10 research outputs found

    Działanie obrazu. Na przykładzie przedstawień Natury w malarstwie Jagi Karkoszki

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    Artykuł jest poświęcony wybranym zagadnieniom metodologii badania przekazu ikonicznego na przykładzie malarstwa Jagi Karkoszki. Do analizy został wybrany motyw relacji między naturą i kulturą. Autorka swoje podejście buduje na próżnych tekstach szkoły tartuskiej (głównie Jurija Lotmana i Zary Minc), metodzie Erwina Panofsky’ego oraz poglądach współczesnych estetyków. W tekście dowodzi ona, że pojęcia stosowane przez Rolanda Barthesa w badaniu fotografii (studium i punctum) mogą być również przydatne do badania obrazów innego typu

    Tempus fugit. Analiza metafor czasu – propozycja metodologiczna

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    Artykuł prezentuje opracowany przez autorów sposób analizy jakościowej narracyjnych wywiadów biograficznych. Jego podstawą teoretyczną jest kognitywna teoria metafory Georga Lakoffa oraz pojęcia stosowane w teoriach chronozoficznych. Metody warstwowego zdejmowania metafor z tekstu i rekonstrukcji piramidy metafor zastosowane tu do badania językowego ujmowania czasu, pokazują możliwości interpretacyjne metodologii jakościowej. Metaforyzacja zjawiska, tak trudnego do językowego ujęcia, jakim jest czas, badana jest tutaj na trzech głównych poziomach: prostych wyrażeń metaforycznych, zdań i ciągów (całości) metaforycznych. Czwarty poziom i zarazem czubek piramidy metafor tworzą metametafory tekstowe zrekonstruowane przez badaczy. Wywiady, które dostarczyły materiału do analiz, przeprowadzone zostały w latach 1989-1992 wśród liderów organizacji, grup, ruchów młodzieżowych i młodzieżówek partii politycznych. Analiza pokazuje możliwości zastosowanych metod w procesie tworzenia intersubiektywnie sprawdzalnej interpretacji, zaś wyniki badania – sposoby postrzegania i użytkowania konstruktów temporalnych, takich jak czas biografii, czasy społeczne, publiczne, środowiskowe i osobiste

    Silver recovery from zinc metallurgical sludge – analysis of solutions

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    During the hydrometallurgical process of zinc production, conducted in the ZGH “Bolesław” S.A. in Bukowno [Mine and Metallurgical Plant], about 40,000 tons of sludge is generated. After dehydration in the Larox filter presses, sludge contains ca. 16-18% of Zn, 20-25% of Fe, and 200-300 ppm of Ag. Next, sludge is transported to the Olkusz concentrator for flotation to obtain concentrate enriched with Ag (1,000-1,500 ppm). The concentrate is then sent to the HC “Miasteczko Śląskie” [zinc smelter], while the flotation tailings are subjected to recycling in waelz kiln in Bukowno to regain mainly Zn and Pb, in the form of oxides (also sent later to the HC “Miasteczko Śląskie”)

    Optymizm Hioba. - Głosy w dyskusji.

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    The Optimism of Biblical Job. - Voices in the debate


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    The paper presents selected issues on the methodology of analysis of iconic messages drawing on the examples of paintings of Jaga Karkoszka. The analysis is based on the motive of interrelations between nature and culture. The author's approach is enrooted in late works of the Tartu School (esp. Jurij Lotman and Zara Minc), methods devised by Ervin Panofsky and contemporary ideas existing in aesthetics. Main thesis of the article states that notions applied by Roland Barthes to study photography (punctum and studium) are useful in analysis of other types of images

    Should malnutrition risk be assessed in older patients with elevated levels of NT‑proBNP?

