21 research outputs found
Ruang Terbuka Hijau Publik di Kota Jambi Berbasis Jumlah Penduduk dan Kebutuhan Oksigen (Public Green Open Space Development in Jambi City Based on Population and Oxygen Needs)
Jambi City is the capital of Jambi Province and the largest city in the province. However, the area of Green Open Space (GOS) in Jambi City was decreasing year by year. Continuous development in Jambi City must be balanced with the existence of adequate GOS. This study aims to identify the existence of public GOS in Jambi City and analyze the needs of public GOS in Jambi City based on population and oxygen needs. The study was conducted in March-October 2019 in Jambi City. The data collected consists of primary data obtained through field observations in public GOS and secondary data relating to population data, public GOS area, number of vehicles, and temperature changes. The data were analyzed using quantitative descriptive analysis. The results showed that the public GOS in Jambi City in 2018 reached 167,18 ha. The need for public GOS in Jambi City based on the need for population growth in 2035 is 1.414,01 ha. The need for public GOS in Jambi City based on oxygen demand that in line with the population growth in 2035 is 4.169,91 ha.Keywords: green open space, Jambi City, needs analysi
Analisis Tata Hubungan Kerja Pengelolaan Areal Eks Hph dalam Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan (KPH) di Provinsi Jambi
Act (Act) No. 41, 1999 concerning state forestry forests is one determinant of life supporting systems and sources of welfare. During the first 20 years of forest management by concessions have many negative issues, especially forest destruction and many concession holders who cease to operate before the time runs out. They argument there are potential for wood that has been exhausted, and some of them not extend the operating license for the second time becouse forests have been heavily damaged and its potential continues to decline.Under these conditions, the Government in this case the Ministry of Forestry tried to look for the new format and issue a wide range of policies to create an optimal model of forest management. One of the policies issued by the government is the establishment of Forest Management Unit (FMU) in every function of forest area. Hereinafter abbreviated Forest Management Unit (FMU) is the smallest unit of forest management according to the principal functions , which can be managed efficiently and sustainably.Scientific papers about the analysis of governance relationships of ex HPH areas management in Jambi Province namely as a guide for local governments for implementation of a good institutional relationship that is consistent and harmonious between KPHP and IUPHHK units. While the goal of scientific writing in order to formulate a governance relationship between IUPHHK and KPHP units.In the implementation of sustainable production forest management, organization of production forest area is the Unitary Production Forest Management (KPHP) while for protected area is KPHL and for conservation areas is KPHK. In the former concession areas that do not have the license holder, KPHP duty are: (1) conduct forest management ex-concession area. (2) describe the national forest policy, provincial and district forestry sector to be implemented in the management of the former concession area in units of KPH. (3) implement forest management activities in their areas ranging from planning, organizing, implementation and supervision and control. (4) carry out monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of forest management activities in the areas of ex-HPH. (5) investment opportunities in the former concession area in order to support the achievement of objectives of forest management and (6) social construction in the community around KPH
ANALISIS KELAYAKAN EKOWISATA WISATA ALAM DANAU SIGOMBAK DESA TELUK KEMBANG JAMBU KABUPATEN TEBO PROVINSI JAMBI: Feasibility Analysis of Natural Tourism Sigombak Lake Teluk Kembang Jambu Village Tebo Districy Jambi Province
Ecotourism is a tourist trip to areas where the natural environment is still pristine by respecting their cultural and natural heritage. Lake Sigombak Nature Tourism is located in Teluk Kembang Jambu Village, Tebo Regency, and has a natural tourist attraction in the form of a lake with an island in the middle but it also has a cultural tourism attraction. Lake Sigombak Tourism Management cannot be separated from the lack of coordination from related stakeholders, so that the development plan and management of Lake Sigombak tourism cannot be carried out properly, it is necessary to conduct research on Feasibility Analysis of Ecotourism for Lake Sigombak Nature Tourism. This type of research is descriptive qualitative which was conducted for one month, in Teluk Kembang Jambu Village, Tebo Regency. Data collection techniques were carried out by direct observation, interviews, and documentation. The sample of this research is the visitors of Lake Sigombak Nature Tourism taken by using the Accidental Sampling method. Data analysis used descriptive qualitative techniques. Based on the results of research based on ODTWA, the Lake Sigombak Nature Tourism Area got an average index value of 64.64% of the average overall criteria. Attractiveness gets a score of 64.15%. Accessibility scored 67.86%, accommodation 33.33%, supporting facilities and infrastructure 87.93%, conditions around the area scored 65.09%, water and environmental conditions 82.99%, and marketing 51.15%. Overall, the Lake Sigombak Ecotourism area is declared unfit for development, so there is still a lot that needs to be improved, seeing the tourism conditions found in the Lake Sigombak Nature Tourism area. Keywords: Ecotourism, Lake Sigombak Nature Tourism, Natural Tourism Attractions (NTA).
