638 research outputs found

    CO diffusion and desorption kinetics in CO2_2 ices

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    Diffusion of species in icy dust grain mantles is a fundamental process that shapes the chemistry of interstellar regions; yet measurements of diffusion in interstellar ice analogs are scarce. Here we present measurements of CO diffusion into CO2_2 ice at low temperatures (T=11--23~K) using CO2_2 longitudinal optical (LO) phonon modes to monitor the level of mixing of initially layered ices. We model the diffusion kinetics using Fick's second law and find the temperature dependent diffusion coefficients are well fit by an Arrhenius equation giving a diffusion barrier of 300 ±\pm 40 K. The low barrier along with the diffusion kinetics through isotopically labeled layers suggest that CO diffuses through CO2_2 along pore surfaces rather than through bulk diffusion. In complementary experiments, we measure the desorption energy of CO from CO2_2 ices deposited at 11-50 K by temperature-programmed desorption (TPD) and find that the desorption barrier ranges from 1240 ±\pm 90 K to 1410 ±\pm 70 K depending on the CO2_2 deposition temperature and resultant ice porosity. The measured CO-CO2_2 desorption barriers demonstrate that CO binds equally well to CO2_2 and H2_2O ices when both are compact. The CO-CO2_2 diffusion-desorption barrier ratio ranges from 0.21-0.24 dependent on the binding environment during diffusion. The diffusion-desorption ratio is consistent with the above hypothesis that the observed diffusion is a surface process and adds to previous experimental evidence on diffusion in water ice that suggests surface diffusion is important to the mobility of molecules within interstellar ices

    Characterisation of aged HDPE pipes from drinking water distribution : investigation of crack depth by Nol ring tests under creep loading

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    International audienceHDPE pipes are used for the transport of drinking water. However, disinfectants in waterseem to have a strong impact on their mechanical behaviour, limiting their lifetime inoperation. Indeed, oxidation occurs when they are in contact with disinfectants leading to theformation of a thin oxidised layer coupled to the cracks initiation of cracks of different lengthsfrom the inner wall surface. An original method is proposed here to characterise the ageingeffect of the pipe mechanical behaviour. Inspired from the ASTM D 2290-04 standard, NolRing tests have been performed under tensile and creep loadings on smooth rings. Aconstitutive equation has been determined from these tests using a finite element (FE)modelling. FE simulations have been performed to study the influence of the thin oxidised PElayer. Precracked specimens with different crack depth ratio have also been modelled. Thecrack depth ratio is an important parameter to quantify pipe ageing

    Interoperability between Heterogeneous Federation Architectures: Illustration with SAML and WS-Federation

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    International audienceDigital identity management intra and inter information systems, and, service oriented architectures, are the roots of identity federation. This kind of security architectures aims at enabling information system interoperability. Existing architectures, however, do not consider interoperability of heterogeneous federation architectures, which rely on different federation protocols.In this paper, we try to initiate an in-depth reflection on this issue, through the comparison of two main federation architecture specifications: SAML and WS-Federation. We firstly propose an overall outline of identity federation. We furthermore address the issue of interoperability for federation architectures using a different federation protocol. Afterwards, we compare SAML and WS-Federation. Eventually, we define the ways of convergence, and therefore, of interoperability

    Phase fluctuations in the ABC model

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    We analyze the fluctuations of the steady state profiles in the modulated phase of the ABC model. For a system of LL sites, the steady state profiles move on a microscopic time scale of order L3L^3. The variance of their displacement is computed in terms of the macroscopic steady state profiles by using fluctuating hydrodynamics and large deviations. Our analytical prediction for this variance is confirmed by the results of numerical simulations

    Long range correlations and phase transition in non-equilibrium diffusive systems

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    We obtain explicit expressions for the long range correlations in the ABC model and in diffusive models conditioned to produce an atypical current of particles.In both cases, the two-point correlation functions allow to detect the occurrence of a phase transition as they become singular when the system approaches the transition

