323 research outputs found

    Different Views of Laws of Nature

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    There are roughly two main understanding in philosophy of science: Epistemology of Science and Metaphysics of Science. It is examined that some concept such as Laws of Nature, Causation, Time and Space into the metaphysics of Science. In this paper, it has been studied laws of nature which is one the most important subjects in metaphysics of science. Let’s think outside the box, there are three significant views about laws of nature; Regularity Theory, Necessitation Theory and Dispositional Essential views. It has been worked the views of David Lewis in regularity theory. In the section of nomic necessitation we have been scrutinised the arguments put forward by David Armstrong and finally the last section; it has been discussed Alexander Bird’s views of dispositional essentialism comparing with the other two aspects

    David Lewis' Best System Analysis and CP Laws

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    In The Context of Laws of Nature Structural Humeanism vs. Classical Humeanism In the context of the laws of nature, philosophers of science have developed some views in order to adopt an attitude towards recurring events in nature. In this respect, it has been discussed whether there is any driving force underlying the regular behaviours and movements we encounter in nature, and two approaches have emerged as a result of the discussion: A view that there are certain driving forces or causal relations in the ground, and an opposing view that claims that there are no causal relations in the ground, but there are regularities in nature. Views such as the latter are generally described as the Humean view. Such views are also called regularity theories. Throughout this article, the statements referred to as regularity are characterised as the Humean view. Since the article will be centred on the Humean view, views such as the first view, such as dispositional essentialism or structural realism, are not the concern of this article. The article favours the Structural Humean approach over the classical Humean approach. The classical Humean approach is centred on the views of David Lewis and is concerned with distinguishing between laws of nature seen as accidental generalisations and regularities. While it tries to make such a distinction by constructing nature through a mosaic, the Structural Humean approach is an approach that develops Lewis’s claims and tries to shape nature with the concept of structure rather than mosaic. Thus, it is seen as an approach that provides more information than the Classical Humean approach in terms of creating a philosophical infrastructure for explaining nature in terms of modern physics. Through Psillos, Structural Humeanism tried to place the concept of natural pattern into the structure in order to gain metaphysical solidity and tried to bring the Structural Humean approach closer to the Structural Realism camp. Thus, the classically epistemologically important Humean approach has made a significant progress in positioning it on the realist wing. As a result of all these studies, the Structural Humean approach has been defended as a philosophical approach that offers useful arguments for modern physics compared to the Classical Humean approach. Keywords: Humeanism, Regularity, Laws of Nature, Best System Account, Structural Humeanism, Natural Pattern

    Effectiveness of Bobath therapy on balance in cerebral palsy

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    Purpose: Weakness on balance control is one of the most common problems for children with cerebral palsy. Present study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of 8 week-Bobath therapy on balance in children with diparetic or hemiparetic cerebral palsy.Materials and Methods: A total of 15 cerebral palsy diagnosed children (8 diparesis, 7 hemiparesis) aged 5-14 years, were included in this study. Children could walk independently or by using a walking aid. The demographic data were saved for each case. Gross Motor Function Classification System and Gross Motor Function Measure were used to determine level of motor function. 1 Minute Walking Test, 10-meter Walking Test, Pediatric Balance Scale for balance ability and Functional Independence Measure for children (WeeFIM) for assessing of independence in activities of daily living were used. Bobath therapy were applied to children one 60-minute session, 2 days a week and 8 weeks in total. All evaluations were performed before treatment and repeated after treatment program.Results: After 8-week Bobath therapy, the results showed that improvement in motor function, level of functional independence and balance scores were statistically significant.Conclusion: Bobath therapy improves functional motor ability, independence level on daily living activities, and also balance ability in children with cerebral palsy

    An Infant Case with Hair-Thread Tourniquet Syndrome

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    Strangulation of the limbs by wrapping them with hair or thread leads to a syndrome called hair-thread tourniquet syndrome. If early diagnosis and correct treatment is not performed, it may result in loss of the affected tissues. The time between the development of the event and the removal of the hair-thread is important. In this paper, a 2.5-month-old girl with swelling of the 3rd and 4th toes of the left foot due to hair entanglement is presented

