15 research outputs found

    Characterization of fuzzy neighborhood commutative division rings II

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    In [4] we produced a characterization of fuzzy neighborhood commutative division rings; here we present another characterization of it in a sense that we minimize the conditions so that a fuzzy neighborhood system is compatible with the commutative division ring structure. As an additional result, we show that Chadwick [5] relatively compact fuzzy set is bounded in a fuzzy neighborhood commutative division ring

    A characterization of Fuzzy neighborhood commutative division rings

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    We give a characterization of fuzzy neighborhood commutative division ring; and present an alternative formulation of boundedness introduced in fuzzy neighborhood rings. The notion of β-restricted fuzzy set is considered

    Double gaussianization of graph spectra

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    The graph spectrum is the set of eigenvalues of a simple graph with n vertices. Here we fold this graph spectrum at a given pair of reference eigenvalues and then exponentiate the resulting folded graph spectrum. This process produces double Gaussianized functions of the graph adjacency matrix which give more importance to the reference eigenvalues than to the rest of the spectrum. Based on evidences from mathematical chemistry we focus here our attention on the reference eigenvalues ±1. In the examples that we have examined, they enclose most of the HOMO (highest occupied molecular orbital) and LUMO (lowest unoccupied molecular orbital) of organic molecular graphs. We prove here several results for the trace of the double Gaussianized adjacency matrix of simple graphs–the double Gaussianized Estrada index. Finally we apply this index to the classification of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) as carcinogenic or inactive ones. We discover that local indices based on the previously developed matrix function allow to classify correctly 100% of the PAHs analyzed. Such indices reflect the electron population of the HOMO/LUMO and eigenvalues close to them, in the so-called K and L regions of PAHs

    Exploring the “Middle Earth” of network spectra via a Gaussian matrix function

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    We study a Gaussian matrix function of the adjacency matrix of artificial and real-world networks. We motivate the use of this function on the basis of a dynamical process modeled by the time-dependent Schrodinger equation with a squared Hamiltonian. In particular, we study the Gaussian Estrada index - an index characterizing the importance of eigenvalues close to zero. This index accounts for the information contained in the eigenvalues close to zero in the spectra of networks. Such method is a generalization of the so-called "Folded Spectrum Method" used in quantum molecular sciences. Here we obtain bounds for this index in simple graphs, proving that it reaches its maximum for star graphs followed by complete bipartite graphs. We also obtain formulas for the Estrada Gaussian index of Erdos-Renyi random graphs as well as for the Barabasi-Albert graphs. We also show that in real-world networks this index is related to the existence of important structural patters, such as complete bipartite subgraphs (bicliques). Such bicliques appear naturally in many real-world networks as a consequence of the evolutionary processes giving rise to them. In general, the Gaussian matrix function of the adjacency matrix of networks characterizes important structural information not described in previously used matrix functions of graphs

    Weak incidence algebra and maximal ring of quotients

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    Let X, X′ be two locally finite, preordered sets and let R be any indecomposable commutative ring. The incidence algebra I(X,R), in a sense, represents X, because of the well-known result that if the rings I(X,R) and I(X′,R) are isomorphic, then X and X′ are isomorphic. In this paper, we consider a preordered set X that need not be locally finite but has the property that each of its equivalence classes of equivalent elements is finite. Define I*(X,R) to be the set of all those functions f:X×X→R such that f(x,y)=0, whenever x⩽̸y and the set Sf of ordered pairs (x,y) with x<y and f(x,y)≠0 is finite. For any f,g∈I*(X,R), r∈R, define f+g, fg, and rf in I*(X,R) such that (f+g)(x+y)=f(x,y)+g(x,y), fg(x,y)=∑x≤z≤yf(x,z)g(z,y), rf(x,y)=r⋅f(x,y). This makes I*(X,R) an R-algebra, called the weak incidence algebra of X over R. In the first part of the paper it is shown that indeed I*(X,R) represents X. After this all the essential one-sided ideals of I*(X,R) are determined and the maximal right (left) ring of quotients of I*(X,R) is discussed. It is shown that the results proved can give a large class of rings whose maximal right ring of quotients need not be isomorphic to its maximal left ring of quotients

    Some chain conditions on weak incidence algebras

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    Let X be any partially ordered set, R any commutative ring, and T=I∗(X,R) the weak incidence algebra of X over R. Let Z be a finite nonempty subset of X, L(Z)={x∈X:x≤z   for some   z∈Z}, and M=Tez. Various chain conditions on M are investigated. The results so proved are used to construct some classes of right perfect rings that are not left perfect

    On Fibonacci and Lucas sequences modulo a prime and primality testing

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    We prove two properties regarding the Fibonacci and Lucas Sequences modulo a prime and use these to generalize the well-known property p∣Fp−p5. We then discuss these results in the context of primality testing

    N-topo nilpotency in fuzzy neighborhood rings

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    We introduce the notion of N-topo nilpotent fuzzy set in a fuzzy neighborhood ring and develop some fundamental results. Here we show that a fuzzy neighborhood ring is locally inversely bounded if and only if for all 0<Îą<1, the Îą-level topological rings are locally inversely bounded. This leads us to prove a characterization theorem which says that if a fuzzy neighborhood ring on a division ring is Wuyts-Lowen WNT2 and locally inversely bounded, then the fuzzy neighborhood ring is a fuzzy neighborhood division ring. We also present another characterization theorem which says that a fuzzy neighborhood ring on a division ring is a fuzzy neighborhood division ring if the fuzzy neighborhood ring contains an N-topo nilpotent fuzzy neighborhood of zero

    T-neighborhood groups

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    We generalize min-neighborhood groups to arbitrary T-neighborhood groups, where T is a continuous triangular norm. In particular, we point out that our results accommodate the previous theory on min-neighborhood groups due to T. M. G. Ahsanullah. We show that every T-neighborhood group is T-uniformizable, therefore, T-completely regular. We also present several results of T-neighborhood groups in conjunction with TI-groups due to J. N. Mordeson