22 research outputs found

    The characters of the traditional residence of Sasak tribe based on sikut awak: An ethnomathematics study

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    In cultural anthropology, people have recognized various mathematical activities, such as counting, calculating, measuring, and weighting, with different terms derived from each culture. Community activities in responding to the existence of their environment will give rise to mathematics as part of problem-solving, including finding characters or features of residence to build. Therefore, this study explores mathematical forms in the measurement of residential characters based on sikut awak that can be used in mathematics learning. This research is an ethnographic study. Data were collected from various literature studies, field observations, and interviews. Informants included in the study were two cultural experts, one Adat leader, and one traditional builder who knows sikut awak’s measurement format in determining the traditional residential characters of Sasak people. This study shows that the determination of residential characters uses mathematical models in its calculation

    Ethnomathematics: Exploration of Mathematics and Cultural Values in the Performing Arts of the Sasak Tribe Perisean

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    Perisean art developed since the 13th century according to existing history, which started with a ritual to ask for rain when there was a long dry season which resulted in a famine. Perisean art performances are currently used as mere agility art performances. Pepadu is a term for players or fighters. The show is led by three referees, one pekembar tengaq (middle referee) who is in charge of leading the fight and two pekembar sedi (side referee) who is in charge of determining each pepadu. Perisean art is not only studied in the form of art but can also be studied as a form of contextual learning in mathematics. Thus, this study aims to explore the forms of mathematics and cultural values contained in the performing arts of perisean which can later be used as a source of contextual mathematics learning. This research is a qualitative research using ethnographic method. The informants used are traditional figures, pepadu, and cultural experts who understand the art of perisean , documentation and field notes. The findings show that in the performing arts of perisean in the tradition of the Sasak people there are mathematical ideas, namely geometric shapes found in perisean art instruments and musical instruments. which has the potential as a starting point in contextual mathematics learning

    Penerapan Metode Inkuiri untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas dan Motivasi Belajar Kelompok melalui Lesson Study

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    Abstract. The main objective of this research was to determine the extent of the effective implementation of lesson study with inquiry learning methods application, that purposed to improve learning motivation and activity groups in the preparation of instruments and quality analysis instruments. The research conducted a study in ‘Evaluasi Hasil Belajar Matematika’ subject at mathematics education department of STKIP Hamzanwadi Selong. This study used a model of action research through lesson study. The subject of this study was the fifth semester of preservice students consisting of 28 students. Data collected used observation and field notes. Data processing techniques used qualitative descriptive technique. Lesson study research results as a model of collaborative coaching educator and collegative can be used as a model for teaching faculty guidance to students. Implementation of lesson study consisted of four cycles and three stages namely plan, do and see. At each cycle of increased activity and student motivation to learn both individually and in groups. Students gain knowledge and experience of the planning and implementation of innovative learning.Keywords: Lesson study, methods of inquiry learning, learning motivation, activities grou


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    Pemecahan masalah mengacu pada kemampuan untuk menggunakan pengetahuan awal, fakta, dan data untuk memecahkan masalah secara efektif. Dalam beberapa penelitian mengungkapkan berbagai temuan terutama pada kesulitan siswa lamam memecahkan masalah matematika. Kemampuan awal siswa sebagai dasar pengetahuan yang dapat membantu siswa dalam mengatasi kesulitan menyelesaikan masalah-masalah matematika. Siswa sebagian besar mengalami kesulitan pada kemampuan verbal yakni memahami dan menafsirkan soal dalam bentuk matematika disamping rasa percaya diri siswa terhadap kemampuannya sendiri. Berberapa solusi yang ditawarkan dengan membangun dialog dalam bentuk refleksi dengan siswa, menguatkan kemampuan awal siswa, menggunakan beragam metode pengajaran, dan memotivasi siswa untuk yakin terhadap kemapuannya dalam memecahkan masalah matematika


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    Proses pembelajaran melibatkan instruksi baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung oleh guru, hal ini memberikan dampak secara psikologis kepada siswa. Psikologis siswa memberikan gambaran tingkat kelelahan yang berakibat pada motivasi belajar yang diakibatkan oleh metode pembelajaran yang diberikan secara terus menerus tanpa variasi. Berdasarkan hal tersebut tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah pemanfaakan media pembelajaran geometri berbasis mobile learning dapat meningkatkan motivasi dan prestasi belajar siswa MTs Darul Hijrah NW Wanasaba. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilakukan pada kelas IX MTs Darul Hijrah NW Wanasaba yang berjumlah 18 orang. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam mengambil data  berupa tes dan angket motivasi belajar siswa. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif dengan melihat skor rata-rata angket dan hasil ketuntasan belajar siswa secara klasikal yang selanjutnya dikategorikan berdasarkan skor tersebut. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pada siklus I rata-rata skor angket motivasi belajar siswa sebesar 32,9 dengan kategori rendah sedangkan ketuntasan belajar secara klasikal sebesar 50% dan skor rata-rata pada siklus II 80,35 dengan kategori tinggi dengan ketuntasan belajar secara klasikal sebesar 77,8

