155 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pemberian Kompos Kulit Durian Pada Typic Hydraquent, Umbrik Dystrudept, Dan Typic Kandiudult Terhadap Beberapa Aspek Kesuburan Tanah (Ph, C Organik, Dan N Total) Serta Produksi Tanaman Jagung (Zea Mays L.)

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    The objective of this research is to know the influencing of the Husk-pulp compost of Duriozibethinus to Typic Hydraquent, Umbrik Dystrudept, dan Typic Kandiudult on some the soilfertility aspect (pH, C organic, and N total) and the maize production. The experiment wasconducted at the green house, at Laboratory of Chemistry and Soil Fertility, and Research andTechnology Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sumatera Utara, Medan. Groun planof experiment was maked agree with Randomized Block Design (RBD) with 2 factors and 3replications, namely durio husk-pulp compost consist which of 5 levels: D0 (0 g), D1 (109,5 g), D2(219 g), D3 (328,5 g), D4 (438 g) and soil\u27s ordos, which consist of 3 levels, that are: T1 (TypicHydraquent), T2 (Umbrik Dystrudept), dan T3 (Typic Kandiudult), and 3 replications to meet 45experimental units.The results of this research showed that the increasing bend of Typic Hydraquentwas been the highest of them because of the increasing of the durio husk-pulp compost\u27s doses, theincreasing bend of Typic Hydraquent, Umbrik Dystrudept, and Typic Kandiudult\u27s C organic werebeen same relativy because of the increasing of the durio husk-pulp compost\u27s doses, the increasingbend of Umbrik Dystrudept and Typic Kandiudult\u27s N total were been same relativy because of theincreasing of the durio husk-pulp compost\u27s doses, except to the increasing bend of TypicHydraquent\u27s N total, and maize dry-weights in Typic Hydraquent, Umbrik Dystrudept, and TypicKandiudult are several increase until the same doses

    Synthesis and Mechanical Properties of Polyurethane-modified Epoxy Based on Glycerol Monooleate Ester

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    Polyurethane-Modified Epoxy (PME) is one of methods in epoxy modification to address some epoxy drawbacks, especially on tensile strength. In this research, epoxy modification using polyurethane has been performed by adding glycerol monooleate ester as polyol. Synthesis of glycerol monooleate ester (GMO) is done via an esterification reaction glycerol with oleic acid with sulfuric acid as catalyst with a yield of 80%. Synthesis of PME based on Ester Glycerol Mono-Oleate (PMEGMO) is performed by reacting epoxy, tolonat and GMOs at 50°C for 30 minutes and produce a yield of 80% Characterization of functional groups and structure of the synthesized GMO and PMEGMO are done by using FTIR and NMR. PMEGMO films is made by adding hardener. Analysis results of the mechanical properties show that the synthesized PMEGMO has two-fold higher tensile strength compared to unmodified epoxy caused by the presence of polyurethane

    Pengolahan Air Gambut dengan Teknologi Biosand Filter Dual Media

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    Clean water fulfillment become a common problem and yet to be solved especially for isolated countryside area. Clean water can be defined as daily needs water and its quality should fulfill the requirement of healthy water based on laws and can be drinked when it is cooked. High demand of clean water for peat area community made this research to be important. The utilization of simple water treatment system is expected to solve the problem of clean water for the comunity. Treatment method used in this research is biosand filter with dual media of pumice and quartz sand. Water quality parameter tested are pH, color, solution degree, and organic contain (KmnO4). Statistical analysis used in this research is two ways varian analysis (Anova). The result of the research shows that the best arrangement of filtering media layers are pumice at the top and quartz sand underneath it and for the thickness of the filtering media, the best thickness to used is 40 cm of pumice thickness and 20 cm of quartz sand thickness. Dual media biosand filter can generate maximum efficiency in raising pH value of 36,54%, lowering peat water solution level of 88,41 %, lowering peat water color value of 92 ,33 % and also lowering organic content of 93,24 %

    Pembuatan Kristal Tembaga Sulfat Pentahidrat (CuSO4.5H2O) Dari Tembaga Bekas Kumparan

