92 research outputs found

    Book Review of "Debris Flows – Mechanics, Prediction and Countermeasures"

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    DEBRIS FLOWS – MECHANICS, PREDICTION AND COUNTERMEASURES, BY: TAMOTSU TAKAHASHI, TAYLOR & FRANCIS, LONDON, UK, 448 PAGES, ISBN 978-0-415-43552-9 (HARDBACK), ISBN 978-0-20394628-2 (E-BOOK), PRICE: £ 68.00, US$ 119.95, 2007. Debris flows are a common type of mass movement in mountain areas worldwide. A much diversified and still not fully understood hydraulic and geomorphological phenomenon, debris flows can be highly destructive. Some of the largest landslide catastrophes in the world have been caused by debris flow events. Due to the geological, morphological, and climatic setting, Japan is particularly prone to debris flows. It is therefore no surprise that Japanese scientists and engineers have long investigated debris flows. Professor Tamotsu Takahashi, a prominent scientist and research engineer, devoted his carrier to the investigation of debris flows and to the design of countermeasures to mitigate the risk posed by debris flows and related sediment transport phenomena. Some of his contributions to the field are considered fundamental by debris flow investigators, and are widely cited in the international literature. In this book, Professor Takahashi has not attempted a systematic or comprehensive review of the vast international literature on debris flows. Rather, he has presented the results of his own work and the work of his numerous collaborators, chiefly at the Disaster Prevention Research Institute of Kyoto University, over a period of more than 40 years. With this respect, the book distils the "Japanese approach" to the investigation, prediction and mitigation of debris flows. The book is organized into seven chapters. Chapter 1 introduces the reader to debris flows and examines taxonomy, explaining the rationale for a mechanical classification of debris flows. Chapter 2 presents theoretical results and experimental data, and discusses models for the mechanics o

    Landslide Early Warning Systems: Resources or Problems?

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    Recent estimates suggest that landslides occur in about 17.1% of the landmasses, that about 8.2% of the global population live in landslide prone areas, and that population exposure to landslides is expected to increase. It is threfore not surprising that landslide early warning is gaining attention in the scientific and the technical literature, and among decision makers. Thanks to important scientific and technological advancements, landslide prediction and early warning are now possible, and landslide early warning systems (LEWSs) are becoming valuable resources for risk mitigation. A review of geographical LEWSs examined 26 regional, national and global systems in the 44.5-year period from January 1977 to June 2019. The study relevaled that only five nations, 13 regions, and four metropolitan areas benefited from operational LEWSs, and that large areas where landslide risk to the population is high lack LEWS coverage. The review also revealed that the rate of LEWSs deployment has increased in the recent years, but remains low, and that reniewed efforts are needed to accelerate the deployment of LEWSs. Building on the review, recommendations for the further development and improvement of geographical LEWSs are proposed. The recommendations cover six areas, including design, deployment, and operation of LEWS; collection and analysis of landslide and rainfall data used to design, operate, and validate LEWSs; landslide forecast models and advisories used in LEWSs; LEWSs evaluation and performance assessment; operation and management; and communication and dissemination. LEWSs are complex and multi-faceted systems that require care in their design, implementation and operation. To avoid failures that can lead to loss of credibility and liability consequences, it is critical that the community of scientists and professionals who design, implement and operate LEWSs takes all necessary precautions, guided by rigorous scientific practices

    Parameter-free delineation of slope units and terrain subdivision of Italy

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    Abstract Quantitative geomorphological and environmental analysis requires the adoption of well–defined spatial domains as basic mapping units. They provide local boundaries to aggregate environmental and morphometric variables and to perform calculations, thus they identify the spatial scale of the analysis. Grid cells, typically aligned with a digital elevation model, are the standard mapping unit choice. A wiser choice is represented by slope units, irregular terrain partitions delimited by drainage and divide lines that maximise geomorphological homogeneity within each unit and geomorphological heterogeneity between neighbouring units. Adoption of slope units has the advantage of enforcing a strong relation with the underlying topography, absent in grid cell–based analyses, but their objective delineation is still a challenge. A given study area admits different slope unit maps differing in number and size of units. Here, we devise an objective optimisation procedure for slope units, suitable for study areas of arbitrarily large size and with varying terrain heterogeneity. We applied the new approach to the whole of Italy, resulting in a map containing about 330,000 slope unit polygons of different sizes and shapes. The method is parameter–free due to objective optimisation using a morphometric segmentation function, and the map is readily available for general–purpose studies. A cluster analysis of slope units properties, compared with terrain elevation, slope, drainage density and lithology, confirmed that the terrain partition is geomorphologically sound. We suggest the use of the slope unit map for different terrain zonations, including landslide susceptibility modelling, hydrological and erosion modelling, geo–environmental, ecological, forestry, agriculture and land use/land cover studies requiring the identification of homogeneous terrain domains facing distinct directions

