41 research outputs found

    Angka Kejadian Tuberkulosis Paru pada Pasangan Suami-istri Pnederita Tuberkulosis Paru Bta Positif di Poliklinik Paru RSUD Arifin Achmad

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    Pulmonary tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Mycobacterium tuberculosis is carried in airborne particles, called droplet nuclei. Tuberculosis infection is spread from a person ti person by inhaling the droplets of infected material produced by a person with infectious pulmonary tuberculosis, patients with positive Acid Fast Bacilli (AFB) smear. Droplet nuclei can survive in the air for several hours depend on enviromental factor, source case or person with active tuberculosis and contact or person who is exposed to infectious pulmonary tuberculosis patients. Home is vulnerable place for transmission this disease to its contacts. Family such as spouse, children and parents have a higher risk to be transmitted. This was a descriptive study to know prevalence of pulmonary tuberculosis in spouse of pulmonary tuberculosis patients with positive Acid Fast Bacilli (AFB) smear in Arifin Achmad General Hospital. The samples of this study are 30 people. Results showed that 1 samples (3,33%) had a positive Acid Fast Bacilli (AFB) smear and abnormal radiograp

    Bantar Gebang Leaderpreneurship Youth Camp

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    Bantar Gebang is known as the slum areas where landfills and economic conditions of the majority of the people are below the poverty line. As you know, poverty has multiple effects on the community; one of them is the difficulty of obtaining a quality education. Some consequences of this poverty is the teenage mindset Bantar Gebang less visionary, tough economic conditions improved, and a lack of productivity and creativity. The method used to solve this problem is to analyze the real needs of the target communities, field surveys, completed the licensing administration, recruitment of participants, making materials, training and guidance, visit, and evaluation. Results and the achievement of the program is the implementation of the program Youth Camp for three days to form a teenage mindset Bantar Gebang, pekanan training in a few months for monitoring and realization of values in the material leaderpreneurship pekanan mentoring, as well as joint projects of the participants with the formation house studio Flower (Creative Home Society Bantar Gebang) which has activities such as the manufacture of products / works from recycled materials derived from waste from the mountain Bantar Gebang. Some products / works have been sold which will be used to fully benefit the education of children Bantar Gebang own. Some participants also managed dikader so they are ready to contribute and assist program managers in completing a program agenda. The work of the studio Flower House had participated in the exhibition of works at the Faculty of Public Health (FKM) UI, could get coverage of Alif TV, and also had to get a visit from overseas such as Malaysia

    Penyuluhan Pemanfaatan Lahan Peremajaan Kelapa Sawit Pada Masa Tanaman Belum Menghasilkan Di Kabupaten Muaro Jambi

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    Kabupaten Muaro Jambi merupakan daerah yang memiliki areal kelapa sawit seluas 186.416 ha yang terdiri dari 12,6% merupakan luas tanaman belum menghasilkan, 75,3% merupakan luas areal tanaman menghasilkan dan 12,1% merupakan luas areal tanaman rusak (Dinas Perkebunan, 2019). Target peremajaan dari kerangka Badan Pengelola Dana Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit (BPDPKS) menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 5 Kabupaten di Provinsi Jambi yang melakukan kegiatan peremajaan kelapa sawit tahun 2017, salah satunya adalah Muaro Jambi. Luas areal peremajaan yang baru dilaksanakan seluas 840ha dari luas 186.416 ha (Litbag Dirjebun Jambi 2019). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat lahan kelapa sawit yang masih dalam kondisi tanaman rusak atau belum diremajakan sebesar 185.576 ha. Kondisi ini terjadi diduga karena besarnya biaya peremajaan dan hilangnya pendapatan pada masa tanaman belum menghasilkan. Peremajaan kelapa sawit membutuhkan biaya sekitar Rp 43.000.000-Rp53.000.000/ha yang dimulai dari kegiatan persiapan lahan hingga pemeliharaan tanaman belum menghasilkan. Program hibah dana peremajaan yang diberikan Badan Pengelola Dana Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit (BPDPKS) sebesar Rp 25.000.000/ha ternyata belum mampu memenuhi biaya peremajaan. Di sisi lain saat peremajaan berjalan sampai tanaman menghasilkan buah pasir, pekebun akan kehilangan pendapatan utama. Pemanfaatan lahan peremajaan merupakan salah satu alternatif dalam memberikan tambahan pendapatan dimana lahan peremajaan merupakan lahan yang berpotensi ekonomi dan dapat menjadi alternatif pendapatan pada masa tanaman belum menghasilkan dengan pilihan komoditas yang beragam. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah meningkatkan pengetahuan dan pemahaman pekebun kelapa sawit dalam memanfaatkan potensi ekonomi lahan peremajaan tanaman kelapa sawit. Pengetahuan yang diberikan diadopsi dari beberapa hasil kajian yang telah dilakukan dimana terdapat beberapa pilihan usahatani yang memberikan kelayakan usaha yang baik. Pilihan pada tanaman pangan berupa jagung pipil memberikan pendapatan sebesar Rp 1.680.522/ha/musimtanam. Tanaman Semangka memberikan pendapatan sebesar Rp 52.453.571/ha/musimtanam. Dan untuk tanaman serai wangi memberikan tingkat pendapatan sebesar Rp 5.630.000,- dimana dilakukan pengolahan yang menghasilkan minyak atsiri

