8 research outputs found

    L’esthĂ©sioneuroblastome pĂ©diatrique: une lĂ©sion maligne exceptionnelle (Ă  propos d’un cas et revue de la littĂ©rature)

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    L'esthésioneuroblastome (ENB) est une tumeur maligne rare représentant 3% des cancers des cavités naso-sinusiennes; son origine se situe au niveau de l'épithélium olfactif. Elle touche généralement des sujets de 30 à 50 ans. Elle est exceptionnelle chez l'enfant. Le diagnostic est souvent tardif, du fait du caractÚre longtemps confiné de la tumeur et le pronostic dépend des extensions locorégionales (notamment cérébrales et orbitaires). Nous rapportons un cas de cette affection à localisation sphénoïdale chez un sujet de 03 ans découverte suite à une cécité d'installation rapide dont on discute les particularités cliniques, radiologiques, anatomopathologiques, thérapeutiques et pronostique tout en insistant sur la précocité de la prise en charge conditionnant le pronostic qui restait malheureusement toujours péjoratif du fait du taux de récidives assez élevé ainsi que la survenue de métastases à distance, notamment pulmonaires et osseuses

    Grossesse et hypophysite: une nouvelle observation

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    Introduction: L’hypophysite est une lĂ©sion hypophysaire rare qui pose des difficultĂ©s diagnostiques et thĂ©rapeutiques. Ses manifestations cliniques et radiologiques sont difficiles Ă  distinguer des tumeurs hypophysaires.Observation: Nous rapportons, l’observation d’une femme ĂągĂ©e de 40 ans qui s’est prĂ©sentĂ© pour des cĂ©phalĂ©es, troubles visuels et vomissements au cours de son troisiĂšme trimestre de grossesse. L’imagerie par rĂ©sonnance magnĂ©tique a montrĂ© une masse sellaire et supra sellaire de 21 mm et qui adhĂ©rait au chiasma optique. L’examen anatomopathologique rĂ©alisĂ© aprĂšs une chirurgie d’exĂ©rĂšse trans-sphĂ©noĂŻdale a montrĂ© un tissu fibreux associĂ© Ă  des lymphocytes et Ă  des plasmocytes. Une nette amĂ©lioration clinique Ă©tait obtenue aprĂšs le traitement chirurgical, une corticothĂ©rapie et un traitement hormonal thyroĂŻdien substitutif.Conclusion: L’hypophysite est une maladie rare et doit ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ©e dans le diagnostic diffĂ©rentiel des dĂ©sordres hypophysaires durant la grossesse.Mots clĂ©s: pseudotumeur inflammatoire, hypophysite, grossesse, IgG4English Title: Pregnancy and hypohpysitis: a case reportEnglish AbstractIntroducion: Hypophysitis is an uncommon sellar condition in which diagnosis and management pose a significant problem, as its clinical manifestation and radiological features are difficult to distinguish from that of pituitary tumors.Case report: We report, in this study, a case of 40 year-old woman presenting with headaches, vision disturbances and vomiting, during her third trimester. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed a 21 mm mass at the sellar and supra sellar regions, this mass adhered to the optic chiasm. Pathologic examination, after transsphenoĂŻdal surgery revealed fibrous stroma with dense infiltrates of small lymphocytes and plasma cells. Resolution of the symptoms occured after surgery and replacement treatment by steroĂŻds and physiological thyroxine.Conclusion: Hypophysitis is a rare diasease that should be considered in the differential diagnosis of pituitary disorders during pregnancy.Keywords: inflammatory pseudotumor ; hypophysitis ; pregnancy ; IgG

    Parametric Optimization of a Truncated Conical Metal Hydride Bed Surrounded by a Ring of PCM for Heat Recovery