    Probability distributions of landslide volumes

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    Abstract. We examine 19 datasets with measurements of landslide volume, VL, for sub-aerial, submarine, and extraterrestrial mass movements. Individual datasets include from 17 to 1019 landslides of different types, including rock fall, rock slide, rock avalanche, soil slide, slide, and debris flow, with individual landslide volumes ranging over 10−4 m3≀VL≀1013 m3. We determine the probability density of landslide volumes, p(VL), using kernel density estimation. Each landslide dataset exhibits heavy tailed (self-similar) behaviour for their frequency-size distributions, p(VL) as a function of VL, for failures exceeding different threshold volumes, VL*, for each dataset. These non-cumulative heavy-tailed distributions for each dataset are negative power-laws, with exponents 1.0≀ÎČ≀1.9, and averaging ÎČ≈1.3. The scaling behaviour of VL for the ensemble of the 19 datasets is over 17 orders of magnitude, and is independent of lithological characteristics, morphological settings, triggering mechanisms, length of period and extent of the area covered by the datasets, presence or lack of water in the failed materials, and magnitude of gravitational fields. We argue that the statistics of landslide volume is conditioned primarily on the geometrical properties of the slope or rock mass where failures occur. Differences in the values of the scaling exponents reflect the primary landslide types, with rock falls exhibiting a smaller scaling exponent (1.1≀ÎČ≀1.4) than slides and soil slides (1.5≀ÎČ≀1.9). We argue that the difference is a consequence of the disparity in the mechanics of rock falls and slides

    The contribution of weathering of the main Alpine rivers on the global carbon cycle

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    On geological time-scales the carbon fluxes from the solid Earth to the atmosphere mainly result from volcanism and metamorphic-decarbonation processes, whereas the carbon fluxes from atmosphere to solid Earth mainly depend on weathering of silicates and carbonates, biogenic precipitation and removal of CaCO3 in the oceans and volcanic gases – seawater interactions. Quantifying each contribution is critical. In this work, we estimate the atmospheric CO2 uptake by weathering in the Alps, using results of the study of the dissolved loads transported by 33 main Alpine rivers. The chemical composition of river water in unpolluted areas is a good indicator of surface weathering processes (Garrels and Mackenzie, 1971; Drever, 1982; Meybeck, 1984; Tardy, 1986; Berner and Berner, 1987; Probst et al., 1994). The dissolved load of streams originates from atmospheric input, pollution, evaporite dissolution, and weathering of carbonate and silicate rocks, and the application of mass balance calculations allows quantification of the different contributions. In this work, we applied the MEGA (Major Element Geochemical Approach) geochemical code (Amiotte Suchet, 1995; Amiotte Suchet and Probst, 1996) to the chemical compositions of the selected rivers in order to quantify the atmospheric CO2 consumed by weathering in Alpine region. The drainage basins of the main Alpine rivers were sampled near the basin outlets during dry and flood seasons. The application of the MEGA geochemical consisted in several steps. First, we subtracted the rain contribution in river waters knowing the X/Cl (X = Na, K, Mg, Ca) ratios of the rain. Next, we considered that all (Na+K) came from silicate weathering. The average molar ratio Rsil = (Na+K)/(Ca+Mg) for rivers draining silicate terrains was estimated from unpolluted French stream waters draining small monolithological basins (Meybeck, 1986; 1987). For the purpose, we prepared a simplified geo-lithological map of Alps according to the lithological classification of Meybeck (1986, 1987). Then for each basin we computed Rsil weighted average considering the surface and the mean precipitation for the surface area of each lithology. Lastly, we estimated the (Ca+Mg) originating from carbonate weathering as the remaining cations after silicate correction. Depending on time-scales of the phenomena (shorter than about 1 million year i.e. correlated to the short term carbon cycle, or longer than about 1 million years i.e. correlated to the long-term carbon cycle), we considered different equations for the quantification of the atmospheric CO2 consumed by weathering (Huh, 2010). The results show the net predominance of carbonate weathering on fixing atmospheric CO2 and that, considering the long-term carbon cycle, the amount of atmospheric CO2 uptake by weathering is about one order of magnitude lower than considering the short-term carbon cycle. Moreover, considering the short-term carbon cycle, the mean CO2 consumed by Alpine basins is of the same order of magnitude of the mean CO2 consumed by weathering by the 60 largest rivers of the world estimated by Gaillardet et al. (1999)

    Climate anomalies associated with the occurrence of rockfalls at high-elevation in the Italian Alps

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    Climate change is seriously affecting the cryosphere in terms, for example, of permafrost thaw, alteration of rain ∕ snow ratio, and glacier shrinkage. There is concern about the increasing number of rockfalls at high elevation in the last decades. Nevertheless, the exact role of climate parameters in slope instability at high elevation has not been fully explored yet. In this paper, we investigate 41 rockfalls listed in different sources (newspapers, technical reports, and CNR IRPI archive) in the elevation range 1500–4200 m a.s.l. in the Italian Alps between 1997 and 2013 in the absence of an evident trigger. We apply and improve an existing data-based statistical approach to detect the anomalies of climate parameters (temperature and precipitation) associated with rockfall occurrences. The identified climate anomalies have been related to the spatiotemporal distribution of the events. Rockfalls occurred in association with significant temperature anomalies in 83 % of our case studies. Temperature represents a key factor contributing to slope failure occurrence in different ways. As expected, warm temperatures accelerate snowmelt and permafrost thaw; however, surprisingly, negative anomalies are also often associated with slope failures. Interestingly, different regional patterns emerge from the data: higher-than-average temperatures are often associated with rockfalls in the Western Alps, while in the Eastern Alps slope failures are mainly associated with colder-than-average temperatures

