465 research outputs found

    Efficient non-malleable codes and key derivation for poly-size tampering circuits

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    Non-malleable codes, defined by Dziembowski, Pietrzak, and Wichs (ICS '10), provide roughly the following guarantee: if a codeword c encoding some message x is tampered to c' = f(c) such that c' ≠ c , then the tampered message x' contained in c' reveals no information about x. The non-malleable codes have applications to immunizing cryptosystems against tampering attacks and related-key attacks. One cannot have an efficient non-malleable code that protects against all efficient tampering functions f. However, in this paper we show 'the next best thing': for any polynomial bound s given a-priori, there is an efficient non-malleable code that protects against all tampering functions f computable by a circuit of size s. More generally, for any family of tampering functions F of size F ≤ 2s , there is an efficient non-malleable code that protects against all f in F . The rate of our codes, defined as the ratio of message to codeword size, approaches 1. Our results are information-theoretic and our main proof technique relies on a careful probabilistic method argument using limited independence. As a result, we get an efficiently samplable family of efficient codes, such that a random member of the family is non-malleable with overwhelming probability. Alternatively, we can view the result as providing an efficient non-malleable code in the 'common reference string' model. We also introduce a new notion of non-malleable key derivation, which uses randomness x to derive a secret key y = h(x) in such a way that, even if x is tampered to a different value x' = f(x) , the derived key y' = h(x') does not reveal any information about y. Our results for non-malleable key derivation are analogous to those for non-malleable codes. As a useful tool in our analysis, we rely on the notion of 'leakage-resilient storage' of Davì, Dziembowski, and Venturi (SCN '10), and, as a result of independent interest, we also significantly improve on the parameters of such schemes

    Do German university medical centres promote robust and transparent research? A cross-sectional study of institutional policies

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    Background: In light of replication and translational failures, biomedical research practices have recently come under scrutiny. Experts have pointed out that the current incentive structures at research institutions do not sufficiently incentivise researchers to invest in robustness and transparency and instead incentivise them to optimize their fitness in the struggle for publications and grants. This cross-sectional study aimed to describe whether and how relevant policies of university medical centres in Germany support the robust and transparent conduct of research and how prevalent traditional metrics are. Methods: For 38 German university medical centres, we searched for institutional policies for academic degrees and academic appointments as well as websites for their core facilities and research in general between December 2020 and February 2021. We screened the documents for mentions of indicators of robust and transparent research (study registration; reporting of results; sharing of research data, code and protocols; open access; and measures to increase robustness) and for mentions of more traditional metrics of career progression (number of publications; number and value of awarded grants; impact factors; and authorship order). Results: While open access was mentioned in 16% of PhD regulations, other indicators of robust and transparent research were mentioned in less than 10% of institutional policies for academic degrees and academic appointments. These indicators were more frequently mentioned on the core facility and general research websites. Institutional policies for academic degrees and academic appointments had frequent mentions of traditional metrics. Conclusions: References to robust and transparent research practices are, with a few exceptions, generally uncommon in institutional policies at German university medical centres, while traditional criteria for academic promotion and tenure still prevail

    Challenges and proposed solutions in making clinical research on COVID-19 ethical: a status quo analysis across German research ethics committees

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    Background: In the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, the biomedical research community's attempt to focus the attention on fighting COVID-19, led to several challenges within the field of research ethics. However, we know little about the practical relevance of these challenges for Research Ethics Committees (RECs). Methods: We conducted a qualitative survey across all 52 German RECs on the challenges and potential solutions with reviewing proposals for COVID-19 studies. We de-identified the answers and applied thematic text analysis for the extraction and synthesis of challenges and potential solutions that we grouped under established principles for clinical research ethics. Results: We received an overall response rate of 42%. The 22 responding RECs reported that they had assessed a total of 441 study proposals on COVID-19 until 21 April 2020. For the review of these proposals the RECs indicated a broad spectrum of challenges regarding (1) social value (e.g. lack of coordination), (2) scientific validity (e.g. provisional study planning), (3) favourable risk-benefit ratio (e.g. difficult benefit assessment), (4) informed consent (e.g. strict isolation measures), (5) independent review (e.g. lack of time), (6) fair selection of trial participants (e.g. inclusion of vulnerable groups), and (7) respect for study participants (e.g. data security). Mentioned solutions ranged from improved local/national coordination, over guidance on modified consent procedures, to priority setting across clinical studies. Conclusions: RECs are facing a broad spectrum of pressing challenges in reviewing COVID-19 studies. Some challenges for consent procedures are well known from research in intensive care settings but are further aggravated by infection measures. Other challenges such as reviewing several clinical studies at the same time that potentially compete for the recruitment of in-house COVID-19 patients are unique to the current situation. For some of the challenges the proposed solutions in our survey could relatively easy be translated into practice. Others need further conceptual and empirical research. Our findings together with the increasing body of literature on COVID-19 research ethics, and further stakeholder engagement should inform the development of hands-on guidance for researchers, funders, RECs, and further oversight bodies

