4 research outputs found

    Exploring the Major Trends and Emerging Themes of Artificial Intelligence in the Scientific Leading Journals amidst the COVID-19 Era

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) has recently become the focus of academia and practitioners, reflecting the substantial evolution of scientific production in this area, particularly during the COVID-19 era. However, there is no known academic work exploring the major trends and the extant and emerging themes of scientific research production of AI leading journals. To this end, this study is to specify the research progress on AI among the top-tier journals by highlighting the development of its trends, topics, and key themes. This article employs an integrated bibliometric analysis using evaluative and relational metrics to analyze, map, and outline the key trends and themes of articles published in the leading AI academic journals, based on the latest CiteScore of Scopus-indexed journals between 2020 and 2021. The findings depict the major trends, conceptual and social structures, and key themes of AI leading journals’ publications during the given period. This paper represents valuable implications for concerned scholars, research centers, higher education institutions, and various organizations within different domains. Limitations and directions for further research are outlined.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Could the ‘Spinner Innovation’ and ‘Triple Helix’ Models Improve System Innovation?

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    Although several prior studies have outlined and examined models associated with knowledge and innovation in different fields, the literature lacks any solid insights combining the Triple Helix model and the Spinner Innovation model and ascertaining their relevance to innovation. This article correspondingly presents an unprecedented alternative based on two innovation models, analyzing and structuring a process to innovate in different economic sectors. In doing so, this paper seeks to explore how this integration between Spinner Innovation and Triple Helix models could have a significant influence to improve system innovation. We collected data from the Scopus database spanning the period between 2012 and 2021 to study the integration of the models. The analysis identifies how these models differ but are nevertheless of complementary importance for developing regional and national economies through combining the “helices”, the “fidgets” and the framework integrating both models and their components to system innovation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Évaluation de la conformitĂ© de la tenue du Partogramme dans une maternitĂ© Tunisienne: audit clinique ciblĂ©

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    Le partogramme est un outil incontournable dans la pratique quotidienne en salle de naissance. C'est le reflet écrit de la qualité de la prise en charge materno-foetale pendant l'accouchement et le post-partum immédiat. Le but de notre travail est d'évaluer la conformité de la tenue du partogramme au sein de notre maternité et de proposer des axes d'amélioration de la qualité de sa tenue. il s'agit d'une étude rétrospective par audit clinique, effectuée sur 400 dossiers des patientes ayant accouché dans la maternité universitaire de Kairouan du 1er Janvier au 31 décembre 2014. Le référentiel utilisé est celui de la Haute Autorité de Santé (2006) comportant 29 critÚres divisés en 3 domaines (PARTOten, PARTOobs, PARTOeve). le Taux de Conformité Globale (TCG) de la tenue du partogramme dans notre audit était de 55,9%. Pour le domaine I « La tenue du partogramme » (PARTOten), le TCG était de 88,9%. Pour le domaine II « la traçabilité du déroulement du travail » (PARTOobs), le TCG était de 51,4%. Pour le domaine III « la traçabilité des actes, des évÚnements et des traitements au cours du travail » (PARTOeve), le TCG était de 27,4%. Notre étude a permis de dégager plusieurs points à améliorer. Le but ultime de l'Audit Clinique est l'amélioration des pratiques professionnelles, de ce fait nous allons mettre en place un plan d'action (formation, sensibilisation...) qui sera suivi par une réévaluation afin de vérifier la pérennité des actions correctives.Mots clés: Partogramme, audit clinique, évaluation des pratiques professionnelles, obstétriqueEnglish Title: Evaluation of the compliance rate of partograph use in a Tunisian Maternity ward: a targeted clinical auditEnglish AbstractPartograph is an essential tool in routine delivery room practices. It is a written reflection of the quality of mother and child health management during delivery and in the immediate post-partum period. Our study aims to assess compliance rate of partograph use within our maternity ward and to propose areas for improvement of its quality. We conducted a retrospective clinical audit of 400 patients? medical records who gave birth on the labour ward at University of Kairouan from 1 January to 31 December 2014. The reference guidelines used were those from the French Health High Authority (2006) containing 29 criteria divided into 3 categories (PARTOten, PARTOobs, PARTOeve). The overall compliance rate (OCR) of partograph use in our audit was 55.9%. With regard to the first area, such as « La tenue du partogramme » (partograph use, PARTOten) the overall compliance rate was 88, 9%. With regard to the second area, such as « la traçabilité du déroulement du travail » (track labor progression, PARTOobs) the overall compliance rate was 51, 4%. With regard to the third area, such as « la traçabilité des actes, des évÚnements et des traitements au cours du travail » (the tracing of actions, events and treatments during labor, PARTOeve) the overall compliance rate was 27.4%. Our study has helped identify several areas for improvement. The ultimate goal of this clinical audit was the improvement of professional practices. Therefore, we implemented an action plan (training, awareness raising?) followed by a review aimed to verify the continuity of the corrective actions.Keywords: Partograph, clinical audit, evaluation of professional practices, obstetric