24 research outputs found
Analisis Pengaruh Good Corporate Governance Index dan Rating Obligasi terhadap Investment Opportunity dan Struktur Modal Perusahaan (Studi pada Perusahaan Peserta CGPI Tahun 2009-2012 yang Terdaftar di BEI)
This study aimed to determine the direct and indirect effect of good corporate governance, bond rating with the investment opportunity and the capital structure on the companies participating in CGPI listed on Indonesian Stock Exchange 2009-2012. Purpose sampling method used to get our sample. Then, the analytical method used is path analysis in accordance with the purpose of research which analyzes the influence of independent variables on the dependent variable. The result shows that: (1) Good Corporate Governance Index and Bond Rating have a positive direct effect but not significant to the Investment Opportunity, (2) Corporate Governance Index has a positive direct effect but not significant to the Capital Structure, (3) Bond Rating have a negative direct effect and not significant to the capital structure, (4) Investment Opportunity have a negative indirectly effect and significant to the capital structure, (5) Good Corporate Governance Index and Bond Rating does not have an indirect effect to the Capital Structure through Investment Opportunity
The Influence Good Corporate Governance Index, Earning Management on Firm Value Empirical Studies on Real Eastate Property Companies Listed on Stock Exchanges in Indonesia 2009-2012
The purpose of the research is to examine the effect of Good Corporate Governance index and Earnings Management on firm value in property real estate that listed in Indonesian stock exchanges(BEI) 2009 until 2012.The purposive sampling method is used to determine our samplengs . From ninety-nine firms, we got thirty-one firms. To analysis the data we use multiple regression analysis. T-test, F-test, and determine koefisien are use to examine our hypothesis. The result shows that mean why good corporate governance index significany positive affect on firm value and earnings management has not significant negative effect on the firm value
Skrining Dan Isolasi Metabolit Aktif Antibakteri Kultur Jamur Endofit Dari Tumbuhan Albertisia Papuana Becc. [Screening and Isolation of Antibacterial Active Metabolite From the Culture of Endophytic Fungi From Albertisia Papuana Becc.]
Totally 15 isolates of endophytic fungi were obtained from leaves and young stems of a medicinal plant Albertisia Papuana Becc.(Menispermaceae). The antibacterial screening of the ethyl acetate extract derived from the fungi cultures in potato dextrose broth (PDB)were performed on a non eluted Thin Layer Chromatography Bioautography assay (TLC bioautography assay). From the screening test, itwas found that the ethyl acetate extract of the fungus Xylaria sp. DAP-KRI-5 culture showed strong antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus. The isolation of active metabolite based on the bioautography guided assay from ethyl acetate extract of the Xylaria sp. DAP-KRI-5, led us to identify phloroglucinol as a main antibacterial compound. The chemical structure of phloroglucinol was deduced from it spectral data, including UV-Vis, 1H and 13C-NMR, GC-MS and published data elsewhere
Pengaruh Analisis Rasio – Rasio Early Warning System (EWS) terhadap Harga Saham pada Perusahaan Asuransi yang Listing di Bursa Efek Indonesia (2009- 2012)
The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of Liquidity Ratio,Claimexpense Ratio, Agent\u27s Balance to Surplus Ratio and Ratio of Premium Growth. Firm\u27s value of this research was measured by Stock\u27s Price. We use secondary data which get from Indonesian Capital Market Directory (ICMD). Purposive sampling is used to get the sample. Descriptive statistics, multiple linear regression analysis (partially analysis), t-test and F-test are used to analyse the data. The result shows that both Liquidity Ratio and Ratio of Premium Growth were significantly affected Stock Price. Meanwhile, both Claim Ratio and Agent\u27s Balance to Surplus Ratio had no effect at all on Stock Price
The Influence of Institutional Ownership Structure, Capital Structure, and Firm Size on the Stock Exchange Trading Company in Indonesia (BEI)
The purpose of this research is to examine the effects of institutional ownership, capital structure, and firm size on firm value in trading company in Jakarta stock exchange for 2009 until 2012. Purposive sampling method is used to get our sampling form thirty firm population, we acquired twenty companies. For the analyse our data, we used multiple regresion analyse. Testing while t-test, f-test and coefficient determinasi (R2) are used to examine our hypotesis. The result that capital structure variable negative and significantly on firm value. moreover firm size effect positively and significantly on firm value. whereas, institutional ownership has no effect on firm value
Predicting the Age and Weight at Puberty of Ongole Grade Cattle Using Nonlinear Mathematical Model in Kebumen Farmer Association
This research is aimed to evaluate the nonlinear mathematical model in predicting the age and weight of Kebumen Ongole Grade (PO) cattle at puberty. The data used in this research was weight recordings of (768) PO cattle, ranging from calf (0.70). Mature weight (A) of PO cattle predicted by Logistic (349 kg) and Gompertz (358 kg) were most appropriate. Out of the four models, the Logistic model was the most accurate in predicting the weight at puberty (174 kg) of PO cattle, but all observed cattle are still in the follicular phase
Pengembangan Pink Miana Menjadi Produk Unggulan Daerah Berbasis IPTEK Untuk Mewujudkan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat di Desa Puntukrejo
Tanaman Pink Miana (Coleus scuttelarioides) merupakan varietas miana yang hanya dibudidayakan di salah satu UMKM pariwisata The Lawu Fresh, Desa Puntukrejo Ngargoyoso, Karanganyar, Jawa Tengah. Tanaman hias yang terkenal dengan keunikan warna daunnya ini ternyata mengandung berbagai zat seperti antioksidan serta antiinflamasi yang baik bagi imunitas tubuh. Akan tetapi, melimpahnya potensi yang dimiliki miana tidak diimbangi dengan kapabilitas masyarakat setempat dalam pengolahannya. Pengolahan Pink Miana yang kurang tepat dapat menyebabkan berkurang atau hilangnya kandungan zat zat tersebut jika diolah dengan suhu yang terlalu panas. Metode yang digunakan dalam pemecahan permasalahan tersebut adalah controlled boiling. Controlled boiling merupakan metode merebus menggunakan api kecil dengan pengawasan suhu yang teratur agar tidak melampaui suhu maksimal yang dapat diterima bahan. Adapun hasil temuan yang diperoleh adalah produk sirup berbahan dasar daun miana pertama “Pink Fresh” yang mengandung antioksidan serta antiinflamasi tinggi yang berkhasiat bagi imunitas tubuh. Tujuan dari pembuatan minuman fungsional berbahan dasar miana adalah memberikan variasi minuman kesehatan yang inovatif dibandingkan yang telah ada di pasaran.
Terciptanya produk minuman fungsional berbahan dasar miana “Pink Fresh” diharapkan dapat menjadi produk penunjang imun tubuh dengan penerapan kegiatan berbasis based learning untuk memanfaatkan potensi desa menjadi produk dengan nilai ekonomis tinggi guna mencapai keberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat desa. Kalangan muda menjadi target pasar utama dari produk “Pink Fresh” karena inovasi rasanya yang tidak seperti minuman kesehatan lainnya. Meskipun menggunakan sistem pre-order, penjualan pertama dari produk “Pink Fresh” mendapat sambutan hangat dari para konsumen hingga mencapai 70 botol dalam pesanan pertama