10 research outputs found

    Associative-semantic field of "nravstvennost" in modern Russian language

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    The article demonstrates the results of the associative experiment, conducted among the Kazan Pedagogical College graduate students in respect of stimulating words-morality and morals. The obtained responses of recipients are classified into thematic groups, organizing associative-semantic field "morality" in modern Russian language. Nuclear, perinuclear and peripheral thematic lexical-semantic groups actualizing the newly-formed structural semes of the notion "morality" recorded in dictionaries. The first place in the hierarchy of semes is occupied by those which refer to the standards of conduct established by society, the second important place is occupied by the lexemes verbalizing the internal qualities of contemporary language personality. The lexeme "morality" in modern Russian language is used increasingly used to refer the oral exposure methods. The article presents the data of an associative experiment carried out on the basis of GAPOU SPO "Kazan Pedagogical College", which became an innovative platform MO and N RT. It attracted our attention during experiment place selection. Also, the conclusion takes place that the associative-semantic field of "morality", built after the analysis of the associative experiment, is a system with its functional characteristics, the components located in different kinds of relationships with each other

    Influence of Trichoderma asperellum metabolites on tissue regeneration against pyrene

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    We studied the influence of the culture fluid of fungi of the genus Trichoderma on Swiss Webster CFW mice after exposure to pyrene - polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which can cause pathological changes in the body. Beneficial effect of Trichoderma metabolites on haematological parameters, the functioning of liver and nephros was shown, the trend toward regeneration of the structure of skin and liver after the damages, caused by the introduction of pyrene, was identified

    Associative-semantic field of "nravstvennost" in modern Russian language

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    The article demonstrates the results of the associative experiment, conducted among the Kazan Pedagogical College graduate students in respect of stimulating words-morality and morals. The obtained responses of recipients are classified into thematic groups, organizing associative-semantic field "morality" in modern Russian language. Nuclear, perinuclear and peripheral thematic lexical-semantic groups actualizing the newly-formed structural semes of the notion "morality" recorded in dictionaries. The first place in the hierarchy of semes is occupied by those which refer to the standards of conduct established by society, the second important place is occupied by the lexemes verbalizing the internal qualities of contemporary language personality. The lexeme "morality" in modern Russian language is used increasingly used to refer the oral exposure methods. The article presents the data of an associative experiment carried out on the basis of GAPOU SPO "Kazan Pedagogical College", which became an innovative platform MO and N RT. It attracted our attention during experiment place selection. Also, the conclusion takes place that the associative-semantic field of "morality", built after the analysis of the associative experiment, is a system with its functional characteristics, the components located in different kinds of relationships with each other

    Associative-semantic field of "nravstvennost" in modern Russian language

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    The article demonstrates the results of the associative experiment, conducted among the Kazan Pedagogical College graduate students in respect of stimulating words-morality and morals. The obtained responses of recipients are classified into thematic groups, organizing associative-semantic field "morality" in modern Russian language. Nuclear, perinuclear and peripheral thematic lexical-semantic groups actualizing the newly-formed structural semes of the notion "morality" recorded in dictionaries. The first place in the hierarchy of semes is occupied by those which refer to the standards of conduct established by society, the second important place is occupied by the lexemes verbalizing the internal qualities of contemporary language personality. The lexeme "morality" in modern Russian language is used increasingly used to refer the oral exposure methods. The article presents the data of an associative experiment carried out on the basis of GAPOU SPO "Kazan Pedagogical College", which became an innovative platform MO and N RT. It attracted our attention during experiment place selection. Also, the conclusion takes place that the associative-semantic field of "morality", built after the analysis of the associative experiment, is a system with its functional characteristics, the components located in different kinds of relationships with each other

    Associative-semantic field of "nravstvennost" in modern Russian language

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    The article demonstrates the results of the associative experiment, conducted among the Kazan Pedagogical College graduate students in respect of stimulating words-morality and morals. The obtained responses of recipients are classified into thematic groups, organizing associative-semantic field "morality" in modern Russian language. Nuclear, perinuclear and peripheral thematic lexical-semantic groups actualizing the newly-formed structural semes of the notion "morality" recorded in dictionaries. The first place in the hierarchy of semes is occupied by those which refer to the standards of conduct established by society, the second important place is occupied by the lexemes verbalizing the internal qualities of contemporary language personality. The lexeme "morality" in modern Russian language is used increasingly used to refer the oral exposure methods. The article presents the data of an associative experiment carried out on the basis of GAPOU SPO "Kazan Pedagogical College", which became an innovative platform MO and N RT. It attracted our attention during experiment place selection. Also, the conclusion takes place that the associative-semantic field of "morality", built after the analysis of the associative experiment, is a system with its functional characteristics, the components located in different kinds of relationships with each other