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    Metal hydride (MH) hydrogen storage needs an external heat source to release the stored hydrogen. To enhance the thermal performance of MHs, the incorporation of phase change materials (PCM) is a way to preserve reaction heat. This work proposes a new MH-PCM compact disk configuration (i.e., a truncated conical MH bed surrounded by a PCM ring). An optimization method is developed to find the optimal geometrical parameters of the MH truncated cone, which is then compared to a basic configuration (i.e., a cylindrical MH surrounded by a PCM ring). Moreover, a mathematical model is developed and used to optimize the heat transfer in a stack of MH-PCM disks. The optimum geometric parameters found (bottom radius of 0.2, top radius of 0.75 and tilt angle of 58.24) allow the truncated conical MH bed to reach a faster heat transfer rate and a large surface area of higher heat exchange. Compared to a cylindrical configuration, the optimized truncated cone shape enhances the heat transfer rate and the reaction rate in the MH bed by 37.68%

    Treacher Collins syndrome: A case report and review of literature

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    Abstract Treacher Collins syndrome (TCS) is one of the rare genetic syndromes which is specified by symmetrical craniofacial dysmorphism without growth abnormalities or neurological disorders. The inheritance is usually autosomal dominant but sometimes it is a sporadic mutation. Prenatal diagnosis could be realized by genetic testing of a chorionic villus sample or amniocentesis if one of the parents is affected. At birth, the most common features are downward‐sloping palpebral clefts, small badly hemmed and folded ears, and mandibular hypoplasia which could lead to respiratory distress. All of these clinical features exist in our case. Goldenhar syndrome shares with TCS some facial features which are not symmetrical and it is also associated with vertebral abnormalities. Some patients with TCS are exposed to many complications and they require multi‐disciplinary medical care. But all of them need psychiatric care to fight social rejection. The aim of our report is to describe the most common features of TCS and similar syndromes. Also, report the involved genetic mutations, some associated complications, and their management

    Structural characterization and functional properties of antihypertensive Cymodocea nodosa sulfated polysaccharide

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    peer reviewedA sulfated polysaccharide was successfully isolated from Cymodocea nodosa (CNSP). This is the first report that indicates the chemical composition, structural characterization, functional and antihypertensive properties of this polysaccharide. The CNSP consisted mainly of sulfate (23.17%), total sugars (54.90%), galactose (44.89%), mannose (17.30%), arabinose (12.05%), xylose (9.18%), maltose (1.07%) and uronic acid (11.03%) with low water activity (0.49). CNSP had an XRD pattern that was typical for a semi-crystalline polymer with homogeneous structure. It also displayed an important anti-hypertensive activity (IC50 = 0.43 mg ml) with a dose-dependent manner using a synthetic substrate, N-hippuryl-His-Leu hydrate salt (HHL). Overall, the results indicate that CNSP have attractive chemical, functional and biological properties, with a preliminary structural may have a backbone of branched 6-O-sulfated (1 → 4) galactosidic linkages, which can be considered in the future as alternative additive in various foods, cosmetic and pharmaceutical preparations

    Structural characterization and functional properties of antihypertensive Cymodocea nodosa sulfated polysaccharide

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    A sulfated polysaccharide was successfully isolated from Cymodocea nodosa (CNSP). This is the first report that indicates the chemical composition, structural characterization, functional and antihypertensive properties of this polysaccharide. The CNSP consisted mainly of sulfate (23.17%), total sugars (54.90%), galactose (44.89%), mannose (17.30%), arabinose (12.05%), xylose (9.18%), maltose (1.07%) and uronic acid (11.03%) with low water activity (0.49). CNSP had an XRD pattern that was typical for a semi-crystalline polymer with homogeneous structure. It also displayed an important anti-hypertensive activity (IC50 = 0.43 mg ml) with a dose-dependent manner using a synthetic substrate, N-hippuryl-His-Leu hydrate salt (HHL). Overall, the results indicate that CNSP have attractive chemical, functional and biological properties, with a preliminary structural may have a backbone of branched 6-O-sulfated (1 → 4) galactosidic linkages, which can be considered in the future as alternative additive in various foods, cosmetic and pharmaceutical preparations