46 research outputs found
Microwave-Induced Chemotoxicity of Polydopamine-Coated Magnetic Nanocubes
Polydopamine-coated FeCo nanocubes (PDFCs) were successfully synthesized and tested under microwave irradiation of 2.45 GHz frequency and 0.86 W/cm2 power. These particles were found to be non-toxic in the absence of irradiation, but gained significant toxicity upon irradiation. Interestingly, no increase in relative heating rate was observed when the PDFCs were irradiated in solution, eliminating nanoparticle (NP)-induced thermal ablation as the source of toxicity. Based on these studies, we propose that microwave-induced redox processes generate the observed toxicity
Logistics management in Shipbuilding cluster systems
Фатеев, Н. В. Логистическое управление в судостроительных кластерных системах = Logistics management in Shipbuilding cluster systems / Н. В. Фатеев, И. М. Запорожец // Зб. наук. пр. НУК. – Миколаїв : НУК, 2014. – № 3 (453). – С. 106–110.Аннотация. Раскрыты сущность и особенности судостроительных кластерных систем. Предложены механизмы организации судостроительных кластеров, а также показатели оценки эффективности их функционирования.Abstract. The essence and features of the shipbuilding cluster systems have been considered. The mechanisms of the organization of shipbuilding clusters are analyzed as well as the indicators of the effectiveness of their operation. The research aim is to develop the principles for the organization of the shipbuilding cluster system and use the models as a logistics tool in order to develop and operate the shipbuilding cluster system. A scheme of the functional decomposition of the shipbuilding cluster of operating system is developed. The competitive factors of the developed shipbuilding cluster system are: total cost of the design and construction of the vessel; turnaround time for construction of the vessel; quality of the product; required level of the technical maturity of the cluster members. The balance model should be used for planning the budget revenues. The properly constructed balanced scorecard, supported by the special software, allows each participant cluster focusing their resources (financial, human, technological, informational ones) on the implementation of the strategy and ensuring the steady traffic of your goals
Mechanisms of proactive management in the management system of ship repair enterprises
Фатеев, Н. В. Механизмы проактивного управления в системе менеджмента судоремонтных предприятий = Mechanisms of proactive management in the management system of ship repair enterprises / Н. В. Фатеев, И. М. Запорожец // Зб. наук. пр. НУК. – Миколаїв : НУК, 2014. – № 1 (451). – С. 72–76.Аннотация. Изложены основные элементы механизма проактивного управления судоремонтными предприятиями. Обоснована номенклатура показателей контроля производственных процессов с учетом особенностей судоремонтного производства. Предложены принципы реализации процессов контроллинга, основанные на системе бюджетирования и методе освоенного объема.Abstract. The basic mechanism elements of the proactive management of ship repair enterprises are described. The research aim is to develop the basic mechanism elements of the proactive management of ship repair enterprises. The range of monitoring indicators of the production processes taking into account the features of the ship repair manufacturing is proved. The principles of implementation of controlling processes based on the budgeting system and earned value method are proposed. There are four approaches for implementation of the controlling system: a simple variance analysis of actual results from the planned ones; a budgeting control of the department with the elements of the factor variance analysis; a strategic approach to the variance analysis; a variance analysis taking into account the uncertainty. The recommendations on the information system structure which provides the implementation of the proactive management mechanism are proposed. Along with the introduction of the proactive management elements it is advisable to save the traditional schemes of management decisions, i.e. it is necessary to maintain a balance between the proactivity and reactivity in terms of resources cost
Standard logistic unit of waterway transport
Галь, А. Ф. Стандартная логистическая единица водного транспорта = Standard logistic unit of waterway transport / А. Ф. Галь, А. Я. Казарезов, Н. В. Фатеев // Зб. наук. пр. НУК. – Миколаїв : НУК, 2015. – № 1 (457). – С. 86–90Аннотация. Приведены сравнительные характеристики судов со стандартными корпусами. Указано одно из перспективных направлений развития судостроения в Украине – строительство стандартных корпусов транспортных судов, самоходных и несамоходных барж, стоечных судов, рыболовных судов и судов технического флота. Приведены рекомендации по выбору элементов для строительства стандартных судов украинского транспортного флота.Abstract. The solution of the problem of the development of a logistic unit (vessel) for the maritime cluster of the south of Ukraine as a standard logistic unit of maritime logistics has been considered. The use of a water transport logistic unit (taking a ship of mixed navigation as an example) for providing the practical application of the theoretical logistics foundations in the cargo shipping management is studied. One of the issues for the development of shipping and shipbuilding in Ukraine is the construction of a standard barge hull for large-scale manufacture. The comparative characteristics of ships with standard hulls are given. One of the promising directions of the shipbuilding development in Ukraine is noted. It is the construction of standard hulls for carriers, self-propelled and non-self-propelled barges, bunkering, fishing and maintenance vessels. The recommendations for the selection of elements for the construction of standard vessels for Ukrainian cargo fleet are stated. The foreign experience of large-scale shipbuilding is analyzed. The recommendations for the development of a logistic unit (vessel) for the maritime cluster of the south of Ukraine. The comparative characteristics of ships with standard hulls are given. One of the promising directions of the shipbuilding development in Ukraine is noted. It is the construction of standard hulls for carriers, self-propelled and non-self-propelled barges, bunkering, fishing and maintenance vessels. The recommendations for the selection of elements for the construction of standard vessels for Ukrainian cargo fleet are stated
