11 research outputs found

    Hapke-based computational method to enable unmixing of hyperspectral data of common salts

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    © 2018, The Author(s). Environmental scientists are currently assessing the ability of hyper-spectral remote sensing to detect, identify, and analyze natural components, including minerals, rocks, vegetation and soil. This paper discusses the use of a nonlinear reflectance model to distinguish multicomponent particulate mixtures. Analysis of the data presented in this paper shows that, although the identity of the components can often be found from diagnostic wavelengths of absorption bands, the quantitative abundance determination requires knowledge of the complex refractive indices and average particle scattering albedo, phase function and size. The present study developed a method for spectrally unmixing halite and gypsum combinations. Using the known refractive indexes of the components, and with the assistance of Hapke theory and Legendre polynomials, the authors develop a method to find the component particle sizes and mixing coefficients for blends of halite and gypsum. Material factors in the method include phase function parameters, bidirectional reflectance, imaginary index, grain sizes, and iterative polynomial fitting. The obtained Hapke parameters from the best-fit approach were comparable to those reported in the literature. After the optical constants (n, the so-called real index of refraction and k, the coefficient of the imaginary index of refraction) are derived, and the geometric parameters are determined, single-scattering albedo (or ω) can be calculated and spectral unmixing becomes possible

    Atmospheric, Geomorphological, and Compositional Analysis of Martian Asimov and Hale Craters: Implications for Recurring Slope Lineae

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    Recurring slope lineae (RSL) are small, dark, seasonal albedo features lengthening down “warm” Martian steep slopes. Their origin has been attributed to both liquid and dry processes, hence representing one of the major open science questions on present day Mars. In the present study, we report a catalog of previous literature and newly added RSL sites making a total of 940 sites globally on Mars along with the detailed geological and compositional investigation of the Hale and Asimov craters with their RSL features. We also estimate temperature and atmospheric water abundances in the study area, which are two of the main factors to explain the origin and formation of RSL. The study found that the Asimov crater’s local temperatures are high enough to allow either the melting of brines or deliquescence of calcium perchlorate and other salts during the HiRISE observation period and found the water vapor column to be nearly five times higher than those measured “before RSL appearance.” This supports the theory of deliquescence as one of the mechanisms for the regolith-atmosphere interaction and RSL formation in the studied crater, which suggests that minerals absorb moisture from the environment until the minerals dissolve in the absorbed water and yield a solution. We also used compact reconnaissance imaging spectrometer for Mars–derived browse products for a compositional study associated with RSL features hosting craters and surface characteristics of Mars

    Meteorology of the Red Planet by dust devils

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    Many dust devils were detected by high resolution camera images on the surface of mars, that is remarkably similar in arid regions on Earth. The dust devils result from sunshine warming the ground, prompting convective rising of air. The hot air rises and begins to spin faster and faster as it compresses. The dust devils may serve a major role in the meteorology of the Red Planet. However, the derive scaling relations between dust devil radius, pressure profiles, wind speeds, and heights have remained unclear. In this work, we test a dust devil theoretical model that identify a relationship between these parameters. To do this, we used data which provides diameters and heights at different seasons. We extended the theoretical model by proposing an equation that estimate the eyewall velocity from a dust devil\u27s height

    Application of hyperspectral imaging technique to determine the quality of Photo and Thermal exposed and contaminated pharmaceutical formulations: A cost effective way of quality testing

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    Hyperspectral imaging is one of the recent technologies in the field of quality testing of pharmaceutical products. The present study describes the spectral behavior of two Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) at photo and thermal stressed conditions and the contamination on the surface. We aim to study how the hyperspectral technique can measure the physical and chemical changes of pharmaceutical ingredients at stressed conditions. Multispectral and hyperspectral cameras were used for qualitative data collection of thousands of spectra. Results were compared with traditional UV and XRD methods. Implementation of such non-destroying, non-polluting, eco-friendly and fast technology will be useful in the pharmaceutical manufacturing, packing and reaction monitoring. Hyperspectral technology will be useful in the future space explorations for a better understanding of drug stability, safety, and effectiveness in space

