315 research outputs found

    Does Electroencephalography Contribute to Examining Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder?

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    How to Cite This Article: Fayyazi A, Khajeh A. Does Electroencephalography Contribute to Examining Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder? Iran J Child Neurol. 2014 Summer;8(3): 65-67.Letter to Editor, Has not abstract.ReferencesSwaiman Kenneth F AS, Ferriero D, Schor N. Pediatric neurology: principles & practice. 5th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier/Saunders; 2012. p.622-628.Sadock BJ, Sadock VA, Ruiz P, Kaplan HI. Kaplan & Sadock’s comprehensive textbook of psychiatry. 9th ed. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2009.p.3560-3579.Parisi P, Moavero R, Verrotti A, Curatolo P. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children with epilepsy. Brain & development. 2010;32(1):10-6. Epub 2009/04/17.Laporte N, Sebire G, Gillerot Y, Guerrini R, Ghariani S. Cognitive epilepsy: ADHD related to focal EEG discharges. Pediatric neurology. 2002;27(4):307-11. Epub 2002/11/19.Dunn DW, Kronenberger WG. Childhood epilepsy, attention problems, and ADHD: review and practical considerations. Seminars in pediatric neurology. 2005;12(4):222-8. Epub 2006/06/20.Kattimani S, Mahadevan S. Treating children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and comorbid epilepsy. Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology. 2011;14(1):9-11. Epub 2011/06/03.Holtmann M, Becker K, Kentner-Figura B, Schmidt MH. Increased frequency of rolandic spikes in ADHD children. Epilepsia. 2003;44(9):1241-4. Epub 2003/08/16.Richer LP, Shevell MI, Rosenblatt BR. Epileptiform abnormalities in children with attention-deficithyperactivity disorder. Pediatric neurology. 2002;26(2):125-9. Epub 2002/03/19.Marston D, Besag F, Binnie CD, Fowler M. Effects of transitory cognitive impairment on psychosocial functioning of children with epilepsy: a therapeutic trial. Developmental medicine and child neurology. 1993;35(7):574-81. Epub 1993/07/01.Fonseca LC, Tedrus GM, Moraes C, Vicente Machado A, Almeida MP, Oliveira DO. Epileptiform abnormalities and quantitative EEG in children with attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder. Arquivos de neuro-psiquiatria. 2008;66(3A):462-7. Epub 2008/09/25.Li L, Yang L, Zhuo CJ, Wang YF. A randomised controlled trial of combined EEG feedback and methylphenidate therapy for the treatment of ADHD. Swiss medical weekly. 2013;143:w13838. Epub 2013/08/30.Hughes JR, DeLeo AJ, Melyn MA. The Electroencephalogram in Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder: Emphasis on Epileptiform Discharges. Epilepsy & behavior : E&B. 2000;1(4):271-7. Epub 2003/03/01.Millichap JG, Millichap JJ, Stack CV. Utility of the electroencephalogram in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Clinical EEG and neuroscience. 2011;42(3):180-4. Epub 2011/08/30.Matoth I, Taustein I, Kay BS, Shapira YA. Overuse of EEG in the evaluation of common neurologic conditions. Pediatric neurology. 2002;27(5):378-83. Epub 2002/12/31.Lubar JF, Swartwood MO, Swartwood JN, O’Donnell PH. Evaluation of the effectiveness of EEG neurofeedback training for ADHD in a clinical setting as measured by changes in T.O.V.A. scores, behavioral ratings, and WISC-R performance. Biofeedback and self-regulation. 1995;20(1):83-99. Epub 1995/03/01.Linden M, Habib T, Radojevic V. A controlled study of the effects of EEG biofeedback on cognition and behavior of children with attention deficit disorder and learning disabilities. Biofeedback and self-regulation. 1996;21(1):35-49. Epub 1996/03/01

    Efficacy of Continuous High Dose Midazolam Infusion in Childhood Refractory Generalized Convulsive Status Epilepticus