    Penyuluhan Pemanfaatan Lahan Peremajaan Kelapa Sawit Pada Masa Tanaman Belum Menghasilkan Di Kabupaten Muaro Jambi

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    Kabupaten Muaro Jambi merupakan daerah yang memiliki areal kelapa sawit seluas 186.416 ha yang terdiri dari 12,6% merupakan luas tanaman belum menghasilkan, 75,3% merupakan luas areal tanaman menghasilkan dan 12,1% merupakan luas areal tanaman rusak (Dinas Perkebunan, 2019). Target peremajaan dari kerangka Badan Pengelola Dana Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit (BPDPKS) menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 5 Kabupaten di Provinsi Jambi yang melakukan kegiatan peremajaan kelapa sawit tahun 2017, salah satunya adalah Muaro Jambi. Luas areal peremajaan yang baru dilaksanakan seluas 840ha dari luas 186.416 ha (Litbag Dirjebun Jambi 2019). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat lahan kelapa sawit yang masih dalam kondisi tanaman rusak atau belum diremajakan sebesar 185.576 ha. Kondisi ini terjadi diduga karena besarnya biaya peremajaan dan hilangnya pendapatan pada masa tanaman belum menghasilkan. Peremajaan kelapa sawit membutuhkan biaya sekitar Rp 43.000.000-Rp53.000.000/ha yang dimulai dari kegiatan persiapan lahan hingga pemeliharaan tanaman belum menghasilkan. Program hibah dana peremajaan yang diberikan Badan Pengelola Dana Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit (BPDPKS) sebesar Rp 25.000.000/ha ternyata belum mampu memenuhi biaya peremajaan. Di sisi lain saat peremajaan berjalan sampai tanaman menghasilkan buah pasir, pekebun akan kehilangan pendapatan utama. Pemanfaatan lahan peremajaan merupakan salah satu alternatif dalam memberikan tambahan pendapatan dimana lahan peremajaan merupakan lahan yang berpotensi ekonomi dan dapat menjadi alternatif pendapatan pada masa tanaman belum menghasilkan dengan pilihan komoditas yang beragam. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah meningkatkan pengetahuan dan pemahaman pekebun kelapa sawit dalam memanfaatkan potensi ekonomi lahan peremajaan tanaman kelapa sawit. Pengetahuan yang diberikan diadopsi dari beberapa hasil kajian yang telah dilakukan dimana terdapat beberapa pilihan usahatani yang memberikan kelayakan usaha yang baik. Pilihan pada tanaman pangan berupa jagung pipil memberikan pendapatan sebesar Rp 1.680.522/ha/musimtanam. Tanaman Semangka memberikan pendapatan sebesar Rp 52.453.571/ha/musimtanam. Dan untuk tanaman serai wangi memberikan tingkat pendapatan sebesar Rp 5.630.000,- dimana dilakukan pengolahan yang menghasilkan minyak atsiri

    Factors Associated With Referring Close Contacts to an App With Individually-Tailored Vaccine Information

