9 research outputs found

    Role of Short Duration Double Phototherapy in The Treatment of Unconjugated Hyperbilirubinemia

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    Objective: To determine the role of short duration double phototherapy in the treatment of unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia. Materials and Methods: This prospective cases series study was conducted at pediatric department of CMH hospital at Malir Karachi. All the neonates diagnosed with unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia admitted to the neonatal ward were included. All the cases underwent short duration double phototherapy. Babies were observed for side-effects of phototherapy, like skin reaction and dehydration. Serum bilirubin was checked by bilirubinometre after 6 hourly of the treatment. Al the data was collected via study proforma. Data was analyzed by using SPSS version 20 Results: Total 74 neonates were studied, most of the neonates presented within 48-72 hours after birth. Majority of the term babies as 59.5% had history of 37-40 weeks of gestation and 28.4% had gestational age history >40 weeks. Out of all, males’ babies were 58.1% and female babies were 41.9%. Neonatal bilirubin level was significantly decreased from bassline 18.35+0.97 after 6 hours of double phototherapy as 14.66+1.18 with mean difference of 3.68+1.37 (p-value 0.001). Conclusion: Short duration double phototherapy found to be the effective, reliable and safe for skin reaction in the treatment of unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia. Key words: Hyperbilirubinemia, double phototherapy, six hours

    Giant aortic root aneurysm associated with postductal coarctation of aorta

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    The aorta is a large blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the rest of thebody. The aortic root consists of the aortic valve and the openings for thecoronary arteries (the coronary ostia). An aortic aneurysm is an abnormal bulgein the wall of the aorta. If an aneurysm develops in the aortic root, the aorta candilate and the aortic valve can leak. If the aneurysm continues to expand, it canrupture and can cause life-threatening internal bleeding.Aneurysms of the aortic root are often due to degenerative disease of media.Aneurysm of the aortic root often affects patients in their second to fourthdecades of life. These aneurysms can cause aortic insufficiency, dissection,and/or rupture.Small and slow-growing thoracic aortic aneurysms may not everrupture, but large, fast-growing aneurysms may rupture.Depending on the size and growth rate of aortic aneurysm, treatment may varyfrom watchful waiting to emergency surgery. Ideally, surgery for a thoracic aorticaneurysm can be planned if necessary. Current guidelines recommend surgicaltreatment when the diameter of the aneurysm exceeds 50 mm. Here we report acase of thoracic aneurysm with postductal coarctation of aort

    Primary melanotic schwannoma with typical histology

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    Abstract We present a case of a 17-year male with a soft tissue density spreading from the neural foramina (T3) of the spinal cord and involving the right upper thoracic cavity. We managed the patient through surgical intervention and resected the complete tumor. Gross definition and microscopic findings of the resected tissue revealed the definitive diagnosis of melanotic schwannoma. The histological characteristics in this case were very specific and harbour an important diagnostic clue for this rare disease. Malignant melanoma was ruled out on the basis of histological findings. The patient recovered completely and was healthy on one-year follow-up

    Delayed presentation of forgotten thyroid goiter - 25 years after thyroidectomy

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    Forgotten goiter is a rare occurrence (2 - 16% of retrosternal thyroid cases) that depicts recurrence of retrosternal thyroid mass due to growth of remnant thyroid tissue overlooked during an initial thyroidectomy. The patient is a 59-year female who presented with dyspnea and stridor 25 years after total thyroidectomy. She was diagnosed as having a mediastinal mass on radiographic imaging. There were only localized pressure symptoms due to mass effect. The mass was excised employing an extra-cervical approach and using a partial sternotomy. The profuse extension of thyroid tissue, adherent to vital structures in the thorax and the extra-cervical thyroidectomy was a novel experience. The mass was completely excised and the patient\u27s symptoms alleviated after the surgery. The patient recovered without any complications and there was no recurrence at 1 year of follow-up

    Peri-operative determinants of prolonged CICU stay after coronary artery bypass graft surgery in elderly at a private tertiary care hospital: a case control study

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    Abstract OBJECTIVE: To explore peri-operative risk factors associated with prolonged stay in cardiac intensive care unit among patients undergoing isolated coronary artery bypass grafting. METHODS: This retrospective case control study was conducted at the Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi, comprised medical records of patients who had undergone cardiothoracic revascularisation surgery from January 2006 to December 2013. The patients were grouped into cases and controls at a ratio of 1:2 on the basis of length of stay at cardiac intensive care unit, i.e. \u3e72 hours andanalysis. RESULTS: Of the 999 patients, 333(33.3%) were cases and 666(66.6%) were controls. The mean age of cases was 62.5±9.7 years and that of controls was 60.8±9.6 years (p=0.007). The number of males was 280(84.1%) among the cases and 489(73.4%)among the controls. Adjusted odds ratio and 95% confidence interval for age and male gender were 1.02 (1.0,1.03) and [1.90 (1.32,2.74)]; diabetics were at high risk of staying longer [1.51 (1.13,2.02)]; previous cardiovascular interventions [1.65 (1.05,2.59)], intra-aortic balloon pump insertion [1.45 (1.01,2.08)], initial ventilation time and post-operative bleeding tamponade were independently associated with prolonged cardiac intensive care unit stay [1.01 (1.00, 1.01)] and [1.9 (1.13,3.2)], respectively. The risk of dying among the cases was three times more after adjusting for all covariates in the model [3.1 (1.52,6.31)]. CONCLUSION: Advanced age, male gender, diabetes, previous cardiovascular interventions, post-operative intra-aortic balloon pump insertion, initial ventilation support and post-op bleeding tamponade were found to be the independent risk factors for prolonged cardiac intensive care unit stay

    Retrograde bullet migration from inferior vena cava into right common iliac vein following gunshot: a case report

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    Abstract Bullet embolization cases are rare and even rarer are its retrograde migration in the veins. We report the case of a 14 year old male with a gunshot wound to the left side of his chest. CT scan revealed bilateral haemothorax and foreign body in the right common iliac vein. The patient was immediately taken to the operating theatre and median sternotomy performed. Bullet entry tear was found in the inferior vena cava however, the bullet was found lodged in the right common iliac vein and slipped down against the flow of blood. The bullet was left in situ and after the necessary repair the chest was closed and the patient shifted to the CICU and discharged after 4 days in stable condition. Patient was followed after 1 week and reassured and advised for one year follow-up

    Pulmonary hyalinizing granuloma presenting with dysphagia: a rare presentation

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    Abstract A 25-year-old man presented with a 2-month history of dysphagia and past history of pulmonary and intestinal tuberculosis. A barium swallow showed a point of constriction 42 mm above the gastroesophageal junction. Computed tomography revealed large opacities in bilateral lung fields, encroaching more on the esophagus. The lesion progressively compressed the esophagus as it moved inferiorly. A right posterolateral thoracotomy was performed for sub-anatomical resection of the mass. A biopsy revealed homogenous whirling hyalinized collagen fibers, highly suggestive of pulmonary hyalinizing granuloma, with no evidence of malignancy. Pulmonary hyalinizing granuloma should be considered in the differential diagnosis of longstanding dysphagia

    Lyme Disease—An Unusual Cause of a Mitral Valve Endocarditis

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    Lyme disease is a tick-borne infection caused by Borrelia burgdorferi. Cardiac manifestations are rare, occurring in 0.5% to 10% of patients. Lyme carditis and atrioventricular block are established manifestations of Lyme disease. Endocarditis caused by Borrelia has been reported only twice previously, and in both cases, these were species (Borrelia afzelii and Borrelia bissettii) not present in North America. We report a unique case of mitral valve endocarditis caused by B burgdorferi