Ekowisata adalah perjalanan wisata ke wilayah-wilayah yang lingkungan alamnya masih asli dengan menghargai warisan budaya dan alamnya. Wisata Alam Danau Sigombak terletak di Desa Teluk Kembang, Jambu, Kabupaten Tebo, dan memiliki daya tarik wisata alam berbentuk Danau dengan Pulau ditengahnya selain itu juga memiliki daya tarik Wisata Budaya. Pengelolaan Wisata Danau Sigombak tak lepas dari kurangnya kordinasi dari stake holder terkait, sehingga rencana pembangunan dan pengelolaan wisata Danau Sigombak tidak mampu terlaksana dengan baik, maka perlu dilakukan penelitian mengenai Analisis Kelayakan Ekowisata Wisata Alam Danau Sigombak. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Kualitatif Deskriftif yang dilakukan selama satu bulan, di Desa Teluk Kembang Jambu, Kabupaten Tebo. Teknik pengambilan data dilakukan dengan Observasi secara Langsung, Wawancara, dan Dokumentasi. Sampel penelitian ini adalah pengunjung Wisata Alam Danau Sigombak yang diambil dengan menggunakan metode Accidental Sampling. Analisis data menggunakan teknik kualitatif deskriftif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang berpedoman pada ODTWA, Kawasan Wisata Alam Danau Sigombak mendapatkan nilai indeks rata rata 64,64% dari rata rata keseluruhan kriteria. Daya tarik mendapatkan nilai sebesar 64,15%. Aksesibilitas mendapatkan nilai sebesar 67,86%, Akomodasi sebesar 33,33%, sarana dan prasarana penunjang sebesar 87,93%, kondisi sekitar kawasan mendapatkan nilai sebesar 65.09%, kondisi air dan lingkungan sebesar 82.99%, dan pemasaran mendapatkan nilai sebesar 51.15%. Secara keseluruhan kawasan Ekowisata Danau Sigombak dinyatakan belum layak dikembangkan, sehingga masih sangat banyak yang perlu diberbaiki, melihat kondisi Wisata yang ditemukan di kawasan Wisata Alam Danau Sigombak.
Kata kunci: Ekowisata, Obyek Daya Tarik Wisata Alam (ODTWA), Wisata Alam Danau Sigombak
Ecotourism is a tourist trip to areas where the natural environment is still pristine by respecting their cultural and natural heritage. Lake Sigombak Nature Tourism is located in Teluk Kembang Jambu Village, Tebo Regency, and has a natural tourist attraction in the form of a lake with an island in the middle but it also has a cultural tourism attraction. Lake Sigombak Tourism Management cannot be separated from the lack of coordination from related stakeholders, so that the development plan and management of Lake Sigombak tourism cannot be carried out properly, it is necessary to conduct research on Feasibility Analysis of Ecotourism for Lake Sigombak Nature Tourism. This type of research is descriptive qualitative which was conducted for one month, in Teluk Kembang Jambu Village, Tebo Regency. Data collection techniques were carried out by direct observation, interviews, and documentation. The sample of this research is the visitors of Lake Sigombak Nature Tourism taken by using the Accidental Sampling method. Data analysis used descriptive qualitative techniques. Based on the results of research based on ODTWA, the Lake Sigombak Nature Tourism Area got an average index value of 64.64% of the average overall criteria. Attractiveness gets a score of 64.15%. Accessibility scored 67.86%, accommodation 33.33%, supporting facilities and infrastructure 87.93%, conditions around the area scored 65.09%, water and environmental conditions 82.99%, and marketing 51.15%. Overall, the Lake Sigombak Ecotourism area is declared unfit for development, so there is still a lot that needs to be improved, seeing the tourism conditions found in the Lake Sigombak Nature Tourism area. Keywords: Ecotourism, Lake Sigombak Nature Tourism, Natural Tourism Attractions (NTA).
