589 research outputs found

    Patterns of Teaching-Learning Interaction in the EFL Classroom

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    The successfullness of teaching-learning process is highly influenced by the patterns of interactions appeared in the classroom activities. Through this case study, the purpose of this paper is to explore the patterns of interaction during teaching and learning proccess. Two accellerated classes were observed and recorded to gain the data. The findings revealed that the patterns of interaction emerged in the first class were group work, choral responses, closed-ended teacher questioning (IRF), individual work, student initiates-teacher answers, open-ended teacher questioning, and collaboration. Meanwhile, the patterns of interaction in the second class showed closed-ended teacher questioning (IRF), open-ended teacher questioning, choral responses, student initiates-teacher answers, group work, and individual work pattern. The patterns of interaction were produced from teacher and student(s) and/or student(s) and student(s) in relation to the teacher talk and the students talk categories used during learning activities. These patterns were produced constantly. They are to show that the teaching-learning process was not always dominated by the teacher. Most students actively participate as well in any classroom activity. Thus, these patterns absolutely increase the students talk and students' participation in the class. It is necessary for teachers to reorganize the active activities which might foster more interaction in the classroom

    Genetic Diversity and Trait Association Analysis of Indonesian Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Germplasm Using Ssr Markers

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    Generating a new crop variety with certain desirable traits requires germplasm collection with wide genetic diversity to facilitate accelerated development of improved cultivars. This study was conducted to characterize genetic diversity of Indonesian rice accessions using SSR markers and their agro-morphological characters to allow the identification of Marker Trait Association (MTA). A survey of genetic diversity among 72 traditional landraces of 15 provinces in Indonesia and 24 improved varieties was conducted using four multiplex panels of 14 fluorescent-labeled SSR markers and 22 agro-morphological characters. A total of 140 alleles with an average of 10 alleles per locus and Polymorphism Information Content (PIC) values at 0.73. The population structure identified five subgroups. A total of 4 highly significant MTA were identified. One character with highly significant MTA was number of panicle associated with RM277. Based on SSR marker, RM105 had two MTAs for auricle color and ligule shape. After validation, these MTAs may be deployed to improve rice productivity

    Revealing Hidden Political Agenda in the Presentation of Martin as a Zoophile in Edward Albee'sthe Goat, or Who is Sylvia?

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    Keywords: deviant sexual orientation, zoophile, queer politics, the goat, or who isSylvia? Social phenomenon shows a significant and rapid movement toward the existence of deviant sexual orientation, like zoophilic, a sexual desire to the animals. In assessing the whole life of a zoophile, people are preferable to use some prejudices which attach behind their sexual desire. A drama entitled The Goat, or Who is Sylvia? is interested in portraying about the life of a zoophile in the presentation of the main character named Martin. Yet, this drama describes his image as different from the preconceived notion of society. Hence, it emerges a question that this drama may have political interest toward the existence of a zoophile in the society. Therefore, this research is conducted to verify about this premise.This research uses queer theory, specifically queer politics to investigate the political purposes behind the normalization of a queerness to reject intolerance and discrimination in the society. Besides, this research also applies a qualitative approach through document analysis to examine the data taken from the drama.Some forms of normalization are used to depict the life of a zoophile. First, this drama presents Martin to have 4 (four) positive and 2 (two) major negative traits. Besides, his normalization also covers 3 (three) social roles fulfillment as a part of family and peers group. Furthermore, other presentation shows that he has 2 (two) higher achievement as a smart and successful person. Those findings finally can detect the intention of this drama to portray the real life of a zoophile. It happens because queer politics views that zoophile also undergoes the same life as other normal people, thus a zoophile does not deserve to be treated bad among the society.Based on the study findings, this research concludes that the presentations of Martin have a political purpose to gain societal acceptance for alleviating intolerance and discrimination toward the existence of a zoophile. Furthermore, the next research can be suggested to explore this drama in term of his psychological perspective while having inner conflict to come out as a zoophile or his surrounding responses to reject his zoophile identity using socio-psychological approach

    Ijtihâd Istinbât Dan Ijtihâd Tatbîqi Menurut Al-syâtibî Dalam Kitâb Al-muwafaqât

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    This article outlines the problems and tatbiqi istinbati ijtihad according to al-Syatibi in the book of al-Muwafaqât. From the results of the discussion is known that; Ijtihad is an attempt to think optimally in multiplying laws of the source for answers to legal issues that arise in society. Istinbâti Ijtihad is an effort to conclude the law of his sources (legal excavation efforts of the sacred texts). While ijtihad tatbîqi is an attempt to apply the law appropriately to a case (attempt to apply the law that was unearthed from the sacred texts to the object of law). According to al-Mujtahid Syatibi should not apply the law that has been excavated from the Qur\u27an or the Sunna as it is, he is obliged to give consideration based on the circumstances surrounding the object of the law. Wherever the law resulting from his ijtihad is not suitable to be applied to the object of law because the application of laws that bring harm, then the mujtahid must find other, more appropriate laws so that harm can be eliminated and the benefit can be achieved