    Interrelation of learning model and peer interaction through motivation on achievement

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    Mathematics is often seen as a complex subject by most students. This has caused their achievement and motivation to be low. This study aims to see whether there is a direct or indirect influence from the independent and intervening variables on the dependent variables. This research is quantitative. The population is grade VIII of one of state junior high school, and the sample is class 8-B which consists of 28 students. The instruments used in data collection were questionnaires and tests. Data were analyzed using path analysis with the help of the Amos 25.0 program. The research result is that the P-value is 0.170.05. There is a direct effect of the learning approach on motivation; the P-value is 0.0490.05. Peer interaction immediately affects achievement; the P-value is 0.0350.05. There is a direct effect of the learning models on achievement; the P-value is 0.0880.05. There is no direct effect of peer interaction on achievement; the P-value of 0.0230.05 has a direct impact on motivation on achievement, the P-value of 0.4440.05 motivation cannot mediate peer interaction on achievement, and a P-value of 0.0240.05 with the conclusion that there is an indirect effect between learning model on achievement through motivation

    Perceptions of geometry and cultural values on traditional woven fabric motifs of the Sasak people

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    This cultural diversity can be utilized in exploring mathematical concepts bridged by ethnomathematics to bring mathematics closer to students' cultures. However, on the other hand, many people think that mathematics is culture-free. The uniqueness and diversity of cultures in ideas, activities, and artifacts can be studied and used as learning resources, especially in mathematics. Therefore, this study seeks to explore the geometrical perceptions and cultural values contained in the traditional woven fabric motifs of the Sasak people. This research is qualitative research with an ethnographic method. Research data were collected through observation, literature study, and interviews with cultural practitioners, traditional leaders, woven fabric craftsmen, and cultural. The results of this study indicate that the traditional woven fabrics of the Sasak people have recognized and used mathematical concepts, especially lines, angles, flat shapes, and geometric transformations, in the design of traditional woven fabric motifs of the Sasak people. In addition, there is a philosophical meaning contained in each motif or pattern. The meaning is in the form of cultural values such as moral, historical, and philosophical values, which are used as messages to their children and grandchildren

    Ethnomathematics: Mathematical ideas and educational values on the architecture of Sasak traditional residence

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    Sasak traditional architecture, including the shape of the structure, layout, and other supporting buildings, has references and rules in its designing and planning. Traditional residence is one of the cultural artifacts. A residence is not only built based on aesthetic values, but is also reviewed from strengths and values contained philosophically. Thus, this study aimed to describe mathematical ideas that are contained in the architecture of Sasak traditional residence as well as educational values in the culture that can be made as the initial step in designing learning processes at schools. This study was qualitative research conducted by using an ethnographic method. The informants in the study encompassed Adat figures, Adat stakeholders, and cultural experts who understand the culture of Sasak people. Participant observation, interview, documentation, and field record were the data collecting techniques used in the study. Findings showed the existence of mathematical ideas that are potential to be made as the initial step in learning mathematics contextually

    Quadratic Spline and Heligman-Pollard Methods in The Preparation of Life Tables in Gegelang Village West Lombok

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    In this paper, we conduct research by compiling an abridged life table using the graduation method based on real data obtained at Gegelang Village, West Lombok. The graduation methods used in this study included quadratic spline and Heligman-Pollard. Based on the results, a special case of A was chosen as a method used to make a rough life table before graduation. After the graduation process, it was found that the Heligman-Pollard method was the most suitable. This is based on the chart produced using this method, which is monotonous in nature and does not fluctuate like other graduation methods. In addition, the life expectancy obtained at 65.72 years is close to West Lombok's life expectancy based on 2015

    Workshop Distance Learning Di Masa Pandemic Covid 19

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    Terjadinya penyebaran covid 19 secara global berdampak pada semua aspek kehidupan tidak terkecuali pada aspek pendidikan. Dengan keadaan seperti itu pemerintah dalam hal ini menteri pendidikan da kebudayaan mengambil kebijakan. Kebijakan yang diambil oleh menteri pendidikan dan kebudayaan terkait pelaksanaan pembelajaran yakni belajar di rumah berbasis IT. Namun hal ini terkendala pada pemahaman guru-guru dalam penggunaan aplikasi pembelajaran daring. Oleh karena itu Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika memandang perlu untuk memberikan workshop penggunaan aplikasi pembelajaran daring dengan tujuan agar guru-guru gugus V Paok Motong dapat menjalankan proses pembelajaran sebagaimana keputusan menteri pendidikan dan kebudayaan. Selama proses pelaksanaan workshop peserta sudah dapat menggunakan afiksasi scholoogy sebagai media pembelajaran darin