337 research outputs found

    Upaya Mengembangkan Jiwa Kewirausahaan Ibu Rumah Tangga di Desa Alasmalang dalam Pengeksplorasian Rebung sebagai Kripik

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    In the modern era many women who have a profession is not inferior to her husband with a variety of reasons, especially in urban areas. Good for the purpose of helping to meet the needs of the household, until to seek its own satisfaction. But unlike the wives in the villages, the majority of them are housewives who rely solely on the salary or income of husbands to meet all household needs, which in fact the income of the husband has not been able to meet daily needs. For example in the village of Alasmalang, where the majority of mothers there are housewives, with low education level, so that not much knowledge owned, either in the form of skill or creativity is mastered to be able to help lift the family\u27s economy. Therefore, we plan to provide training on making bamboo shoots in the hope that after following the training on making bamboo shoots into chip,especially housewives can get a job with entrepreneurship or create a working group. In the village of Alasmalang the potential with bamboo plants is quite high, because many farmers who planted land owned by bamboo plants. But only use the bamboo trees that are old enough, and the people around just know bamboo processed into vegetables or stir-fry bamboo shoots only. Therefore, this training is expected to become a new land for housewives to start entrepreneurship. Food fiber content in bamboo shoots is also quite good that is 2.56 percent, higher than other types of tropical vegetables, other than that bamboo shoots have a high enough potassium content. Potassium levels per 100 grams of bamboo shoots is 533 mg. Foods that potassium fiber, which is at least 400 mg, can reduce the risk of stroke

    Hubungan Kecerdasan Spasial terhadap Hasil Belajar Matematika Materi Bangun Ruang Siswa Kelas 5 SD Negeri 5 Banda Aceh

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    Mempelajari bangun ruang merupakan salah satu bagian dari geometri dituntut menggunakan kemampuan imajinasi dalam menentukan posisi dan ukuran suatu objek dalam ruang atau disebut juga kecerdasan spasial.Apabila kemampuan spasial siswa rendah maka hasil belajar bangun ruang siswa akan rendah pula, begitupun sebaliknya, jika kemampuan spasial siswa tinggi, maka hasil belajar bangun ruang siswa akan tinggi pula.Permasalahan yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah apakah ada hubunganantara kecerdasan spasial dengan hasil belajar matematika bangun ruang siswa kelas Vb SD Negeri 5 Banda Aceh.Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kuantitatif dan jenis penelitiannya adalah penelitian asosiatif.Dalam penelitian ini sampel berjumlah 36 siswa,penelitian ini menggunakan teknikSamplingPurposiveatausampel yang yang diambil karena beberapa alasan.Pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu angketdantes.Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan uji statistik korelasi productmoment.Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dengan menggunakan uji statistik korelasi productmoment, tingkat kecerdasan spasial siswa berada pada kategori sedang yaitu berada diantara 58,36-76,98 dengan rata-rata 67,67 atau sebesar 63%.Sedangkan pada tes matematika berada pada kategori tuntas sebesar 86,11%.Dengan ditunjukkan rxy = 0,775, rhitunglebih besar dari rtabel pada taraf signifikansi 5% (0,775 > 0,329),maka hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara kecerdasan spasial terhadap hasil belajar matematika materi bangun ruang siswa kelas Vb SD Negeri 5 Banda Aceh

    Study of Spiritual Tourism Areas - Healing in Cirebon

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    Today, spiritual tourism, an alternative form of travel, is becoming increasingly common. Spirituality is now seen as a lifestyle, particularly when it comes to attaining a balance between the mind, body, and soul, which is often referred to as spiritual healing. People seek new meaning and fulfilment through spiritual healing, fulfilling their need for security in the process. Cirebon’s tourism locations embrace the esoteric tradition and offer spiritual healing practices. This study aims to describe spiritual healing in Cirebon’s tourism activities. The research adopts an exploratory method, and data are collected through surveys and field observations. The survey data is then processed and analysed by categorising the responses. The information is grouped according to similarities, and then examined and interpreted in the context of Cirebon’s spiritual tourism sector. The selected participants for this study are individuals who have engaged in spiritual tourism in Cirebon on multiple occasions. The study’s findings provide valuable insights for the development of spiritual healing in Cirebon. The results can be utilised to further explore the potential of spiritual healing tourism in Cirebon, benefiting its overall tourism industry. Keywords: area, Cirebon-esoteric-tradition, explorative, spiritual-healingToday, spiritual tourism, an alternative form of travel, is becoming increasingly common. Spirituality is now seen as a lifestyle, particularly when it comes to attaining a balance between the mind, body, and soul, which is often referred to as spiritual healing. People seek new meaning and fulfilment through spiritual healing, fulfilling their need for security in the process. Cirebon’s tourism locations embrace the esoteric tradition and offer spiritual healing practices. This study aims to describe spiritual healing in Cirebon’s tourism activities. The research adopts an exploratory method, and data are collected through surveys and field observations. The survey data is then processed and analysed by categorising the responses. The information is grouped according to similarities, and then examined and interpreted in the context of Cirebon’s spiritual tourism sector. The selected participants for this study are individuals who have engaged in spiritual tourism in Cirebon on multiple occasions. The study’s findings provide valuable insights for the development of spiritual healing in Cirebon. The results can be utilised to further explore the potential of spiritual healing tourism in Cirebon, benefiting its overall tourism industry. Keywords: area, Cirebon-esoteric-tradition, explorative, spiritual-healin

    Prevalence of Pathogenic Foodborne Bacteria from Beef in Retail Stalls in Kelantan

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    Salmonella, E. coli O157:H7, Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Listeria monocytogenes are common pathogenic foodborne bacteria causing foodborne illness in humans. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of those bacteria in beef from retail stalls in Kelantan. Beef samples were collected from retail stalls (roadside stalls and wet markets) and processed for the isolation and identification of Salmonella, E. coli O157:H7, MRSA and L. monocytogenes. Out of 25 beef samples from retail stalls, 11 (44%) were positive for Salmonella, 11 (44%) positive for E. coli and 8 (32%) positive for S. aureus. None of the beef samples contained E. coli O157:H7, MRSA and L. monocytogenes. Of 11 Salmonella isolated, the most common were S. mbandaka (46%), S. albany (36%) followed by S. weltevreden (18%). In this study, Salmonella, E. coli and S. aureus were found to be the most common foodborne bacteria from beef in retail stalls in Kelantan. Therefore, consumers have to practice a good safety food-handling during purchasing, transporting and preparing the beef in the kitchen to prevent the risk of food poisoning

    Fabrication Of y-TiAl Intermetallic Alloys Via Hot Pressing Technique.

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    Gamma titanium-aluminide (y-TiAl) based alloys are potentially suitable as advanced structural materials for high performance applications such as components in aerospace vehicles, aircraft turbine, and automotive engines due to their unique and superior properties at high temperatures. Hot pressing combined with mechanical alloying (MA) has been reported as favorably as fabrication route to produce various alloys from elemental powders since they offer high densification, particularly for consolidation of reactive elements, as well as elements with significantly different melting points. In this study, formation and densification behavior of y-TiAI alloys was investigated using mechanical alloying and hot pressing at temperatures ranging from 950-110° DC