    فعالية تطوير كتاب متن الأجرومية على شكل خرائط المفاهيم

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    كان أسلوب التعليم يسمى بخرائط المفاهيم الذي أوجدها "طاني بوزان" (Tony Buzon) في أول مرّة، وهي خطة ممتازة للذاكرة، التي يمكن أن نتركب الفكرة حتى يستعمل كيفية عملية الدماغ منذ بداية البحث. إذن لتذكير المعلومات وحفظ الدراسة ستكون الدراسة أسهل وأحسن من الكتابة التقليدية. تريد الباحثة استخدام خرائط المفاهيم لتطوير المادة النحوية من كتاب "متن الأجرومية" لتلاميذ الصف الأول بمدرسة منبع الصالحين المتوسطة الإسلامية لمعرفة فعالية استخدام تطوير المادة النحوية من كتاب "متن الأجرومية" على شكل خرائط المفاهيم، ولزيادة رغبة التلاميذ في تعليم النحو. تستخدم الباحثة خرائط المفاهيم لتطوير المواد النحوية من كتاب متن الأجرومية في هذا البحث. أما أسلوب بملأ عبارة في اللوحة مع الألوان المتنوعة حسب تقسيم المواد، ولكلّ لون له معنى. وهذا البحث بالتجربة في الصف الأول "N" بمدرسة منبع الصالحين الإسلامية الحكومية بغرسيك. هذا البحث يبحث عن كيفية تطوير كتاب متن الأجرومية على شكل خرائط المفاهيم لتنمية فهم النحو وتطبيقه للصف الأول بمدرسة منبع الصالحين الإسلامية الحكومية بغرسيك ومدى فعاليتها. تستخدم الباحثة طريقة البحث والتطوير بعملية تطوير المواد وتجريبه. وهذا البحث يدلّ على أنّها "فعّال" . هذا بدليل أن معدل نتيجتهم في الإختبار البعدي هو 89،66 أو % 89،66 في مستوى "جيّد جدّا"

    Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah pada Pokok Bahasan Lingkaran di Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Polewali

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    This research was designed under experimental research and conducted in SMP Negeri 1 Polewali with class VIII as the population. Class VIII2 was selected as experiment class and class VIII3 as control class. The sample selected randomly assuming that students\u27 ability in both classes tend to be homogeneous. In this research, both classes were given a different treatment, Problem Basic Learning Model applied in experimental class while the control class did not apply it with the same teaching material; that is circle. Based on statistical descriptive analysis result obtained that in experimental class with Problem Basic Learning Model, students\u27 average score was 71,7 with standard deviation 10,09, 31 students or 86,12 % were in complete category and 5 students or 13, 88% were in incomplete category. Whereas students\u27 average score in control class without Problem Basic Learning Model was 63,9 with standard deviation 8, 67 and 23 students or 63,89 % were in complete category and 13 students or 36,11% were in incomplete category. Based on inferential statistical analysis obtained that there was a significant difference in students learning outcomes on the class applied Problem Basic Learning Model and the students who taught without applying Problem Basic Learning Model

    Pengaruh Pembelajan Berbasis Masalah terhadap Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematika Mahasiswa

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    This study aims to determine the effect of Problem Based Learning on the mathematical problem solving ability of students.The sample used in this study was taken from 67 students from semester VII in mathematics department FKIP at University of Al Asyariah Mandar which were divided into two classes. The data was collected by using an observation sheet, achievement test, and students\u27 questionnaire responses to a problem Based Learning model. Descriptive analysis showed that the average result in problem-solving ability in control class was 55.99% to 69.73%; While in experimental class was 60.40% to 88.16%.The results of the students were in the ideal category and 80% of the students gave a positive (happy) response towards the applied of learning model. Based on normalised gain analysis obtained, the gain for the experimental group was 0.861 (in the high category), while the control group was 0.294 (located in the lower category). Inferential analysis showed that there was a significant difference between the two classes, the class tasked with the problem-based learning model had positive results and this model was more effective in improving the mathematical problem solving ability of students

    Deskripsi Kesalahan Mahasiswa dalam Membuktikan suatu Grup Studi pada Mahasisiwa Pendidikan Matematika Universitas Al Asyariah Mandar

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    This study describes student errors in proving a particular operation is set to the group or not group by using the definition of the group, which is closed, assossiatif, the presence and absence of identity element inverse element. It is intended to determine the types of errors and mistakes, as well as the factors that cause students to make mistakes in proving a particular operation is set to the group or not group by using the group definition