    An overview of platelet indices for evaluating platelet function in children with scorpion envenomation

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    The aim of this study was to assess the correlation between platelet indices and scorpion envenomations (SE). Medical records of 76 children who were hospitalised for scorpion stings in the paediatric intensive care unit (PICU) between February 2013 and November 2013, and 55 healthy children who were similar to the patient group in terms of age and sex, were analysed retrospectively. The leucocyte (WBC), thrombocyte (PLT), plateletcrit (PCT), platelet distribution width (PDW) and mean platelet volume (MPV) values of the 76 children with SE were recorded. These values were compared with the healthy control group. Significantly higher WBC and PDW values were noted in patients with SE in comparison to the controls. Patients with SE had significantly lower mean MPV values compared to the healthy controls (9.03 ± 1.26 compared to 10.43 ± 1.44 fL, respectively; p < 0.001). Although the mean platelet count was slightly elevated in the SE group, no statistically significant difference existed between the two groups (p = 0.097). Furthermore, the mean PCT values in the SE group compared to the control group were slightly decreased, but this decrease was not statistically significant (p = 0.141). A significant inverse correlation existed between the MPV values and the WBC (r = -0.450, p < 0.01) and PLT counts (r = -0.420, p < 0.01). The PLT values were significantly correlated with the PCT values (r = 0.687, p < 0.01). This study demonstrated that SE may lead to several alterations in platelet indices. Significantly lower values of MPV and higher values of PDW were detected in SE patients. However, the increase in the platelet counts and the decrease in the PCT values were not significant

    Yenidoğan döneminde akut ürtiker ile prezente olan inek sütü proteini alerjisi

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    Urticaria is a common disease in children. But there are few case reportsin neonatal period. Urticaria has many causes, unfortunately it cannotbe figured out in some of the cases. Drug and food allergies, infectionsare common reasons that have been commonly shown. IgE-mediatedfood allergy should be considered in patients with acute urticaria and/orangioedema after food intake. Here we present a case of acute urticariadue to cow’s milk protein allergy in the newborn period. A 21-day-old malepatient was admitted to our emergency department with the complaintof widespread rash on the body which started one day earlier. Medicalhistory has revealed that he did not have a different drug intake beforethe onset of complaints, had no previous rashes, upper respiratory tractinfection or other infective-inflammatory disease since birth. His parentsdid not admit to another hospital. We obtained blood tests for food allergy.Total IgE: 38 IU/L and cow’s milk protein-specific IgE (f2): 2.26 kU/Lwere found to be suspicious for food allergy. According to these results,the formula which the baby was treated before has been stopped andextensively hydrolyzed formula has been started. After 12 hours, urticariahad started to fade. While going on our treatment, on 5th day the urticarialesions totally disappeared. Although urticaria is a common disease, it israrely reported in patients under six months. We want to emphasize thatfood allergies may be considered in cases presenting with urticaria inneonatal period.Ürtiker, küçük çocuklarda çok sık görülen medikal bir problemdir. Yenidoğan döneminde ise az sayıda olgu bildirimi vardır. Ürtikerin birçok olguda nedeni bulunamasa da oldukça fazla nedeni vardır. Daha çok gıda alerjisi, ilaç etkisi veya enfeksiyonlara bağlı meydana geldiği gösterilmiştir. Besin alımı sonrası akut ürtiker ve/veya anjioödem görülen hastalarda IgE aracılı besin alerjisinin olabileceği mutlaka akla getirilmelidir. Bu yazıda ise yenidoğan döneminde inek sütü proteini alerjisine bağlı gelişen akut ürtiker olgusı sunulmuştur. Yirmi bir günlük erkek hasta acil servisimize 1 gün önce başlayan vücuttaki yaygın döküntü şikayeti ile başvurdu. Hastanın öyküsünde şikayetleri başlamadan önce farklı bir ilaç alımı olmadığı, daha önce döküntülerinin olmadığı, doğumundan bu yana üst solunum yolu enfeksiyonu veya başka bir enfektif-enflamatuvar hastalık geçirmediği ve başka bir tıbbi kuruma başvurmadıkları öğrenildi. Hastanın besin alerjisi şüphesi açısından alınan tetkiklerinde Total IgE: 38 IU/L, süt spesifik IgE (f2): 2,26 kU/L olarak saptandı. Bu sonuçlara göre olgunun almış olduğu formüla mama kesilerek ileri derece hidrolize formüla başlanıldı. İzlemde olgunun 12 saat sonra vücuttaki döküntülü lezyonlar solmaya başladı ve tedavisinin 5. gününde tüm lezyonları düzeldi. Ürtiker, sık görülen bir hastalık olsa da 6 aydan küçük olgularda nadir olarak bildirilmektedir. Yenidoğan döneminde ürtiker tablosu ile başvuran olgularda besin alerjisi olabileceğinin akılda tutulması gerektiğini vurgulamak için olgumuz sunulmuştur

