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    Pengaruh Lembar Kerja Siswa Berbasis Mind Map Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa SMA Pada Konsep Fluida Statis

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    This study was aimed to determine the effect of the use of mind map-based student worksheet on students' performance in the concept of Fluid Statics. This research was conducted at MAN Parungpanjang, Bogor District. Students of grade XI science program (XI IPA) in two classess were purposely chosen to participate in this study; students of grade XI IPA 3 for an experimental class and students of grade XI IPA 1 for a control class. The study used quasi experiment with nonequivalent design where pretest and posttest were assigned to the students. The test consisted of 20 items of multiple choice. Beside, non-test instruments, i.e., observation and questionnaire, were also used for further data analysis. Results showed in general that the use of the worksheet influenced students' learning outcomes in the Statics Fluid concept. T-test analysis on the posttest data showed a significant result at 5% significance level