8 research outputs found

    The application of quercetin and the effect of exercise in fructose intermittent metabolic syndrome model

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    Metabolik sendrom; hipertansiyon, dislipidemi, hiperinsülinemi ve insülin direnci ile karakterize bir hastalık olup, kardiyovasküler bozukluklar, tip 2 diyabet ve obezite açısından ciddi bir risk faktörü oluşturmaktadır. Gelişmiş ülkelerde metabolik sendrom aşırı fruktoz tüketimi ile ilişkilendirilmektedir. Fruktozun esas kaynağı günümüzde şekerli içecekler ve hazır gıdaların üretiminde tatlandırıcı olarak kullanılan yüksek fruktoz içeren mısır şurubudur ve sükrozun yerini almıştır. Meyve ve bitkiler içinde bulunan kuarsetinin, biyolojik, farmakolojik ve tıbbi faaliyetlerde antioksidan etkilerinin olduğu saptanmış önemli bir polifenolik bileşiktir. Diğer taraftan egzersizin, obezitenin azaltılması, kan lipidlerinin, sistemik kan basıncının düşürülmesi, diabet, kanser, hiperglisemi gibi birçok hastalığı koruyucu ve önleyici özelliği düşünüldüğünde metabolik sendrom bileşenlerinin tadavisinde büyük önem taşır.Bu araştırmanın amacı ratlarda fruktoz aracıklı metabolik sendrom modelinde egzersiz ve kuersetin uygulamasının metabolik sendrom bileşenleri üzerindeki koruyucu etkisini incelemektir. Bununla birlikte metabolik sendromda olası endotel fonksiyon bozukluğu ile ilgili parametrelerden NO, ADMA ve homosistein düzeylerini nasıl etkilediğini yine egzersiz ve kuersetinin bu parametreler üzerinde ne tür etkileri olduğu ve hangi uygulamanın daha etkili olduğunu saptamaktır. Bu amaçla, 42 yetişkin Sprague-Dawley türü rat rastgele yedi gruba ayrılmıştır. (n=6): (Kontrol), (Fruktoz), (Kuersetin), (Egzersiz), (Fruktoz+Egzersiz), (Fruktoz+Kuarsetin), (Fruktoz+Egzersiz+Kuersetin). Fruktoz, ad libitum olarak içme suyu içinde %20 oranında ve kuarsetin günlük 15 mg/kg dozunda oral gavajla uygulanmıştır. Egzersiz gruplarına, her gün aynı saatte, günde 30 dakika ve haftada 5 gün olmak üzere 10 hafta treadmill koşu egzersizi uygulanmıştır. Deneyin başlangıcında ve her haftanın sonunda vücut ağırlıkları kontrol edilmiştir. Deneyin başlangıcında, dördüncü hafta sonunda ve deneyin sonu onuncu haftada kuyruktan kan basıncı ölçüm sistemi 'Tail-Cuff, BIOPAC Systems' ile hayvanların sistolik kan basınçları ölçülmüştür. 10 haftalık deney süresi sonunda ratlar anestezi altında sakrifiye edilmiş ve kan numuneleri intrakardiyak yolla alınmıştır. Kan örneklerinden elde edilen serumlardan glukoz, ürik asit, trigliserit, total kolesterol, HDL-kolesterol, LDL-kolesterol ve VLD-kolesterol düzeyleri G.Ü.Tıp Fakültesi Merkez Laboratuvarı'nda otoanalizörde enzimatik yöntemle, serum insulin ve TNF- α, seviyesi aynı laboratuvarda ELISA metodu ile tayin edilmiştir. İnsülin direnci HOMA-IR (Homeostasis Model Assessment Index) formülü ile değerlendirilmiştir. Hayvanların obezite parametresini belirlemek için Lee İndex değerleri hesaplanmış, vücut yağ kütle miktarları ölçülmştür. NO parametresi ölçümü için son ürünler olan nitrit ve nitratın Griess yöntemiyle spektrofotometrik ölçümlerinden yararlanılmıştır. ADMA ve homosistein parametreleri HPLC cihazında floresan dedektörle ölçülmüştür. Sonuç olarak içme suyuyla %20 oranında 10 hafta boyunca fruktoz takviyesinin hayvanlarda, sistolik kan basıncı, serum trigliserit, serum insülin artışı, insülin rezistansı (yüksek HOMA-IR) artşına bağlı olarak metabolik sendroma neden olduğu saptanmıştır. Kronik düzenli aerobik egzersiz ve kuersetin uygulamasının fruktoz aracılıklı metabolik sendrom modelinde yararlı olacağı ve kardiyovasküler risk faktörlerini düzeltebileceği ancak kuersetine göre egzersizin bu konuda çok daha etkili olduğu bulunmuştur. Dolayısıyla tek başına düzenli aerobik egzersizlerin metabolik sendrom için önleyici bir yöntem olduğu ve yararlı bir