    Delineation of Copper Mineralization Zones at Wadi Ham, Northern Oman Mountains, United Arab Emirates Using Multispectral Landsat 8 (OLI) Data

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    © Copyright © 2020 Howari, Ghrefat, Nazzal, Galmed, Abdelghany, Fowler, Sharma, AlAydaroos and Xavier. Copper deposits in the ultramafic rocks of the Semail ophiolite massifs is found to be enormous in the region of northern Oman Mountains, United Arab Emirates. For this study, samples of copper were gathered from 14 different sites in the investigation area and were analyzed in the laboratory using the X-ray diffraction, GER 3700 spectroradiometer, and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometer. Detection and mapping of copper-bearing mineralized zones were carried out using different image processing approaches of minimum noise fraction, principal component analysis, decorrelation stretch, and band ratio which were applied on Landsat 8 (OLI) data. The spectra of malachite and azurite samples were characterized by broad absorption features in the visible and near infrared region (0.6–1.0 µm). The results obtained from the principal component analysis, minimum noise fraction, band ratio, decorrelation stretch, spectral reflectance analyses, and mineralogical and chemical analyses were found to be similar. Thus, it can be concluded that multispectral Landsat 8 data are useful in the detection iron ore deposits in arid and semi-arid regions

    Changes in the Invasion Rate of Prosopis juliflora and Its Impact on Depletion of Groundwater in the Northern Part of the United Arab Emirates

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    Prosopis species were introduced to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) region for desert greening. However, the species now pose a great threat to the native plant diversity. This study used high-resolution satellite imagery (1990–2019) to understand the history and current distribution of Prosopis species and their impact on fresh groundwater. The results show that the Prosopis invasion in the study area reached its maximum expansion rate in 2019 and covered an area of about 16 km2 compared to 0.2 km2 in 1990. The areas near Sharjah Airport, Umm Fannan, and Al Talla, located at a lower elevation of the sand dune area, are heavily invaded. Prosopis groundwater requirement derived using evapotranspiration shows that groundwater consumption has changed drastically after 2010 and consumed about 22.22 million m3 of groundwater in 2019, which is about a 7372% increase in groundwater consumption from the year 1990 to 2019. The results can be useful for setting up a management plan for the sustainable use of this species in the UAE region in particular and other similar countries in the arid land regions that are suffering from freshwater depletion because of Prosopis invasion

    Continuous Mapping and Monitoring Framework for Habitat Analysis in the United Arab Emirates

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    In 2015, the Environment Agency—Abu Dhabi developed the extensive Abu Dhabi Habitat, Land Use, Land Cover Map based on very high resolution satellite imagery acquired between 2011 and 2013. This was the first integrated effort at such a scale. This information has greatly helped in environmental conservation and preservation activities along with future infrastructure planning. This map has created an excellent baseline and allows efficient monitoring. In this work, we aim to establish a framework for short term updates to the maps to quickly enable efficient planning. We make use of spectral–spatial approaches based on object-based image analysis to adapt the classification scheme. Training examples from the baseline maps and field surveys are used to train classifiers, such as support vector machines (SVM), to build the updated maps. Eventually, the goal is to develop a consistent classification approach and then adapt automatic change detection approaches to extend the baseline maps temporally