Ekowisata adalah perjalanan wisata ke wilayah-wilayah yang lingkungan alamnya masih asli dengan menghargai warisan budaya dan alamnya. Wisata Alam Danau Sigombak terletak di Desa Teluk Kembang, Jambu, Kabupaten Tebo, dan memiliki daya tarik wisata alam berbentuk Danau dengan Pulau ditengahnya selain itu juga memiliki daya tarik Wisata Budaya. Pengelolaan Wisata Danau Sigombak tak lepas dari kurangnya kordinasi dari stake holder terkait, sehingga rencana pembangunan dan pengelolaan wisata Danau Sigombak tidak mampu terlaksana dengan baik, maka perlu dilakukan penelitian mengenai Analisis Kelayakan Ekowisata Wisata Alam Danau Sigombak. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Kualitatif Deskriftif yang dilakukan selama satu bulan, di Desa Teluk Kembang Jambu, Kabupaten Tebo. Teknik pengambilan data dilakukan dengan Observasi secara Langsung, Wawancara, dan Dokumentasi. Sampel penelitian ini adalah pengunjung Wisata Alam Danau Sigombak yang diambil dengan menggunakan metode Accidental Sampling. Analisis data menggunakan teknik kualitatif deskriftif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang berpedoman pada ODTWA, Kawasan Wisata Alam Danau Sigombak mendapatkan nilai indeks rata rata 64,64% dari rata rata keseluruhan kriteria. Daya tarik mendapatkan nilai sebesar 64,15%. Aksesibilitas mendapatkan nilai sebesar 67,86%, Akomodasi sebesar 33,33%, sarana dan prasarana penunjang sebesar 87,93%, kondisi sekitar kawasan mendapatkan nilai sebesar 65.09%, kondisi air dan lingkungan sebesar 82.99%, dan pemasaran mendapatkan nilai sebesar 51.15%. Secara keseluruhan kawasan Ekowisata Danau Sigombak dinyatakan belum layak dikembangkan, sehingga masih sangat banyak yang perlu diberbaiki, melihat kondisi Wisata yang ditemukan di kawasan Wisata Alam Danau Sigombak.
Kata kunci: Ekowisata, Obyek Daya Tarik Wisata Alam (ODTWA), Wisata Alam Danau Sigomba
Analisis Pengaruh KPHP Terhadap Pendapatan Masyarakat Usaha Madu di Wilayah Kerja KPHP Kerinci Unit I Kabupaten Kerinci: Analysis of the Influence of KPHP on the Income of Honey Business Communities in the Kerinci Unit I KPHP Working Area, Kerinci Regency
The purpose of this study was to examine the analysis of the influence of KPHP on the income of the honey business community in the working area of KPHP Kerinci. The sampling method in this study used a simple snowball sampling method and obtained 30 respondents from the honey business community under the guidance of KPHP Kerinci and those who were not under the guidance of KPHP Kerinci. Data analysis technique in this research is multiple linear regression Dummy Variable. There are four variables used in this study, namely the price information assistance variable, the technology variable, the training/counseling variable and the marketing variable. The price information assistance variable and the marketing assistance variable have no effect on changes in farmers' income. While the other two variables (technological assistance variable and training/counseling assistance variable) have an influence on changes in farmers' income with the income of the honey business community per year reaching Rp. 772.463.666
Keywords: changes in the income of farmers, Kerinci KPHP and the honey business community