    The problem of scale in the prediction and management of pathogen spillover

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    Disease emergence events, epidemics and pandemics all underscore the need to predict zoonotic pathogen spillover. Because cross-species transmission is inherently hierarchical, involving processes that occur at varying levels of biological organization, such predictive efforts can be complicated by the many scales and vastness of data potentially required for forecasting. A wide range of approaches are currently used to forecast spillover risk (e.g. macroecology, pathogen discovery, surveillance of human populations, among others), each of which is bound within particular phylogenetic, spatial and temporal scales of prediction. Here, we contextualize these diverse approaches within their forecasting goals and resulting scales of prediction to illustrate critical areas of conceptual and pragmatic overlap. Specifically, we focus on an ecological perspective to envision a research pipeline that connects these different scales of data and predictions from the aims of discovery to intervention. Pathogen discovery and predictions focused at the phylogenetic scale can first provide coarse and pattern-based guidance for which reservoirs, vectors and pathogens are likely to be involved in spillover, thereby narrowing surveillance targets and where such efforts should be conducted. Next, these predictions can be followed with ecologically driven spatio-temporal studies of reservoirs and vectors to quantify spatio-temporal fluctuations in infection and to mechanistically understand how pathogens circulate and are transmitted to humans. This approach can also help identify general regions and periods for which spillover is most likely. We illustrate this point by highlighting several case studies where long-term, ecologically focused studies (e.g. Lyme disease in the northeast USA, Hendra virus in eastern Australia, Plasmodium knowlesi in Southeast Asia) have facilitated predicting spillover in space and time and facilitated the design of possible intervention strategies. Such studies can in turn help narrow human surveillance efforts and help refine and improve future large-scale, phylogenetic predictions. We conclude by discussing how greater integration and exchange between data and predictions generated across these varying scales could ultimately help generate more actionable forecasts and interventions

    Identifying genomic and metabolic features that can underlie early successional and opportunistic lifestyles of human gut symbionts

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    We lack a deep understanding of genetic and metabolic attributes specializing in microbial consortia for initial and subsequent waves of colonization of our body habitats. Here we show that phylogenetically interspersed bacteria in Clostridium cluster XIVa, an abundant group of bacteria in the adult human gut also known as the Clostridium coccoides or Eubacterium rectale group, contains species that have evolved distribution patterns consistent with either early successional or stable gut communities. The species that specialize to the infant gut are more likely to associate with systemic infections and can reach high abundances in individuals with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), indicating that a subset of the microbiota that have adapted to pioneer/opportunistic lifestyles may do well in both early development and with disease. We identified genes likely selected during adaptation to pioneer/opportunistic lifestyles as those for which early succession association and not phylogenetic relationships explain genomic abundance. These genes reveal potential mechanisms by which opportunistic gut bacteria tolerate osmotic and oxidative stress and potentially important aspects of their metabolism. These genes may not only be biomarkers of properties associated with adaptation to early succession and disturbance, but also leads for developing therapies aimed at promoting reestablishment of stable gut communities following physiologic or pathologic disturbances

    Efficient noninteractive certification of RSA moduli and beyond

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    In many applications, it is important to verify that an RSA public key (N; e) speci es a permutation over the entire space ZN, in order to prevent attacks due to adversarially-generated public keys. We design and implement a simple and e cient noninteractive zero-knowledge protocol (in the random oracle model) for this task. Applications concerned about adversarial key generation can just append our proof to the RSA public key without any other modi cations to existing code or cryptographic libraries. Users need only perform a one-time veri cation of the proof to ensure that raising to the power e is a permutation of the integers modulo N. For typical parameter settings, the proof consists of nine integers modulo N; generating the proof and verifying it both require about nine modular exponentiations. We extend our results beyond RSA keys and also provide e cient noninteractive zero- knowledge proofs for other properties of N, which can be used to certify that N is suitable for the Paillier cryptosystem, is a product of two primes, or is a Blum integer. As compared to the recent work of Auerbach and Poettering (PKC 2018), who provide two-message protocols for similar languages, our protocols are more e cient and do not require interaction, which enables a broader class of applications.https://eprint.iacr.org/2018/057First author draf

