36 research outputs found

    Canonical/constrained Correspondence Analysis ordination plot of ABFT samples.

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    <p>The environmental variables are represented by arrows: Mean-S = salinity; Mean-t = temperature.</p

    <i>Dalophis imberbis</i> leptocephali.

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    <p>Individual 1: (a) lateral view of the body, (b) gallbladder thickening, (c) pigments grouped on the gut, (d) pigmentation after the anus, (e) head region, (f) the hypurals; and Individual 2: (g) lateral pigmentation in the caudal region.</p

    Map of surface salinity and temperature and sampling locations of <i>T. thynnus</i> in the Mediterranean.

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    <p>Temperature is described in colour gradient (from 14.5°C to 23.5°C) while salinity through contour map (each isoline shows a change of 1 psu). Sampling data are described in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0080105#pone.0080105.s006" target="_blank">Text S1</a> and Tab S1(1 =  SAR, 2 =  ADR, 3 =  LIG, 4 =  ALG, 5 =  ALB, 6 =  STY, 7 =  CYP).</p

    GENELAND results for K = 3 using the spatial model with correlated allele frequencies.

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    <p>A) Map of estimated posterior probability of population membership (by posterior mode); B-D) plots representing the assignment of pixels to the southern (B), northern (C) and central cluster (D). The highest membership values are in light yellow and the contour lines indicate the spatial position of genetic discontinuities between populations.</p

    Correspondence Analysis plot of ABFT samples performed on population allele counts.

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    <p>The eigenvalues barplots are drawn in the bottom right corner and black bars correspond to the two axes used in the biplot (on the left CA axis 1 vs 2, on the right CA axis 1 vs 3). Grey bars represent the axes considered in the analysis but not used to draw the graph.</p

    Pairwise F<sub>ST</sub>s (below the diagonal) and associated P-values (above the diagonal) among <i>Thunnus thynnus</i> samples.

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    <p>Pairwise F<sub>ST</sub>s (below the diagonal) and associated P-values (above the diagonal) among <i>Thunnus thynnus</i> samples.</p

    STRUCTURE analysis.

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    <p>A) Plot of the Log posterior probability vs K (blue line) and Evanno’s method (black line). B) Bar plot of the posterior probability of the coefficient of membership. Each vertical line represents an individual and colours represent the inferred ancestry from K ancestral populations. Results for K = 2–4 are shown.</p

    Summary of the morphological and molecular genetic identification of the southern Adriatic leptocephali assemblage.

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    <p>The morphometric and meristic counts measurements were taken from a subsample of each species: total length (TL), total number of myomeres (TM) and not assigned (NA).</p