    Узагальнений алгоритм розрахунку характеристик стратегій Клейнрока-Камоуна для розподілу буфера в мережах комутації пакетів

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    Problem of buffer sharing between conflict traffics in message transfer systems with bufferisation were analyzed. Classic strategies of such sharing, offered by L. Kleinrock and F. Kamoun, were considered. A new approach to solving the problem of calculating characteristics in stochastic asynchronous message transfer systems, based upon principles of phase-aggregation states theory, is offered. Practical engineering formulas for calculating characteristics of the most general strategy is obtained.Проанализированы проблемы распределения буфера между конфликтующими трафиками в системах передачи сообщений с буферизацией. Рассмотрены классические стратегии такого распределения, предложенные Л.Клейнроком и Ф.Камоуном. Описан новый подход к решению проблемы расчета характеристик стохастических асинхронных систем передачи сообщений, основанный на принципах теории фазового укрупнения их состояний. Получены явные формулы для определения характеристик наиболее общей из стратегий.Проаналізовані проблеми розподілу буферу між конфліктуючими трафіками в системах передачі повідомлень з буферизацією. Розглянуті класичні стратегії такого розподілу, запропоновані Л. Клейнроком і Ф. Камоуном. Запропоновано новий підхід до розв’язання проблем розрахунку характеристик стохастичних асинхронних систем передачі повідомлень, заснований на принципах теорії фазового укрупнення їх станів. Одержані явні формули для визначення характеристик найзагальнішої зі стратегій

    Чисельні методи дослідження багатошвидкісних систем обслуговування типу Гімпельсона

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    New methods for analysis of characteristics of multirate queues of Gimpelson’s type are proposed. In these queues wide-band (w-call) and narrow-band (n-call) calls are serviced. For servicing n-call a single channel is required while for servicing w-call m channels, m > 1, required simultaneously. Calls are serviced in nonwaiting manner. Simple algorithms for calculation and optimization of loss probabilities of calls of different types under different channel access strategies are developed. Results of appropriate numerical experiments are given.Предложены новые методы анализа характеристик многоскоростных систем типа Гимпельсона, в которых обслуживаются заявки двух типов – узкополосные (n-заявки) и широкополосные (w-заявки). Обслуживание n-заявки осуществляется одним каналом, а для w-заявки требуется одновременно m каналов, m > 1. Заявки обслуживаются в режиме без ожидания. Разработаны достаточно простые алгоритмы для расчета и оптимизации вероятностей потери разнотипных заявок при различных стратегиях доступа в каналы. Приводятся результаты численных экспериментов.Запропоновано нові методи аналізу характеристик багатошвидкісних систем типу Гімпельсона, у яких обслуговуються заявки двох типів — вузькосмугові (n‑заявки) та широкосмугові (w-заявки). Обслуговування n-заявки здійснюється одним каналом, а w-заявка потребує одночасно m каналів (m > 1). Заявки обслуговуються в режимі без очікування. Розроблено доволі прості алгоритми розрахунків і оптимізації ймовірностей втрати різнотипових заявок при різних стратегіях доступу до каналів. Наведено результати чисельних експериментів

    Influence of Trichoderma asperellum metabolites on tissue regeneration against pyrene

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    We studied the influence of the culture fluid of fungi of the genus Trichoderma on Swiss Webster CFW mice after exposure to pyrene - polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which can cause pathological changes in the body. Beneficial effect of Trichoderma metabolites on haematological parameters, the functioning of liver and nephros was shown, the trend toward regeneration of the structure of skin and liver after the damages, caused by the introduction of pyrene, was identified

    Influence of Trichoderma asperellum metabolites on tissue regeneration against pyrene

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    We studied the influence of the culture fluid of fungi of the genus Trichoderma on Swiss Webster CFW mice after exposure to pyrene - polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which can cause pathological changes in the body. Beneficial effect of Trichoderma metabolites on haematological parameters, the functioning of liver and nephros was shown, the trend toward regeneration of the structure of skin and liver after the damages, caused by the introduction of pyrene, was identified

    Influence of Trichoderma asperellum metabolites on tissue regeneration against pyrene

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    We studied the influence of the culture fluid of fungi of the genus Trichoderma on Swiss Webster CFW mice after exposure to pyrene - polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which can cause pathological changes in the body. Beneficial effect of Trichoderma metabolites on haematological parameters, the functioning of liver and nephros was shown, the trend toward regeneration of the structure of skin and liver after the damages, caused by the introduction of pyrene, was identified