tedavi olarak uygulanabileceği düşünülmektedir.Metabolic syndrome is a disease characterized by hypertension, dyslipidemia, hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance and it is a severe risk factor for cardiovascular disorders, type 2 diabetics and obesity. In developed countries, metabolic syndrome is associated with excessive consumption of fructose. The main source of fructose is corn syrup that is used as flavoring in sugary drinks and take-home foods today and it has replaced sucrose. Quercetin found in fruits and herbs is an important polyphenol compound which is proved to have antioxidant effect in biologic, pharmacological and medical practices. On the other hand, exercise has a great role in treatment of metabolic syndrome compounds in terms of its reducing obesity, decreasing blood lipids, systemic blood pressure and preventing many diseases such as diabetics, cancer and hyperglycemia. This research aims to investigate the protecting effect of exercise and quercetin practices on metabolic syndrome compounds in rats within fructose intermittent metabolic syndrome model. In addition to this, it is aimed to determine how it affects the levels of NO, ADMA and homocysteine, which are among the parameters concerning the possible endothelial dysfunction in the metabolic syndrome and what kind of effects the exercise and quercetin have on these parameters and also which application is more effective. For this reason, 42 male adult Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into seven groups (n=6): (Control), (Fructose), (Quercetin), (Exercise), (Fructose+Exercise), (Fructose+Quercetin), (Fructose+Quercetin+Exercise). Fructose was given as 20% solution in tap water to drink ad libitum and 15 mg/kg/day quercetin was administered by oral gavage. Treadmill running exercise was applied on exercise groups every day at the same hour and experimental period of 10 weeks in total, being 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Weight was controlled at the beginning of the study and at the end of every week. Systolic blood pressures of all animals were measured by tail-cuff method at the beginning of the study, at the end of 4th week and at the end of 10th week. At the end of 10th week, the animals were sacrificed under anesthesia and blood samples were taken by intracardiac means. The levels of glucose, uric acid, triglyceride, total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and VLD-cholesterol from the serums obtained from the blood samples were enzymatically designated on autoanalyzers at the central laboratory of G.U. Faculty of Medicine and serum insulin and TNF- α levels were also designated by ELISA method at the same laboratory. The insulin resistance was evaluated by the HOMA-IR (Homeostasis Model Assessment index) formula. The Lee Index values were calculated in order to determine the obesity parameters of the animals and their body fat ratio was measured. We measured NO with Griess method in spectrophotometer and ADMA and homocysteine parameters in HPLC mechine with fluorescent detector. Conequently, it was determined that the 20% fructose supplement for 10 weeks with drinking water let to metabolic syndrome in the animals depending on the increase of systolic blood pressure, serum triglyceride, serum insulin and insulin resistance (high HOMA-IR) increase. It was found out that the chronic regular aerobic exercise quercetin application might be beneficial in the fructose-mediated metabolic syndrome and the cardiovascular risk factors might be corrected, however it was found out that the exercise is more effective than quercetin in this regard. Accordingly, it is thought that the regular aerobic exercise alone is a preventive method for the metabolic syndrome and also it can be used as a beneficial treatment

