processes The exercise showed clearly that there were rigorous Quality Assurance mechanisms in place in colleges which compared well to those present in HEIs. The report concludes that there are no pedagogical barriers to second year entry to Psychology courses for HND Social Science students qualified under the newly validated format. Several recommendations to improve HND/HEI transition into second year Psychology degrees, including; To assist greater transparency and clarity with regard to UCAS applications and admission to HEIs, a number of short advice/recommendation documents to assist students, college tutors and HEI admission officers are attached
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