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    ObjeciveProlonged and uncontrolled refractory status epilepticus (SE) is a life-threatening medical emergency in children (1,2,3). There is no consensus on the optimal therapy for refractory status epilepticus (1). The aim of this study was to develop a new method for treating patients with refractory status epilepticus.Materials & MethodsTen children with refractory status epilepticus in Mofid Hospital, who did not respond to 10 μg/kg per min of intravenous midazolam, had their dose of midazolam increased to 30 μg/kg per min. All children were monitored for the development of side effects.ResultsTen children with no response to low-dose midazolam were given a higher dose of midazolam, and 5 (50%) children had a good response. These patients had significantly different response to high-dose midazolam.One patient in the high-dose midazolam group was intubated and required mechanical ventilation. The duration of stay in the hospital and PICU and on mechanical ventilation in patients with no response to low-dose midazolam following with other drugs was longer than in the high-dose midazolam group.No death occurred in high dose midazolam group.ConclusionHigh-midazolam dose drip infusion is a safe and effective protocol for refractory status epilepticus in children.Keywords:Refractory status epilepticus; midazolam; mortality; childhoo

    The impact of work-life balance on employees' job satisfaction and turnover intention: the moderating role of continuance commitment

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    Work-life imbalance has several negative impacts on employees' attitudes and behaviors and consequently influences organizations' performance and effectiveness. The purpose of this article is to investigate the impact of work-life balance (WLB) on employees' job satisfaction and turnover intention. Moreover, we study the moderating role of continuance commitment on job satisfaction - turnover intention relationship. Regression analysis was used to analyze the data collected from 265 questionnaires completed by employees in an Iranian industrial company. The findings supported that WLB has a significant positive relationship with job satisfaction, and a significant negative relationship with turnover intention. Besides, job satisfaction fully mediates the WLB - turnover intention relationship. The main contribution of the paper is that we found continuance commitment moderates the relationship between job satisfaction and turnover intention. Therefore, employees with low levels of WLB and job satisfaction do not necessary have high turnover intention, unless they have low continuance commitment

    Seizure is a rare presentation for acute hemolysis due to G6PD deficiency. We report a previously healthy boy who presented initially with seizure and cyanosis and subsequently acute hemolysis, due to glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency (G6PD) an

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    Seizure is a rare presentation for acute hemolysis due to G6PD deficiency. We report a previously healthy boy who presented initially with seizure and cyanosis and subsequently acute hemolysis, due to glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency (G6PD) and probably secondary methemoglobinemia, following the ingestion of fava beans

    Comparison of Effectiveness of Topiramate and Diazepam in Preventing Risk of Recurrent Febrile Seizure in Children underAge of 2 Years

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      Background and Objective: Febrile seizures are the most common type of convulsions. Medicinal prophylaxis is sometimes used for children at high risk of recurrent febrile seizure. In certain circumstances, conventional drugs such as diazepam and phenobarbital cannot be used and the need for alternative medicines is felt. This study set out to compare the effectiveness of topiramate and diazepam in preventing the risk of recurrent febrile seizure in children under the age of 2 years.Methodology: This was a randomized controlled trial. The research sampleincluded 54 patients, at risk of recurrent febrile seizure,who were inhibited from taking phenobarbital. After selection, they were randomly divided into two groups. The first group received diazepam treatment during fever episodes and the second group received daily dose of topiramate.  A one-year follow-up of recurrent febrile seizure and its complications was also conducted.Findings: Thirty four patients (17 patients in each group) completed the one-year course of the trial. Recurrent febrile seizure was not observed in the course of preventive treatment. The prevalence of minor complications was 29.4% in the diazepam group and 48.5% in the topiramate group.No major complication was observed in among the subjectsConclusion: Topiramate can be recommended for preventing recurrent febrile seizure when the use of front line medicines is not possible