Tujuan penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengkaji analisis pengaruh KPHP terhadap pendapatan masyarakat usaha madu di wilayah kerja KPHP Kerinci. Metode pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode simple snowball sampling dan diperoleh responden sebanyak 30 responden masyarakat usaha madu dibawah binaan KPHP Kerinci maupun yang bukan binaan KPHP Kerinci. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini adalah regresi linear berganda Dummy Variable. Variabel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini ada empat variabel yaitu variabel bantuan informasi harga, variabel teknologi, variabel pelatihan/penyuluhan dan variabel pemasaran. Variabel bantuan informasi harga dan variabel bantuan pemasaran tidak memiliki pengaruh terhadap perubahan pendapatan petani. Sedangakan dua variabel lainnya (variabel bantuan teknologi dan variabel bantuan pelatihan/penyuluhan) memiliki pengaruh terhadap perubahan pendapatan petani dengan Pendapatan masyarakat usaha madu per tahun mencapai Rp. 772.463.666
Kata kunci: perubahan pendapatan petani, KPHP Kerinci dan masyarakat usaha mad
Analisis Pendapatan Petani Getah Pinus KTH Bina Saudara Pada Wilayah KPH XIII Dolok Sanggul Kabupaten Humbang Hasundutan Provinsi Sumatera Utara : Analysis of Pine Sap Farmers' Income Kth Bina Saudara in the KPH XIII Dolok Sanggul Area, Humbang Hasundutan Regency, North Sumatra Province
Pinus merkusii is a tree species that produces both timber and non- timber forest products. The abundance of pine potential in the protected forest area of KPH XIII Dolok Sanggul in Parsingguran I Village makes it possible to collect pine sap through tapping carried out by KTH Bina Saudara through a partnership pattern which can contribute to increasing the income of KTH Bina Saudara members. To find out how much pine resin tapping contributes to the income of KTH members, it is necessary to do a cost analysis. This study aims to determine the income from tapping pine resin, to find out income outside of tapping pine resin and to find out the contribution of tapping to KTH income. Data analysis used in this research is descriptive analysis and quantitative analysis by calculating revenue analysis, cost analysis, income and contribution analysis. The results of the research conducted in Parsingguran I Village showed that KTH members' income was greater from tapping pine resin with a total income of 19 respondents in one year of Rp. 950,401,898 and income from a side job outside of tapping pine resin as a farmer, which is Rp. 44,612,646 with 7 respondents out of a total of 19 respondents. Tapping of pine resin contributes 95.52% to KTH Bina Saudara's income.
Keywords: income of farmer, pine sap.
Pinus merkusii merupakan jenis pohon yang menghasilkan hasil hutan baik kayu maupun non kayu. Melimpahnya potensi pinus pada hutan lindung wilayah KPH XIII Dolok Sanggul yang berada di Desa Parsingguran I memungkinkan dilakukannya kegiatan pemungutan getah pinus melalui penyadapan yang dilaksanakan oleh KTH Bina Saudara melalui pola Kerjasama kemitraan yang dimana dapat memberikan kontribusi meningkatkan pendapatan anggota KTH Bina Saudara. Untuk mengetahui seberapa besar kontribusi penyadapan getah pinus terhadap pendapatan anggota KTH maka perlu dilakukan analisis biaya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pendapatan dari penyadapan getah pinus, mengetahui pendapatan diluar penyadapan getah pinus dan mengetahui besararan kontribusi penyadapan terhadap pendapatan KTH. Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu analisis deskriptif dan analisis kuantitatif dengan menghitung analisis penerimaan, analisis biaya, analisis pendapatan dan kontribusi. Hasil Penelitian yang dilakukan di Desa Parsingguran I menunjukkan bahwa pendapatan anggota KTH lebih besar bersumber dari penyadapan getah pinus dengan total pendapatan 19 responden dalam satu tahun sebesar Rp. 950.401.898 dan pendapatan dari pekerjaan sampingan diluar penyadapan getah pinus sebagai petani yaitu sebesar Rp. 44.612.646 dengan jumlah responden 7 orang dari total keseluran responden sebanyak 19 orang. Penyadapan getah pinus memberikan kontribusi sebesar 95,52% terhadap pendapatan KTH Bina Saudara.