    Landslide distribution and size in response to Quaternary fault activity: the Peloritani Range, NE Sicily, Italy

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    Landslides contribute to dismantle active mountain ranges and faults control the location of landslides. Yet, evidence of the long-term, regional dependency of landslides on active faults is limited. Previous studies focused on the transient effects of earthquakes on slope stability in compressive and transcurrent regimes. Here we show that in the Peloritani range, NE Sicily, Italy, one of the fastest uplifting areas in the Mediterranean, a clear geographical association exists between large bedrock landslides and active normal faults of the Messina Straits graben. By interpreting aerial photographs, we mapped 1590 landslides and sackungs and 626 fault elements and their facets in a 300 km2 area in the eastern part of the range. We used the new landslide and fault information, in combination with prior geological and seismic information, to investigate the association between bedrock landslides and faults. We find that the distribution and abundance of landslides is related to the presence of large active normal faults, and matches the pattern of the local historical seismicity. Landslide material is more abundant along the East Peloritani Fault System where the long-term activity of the faults, measured by the average yearly geological moment rate, is larger than in the West Peloritani Fault System where landslides are less abundant. Along the fault systems landslide material concentrates where the cumulated fault throws are largest. We conclude that large landslides and their cumulated volume are sensitive to local rates of tectonic deformation, and discriminate the deformation of the single fault segments that dissect the Peloritani range. Our findings are a direct test of landscape evolution models that predict higher rates of landslide activity near active faults. Our work opens up the possibility of exploiting accurate landslide and fault maps, in combination with geological and seismic information, to characterize the long-term seismic history of poorly instrumented active regions. Copyright © 2015 The Authors Earth Surface Processes and Landforms Published by John Wiley & Sons Lt

    photo geology of the montefalco quaternary basin umbria central italy

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    ABSTRACTWe present a photo-geological map for the 185 km2 fault-bounded, Montefalco Basin, Umbria, Central Italy. The basin formed in the Quaternary in response to extensional tectonics dissecting folds and thrusts of the northern Apennines range. To prepare the 1:25,000 geological map, we integrated geological and morphological information obtained through the visual analysis of three sets of aerial photographs of different age, the collection of new field data, and the review of pre-existing surface and sub-surface geological data. We show that systematic interpretation of aerial photographs contributed to improving the geological mapping, providing information not readily available through traditional field mapping. We expect that the new map will be used for different types of geological and geomorphological investigations, including studies of active tectonic, Quaternary morpho-tectonics, sedimentological and stratigraphic analyses, mining and exploration investigations, and the analysis of landslide..

    Rainfall events with shallow landslides in the Entella catchment, Liguria, northern Italy

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    Abstract. In recent decades, the Entella River basin, in the Liguria Apennines, northern Italy, was hit by numerous intense rainfall events that triggered shallow landslides and earth flows, causing casualties and extensive damage. We analyzed landslide information obtained from different sources and rainfall data recorded in the period 2002–2016 by rain gauges scattered throughout the catchment, to identify the event rainfall duration, D (in h), and rainfall intensity, I (in mm h−1), that presumably caused the landslide events. Rainfall-induced landslides affected the whole catchment area, but were most frequent and abundant in the central part, where the three most severe events hit on 23–24 November 2002, 21–22 October 2013 and 10–11 November 2014. Examining the timing and location of the slope failures, we found that the rainfall-induced landslides occurred primarily at the same time or within 6 h from the maximum peak rainfall intensity, and at or near the geographical location where the rainfall intensity was largest. Failures involved mainly forested and natural surfaces, and secondarily cultivated and terraced slopes, with different levels of maintenance. Man-made structures frequently characterize the landslide source areas. Adopting a frequentist approach, we define the event rainfall intensity–event duration (ID) threshold for the possible initiation of shallow landslides and hyper-concentrated flows in the Entella River basin. The threshold is lower than most of the curves proposed in the literature for similar mountain catchments, local areas and single regions in Italy. The result suggests a high susceptibility to rainfall-induced shallow landslides of the Entella catchment due to its high-relief topography, geological and geomorphological settings, meteorological and rainfall conditions, and human interference. Analysis of the antecedent rainfall conditions for different periods, from 3 to 15 days, revealed that the antecedent rainfall did not play a significant role in the initiation of landslides in the Entella catchment. We expect that our findings will be useful in regional to local landslides early warning systems, and for land planning aimed at reducing landslide risk in the study area