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    Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mempelajari proses pembuatan kristal CuSO4.5H2O dari bahan baku Cu bekas kumparan; mempelajari pengaruh suhu reaksi, pengadukan, dan seeding terhadap kristal CuSO4.5H2O yang dihasilkan; dan membuktikan kristal hasil percobaan berupa kristal CuSO4.5H2O yang dihasilkan. Bahan baku yang dipakai yaitu berupa kawat tembaga bekas kumparan dinamo. Penelitian ini mencakup penanganan produk dan persiapan bahan baku. Sebelum digunakan, bahan baku logam dibersihkan dari pengotor lalu dipotong kecil-kecil yang bertujuan agar mempermudah dan mempercepat proses pelarutan tembaga dengan HNO3. Setelah pelarutan, larutan direaksikan dengan H2SO4 pekat yang sudah diencerkan pada suhu tertentu. Kemudian dilakukan kristalisasi disertai dengan pengadukan. Dari data hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa kristal CuSO4.5H2O dengan 99% yield dan ukuran kristal rata-rata 0,7 mm dapat dibuat dari tembaga bekas kumparan dengan suhu reaksi 90ºC, penambahan seed, dan pengadukan kristalisasi 500 rpm. Semakin tinggi suhu reaksi maka kelarutan CuSO4 dalam air semakin besar sehingga semakin banyak yield kristal yang dihasilkan. Kecepatan pengadukan cenderung tidak mempengaruhi yield kristal yang dihasilkan, namun berpengaruh terhadap ukuran kristal. Pengadukan akan membuat ukuran kristal lebih kecil daripada tanpa pengadukan. Pengondisian seeding dapat menaikkan yield kristal sekitar 10,72 – 27,13 % jika dibandingkan dengan non seeding dikarenakan terjadinya heterogeneous nucleation. Berdasarkan analisa XRD, kristal CuSO4.5H2O hasil percobaan sesuai dengan data standard XRD kode referensi 01-072-2355

    Internalisasi Nilai Moderasi melalui Pendidikan Agama Islam di Perguruan Tinggi Umum

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    Artikel ini memaparkan internalisasi nilai moderasi Islam melalui Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) di Perguruan Tinggi Umum (PTU). Moderasi beragama, termasuk Islam, penting untuk diinternalisasikan, di tengah kemajemukan masyarakat Indonesia yang memiliki semboyan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, dan di tengah perkembangan lingkungan yang dinamis yang dapat merusak sendi-sendi persatuan karena adanya pemahaman yang salah. Tulisan dari hasil penelitian yang berlokasi di Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) Bandung ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik observasi dan wawancara. Tulisan ini memperlihatkan bahwa pola internalisasi nilai-nilai moderasi melalui mata kuliah PAI di UPI Bandung. Materinya disesuaikan dengan input mahasiswa, kompetensi dosen pengampu mata kuliah dan dukungan dari lingkungan kampus UPI. Kurikulum yang dirancang sesuai ketentuan Perguruan Tinggi (PT). Metode internalisasi dilakukan melalui tatap muka dalam perkuliahan, tutorial, seminar dan yang semisalnya. Evaluasinya dilakukan melalui screening wawasan keislaman secara lisan dan tertulis secara laporan berkala dari dosen dan tutor

    Keragaan Sistem Premi Penyadap Di Beberapa Perusahaan Perkebunan Karet

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    Produktivitas tanaman di Perusahaan perkebunan karet selain dipengaruhi oleh faktor teknis budidaya juga dipengaruhi oleh faktor nonteknis seperti manajemen penyadapan. Faktor manajemen penyadapan yang paling berpengaruh dalam mendorong produktivitas adalah sistem premi. Premi merupakan suatu penghargaan yang diberikan oleh Perusahaan kepada pekerja yang telah melaksanakan tugasnya dengan baik sesuai dengan peraturan yang ditetapkan oleh Perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keragaan sistem premi di beberapa Perusahaan perkebunan karet. Penelitian dilakukan pada tahun 2012 dengan metode survei dan wawancara. Pemilihan lokasi penelitian dilakukan secara purposive yaitu dengan memilih sentra perkebunan karet terbesar di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara umum jenis premi penyadap di Perusahaan perkebunan karet meliputi premi sadap hari biasa (premi prestasi, premi kerajinan, dan premi khusus), premi sadap hari libur, dan premi sadap bebas. Untuk mendukung penyadapan memperoleh hasil yang optimal maka diberikan premi kepada pekerja lain yang berkaitan dengan operasional panen. Di antara jenis premi pekerja lain yang dianggap penting adalah premi mandor besar, mandor sadap, TAP kontrol induk, TAP kontrol afdeling, koordinator produksi, krani afdeling, pembantu krani, pekerja TPH, dan penjaga afdeling. Seorang mandor dan TAP kontrol memiliki kontribusi dalam menentukan kelas penyadap. Perannya pada beberapa kebun berada di bawah kendali afdeling. Nilai premi seorang mandor dan TAP kontrol diatur sedemikian rupa sehingga berbanding lurus dengan nilai premi penyadap. Pada kondisi tersebut penerapan fungsi kelas penyadap yang berkaitan langsung dengan kualitas penyadapan menjadi tidak representatif. Selain faktor peran dari fungsi pengawasan, nilai insentif yang diatur dalam sistem premi dinilai belum mampu mendorong penyadap melakukan penyadapan sesuai norma. Diperlukan sistem premi yang tegas terhadap perbedaan kelas penyadap dan peran pengawas yang berdiri sendiri di luar stuktur afdeling sebagaimana yang disampaikan dalam studi ini. Diterima : 5 Desember 2013; Direvisi : 28 Februari 2014; Disetujui : 30 Mei 2014 How to Cite : Fauzi, I. R., Syarifa, L. F., Herlinawati, E., & Siagian, N. (2014). Keragaan sistem premi penyadap di beberapa Perusahaan perkebunan karet. Jurnal Penelitian Karet, 32(2), 157-180. Retrieved from http://ejournal.puslitkaret.co.id/index.php/jpk/article/view/16

