16 research outputs found


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    The relationship between values ??and education is very close. Values ??are involved in every action of education, both in choosing and in deciding everything for the learning needs. Through the perception of values, the teacher can evaluate students. Vice versa, students can measure the level of value presented by the teacher in the learning process. People can also refer to a number of values ??(right-wrong, good-bad, beautiful-not-beautiful) when they consider the educational feasibility experienced by their children. In short, in all forms of human perceptions, attitudes, beliefs and actions in education, values ??are always included. The results of the study found the values ??of Islamic education, and the implications contained in the book heaven that is not missed, namely the Value of Moral Education, including: sincere, patient, grateful, help, honesty, prosperity of the mosque, trying to be a sholehah wife, choosing a good path. The implication is: zuhud, not feeling happy with worldly matters because zuhud believes that what comes from God is the best, Ridho which is: willing, like, happy in accepting the provisions of God, trust that is: one's self-feeling in looking at nature, that what contained in it will not escape from the hands of God and all matters are left to God alone, patience, that is: calm when you get a trial, thankfulness that is: our belief that the blessings that exist are those of God not from others

    NILAI-NILAI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM : (Analisis Buku Misteri Banjir Nabi Nuh Karya Yosep Rafiqi)

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    Yosep Rafiki's work on the mysterious story of Nuh flood is not just a reading, it contains educational values ??that are useful to human life, both individually and as a community. In the mysterious story of the flood Noah described the state of society and the soul of a living being in a time and place of trial and trial. In this study using library research, the results found are: Faith values, Commandments affirming Allah SWT, Commandments to believe in Allah and His Messenger, preaching to Allah and His Messenger, believing in the day of retribution. Worship Value: Performing the order amar ma'ruf nahi munkar to others including his people to invoke a straightforward course of faith in Allah Almighty. Moral Values: Be gentle in preaching, be polite, compassionate and advise each other, be patient, Prohibition to be arrogant, and prohibit no respect for others


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    This research is aimed to analyze the implementation of religious moderation in a family and its role to shape young generation moderate behavior. The case study was conducted on a family in Ngoro (Moderation Village) Jombang, whose members come from different religious backgrounds. A qualitative approach was used with data collection techniques through in-depth interviews and observation. The research results showed that that families have succeeded to implement the religious values ?? moderation through respecting differences of beliefs, increasing interfaith understanding, managing emotions wisely, opening constructive dialogue and avoiding religious coercion. This implementation has brought many positive benefits such as preventing conflict, building harmony and improving the quality of family life. Besides, the family played a very important role in shaping the younger generation moderate character through providing role models, values ??education, and cultivating a harmonious family environment even though they come from different religious background

    Strategi Kepala Sekolah Dalam Peningkatan Motivasi Dan Etos Kerja Guru Di Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri Bareng Jombang

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    As a motivator, headmasters should have a good strategy to motivate teachers in carrying out various tasks and functions. They have to have views and attitudes toward their employers. The headmaster of SMAN Bareng is one of the principals who always motivates his teacher. For examples, giving prizes in the form of awards and cash to outstanding teachers. This study is qualitative, data is collected through observation, documentation and interviews, and to analyze the researchers' data using triangulation of sources. The results of the research are: the teacher of SMAN Bareng have a very good motivation, in terms of self-esteem needs which include the need for achievement and the need for status, such as several teachers are taking master's programs. The work ethic possessed by SMAN Bareng teacher is very good, as that is they have the discipline of time and responsibility in carrying out the tasks given by the principal. The principal's strategy in increasing teacher motivation and work ethic is making a good plan and giving models to them


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    The lokal content curriculum is a set of plans and arrangements regarding the content and learning materials specified by the regions according to the conditions and needs of each region and the methods used as guidelines for the implementation of teaching and learning activities. Whereas religius culture is the realization of religius teaching values as traditions or habits in behavior that are followed by all students. So the implementation of Religius Lokal Content lessons will be able to provide a function as a moral and ethical foundation in all activities, both in the context of school and in society at large. generally. This study aims to determine the learning model of lokal religius content and the implementation of Kasagamaan lokal mustan learning in the formation of  religius culture at SMPN 2 Mojowano Jombang. This research is a qualitative field research. . Furthermore, data analysis was carried out using descriptive qualitative analysis. The results showed that 1) Religius Lokal Content Learning Model at SMP Negeri 2 Mojowamo a) Using learning modules. b) Using RPP (Learning Experience Plan) c) Learning Methods of Lokal Religius Content d) Evaluation of learning. 2) Implementation of Religius Lokal Mustan Learning in Forming Religius Culture of students at SMP Negeri 2 Mojowamo a) Routine habit b) Duhur congregational prayer c) Duha prayer d) Spiritual motivation d) Visiting a friend who is sic


