201 research outputs found

    Architectures of the Veil: The Representation of the Veil and Zenanas in Pakistani Feminists\u27 Texts

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    My dissertation, which works at the intersections of feminist theory, architectural theory and postcolonial literary theory, examines the spatiality of the zenana and the burqa as represented in Pakistani literary and cultural texts. I propose that the burqa creates a portable closet, an interstitial, liminal, “third space” that allows Pakistani (secluded and veiled) women to not only traverse the borders between the private (female, domestic) and public (male) spaces, but to also signal chastity and religiosity while in the public, and semi-public spaces of the cities and villages of Pakistan. I argue that the dupatta, the chador and the hijab (different types of the veil) function in a manner similar to the burqa and the zenana, even though the veils do not enclose or restrict the woman’s body in the same way. I focus on General Zia-ul-Haq’s Islamization of Pakistan’s constitution (1977-1988) and examine the impact of specific laws on women’s mobility in the decade following Zia’s death (1988-1999) as represented in literary and cultural texts. I examine Tehmina Durrani’s Blasphemy (1996), Maniza Naqvi’s Mass Transit (1998), Shahid Nadeem’s PTV drama serial Neelay Haath (1989), Sheema Kermani’s music video “Aseer Shahzadi” [Imprisoned Princess] (2002) and Shahid Nadeem’s theatrical farce “Burqavaganza” to show that the enclosures created by the segregation system are paradoxical spaces that are both restrictive and imprisoning but also comforting at the same time. The complex relationship of these authors and artists with the veiling and segregation system highlights the conundrum that most Pakistani feminists face: any challenge to the veiling and segregation system in Pakistan is seen as a questioning of Islam, and hence blasphemous. It also shows that a complete abolition of the veiling system may not even be desired, for the system is used consistently by Pakistani women to win concessions from a patriarchal state

    Correlation between HbA1c and lipid profile in diabetes: a primary health concern in Aseer, Saudi Arabia

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    Background: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) presently affects 537 million adults globally. It has a high prevalence in the Saudi population (31.6%), ranking 2nd highest in the Middle East and 7th worldwide. T2DM is characterized by insulin resistance and hyperglycemia, causing the glycation of hemoglobin, plasma proteins, tissue proteins, and their receptors. The high insulinemic state leads to dyslipidemia. These biochemical alterations can cause complications like atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, angina, myocardial infarctions, and hypertension. Considering the high prevalence of diabetes in the Saudi population and the lack of studies conducted at primary health care (PHC) centers in Saudi Arabia, this study was done to investigate the status of diabetes control in T2DM patients and propose appropriate measures to prevent the development of future complications. Method: This cross-sectional study recruited 191 known T2DM patients presenting at the PHC center in the Al Qabil locality of Aseer province of Saudi Arabia. The patient's demographic and glycemic and lipid profile data were recorded and statistically analyzed. Results: T2DM was more prevalent in males. T2DM patients were found to be obese, and 52% had coexisting hypertension. Patients had deranged glycemic profiles and dyslipidemia despite taking hypoglycemic agents. Hyperglycemia and dyslipidemia were significantly higher in people with diabetes having HbA1c > 7. HbA1c is correlated with dyslipidemia, and dyslipidemia is linked considerably with obesity. Conclusion: T2DM patients must be regularly followed up to ensure drug compliance, explained about foreseen medical complications, and motivated to adopt lifestyle modification measures to control their weight, BP, and blood glucose

    Breast Feeding Remains a Strong Protection against Infant Infections.

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    Background: Breast feeding prevents infections in infants. Those who are partially or never breast-fed and receiving bottle feeds are at higher risk of infections as compared to exclusive breast-fed infants. The objectives of this study were to record the effect of exclusive breast feeding versus partial and never breast feeding on infections in infants and also to find an association of infection with type of feed, gestation and vaccination status in infants till six months of age.Material and Methods: A total of 500 Infants were included in this cross-sectional study. Information regarding pattern of feeding and infections was obtained by verbal interview of mother and the questionnaire was filled by the study physician. The outcome evaluated was infections in infants till one year of age. Categorical comparisons were made using chi square test. A ‘p’ value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.Results: Out of 500 infants, 59.4% were males. About 59.6% were exclusively breast-fed till 6 months of age, 31.2% were partially breast-fed and 9.2% were never breast-fed. In exclusively breast-fed group, 29.5% infants reported infections as compared to 40.4% in partial breast-fed group and 65.2% in never breast-fed infants (P < 0.000). Similarly, 40.6% of infants in exclusively breast-fed group, 55.1% in partial breast feed and 58.7% in the never breast-fed reported infections in 4-6 months of age, which was statistically significant (P = 0.003). There was no significant difference in infection rates among the three study groups in 7-9 (P=0.192) and 10 -12 months (P=0.42) of age.Conclusions: Exclusive breast feeding till six months of age significantly reduces the risk of infections in infancy

    Anti-MRSA potential and metabolic fingerprinting of actinobacteria from Cholistan desert, Pakistan