    Strategies for Developing Sustainable and Competitive Cluster for Shrimp Industry

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    Kampung Vannamei as shrimp cluster is being developed since 2004 by PT CP Prima, tbk Surabaya through Shrimp Culture Health Management transformation technology to several traditional farmers in Gresik, Lamongan, Tuban, and Madura areas. The research objectives aims to identify and mapping of stakeholder, to analyze interaction of stakeholders, to formulate strategy from internal and external environment factors and to set priority on strategy to develop sustainable and competitive shrimp cluster in the Kampung vannamei. Primary data was collected through stakeholders\u27 discussion forums, questionnaires, and interviews with relevant actors. Observations to the business unit also performed to determine the production and business conditions, particularly in capturing information about the threat and challenges. While the secondary data is used in policy documents national and local area statistics, and relevant literature. Analyses were performed by using the SRI International cluster pyramid, diamond porter\u27s analysis, SWOT and Matrix TOWS analysis, and analytical hierarchy process. Analyses were performed by the methods discussed in qualitative and descriptive. There are 7 strategies could be implemented to develop sustainable and competitive shrimp cluster. However, it is recommended to implement the strategy base on priority, which the first priority is strategy to improve linkages between businesses in the upstream and downstream industries into multi stakeholders\u27 platform in shrimp industry

    Substitution Program in Indonesia and Australia as Health Promotion Model at Schools

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    Obesity has been increasing as much as twice on age 6-12 years. The increase is happening both in Indonesia and Australia. The objective of this research is to construct a program model in Australia that can be substituted to be a health promotion model at School in effort to suppress child obesity. Research was conducted in 2014 with qualitative approach. Instruments used are as follow 1) Secondary data filling form 2) In depth interview guidence instrument 3) FGD (Focus Group Discussion) and BST (Brain Storming Technique). The informations were obtained by purposive and snowball technique. Data analysis by Miles and Huberman model. Substitution model is based on consideration that applied model has potential to be developed and other models whether internal or external ones in Indonesia. The model will be substituted by considering school condition and situation. School Health Unit (SKU) is a potential platform to promote health by these activities 1) Formal health education as taken place curricullum 2) Informal health education in forms of (1) health education information (2) Self health behaviour monitoring and control (3) Health promotion by doing healthy life (4) distribution of health education booklet to teachers and parents

    Electroplating of CdTe thin films from cadmium sulphate precursor and comparison of layers grown by 3-electrode and 2-electrode systems

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    Electrodeposition of CdTe thin films was carried out from the late 1970s using the cadmium sulphate precursor. The solar energy group at Sheffield Hallam University has carried out a comprehensive study of CdTe thin films electroplated using cadmium sulfate, cadmium nitrate and cadmium chloride precursors, in order to select the best electrolyte. Some of these results have been published elsewhere, and this manuscript presents the summary of the results obtained on CdTe layers grown from cadmium sulphate precursor. In addition, this research program has been exploring the ways of eliminating the reference electrode, since this is a possible source of detrimental impurities, such as K+ and Ag+ for CdS/CdTe solar cells. This paper compares the results obtained from CdTe layers grown by three-electrode (3E) and two-electrode (2E) systems for their material properties and performance in CdS/CdTe devices. Thin films were characterized using a wide range of analytical techniques for their structural, morphological, optical and electrical properties. These layers have also been used in device structures; glass/FTO/CdS/CdTe/Au and CdTe from both methods have produced solar cells to date with efficiencies in the region of 5%–13%. Comprehensive work carried out to date produced comparable and superior devices fabricated from materials grown using 2E system

    Seroprevalence of dengue amongst inhabitants of the semi-forested and forest fringe areas of peninsular Malaysia

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    Dengue is an endemic disease in the urban areas of the tropics and subtropics regions of the world. Its significance in the semi-forested and forest fringe areas, however, has not been well described. The present study investigated the seroprevalence of dengue amongst the indigenous or Orang Asli communities of peninsular Malaysia and correlated it with the population, socio-economic and geographical attributes of the communities’ surroundings
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