    Chronological Analysis and Remote Sensing of Craters on the Surface of Mars

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    In the present research, we carried out detailed chronological and compositional analyses along with detailed spectral analysis of three unnamed craters on the surface of Mars. Knowledge on chronology/age analysis and compositional analysis of Mars’ surface is essential for future manned and unmanned missions. The study area is near the landing site of previous landed missions, which could be used for future landing. The area is interesting to be studied because of its high elevation in the northeastern side and low elevation in the southern side, consisting of three major geological boundaries, i.e., Hesperian, Noachian, and Amazonian, which are further subdivided into fourteen units. Chronological investigations were carried out using the active machine learning approach and Craterstats 2.0 software, which revealed the age plot of 3.09 ± 0.04 Ga for Amazonian, 3.63 ± 0.0 Ga for Hesperian, and 3.73 ± 0.0 Ga for Noachian geological units, stating that N(1) craters’ density corresponds to the early Amazonian, early Hesperian, and late Noachian/early Hesperian periods according to the established crater density boundaries, respectively. Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM)-derived browse products are used for the compositional study of the surface characteristics of Mars. A spectral investigation was performed on an unnamed crater belonging to the Amazonian period, which showed to be majorly composed of oxides as the primary mineral, indicating the spectra of hematite, boehmite, and akaganeite. A Hesperian unit-unnamed crater shows the signature of monohydrated sulfates, melilite, illite, and kaolinite minerals in the region. For the unnamed crater 3, which belongs to the Noachian period, it has diagnostic absorptions of clay minerals in their extracted spectra, indicating the sign of long-term water–rock interactions in the period. Derived chronology results and compositional studies of craters help in better understanding the geological formation units of Mars’ surface

    uhrf1 and dnmt1 Loss Induces an Immune Response in Zebrafish Livers Due to Viral Mimicry by Transposable Elements

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    Activation of transposable elements (TEs) can cause cellular damage. Cytoplasmic nucleic acid sensing pathways evolved to detect pathogens, but can also serve to cull cells with inappropriate TE activation as TEs can be viral mimetics. Epigenetic silencing of TEs is mediated in part by DNA methylation, but it is not clear if TE activation or the immune system contribute to the cellular damage caused by loss of DNA methylation. Here, we provide mechanistic insight into the observation of an activated interferon response in the liver of zebrafish larvae with deletion in critical components of the DNA methylation machinery, uhrf1 and dnmt1. We focus on dissecting the relationship between DNA methylation, TE activation and induction of an immune response through cytoplasmic DNA and double stranded RNA sensing pathways and identify tnfa as a mediator of cell death in the liver of these mutants. Integrated RNAseq and methylome analysis identified LTR transposons as the most upregulated in these mutants and also the most methylated in control larvae, indicating a direct role of DNA methylation in suppressing this TE subclass. RNAseq analysis from these same samples revealed expression signatures of a type-I interferon response and of tnfa activation, mimicking the pattern of gene expression in virally infected cells. CRISPR/Cas9 mediated depletion of the cellular antiviral sensors sting and mavs reduced expression of interferon response genes and tnfa depletion dramatically reduced cell death in uhrf1 mutant livers. This suggests that the antiviral response induced by DNA hypomethylation and TE activation in the liver is mediated by the signaling pathways activated by both cytoplasmic double stranded RNA and DNA and that tnfa mediates cell death as a potential mechanism to eliminate these damaged cells

    Changes in the Invasion Rate of Prosopis juliflora and Its Impact on Depletion of Groundwater in the Northern Part of the United Arab Emirates

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    Prosopis species were introduced to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) region for desert greening. However, the species now pose a great threat to the native plant diversity. This study used high-resolution satellite imagery (1990–2019) to understand the history and current distribution of Prosopis species and their impact on fresh groundwater. The results show that the Prosopis invasion in the study area reached its maximum expansion rate in 2019 and covered an area of about 16 km2 compared to 0.2 km2 in 1990. The areas near Sharjah Airport, Umm Fannan, and Al Talla, located at a lower elevation of the sand dune area, are heavily invaded. Prosopis groundwater requirement derived using evapotranspiration shows that groundwater consumption has changed drastically after 2010 and consumed about 22.22 million m3 of groundwater in 2019, which is about a 7372% increase in groundwater consumption from the year 1990 to 2019. The results can be useful for setting up a management plan for the sustainable use of this species in the UAE region in particular and other similar countries in the arid land regions that are suffering from freshwater depletion because of Prosopis invasion