Katakunci: getah pinus, pendapatan petani
Act (Act) No. 41, 1999 concerning state forestry forests is one determinant of life supporting systems and sources of welfare. During the first 20 years of forest management by concessions have many negative issues, especially forest destruction and many concession holders who cease to operate before the time runs out. They argument there are potential for wood that has been exhausted, and some of them not extend the operating license for the second time becouse forests have been heavily damaged and its potential continues to decline.Under these conditions, the Government in this case the Ministry of Forestry tried to look for the new format and issue a wide range of policies to create an optimal model of forest management. One of the policies issued by the government is the establishment of Forest Management Unit (FMU) in every function of forest area. Hereinafter abbreviated Forest Management Unit (FMU) is the smallest unit of forest management according to the principal functions , which can be managed efficiently and sustainably.Scientific papers about the analysis of governance relationships of ex HPH areas management in Jambi Province namely as a guide for local governments for implementation of a good institutional relationship that is consistent and harmonious between KPHP and IUPHHK units. While the goal of scientific writing in order to formulate a governance relationship between IUPHHK and KPHP units.In the implementation of sustainable production forest management, organization of production forest area is the Unitary Production Forest Management (KPHP) while for protected area is KPHL and for conservation areas is KPHK. In the former concession areas that do not have the license holder, KPHP duty are: (1) conduct forest management ex-concession area. (2) describe the national forest policy, provincial and district forestry sector to be implemented in the management of the former concession area in units of KPH. (3) implement forest management activities in their areas ranging from planning, organizing, implementation and supervision and control. (4) carry out monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of forest management activities in the areas of ex-HPH. (5) investment opportunities in the former concession area in order to support the achievement of objectives of forest management and (6) social construction in the community around KPH
Kelayakan usaha tani Hutan Kemasyarakatan (HKM) pola monokultur dan agroforestri di Desa Air Terjun Kabupaten Kerinci
The Community Forest Area (HKm) of Air Terjun Village is an area that provides direct real benefits for farmers who are located around the community forest area and has natural wealth that can be developed to provide farmers with income for the family economy. This research was conducted in Air Terjun Village, Siulak District, Kerinci Regency. This research aims to determine the feasibility of a cinnamon monoculture business and a potato, coffee and cinnamon agroforestry business from the use of areas within community forests. Data collection was carried out using structured interviews using questionnaires. Determination of respondents was carried out using the Snowball method with data analysis using cost analysis, revenue analysis, income analysis, internal analysis of return and payback period analysis. The results of the research showed that the cultivation of cinnamon monoculture planting patterns and cinnamon, coffee and potato agroforestry in Air Terjun Village, Kerinci Regency had decent/profitable results. However, the profits and return on capital are faster in agroforestry planting patterns because the agroforestry planting pattern relies on 3 types of plants, whereas the monoculture planting pattern only relies on 1 type of plant
Program Peningkatan Produksi Dan Kualitas Packaging Madu Desa Jujun Dalam Memulai Kegiatan Pemasaran
Madu merupakan salah satu hasil hutan bukan kayu yang menjadi primadona dan banyak dikonsumsi masyarakat. Bagi masyarakat yang hidup di sekitar hutan, madu bisa didapatkan dari alam maupun budidaya. Desa Jujun sebagai salah satu desa binaan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Jambi telah mendapatkan bantuan budidaya lebah madu melalui Program Wira Desa Jurusan Kehutanan pada Tahun 2021. Sebagai usaha yang cenderung baru maka diperlukan kegiatan lanjutan sebagai bentuk penguatan dan pendampingan agar usaha tersebut benar-benar menjadi sumber ekonomi alternatif. Beberapa permasalahan yang muncul dalam perjalanan usaha budidaya lebah madu ini telah diinventarisir dan melalui kegiatan Bina Desa ini diwujudkan dalam 3 (Tiga) kegiatan utama yaitu evaluasi dan penguatan posisi stup lebah madu berdasarkan ketersediaan pakan alami untuk menjamin kontinuitas produksi, peningkatan kapasitas anggota kelompok dalam proses produksi dan pemanenan madu, serta penguatan kegiatan pengemasan (packaging) agar produk yang ada bisa diluncurkan ke pasaran. Kegiatan berlangsung selama 6 (Enam) bulan sejak Bulan Maret-Agustus 2022 di Desa Jujun, Kecamatan Keliling Danau, Kabupaten Kerinci. Kegiatan secara umum akan terbagi menjadi tiga tahapan yaitu tahap sosialisasi, tahap demonstrasi dan tahap pendampingan. Hasil dari kegiatan PPM Penugasan Jurusan ini antara lain: terjadi peningkatan pemahaman mitra didalam peningkatan produksi madu, keamanan dalam pemanenan madu, kualitas madu yang dihasilkan dan peningkatan packaging madu. Dengan adaya beberapa peningkatan ini diharapkan usaha budiaya madu dapat terus berjalan dan menjadi sumber penghidupan bagi masyarakat Desa Jujun khususnya pengelola budidaya lebah madu