    Comparison of Relationship Between Physical Fitness Levels and Academic Success of University Students Regularly and Not Regularly Sporting

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    Düzenli Spor Yapan ve Yapmayan Üniversite Ögrencilerinin Fiziksel Uygunluk Düzeyleriyle Akademik Basarı Arasındaki İliskinin Karsılastırılması Bu çalısmada, düzenli spor yapan ve yapmayan üniversite ögrencilerinin fiziksel uygunluk degerleri ile akademik basarıları arasındaki iliski karsılastırılarak, bu iki grubun degerlerinde anlamlı bir fark olup olmadıgının tespit edilmesi amaçlanmıstır. Çalısmaya TOBB Ekonomi ve Teknoloji Üniversitesinde ögrenim gören 1. ve 2. sınıf ögrencilerden yas ortalaması 20.94 ± 1.33 yıl olan ve düzenli spor yapan 38 erkek ile yas ortalaması 20.71 ±1.01 yıl olan ve düzenli spor yapmayan 38 erkek ögrenci olmak üzere toplam 76 ögrenci gönüllü olarak katılmıstır. Deneklerin; yas, boy, vücut agırlıgı, çevre ölçümü, pençe kuvveti (sag-sol el), sırt ve bacak kuvveti, reaksiyon zamanı (ısık,ses), gövde esneklikligi, denge, dikey sıçrama, anaerobik güç, 6dk. kos yürü testi, aerobik kapasite, vücut yagyüzdesi ve akademik basarı parametreleri ölçülmüstür. Deneklerin, vücut agırlıgı ve dikey sıçramalarından yararlanılarak anaerobik güç, 6 dk. kos yürü testinden yararlanılarak aerobik kapasite, Zorba Formülü'nden yararlanılarak vücut yag yüzdeleri ve ögrencilerin genel ortalamaları alınarak akademik basarı düzeyleri hesaplanmıstır. Çalısmamızda deneklerin fiziksel uygunluk parametreleri Eurofit Test Bataryası ile ölçülmüstür. Gruplar için tanımlayıcı istatistik analizi yapılmıs ve istatistiksel analizler için SPSS 11.00 programı kullanılmıstır. Tüm degiskenlerin aritmetik ortalama ve standart sapma degerleri hesaplanmıstır. Gruplar arasındaki farklılıgı bulmak için bagımsız gruplar arasındaki T testi olan Indedependent Samples T testi uygulanmıs, önem seviyesi olarak 0.01 alınmıstır. Çalısma sonucunda düzenli olarak spor yapan ve yapmayan üniversite ögrencilerinin fiziksel uygunluk degerleri ile akademik basarıları arasındaki iliski karsılastırıldıgında ön kol çevre ölçüm parametrelerinde p<0.05 düzeyinde anlamlı farklılıklar görülmezken diger degiskenler açısından anlamlı farklılıklar görülmüstür. Sonuç olarak sporun fiziksel aktive, egzersiz boyutu ve hareket özelligi itibariyle fiziksel uygunlugun gelisimine dikkat çekilmis, fiziksel gelisimininin yanında bireylerin psikolojik, sosyal, kültürel ve davranıssal gelisiminde de unsur olan sporun akademik basarıyı olumlu etkiledigi görüsüne varılmıstır.In this study, the aim is to compare the relationship between physical fitness values and academic success of university students regularly and not regularly sporting, and determine whether there is a meaningful difference in the values of these two groups. A total of 76 students volunteered to participate in the study with 38 male students in 1. and 2. grade students educating in TOBB Economy and Technology University with mean age 20.94 ± 1.33 and regularly sporting and 38 male students with mean age 20.71 ± 1.01 and not regularly sporting. Age, height, body weight, girth, hand power (right-left hand), back and leg power, reaction time (light, sound), body flexibility, equilibrium, vertical leap, anaerobic power, 6 min. running and walking test, aerobic capacity, body fat percentage and academic success parameters of the subjects are measured. Anaerobic power of the subjects are calculated by making use of body weight and vertical leap, aerobic power by making use of 6 min. running and walking test, body fat percentages by making use of Zorba Formula and academic success levels by taking general averages of the students. In our study, the physical fitness parameters of the subjects are measured with Eurofit Test Battery. Descriptive statistical analysis is applied to the groups and SPSS 11.00 program is used for statistical analyses. Arithmetical mean and standard deviation values of all variables are calculated. Independent-Samples T test which is the T test between independent groups are applied to the difference between the groups and importance level is taken as 0.01. As the result of the study, when the relation between the physical fitness values and academic success of the university students regularly and not regularly sporting is compared, meaningful differences at the level of p<0,05 are not observed in fore arm girth parameters while meaningful differences are observed from the point of other variables. As a conclusion, attention is drawn to the development of physical fitness in respect of physical activity, exercise size and action characteristics of sports, and it is concluded that, besides physical development, also being an element of psychological, social, cultural and behavioral development of individuals, sports affects academic success positively