Improvement of the control mechanisms for marine liquid bulk terminals based on simulation modeling
Козир, Б. Ю. Удосконалення механізмів управління морськими наливними терміналами на основі імітаційного моделювання = Improvement of the control mechanisms for marine liquid bulk terminals based on simulation modeling / Б. Ю. Козир, О. О. Поткін, М. В. Фатєєв // Зб. наук. пр. НУК. – Миколаїв : НУК, 2017. –
№ 2 (469). – С. 63–68.Анотація. Проведено дослідження системи управління морськими терміналами, на основі декомпозиції операційної системи морського наливного термінала установлено базові елементи імітаційної моделі вантажопотоків термінала. Програмну реалізацію імітаційної моделі виконано за модульним принципом, що забезпечує її інтеграцію до корпоративної інформаційної системи термінала. Розроблені алгоритми імітаційної моделі вантажопотоків наливного термінала реалізовано з використанням мови програмування Java.Abstract. The system of control of the marine terminals has been studied on the basis of decomposition of the operating system of the liquid bulk terminal. The basic elements of the simulation model of the terminal cargo flow are determined. Software implementation of the simulation model is carried out by the modular principle, allowing for its integration into the corporate information system of the terminal. The developed algorithms of the simulation model of cargo flows at the liquid bulk terminal are implemented using the Java programming language
Механізми проактивного управління в системі менеджменту судноремонтних підприємтсв
The basic mechanism elements of the proactive management of ship repair enterprises are described. The research aim is to develop the basic mechanism elements of the proactive management of ship repair enterprises. The range of monitoring indicators of the production processes taking into account the features of the ship repair manufacturing is proved. The principles of implementation of controlling processes based on the budgeting system and earned value method are proposed. There are four approaches for implementation of the controlling system: a simple variance analysis of actual results from the planned ones; a budgeting control of the department with the elements of the factor variance analysis; a strategic approach to the variance analysis; a variance analysis taking into account the uncertainty. The recommendations on the information system structure which provides the implementation of the proactive management mechanism are proposed. Along with the introduction of the proactive management elements it is advisable to save the traditional schemes of management decisions, i.e. it is necessary to maintain a balance between the proactivity and reactivity in terms of resources cost.Изложены основные элементы механизма проактивного управления судоремонтными предприятиями. Обоснована номенклатура показателей контроля производственных процессов с учетом особенностей судоремонтного производства. Предложены принципы реализации процессов контролинга, основанные на системе бюджетирования и методе освоенного объема.Викладено основні елементи механізму проактивного управління судноремонтними підприємствами. Обґрунтовано номенклатура показників контролю виробничих процесів з урахуванням особливостей судноремонтного виробництва. Запропоновано принципи реалізації процесів контролінгу, засновані на системі бюджетування та методі освоєного обсягу
Сучасні проблеми армоцементного суднобудування
The problems of armocement shipbuilding development are considered. Comparative weight characteristics of barges with armocement, steel and reinforced concrete hulls are represented. Recommendations on improvement of characteristics of armocement as the material for shipbuilding are given. Perspective directions of armocement shipbuilding are considered which are building of barges, fishing vessels, and restoring repair of small vessels fleet.Рассмотрены проблемы развития армоцементного судостроения. Приведены сравнительные весовые характеристики барж с корпусами из армоцемента, стали и железобетона, а также рекомендации по улучшению характеристик армоцемента как материала для строительства судов. Указаны перспективные направления армоцементного судостроения – строительство барж, рыболовных судов и восстановительный ремонт флота малых судов.Розглянуто проблеми розвитку армоцементного суднобудування. Наведено порівняльні вагові характеристики барж з корпусами з армоцементу, сталі та залізобетону, а також рекомендації щодо покращення характеристик армоцементу як матеріалу для будівництва суден. Зазначено перспективні напрямки армоцементного суднобудування – будівництво барж, рибальських суден та відновлювальний ремонт флоту малих суден
Логістичне управління у суднобудівних кластерних системах
The essence and features of the shipbuilding cluster systems have been considered. The mechanisms of the organization of shipbuilding clusters are analyzed as well as the indicators of the effectiveness of their operation. The research aim is to develop the principles for the organization of the shipbuilding cluster system and use the models as a logistics tool in order to develop and operate the shipbuilding cluster system. A scheme of the functional decomposition of the shipbuilding cluster of operating system is developed. The competitive factors of the developed shipbuilding cluster system are: total cost of the design and construction of the vessel; turnaround time for construction of the vessel; quality of the product; required level of the technical maturity of the cluster members. The balance model should be used for planning the budget revenues. The properly constructed balanced scorecard, supported by the special software, allows each participant cluster focusing their resourcРаскрыты сущность и особенности судостроительных кластерных систем. Предложены механизмы организации судостроительных кластеров, а также показатели оценки эффективности их функционирования.Розкрито суть і особливості суднобудівних кластерних систем. Запропоновано механізми організації суднобудівних кластерів, а також показники оцінки ефективності їх функціонування