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    Background: Infants too young to be fully vaccinated are vulnerable to potentially deadly influenza and pertussis infections. The cocooning strategy limits this risk by vaccinating those likely to interact with the infant and mother during this vulnerable time, such as close friends and family members. Distribution of accurate and accessible vaccine information through existing social networks could be an important tool in increasing vaccine confidence and coverage. Methods: We surveyed 1095 pregnant women from diverse prenatal care practices in Georgia and Colorado. These women were surveyed through a mobile app to assess vaccine intentions, attitudes, beliefs, norms, and levels of trust, and then presented brief individually-tailored educational videos about maternal and infant vaccines and the cocooning strategy. They were then given the opportunity to refer up to six contacts to enroll in the app and receive similar vaccine education. Results: Twenty-eight percent of these women referred at least one contact, with an average of 2.67 contacts per referring woman. Most referrals (93%) were partners, parents, siblings, relatives, or close friends. Attitudinal constructs significantly associated with increased likelihood of referring contacts included: intention to receive maternal influenza vaccine, perceived safety of maternal Tdap vaccine, perceived efficacy of maternal influenza vaccine, perceived susceptibility to and severity of influenza during pregnancy, and trust in vaccine information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and academic institutions. Uncertainty about infant vaccine intentions was associated with decreased likelihood of referring contacts. Conclusions: Pregnant women who valued vaccination and trusted vaccine information from academic institutions were more likely to refer an educational app about vaccines than those who did not. Further research is needed to determine the potential impact of this strategy on vaccine coverage when implemented on a large scale. Trial Registration: The survey informing this article was part of a randomized controlled trial funded by the National Institutes of Health [clinicaltrials.gov registration number NCT02898688]

    Electrocoagulation technque in enhancing COD and suspended solids removal to improve wastewater quality

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    This paper presents a preliminary study for the removal of COD and suspended solids in wastewater treatment by combining magnetic field and electrocoagulation (EC) technology. The experiments were carried out using batch apparatus and setup in the static method. Batch experiments with two monopolar iron (Fe) plate anodes and cathodes were employed as electrodes. Wastewater samples were prepared from milk powder with an initial COD of 1,140 mgL-1 and suspended solids of 1,400 mgL-1 and acidic conditions were employed (pH ~ 3). DC current was varied from 0.5–0.8 A and operating times were between 30 and 50 min. The results show that the effluent wastewater was very clear (turbidity ~9 NTU) and its quality exceeded the direct discharge standard. The suspended solids and COD removal efficiencies were as high as 30.6 and 75.5%, respectively. In addition, the experimental results also show that the electrocoagulation could neutralise the pH of wastewater

    Advances in hepatocellular carcinoma: Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis-related hepatocellular carcinoma

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    Kondisi Psikologis Penderita Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) di Kalimantan Selatan

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    Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) merupakan salah satu permasalahan kesehatan fisik diakibatkan terjadinya cedera permanen pada tulang belakang yang berpotensi memicu munculnya masalah psikologis pada penderitanya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi psikologis pada penderita SCI. Dengan menggunakan desain studi kasus, penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasi dan wawancara sebagai alat untuk mengumpulkan data serta pedoman wawancara yang disusun berdasarkan aspek-aspek psikologis, sedangkan subyek penelitian ini berjumlah 1 (satu) orang yang saat penelitian dilakukan berstatus sebagai pasien rawat inap di Rumah Sakit Umum Ratu Zaleha Martapura. Pasien berjenis kelamin laki-laki, berusia 52 tahun, menderita SCI selama 10 tahun. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data diperoleh gambaran kondisi psikologis pada subyek antara lain aspek: (1) penerimaan diri, (2) kontrol emosi, (3) serangan nyeri yang menurunkan status suasana hati menjadi negatif, (4) spiritualitas, (5) motivasi untuk sembuh

    Prevalence of low back pain experienced after delivery with and without epidural analgesia: A non-randomised prospective direct and telephonic survey

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    Background and Aims: The most frequent concern of patients receiving epidural analgesia for labour pain relief is post-partum back pain. This survey was designed to assess the prevalence of post-partum backache with and without epidural analgesia among post-partum women.Methods: The study was conducted at a university teaching hospital and women presenting to labour room for labour and delivery formed the target population. A total of 482 women were recruited during the study period. Response rate was 95.4% and these cases were included in our statistical analysis. Two forms were designed for data collection before and after delivery; form I was filled by one of the investigators while form II was filled by a research assistant to prevent bias which included follow-up of back pain. The primary outcome variable was backache quantified with visual analogue scale score. Out of 460 women, 230 women received epidural analgesia for labour and 230 women had not.Results: The prevalence of post-partum back pain in epidural analgesia versus non epidural analgesia groups was 40.9% versus 40% on day one and 32.2% versus 35.2% after 1 week. However, after one and 3(rd) months follow-up, backache prevalence was less in epidural analgesia group (unadjusted odds ratio [OR]: 0.63; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.39-0.99) and (unadjustedd OR: 0.32; 95% CI: 0.15-0.69) respectively. The adjusted odd ratio was 0.59 at 1st month and 0.25 at 3rd month. There was no significant difference between the two groups in pain scores.CONCLUSION: There was no association between the epidural analgesia and post-partum back pain