    Superhydrophobic coatings made from biocompatible polydimethylsiloxane and natural wax

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    There is a strong need for mechanically robust superhydrophobic coatings that can be manufactured from ecofriendly and sustainable materials for a broad portfolio of applications. Here, we report the preparation of a composite suspension coating from biocompatible carnauba wax and polydimethylsiloxane, and demonstrate its superhydrophobicity and resistance to water impact. The superhydrophobicity and mechanical stability of the coated surfaces can be controlled by adjusting the concentrations of constituent materials. The composite suspension can be easily drop cast or spray-coated on common materials, such as glass and paper, wherein the coated surface exhibits excellent superhydrophobicity and self-cleaning property. Glass substrates spray-coated with the composite suspension demonstrate high levels of resistance against water impact, retaining superhydrophobicity even after the impact of 250,000 water droplets

    Effects of exercise and quercetin on muscle energy charge in metabolic syndrome model of rats

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    Objectives This study was performed to investigate whether exercise and quercetin have an effect on muscle energy charge in the metabolic syndrome (MetS) model of rats. Methods Male Sprague-Dawley rats consisting of Control, Fructose, Quercetin, Exercise, Fructose + Exercise, Fructose + Quercetin, Fructose + Quercetin + Exercise groups were randomly divided into seven groups, six rats in each group. Consequently, it was determined that the 20% fructose supplement for 10 weeks with drinking water let to metabolic syndrome in the animals depending on the increase of systolic blood pressure, serum triglyceride, serum insulin and high HOMA-IR scores. MetS criteria were successfully established by oral fructose administration. Results ATP and AMP levels were higher in fructose and exercise groups, and ADP levels were lower. The energy charge increased in quercetin treated groups. We found that regular aerobic exercise and quercetin application might be beneficial in the fructose-mediated MetS in accordance with previous studies. However it was found that quercetin was more effective than exercise in muscle. Conclusions Consequently, it is thought that the regular aerobic exercise alone is a preventive method for the MetS and also it can be used together with quercetin as a beneficial treatment

    The effects of the intake of an isotonic sports drink before orienteering competitions on skeletal muscle damage

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    [Purpose] The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of the intake of an isotonic sports drink (500 ml water, 32 gr carbonhydrate, 120 mg calcium, 248 mg chloride, 230 mg sodium) the level of the skeletal muscle damage of orienteering athletes. [Subjects and Methods] The study was carried out on 21 male elite orienteering athletes. The athletes were divided into two groups by randomized double-blind selection. The experimental group (n=11) was given the isotonic sports drink, while the placebo group (n=10) was given 500 ml pure water. Blood samples were taken pre-competition, post-competition, 2 hours post-competition and 24 hours post-competition. [Results] The pre-c troponin, myoglobin and creatinine kinase serum levels of the placebo group were significantly lower than the post-competition and 2 hours post-competition values. The 24 hours post-competition levels of the same analyses were also significantly lower than the post-c and 2 hours post-competition. The pre-competition troponin, myoglobin and creatinine kinase levels of the experimental group were found to be significantly lower than the post-competition, 2 hours post-competition 24 hours post-competition values. In conclusion, the present results suggest that the intake of supportive sports drinks before exercising significantly prevents the observed muscle damage. The study showed that serum myoglobin levels between the experimental and the placebo group is significantly different during the 2 hours post-competition period. [Conclusion] The level of serum creatinine kinase and myoglobin accurately shows the extent of the muscle damage. However, further studies on the effect of isotonic sports drink in different training programs on the cell membrane and the muscle damage are needed