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    Purpose: To investigate the actinomycetes from an extreme environment for their inhibitory potential against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), and the metabolic fingerprinting of the active strains.Methods: A total of 80 actinomycetes strains were recovered from Cholistan desert, Pakistan. The isolated strains were identified by morphological, biochemical and physiological characterization and by 16S rRNA gene sequencing. The antimicrobial activity of the selected actinomycetes strains against MRSA was determined by agar well and disc diffusion assays. All the strains were screened against MRSA for the identification of potent antimicrobial producers. Further, validation of MRSA, strains was carried out using a portion of mec-A gene (533bp) of five strains including A1, A6, A7, A8 and A9, amplified and sequenced.Results: The desert actinomycetes strains exhibited promising antimicrobial activity against MRSA with zone of inhibition of up to 25 mm recorded in agar diffusion and disc diffusion assays. The MRSA strains also showed maximum genetic similarity with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in GenBank. Most of the actinobacterial strains exhibited 99 % genetic similarity with the genus Streptomyces, including strains AFD6, AFD12, AFD23, AFD25, and AFD26 while isolate AFD18 has 100 % similarity with a Pseudonocardia, named Saccharothrix xinjiangensis.Conclusion: The results reveal that actinomycetes from the desert ecosystem studied are significant producers of useful antimicrobial agents, and should be explored further for novel drug candidates against MRSA.Keywords: Anti-MRSA potential, Actinomycetes, Extreme environments, Metabolic fingerprinting, 16S rRNA gene sequencing, Mec-A gene characterizatio

    Effect of High Dose Ginger on Plasma Testosterone and Leutinising Hormone Levels in Male Rats after Lead Induced Toxicity

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    To study the effect of high doseginger on plasma testosterone and leutinisinghormone levels in male rats after lead inducedtoxicityMethods: In this quasi experimental study, 30adult male Sprague Dawley rats were divided in twoequal groups. Group A was given 0.3% lead acetatein drinking water and kept as lead control while theGroup B was given a dose of 1.5gm/kg body weightginger orally along with 0.3% lead for 42 consecutivedays. Rats were then sacrificed and serumtestosterone and LH levels were analyzed usingELISA technique. Data was expressed as mean±SD.P-values <0.05 were considered as statisticallysignificant.Results: At the end of 42 days, mean serumtestosterone level in Group A (control Group) was2.2667± 0.45617ng/ml as compared to Group B(Experimental Group) 2.2667 ± 0.45617ng/ml andshowed statistically insignificant change(p>0.05).Comparison of mean serum LH levels in Group A(5.3200 ± 0.72526ng/ml)revealed statisticallyinsignificant difference (p>0.05) as compared toGroup B (5.7467 ± 0.70190ng/ml).Conclusion: High dose ginger (>1gm/kg bodyweight) failed to enhance the suppressedtestosterone level due to lead toxicity in male rat

    Ameliorative Effects of Two Forms of Pomegranate on Glomerular Transvertical Diameter in Steroid- Induced Kidney Damage in Mice

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    To observe the effects ofPomegranate juice (PJ) and Pomegranate peel extract(PPE) on glomerular transvertical diameter in steroidinduced mice kidney damage.Methods: In this experimental study forty healthyadult mice (BALB/c strain), average weighing 25-30gms were divided into four groups, having ten miceeach. Control group A received only standardlaboratory diet without alteration.Experimentalgroups B, C and D were injected ND (Nandrolonedecanoate) (1 mg/100 gm body weight),intramuscularly (I/M), in the hind limb once a weekfor 8 weeks. Experimental group C was also given PJ(3ml/kg body weight) by oral gavage tube daily for 8weeks and experimental group D was given PPE(200mg/kg body weight) through oral gavagetube,daily for 8 weeks.After the experimental period,the animals were sacrificed and both kidneys of allmice were obtained. Kidneys were processed,embedded and stained for histological study byusing Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) and PeriodicAcid Schiff (PAS) stains. The results were compiledand compared.Results: After ND administration, glomerulardiameter was significantly reduced in experimentalgroup B when compared to control groupA.Protective effects were seen when comparison ofexperimental group B was done with PJ and PPEadministered experimental groups C and D,respectively. When results of experimental groups Cand D were compared with each other no statisticalsignificance was present.Conclusion: Both forms of Pomegranate hasameliorative effects on glomerular transverticaldiameter in steroid induced mice kidney disease

    Numerical Solution of System of Fractional Differential Equations in Imprecise Environment

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    Fractional calculus and fuzzy calculus theory, mutually, are highly applicable for showing different aspects of dynamics appearing in science. This chapter provides comprehensive discussion of system of fractional differential models in imprecise environment. In addition, presenting a new vast area to investigate numerical solutions of fuzzy fractional differential equations, numerical results of proposed system are carried out by the GrĂŒnwald‐Letnikov\u27s fractional derivative. The stability along with truncation error of the GrĂŒnwald‐Letnikov’s fractional approach is also proved. Moreover, some numerical experiments are performed and effective remarks are concluded on the basis of efficient convergence of the approximated results towards the exact solutions and on the depictions of error bar plots