    The compensation approach for walks with small steps in the quarter plane

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    This paper is the first application of the compensation approach to counting problems. We discuss how this method can be applied to a general class of walks in the quarter plane Z+2Z_{+}^{2} with a step set that is a subset of {(1,1),(1,0),(1,1),(0,1),(1,1)}\{(-1,1),(-1,0),(-1,-1),(0,-1),(1,-1)\} in the interior of Z+2Z_{+}^{2}. We derive an explicit expression for the counting generating function, which turns out to be meromorphic and nonholonomic, can be easily inverted, and can be used to obtain asymptotic expressions for the counting coefficients.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figure

    The grand canonical ABC model: a reflection asymmetric mean field Potts model

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    We investigate the phase diagram of a three-component system of particles on a one-dimensional filled lattice, or equivalently of a one-dimensional three-state Potts model, with reflection asymmetric mean field interactions. The three types of particles are designated as AA, BB, and CC. The system is described by a grand canonical ensemble with temperature TT and chemical potentials TλAT\lambda_A, TλBT\lambda_B, and TλCT\lambda_C. We find that for λA=λB=λC\lambda_A=\lambda_B=\lambda_C the system undergoes a phase transition from a uniform density to a continuum of phases at a critical temperature T^c=(2π/3)1\hat T_c=(2\pi/\sqrt3)^{-1}. For other values of the chemical potentials the system has a unique equilibrium state. As is the case for the canonical ensemble for this ABCABC model, the grand canonical ensemble is the stationary measure satisfying detailed balance for a natural dynamics. We note that T^c=3Tc\hat T_c=3T_c, where TcT_c is the critical temperature for a similar transition in the canonical ensemble at fixed equal densities rA=rB=rC=1/3r_A=r_B=r_C=1/3.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figure

    Phase diagram of the ABC model with nonconserving processes

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    The three species ABC model of driven particles on a ring is generalized to include vacancies and particle-nonconserving processes. The model exhibits phase separation at high densities. For equal average densities of the three species, it is shown that although the dynamics is {\it local}, it obeys detailed balance with respect to a Hamiltonian with {\it long-range interactions}, yielding a nonadditive free energy. The phase diagrams of the conserving and nonconserving models, corresponding to the canonical and grand-canonical ensembles, respectively, are calculated in the thermodynamic limit. Both models exhibit a transition from a homogeneous to a phase-separated state, although the phase diagrams are shown to differ from each other. This conforms with the expected inequivalence of ensembles in equilibrium systems with long-range interactions. These results are based on a stability analysis of the homogeneous phase and exact solution of the hydrodynamic equations of the models. They are supported by Monte-Carlo simulations. This study may serve as a useful starting point for analyzing the phase diagram for unequal densities, where detailed balance is not satisfied and thus a Hamiltonian cannot be defined.Comment: 32 page, 7 figures. The paper was presented at Statphys24, held in Cairns, Australia, July 201

    Stochastic Dynamics of Discrete Curves and Multi-type Exclusion Processes

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    This study deals with continuous limits of interacting one-dimensional diffusive systems, arising from stochastic distortions of discrete curves with various kinds of coding representations. These systems are essentially of a reaction-diffusion nature. In the non-reversible case, the invariant measure has generally a non Gibbs form. The corresponding steady-state regime is analyzed in detail with the help of a tagged particle and a state-graph cycle expansion of the probability currents. As a consequence, the constants appearing in Lotka-Volterraequations --which describe the fluid limits of stationary states-- can be traced back directly at the discrete level to tagged particles cycles coefficients. Current fluctuations are also studied and the Lagrangian is obtained by an iterative scheme. The related Hamilton-Jacobi equation, which leads to the large deviation functional, is analyzed and solved in the reversible case for the sake of checking.Comment: Short version of Inria Reasearch Report, 33 pages, 6 figures. submited to J.Stat.Phy