    Development of Rare Earth Free and Rare Earth Balance Permanent Magnets

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    In the quest for a sustainable permanent magnetic material, two material systems were extensively studied. The first part of the thesis investigates the Fe-Sn based systems as potential RE-free candidates. The Fe-Sn binary and several multinary systems such as (FeX)5Sn and (FeX)3(SnY) were extensively screened for the discovery of a new hard magnetic material using high-throughput Reactive Crucible Melting (RCM) technique as well as other non-equilibrium methods. The follow-up experimental screening strategies were supported by theoretical calculations carried out by other scientists. For high-throughput characterization, these synthesis techniques were combined with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy as well as magneto-optical Kerr microscopy which enabled the identification of phases with uniaxial magnetic anisotropy, for example Fe3Sn2 in the binary system. The reliability of the reactive crucible melting method was evaluated by a comparison of the phases forming in the reactive crucible with phases appearing in conventionally melted samples. It has been shown that under some circumstances, the phase relations might not always be correctly reproduced. The Fe5Sn3 phase, existing in the equilibrium phase diagram at 800°C and forming in conventionally melted alloys, does not exist in the diffusion zone of the reactive crucible. The problem of "missing phases" is discussed. In addition, by observation of domain structure and by employing different analytical models based on domain theory, the anisotropies of phases with uniaxial anisotropy were evaluated. It has been shown that the consideration of the magnitude of anisotropy is crucial for the selection of a proper model and realistic assessment of anisotropy energy. With the example of materials with high and intermediate uniaxial anisotropy, the applicability of 3 analytical models "Kittel", "Szymczak" and "Bodenberger-Hubert" were investigated. Another major activity to study the Fe-Sn system was the investigation of structural and intrinsic magnetic properties of its binary ferromagnetic compounds by synthesis and characterization of Fe3Sn, Fe5Sn3, and Fe3Sn2 single crystals. Derived from single crystal X-ray diffraction and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), a new structural model is proposed for the Fe5Sn3 crystals - the threefold twinning of an orthorhombic unit cell with (3+1) dimensional space group Pbcm(α00)0s0. The spontaneous magnetization (Ms) and the anisotropy constants K1 and K2 of Fe3Sn, Fe5Sn3, and Fe3Sn2 single crystals were determined in a wide temperature range using M(H) dependencies and the Sucksmith-Thompson technique. A large however planar anisotropy of K1 = -1.16 MJm-3 appreciable for a rare earth free system and a negligible uniaxial anisotropy of K1 = +0.05 MJm-3 were evaluated for Fe3Sn and Fe3Sn2 compounds, respectively. The second part of the thesis investigates the effect of partial substitution of Ce and Co in the Nd-Fe-B system. By synthesis and characterization of (Nd1-xCex)2(Fe1-yCoy)14B single crystals, the structural and intrinsic magnetic properties were investigated for y = 0 and x = 0, 0.15, 0.36, 0.63 and 1 as well as y = 0.1 and x = 0 and 0.15. The effect of doping with Ce and Co on crystal lattice parameters a and c, Ms, Ha, TC, TSPT, and K1 were evaluated. Additionally, for Nd2Fe14B and by analysis of single crystal magnetization curves measured under the field of up to 50 T along four different orientations, five associating anisotropy constants were extracted using theoretical models and based on minimization of the total energy of the system. All intrinsic magnetic properties were gradually decreased by an increase in Ce proportion when it was solely introduced to the structure. Furthermore, Ce substitution resulted in a decrease in spin reorientation transition temperature where anisotropy switches from uniaxial to an easy cone. The addition of Co has not only increased the Curie temperature but also improved the thermal stability of the intrinsic magnetic properties. The reduction of anisotropy energy with Ce substitution could partially be compensated by co-doping together with Co, especially at high temperatures. The improved intrinsic properties of the co-doped Nd2Fe14B was also reflected in their extrinsic magnetic properties by characterization of mechanochemically synthesized sub-micron particles. For the sample with (Nd0.82Ce0.18)2(Fe0.85Co0.15)14B composition, an improved temperature coefficient of coercivity of β = -0.4 %/K was achieved. Comparing these results with single crystal data, it can be verified that the enhanced high-temperature performance of NdFeB-based magnets co-doped with Ce and Co, which have also been observed in various literature, is due to an improvement in intrinsic magnetic properties
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