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    Discipline is a very absolute thing in human life, because a human being without strong discipline will damage the joints of his life, with the value of discipline, every individual person can carry out his daily duties and responsibilities well, successfully, and in accordance with programmed plan.Discipline ??of students needs to be instilled in educational institutions to form a strong character in carrying out educational and learning activities.This research was conducted at MTs Negeri 11 Jombang. The objectives achieved in this study are to describe the reality of student discipline at MTs Negeri 11 Jombang and the role of teachers in improving student discipline through inculcating disciplinary values ??at MTs Negeri 11 Jombang. Thisstudy used a qualitative method with aqualitative descriptive approach. The technique of collecting data used the methods of observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis using an interactive model with the stages of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion or verification.The results of this study are the reality of student discipline at MTs Negeri 11 Jombang, every morning before KBM perform dhuha prayers in congregation, while the teacher's role is improve student discipline through inculcating disciplinary ??at MTs Negeri 11 Jombang. and apply, guide, provide advice, provide examples, convey, and also evaluate. Supporting and inhibiting factors in inculcating discipline: a) Supporting factors, namely: the availability of facilities and infrastructure, absence, encouragement and the theacher council, b) Inhibiting factors, namely: the existence of a pandemic, the number of which coincides with exams, the capacity of the mosque inadequate

    Konsepsi Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah (Analisis Fungsi Kepala Sekolah Sebagai Pengembangan Pembelajaran PAI)

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    The leaders’ existence in conducting their function facing the change occured in their schools by stating the aim, making  their deputy function through partisipative approach, based on their leader capability professionally. The head master as an influential person in developing or decreasing educational institution including Islamic educational subject have to be able to run their tasks as educator, manager, administrator, supervisor, leader, innovator and motivator. The head master leadership analysis as developer of PAI learning, if they can run their function as supervisor, leader, innovator in learning PAI policy. The school success in reaching out the PAI learning aim based on the leader capability in running their school. Their role influences to create the purposes has been decided. That is why the organization success in acheiving puposes based on the successful of their leader


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    A teacher has a very important role in developing the character and attitude of the discipline of fardhu prayer towards students. Discipline is a firm rule where the contents and formulation of the rules are carefully thought out, fostered and developed in a more concrete way so that what is desired can be realized in accordance with what is expected. The purpose of this study was to describe teacher creativity, the discipline of fardlu prayers and the supporting and inhibiting factors faced by teachers in instilling discipline in students through fardlu prayers at TPQ Al-Huda Jatirejo Diwek Jombang. This research is a qualitative field research, the research form is descriptive qualitative using data collection techniques, namely observation, interviews, and documentation. Furthermore, data analysis was carried out using descriptive qualitative analysis. The results of the study show that: 1) Discipline of students in participating in congregational fard prayer activities has been carried out. This can be seen when it is already noon time, students who are assigned to call to prayer rush to take ablution and then call to prayer. 2) Teacher creativity in instilling discipline, namely: The teacher sets a good example. There is a contact book, There ispunishment, There is a schedule of adhan and iqomat. 3) Factors supporting teacher creativity in instilling the discipline of fardlu prayer, namely: cooperation between teachers, the existence of an adequate prayer room, and the participation of parents, while the teacher's obstacles in instilling the discipline of fardlu prayer are the lack of places for ablution, and the presence of sellers around TPQ

    Discovery Learning Dalam Peningkatan Pemahaman Mapel Al-Qur’an Hadits Di MTs Miftahul Ulum Jarakkulon

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    The success of a learning process is determined from the factors of students, teachers, facilities and infrastructure, models and learning methods used. The learning model used is able to increase the level of student understanding, one of which is discovery learning. This model is also applied at MTs Distance Kulon. This research method uses qualitative research methods with a descriptive approach. The results of the study stated that the implementation of the Discovery Learning Learning Model were: Planning the Al-Qur'an Hadith learning program, the teacher providing stimulation (stimulus or giving stimulation), the teacher providing problem statements (questions or problem identification) to be solved, the teacher asking students to collect ( data collection) and data processing (data processing), AND the teacher performs verification and assessment of learning outcomes. Students' understanding at MTs Miftahul Ulum Distancekulon on the subject of Al-Qur'an Hadith is proven by fulfilling several indicators of understanding, namely the ability of students to interpret, give examples, clarify, guess or draw conclusions, and re-explain the material they have learned

    NILAI-NILAI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM: (Tela’ah Novel Kasidah-Kasidah Cinta)

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    Along with development of globalization, literary works also makes an important contribution to education. One of the novels that included Islamic values ??especially in moral messages is the novel "Kasidah-Kasidah Cinta" written Muhammad Muhyidin which is full of knowledge, especially about religious knowledge, so that it feels more alive and real. The Islamic education value is the value of Islam that supports education implementation and even becomes a series or system such values as the value of faith, knowledge, worship morals, and the value of struggle. Meanwhile the value of education in the Kasidah-Kasidah Cinta novel is about faith, worship and morals education.Along with development of globalization, literary works also makes an important contribution to education. One of the novels that included Islamic values ??especially in moral messages is the novel "Kasidah-Kasidah Cinta" written Muhammad Muhyidin which is full of knowledge, especially about religious knowledge, so that it feels more alive and real. The Islamic education value is the value of Islam that supports education implementation and even becomes a series or system such values as the value of faith, knowledge, worship morals, and the value of struggle. Meanwhile the value of education in the Kasidah-Kasidah Cinta novel is about faith, worship and morals education