Penilaian Ekonomi Ekosistem Hutan Mangrove di Kawasan Cagar Alam Hutan Bakau Pantai Timur Desa Alang-Alang Kecamatan Muara Sabak Timur Kabupaten Tanjung Timur
The purpose of this study was to determine the benefit and value of mangrove forest ecosystems on Cagar Alam Hutan Bakau Pantai Timur in the Alang-alang village region, the concept of economic valuation used to quantify the total value of direct benefits and value of the indirect benefits that exist. This research was conducted by field observations and interviews on the field against the respondents using a questionnaire guide. Based on the results obtained mangrove forest ecosystem in the Alang-alang village region has a total economic benefit value of Rp 291.037.310/year with a value contributor greatest benefit is direct benefits value in the form of Non-Timber Forest Products (honey, catching fish, crabs, shrimp, and scallops). The calculation of direct benefits value that is by using the market price method, the results of direct benefit Rp 259.479.000/year. As for the indirect benefits valuation that an assessment of the ecological functions of the area as a seawater intrusion barrier to the success of the productivity of coconut plantation owned by the community with the method of productivity changes to the indirect benefits value obtained Rp 31.567.310/year. Total economic value can be used as a reference or a basis of comparison for the community and the government in determining the policy of the management and utilization of existing mangrove forests.The purpose of this study was to determine the benefit and value of mangrove forest ecosystems on Cagar Alam Hutan Bakau Pantai Timur in the Alang-alang village region, the concept of economic valuation used to quantify the total value of direct benefits and value of the indirect benefits that exist. This research was conducted by field observations and interviews on the field against the respondents using a questionnaire guide. Based on the results obtained mangrove forest ecosystem in the Alang-alang village region has a total economic benefit value of Rp 291.037.310/year with a value contributor greatest benefit is direct benefits value in the form of Non-Timber Forest Products (honey, catching fish, crabs, shrimp, and scallops). The calculation of direct benefits value that is by using the market price method, the results of direct benefit Rp 259.479.000/year. As for the indirect benefits valuation that an assessment of the ecological functions of the area as a seawater intrusion barrier to the success of the productivity of coconut plantation owned by the community with the method of productivity changes to the indirect benefits value obtained Rp 31.567.310/year. Total economic value can be used as a reference or a basis of comparison for the community and the government in determining the policy of the management and utilization of existing mangrove forests
Pemanfaatan Limbah Organik Untuk Kompos Pada Wilayah KPHP Unit XIII Kabupaten Muara Jambi
Berdasarkan data Balai Pemantapan Kawasan Hutan Pangkal Pinang Tahun 2017 bahwa sebagian besar masyarakat yang bertempat tinggal di dalam kawasan KPHP Unit XIII adalah sebagai petani (65,08%), dimana 83% masyarakat tersebut memiliki luas lahan di dalam kawasan hutan seluas 0-2 hektar dan 17% sebesar 2,1-4 Ha. Lahan masyarakat tersebut sebagian besar ditanami kelapa sawit (41%), cokelat (18%), padi (11%), dan sisanya merupakan jenis tanaman pertanian lainnya. Besarnya potensi limbah organik yang dihasilkan dari kegiatan bertani dan berkebun yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat maupun perusahaan (kelapa sawit dan HTI) merupakan satu hal yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh petani/masyarakat untuk dijadikan pupuk hayati yaitu pupuk kompos. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilakukan oleh Fakultas Kehutanan melibatkan mitra yaitu KPHP Unit XIII Kabupaten Muara Jambi yang berada di Desa Sungai Gelam. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan mitra dalam pembuatan kompos sehingga bisa meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat di sekitar kawasan hutan KPHP Unit XIII Muara Jambi. Tahapan kegiatan ini meliputi : pengurusan izin; kegiatan penyuluhan dengan materi berjudul “Pelatihan Pembuatan Kompos”; pembuatan demplot pembuatan kompos; dan evaluasi diakhir kegiatan. Hasil dari kegiatan ini yaitu mitra telah memiliki peningkatan ketrampilan dalam pembuatan kompos