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    An inverse relationship between natriuretic peptides (N‑terminal fragment of the prohormone brain natriuretic peptide [NT‑proBNP]) and body mass index (BMI) among healthy people and patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) was observed. The aim of the study was to assess the relationship between nutritional status and NT‑proBNP concentrations in older persons. NT‑proBNP concentrations, medical histories, and malnutrition risk using Mini Nutritional Assessment were evaluated. Body composition was measured with dual energy X‑ray absorptiometry. The relationship of nutritional status with NT‑proBNP concentrations (in tertiles) was assessed. The mean (SD) age of 106 participants was 72.16 (9.38) years. Heart failure was diagnosed in 72.6% of patients. The risk of malnutrition was recognized in 28.3%, and the percentage of patients at risk increased in subsequent NT‑proBNP tertiles: from 16.7% in the first tertile to 48.6% in the third tertile (P = 0.005). The risk of malnutrition was associated with an increase in NT‑proBNP concentrations per tertile (odds ratio [OR], 2.30; 95% CI, 1.30-4.07; P = 0.004). Based on a multivariable logistic model, the NT‑proBNP concentration in the third tertile was associated with an over 9‑fold higher risk of malnutrition (OR, 9.80; 95% CI, 2.00-48.17; P = 0.005) as compared with the lowest concentration. Among patients with CHF, the relationship between NT‑proBNP and nutritional status was even stronger. High NT‑proBNP levels contribute to increased risk of malnutrition in older patients with heart failure. In patients with elevated NT‑proBNP levels, the risk of malnutrition should be assessed

    Silver recovery from zinc metallurgical sludge – analysis of solutions

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    During the hydrometallurgical process of zinc production, conducted in the ZGH “Bolesław” S.A. in Bukowno [Mine and Metallurgical Plant], about 40,000 tons of sludge is generated. After dehydration in the Larox filter presses, sludge contains ca. 16-18% of Zn, 20-25% of Fe, and 200-300 ppm of Ag. Next, sludge is transported to the Olkusz concentrator for flotation to obtain concentrate enriched with Ag (1,000-1,500 ppm). The concentrate is then sent to the HC “Miasteczko Śląskie” [zinc smelter], while the flotation tailings are subjected to recycling in waelz kiln in Bukowno to regain mainly Zn and Pb, in the form of oxides (also sent later to the HC “Miasteczko Śląskie”)

    Silver recovery from zinc metallurgical sludge – analysis of solutions

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    During the hydrometallurgical process of zinc production, conducted in the ZGH “Bolesław” S.A. in Bukowno [Mine and Metallurgical Plant], about 40,000 tons of sludge is generated. After dehydration in the Larox filter presses, sludge contains ca. 16-18% of Zn, 20-25% of Fe, and 200-300 ppm of Ag. Next, sludge is transported to the Olkusz concentrator for flotation to obtain concentrate enriched with Ag (1,000-1,500 ppm). The concentrate is then sent to the HC “Miasteczko Śląskie” [zinc smelter], while the flotation tailings are subjected to recycling in waelz kiln in Bukowno to regain mainly Zn and Pb, in the form of oxides (also sent later to the HC “Miasteczko Śląskie”)

    History trumps government unpopularity: the June 2003 Polish EU accession referendum

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    This analysis explains why Poles voted overwhelmingly to join the EU and how the 50% turnout requirement was achieved fairly easily. It argues that most Poles appeared to accept the historical significance of the referendum and de-coupled the issue of EU membership from that of confidence in an extremely unpopular government. This occurred because most key political and social actors, including the opposition parties, called for a Yes vote, while, at the same time, a vigorous campaign by pro-EU civic organisations presented a ‘non-political’ face to the campaign. Although the No camp made tactical errors and had difficulties staying focused on its main arguments, lack of both access to the public media and a convincing or attractive alternative made it extremely difficult for them to mount an effective campaign. At the same time, the stability of the opinion polls in the years leading up to the referendum suggested that most Poles had already made their minds up about the issue well in advance. In spite of the low levels of trust in political parties, partisan cues appeared to be a better predictor of referendum voting behaviour than socio-economic and demographic factors