    High-field side scrape-off layer investigation: Plasma profiles and impurity screening behavior in near-double-null configurations

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    New experiments on Alcator C-Mod reveal that the favorable impurity screening characteristics of the high-field side (HFS) scrape-off layer (SOL), previously reported for single null geometries, is retained in double null configurations, despite the formation of an extremely thin SOL. In balanced double-null, nitrogen injected locally into the HFS SOL is better screened by a factor of 2.5 compared to the same injection into the low field side (LFS) SOL. This result is insensitive to plasma current and Greenwald fraction. Nitrogen injected into the HFS SOL is not as well screened (only a factor of 1.5 improvement over LFS) in unbalanced double-null discharges, when the primary divertor is in the direction of B×∇B. In this configuration, impurity ‘plume’ emission patterns indicate that an opposing E × B drift competes with the parallel impurity flow to the divertor. In balanced double-null plasmas, the dispersal pattern exhibits a dominant E × B motion. Unbalanced discharges with the primary divertor opposite the direction of B×∇B exhibit excellent HFS screening characteristics – a factor of 5 enhancement compared to LFS. These data support the idea that future tokamaks should locate all RF actuators and close-fitting wall structures on the HFS and employ near-double-null magnetic topologies, both to precisely control plasma conditions at the antenna/plasma interface and to maximally mitigate the impact of local impurity sources arising from plasma-material interactions. Keywords: Alcator C-Mod; Impurity screening; Double null; High field side scrape-off layerUnited States. Department of Energy (Contract DE-FC02-99ER54512

    Characterization of onset of parametric decay instability of lower hybrid waves

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    The goal of the lower hybrid current drive (LHCD) program on Alcator C-Mod is to develop and optimize ITER-relevant steady-state plasmas by controlling the current density profile. Using a 4×16 waveguide array, over 1 MW of LH power at 4.6 GHz has been successfully coupled to the plasmas. However, current drive efficiency precipitously drops as the line averaged density (n̄ e ) increases above 10[superscript 20]m[superscript −3]. Previous numerical work shows that the observed loss of current drive efficiency in high density plasmas stems from the interactions of LH waves with edge/scrape-off layer (SOL) plasmas [Wallace et al., Physics of Plasmas 19, 062505 (2012)]. Recent observations of parametric decay instability (PDI) suggest that non-linear effects should be also taken into account to fully characterize the parasitic loss mechanisms [Baek et al., Plasma Phys. Control Fusion 55, 052001 (2013)]. In particular, magnetic configuration dependent ion cyclotron PDIs are observed using the probes near n̄[subscript e]≈1.2×10[superscript 20]m[superscript −3] . In upper single null plasmas, ion cyclotron PDI is excited near the low field side separatrix with no apparent indications of pump depletion. The observed ion cyclotron PDI becomes weaker in inner wall limited plasmas, which exhibit enhanced current drive effects. In lower single null plasmas, the dominant ion cyclotron PDI is excited near the high field side (HFS) separatrix. In this case, the onset of PDI is correlated with the decrease in pump power, indicating that pump wave power propagates to the HFS and is absorbed locally near the HFS separatrix. Comparing the observed spectra with the homogeneous growth rate calculation indicates that the observed ion cyclotron instability is excited near the plasma periphery. The incident pump power density is high enough to overcome the collisional homogeneous threshold. For C-Mod plasma parameters, the growth rate of ion sound quasi-modes is found to be typically smaller by an order of magnitude than that of ion cyclotron quasi-modes. When considering the convective threshold near the plasma edge, convective growth due to parallel coupling rather than perpendicular coupling is likely to be responsible for the observed strength of the sidebands. To demonstrate the improved LHCD efficiency in high density plasmas, an additional launcher has been designed. In conjunction with the existing launcher, this new launcher will allow access to an ITER-like high single pass absorption regime, replicating the JLH (r) expected in ITER. The predictions from the time domain discharge scenarios, in which the two launchers are used, will be also presented.United States. Dept. of Energy (Award No. DE-FC02-99ER54512)United States. Dept. of Energy (Award No. DE-AC02-76CH03073
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