    A compilation study on the staff definitions and employment problems of the personnel working in the sports services of metropolitan municipalitiesBüyükşehir belediyelerinin spor hizmetlerinde çalışmakta olan personelin kadro tanımları ve istihdam problemlerine yönelik derleme bir çalışma

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    In this study, the personnel needs of the metropolitan municipalities employed in the sports services, the staff definitions and the situation related to the employment process were determined. It is aimed to examine the problems. The research is designed using descriptive and reviewing  method.The sport services are defined as an assignment in the article 59 of the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey with the expression “The State shall take measures to develop the physical and mental health of Turkish citizens of all ages, and encourage the spread of sports among the masses”. Local governments are a form of government that is in direct contact with society, as a public legal entity. The Constitution imposes responsibility on local governments in terms of the implementation of sports services, with these expressions. Furthermore, it is seen that the Municipal Law No. 5393 also imposes various responsibilities and duties. Services shall be provided by municipalities are counted in the subparagraph (a) of the article 14 of Law No 5393. These include the task of carrying out or making youth and sports services. Personnel recruitment is needed to carry out these duties and responsibilities. The employment of the municipalities, which are public legal entities, is subject to the Constitution and the law. In the article 128 of the Constitution, there is mentioned that public legal entities are obliged to execute public services shall be carried out by public servants and other public employees. The definition and description of civil servants are made in the Civil Servants Law No. 657. In the study, it was concluded that the terms of reference of the personnel to be stipulated in the sports services carried out metropolitan municipalities and to include their titles in the relevant legislation.Extended English summary is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file. ÖzetBu çalışmada büyükşehir belediyelerinin spor hizmetlerinde çalıştırılan personel ihtiyacı, kadro tanımları ve istihdam süreci ile ilgili durum tespit edilmiş ve ortaya çıkan sorunların incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmada betimsel yöntemden yararlanılmıştır. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Anayasasının 59. Maddesinde; “Devlet, her yaştaki Türk vatandaşlarının beden ve ruh sağlığını geliştirecek tedbirleri alır, sporun kitlelere yayılmasını teşvik eder” ifadesiyle spor hizmetlerini bir ödev olarak tanımlamaktadır. Yerel yönetimler kamu tüzel kişisi olarak topluma doğrudan temas eden bir yönetim biçimidir. Anaysa bu ifadelerle, spor hizmetlerinin yürütülmesi açısından yerel yönetimlere sorumluluk yüklemektedir. Ayrıca 5393 sayılı Belediye Kanununun da çeşitli sorumluluk ve ödevler yüklediği görülmektedir. 5393 sayılı kanunun 14. maddesi (a) bendinde yürütmesi gereken hizmetler sayılmıştır. Bunlar arasında gençlik ve spor hizmetlerini yapmak veya yaptırmak görevlerine de yer verilmiştir. Bu görev ve sorumlulukların yürütülmesi için ise personel istihdamına ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Bir kamu tüzel kişisi olan belediyelerin, personel istihdamı Anayasa’ya ve kanuna tabidir. Anayasanın 128. maddesinde, kamu tüzel kişiliklerin yürütmekte yükümlü olduğu kamu hizmetlerini, memurlar ve diğer kamu görevlileri eliyle yürütebileceği hükmü bulunmaktadır. Memurların kim olduğu ve tanımı ise 657 sayılı Devlet Memurları Kanununda yapılmaktadır. Çalışmada büyükşehir belediyelerinde yürütülen spor hizmetlerinde istidam edilecek personelin görev tanımı yapılarak ilgili mevzuatta unvanlarına yer verilmesi gerektiği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır

    Spor ve milliyetçilik etkileşimi: ulusal kimlik oluşturmada sporun yeri ve önemi

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    The aim of his study, developing nation and national state, legitimation of imperialist policies, developing national independent struggle, searching the interaction of sport and nationalism as a politic and ideologic action effecting in socia-cultural and politic area and also determinig the place and importance of sport. As a result; the role of sport according to nationalism are; developing states, creating national identity and national rivalry, nationalism that needs politics being a factor in sport competations, sports&rsquo; effects in creating social classes and national identities by active and aggressive, powerful masculinity myth incarnation, sports&rsquo; being an area of creating people as &ldquo; us&rdquo; and also passing beyond the little inner parts and displacing of itself, having success in sport, reinforce patriotism by defining national sport concepts, national awareness of international sport, establishing&nbsp; national consciousness, pride and unity, also thinking sport as an instrument of national unity through the miscellaneous groups.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bu &ccedil;alışmanın amacı; ulusu ve ulus-devleti kurma, emperyalist politikaları meşrulaştırma, emperyalizme karşı ulusal bağımsızlık m&uuml;cadelesini geliştirme gibi pek &ccedil;ok ama&ccedil; i&ccedil;in kullanılan, hem sosyo-k&uuml;lt&uuml;rel hem de siyasal alanda etkisi halen devam eden bir ideoloji ve siyasal hareket olan milliyet&ccedil;ilik ve spor etkileşimini inceleyerek, ulusal kimlik oluşturmada sporun yeri ve &ouml;nemini belirlemektir.Sonu&ccedil; olarak; sporun milliyet&ccedil;iliğe dair rol&uuml;n&uuml;; Devletlerin gelişiminde, uluslar arası spor m&uuml;sabakaları ulusal kimlik ve milli rekabetin inşasından olmak &uuml;zere ikili bir g&ouml;rev y&uuml;klenmesi, politikanın ihtiya&ccedil; duyduğu milliyet&ccedil;iliğin, spor m&uuml;sabakalarında bir fakt&ouml;r olması, sporun top&shy;lumsal sınıfların &ldquo;yapılışında&rdquo;, mill&icirc; kimliklerin kuruluşunda etkin ve saldır&shy;gan, g&uuml;&ccedil;l&uuml; erkeklik mitinin cisimleş&shy;mesine yol a&ccedil;an etkinlik olması, Sporun &ldquo;var olabilecek &lsquo;k&uuml;&ccedil;&uuml;k&rsquo; i&ccedil; b&ouml;l&uuml;n&shy;meleri aşarak ve yerinden ederek, milletin &lsquo;biz&rsquo; olarak kurulmasını sağlayan bir alan olması, kalabalıkların sportif başarıları tattık&ccedil;a, ulusal spor kavramları ile kendisini tanımlamasıyla vatanseverliği pekiştirmesi, uluslar arası sporun,&nbsp; ulusal farkındalığı kimliği canlandırması ve sporda ferdi ve takım başarısıyla milli bilin&ccedil;, gurur ve birlik duygusu canlandırabilmesi, ayrıca sporun muhtelif topluluklar arasında milli birliğin inkişafında bir enstr&uuml;man olarak g&ouml;r&uuml;lmesi şeklinde &ouml;zetleyebiliriz