306 research outputs found

    Professional Identity Construction Issues in Becoming an English Teacher

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    AbstractTeachers’ professional identity construction (TPI) is how teachers define their professional roles and integrate them with personal roles while becoming and being a teacher. TPI is influenced by various factors and conditions both inside and outside the classroom. The present paper reports a study of TPI in relation to prospective English teachers currently learning English at Iranian tertiary level of education. The study attempted to summarize the main findings of recent studies of teachers’ professional identity. These findings were classified under three categories: a) the construction of TPI, b) the characteristics of TPI, and c) practicing teachers’ narration of TPI., the major factors affecting TPI were also summarized in four categories, based on the related literature: 1) historical factors, 2) sociological factors, 3) psychological factors, and 4) cultural factors related to perceptions and notions of professional community. Informed by these ideas, the study presents findings of a survey of TPI issues reported by English as a Foreign Language (EFL) student teachers. 47 randomly selected student teachers in their senior undergraduate or graduate studies in EFL in a major university in central Iran responded to a five-point, Likert-scale, researcher-made questionnaire on TPI. The initial analyses of their responses, strengthened by follow-up focus-group interviews with eight of these participants, revealed that student teachers expected more support given from the authorities, sought for more cultural knowledge of English-speaking countries, expected a lax attitude toward the use of the Internet, audio-visual materials, and multicultural reading and writing materials. They would like to be equipped with more communicative teaching techniques and more power to develop up-to-date materials. This study have some implications for teacher education programs in Iran

    In vitro Cytotoxic Activity of Four Plants Used in Persian Traditional Medicine

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate in vitro cytotoxic activity of four methanolic crude plant extracts against panel cell lines. Methods: Methanolic extracts were tested for their possible antitumor activity and cytotoxicity using the 3-(4,5-dimetylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5- diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay on six cancer cell lines; non-Hodgkin’s B-cell lymphoma (Raji), human leukemic monocyte lymphoma (U937), human acute myelocytic leukemia (KG-1A), human breast carcinoma (MCF-7 cells), human Prostate Cancer (PC3) and mouse fibrosarcoma (WEHI-164) cell lines and one normal cell line; Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells (HUVEC). Results: All species showed dose dependent inhibition of cell proliferation. IC50 values ranging from 25.66±1.2 to 205.11±1.3 μg/ml. The highest cytotoxic activity Chelidonium majus L> Ferulago Angulata DC> Echinophora platyloba DC> Salvia officinalis L, respectively. Conclusion: all extracts demonstrate promising cytotoxicity activity as a natural resource for future bio-guided fractionation and isolation of potential antitumor agents

    Induction of CD14 Expression and Differentiation to Monocytes or Mature Macrophages in Promyelocytic Cell Lines: New Approach

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    Purpose: CD14, one of the main differentiation markers on the surface of myeloid lineage cells, acts as a key role in activation of LPS-induced monocytes. LPS (lipopolysaccharide) binds to LPS-binding protein in plasma and are delivered to the cell surface receptor CD14. In this study, Various stimuli [Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO), active 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1,25(OH)2D3] and LPS], either alone or in combination, have been recognized that have an effect on the level of CD14 expression in the human HL-60 and U937 promonocytic cell lines and therefore induce their terminal differentiation into monocytes or mature macrophages. Methods: U937 and HL-60 cells were cultured in RPMI 1640 supplemented with 10% FBS. For each cell line, 1Ă—106 cells were seeded for 72 hours with DMSO, 14 days with LPS and 18 days with 1, 25-D3 in each well plate; then ELISA method was used to study their responses to the factors by means of anti-CD14. Results: ELISA assay demonstrated that U937 and HL-60 cells were induced by both [1,25(OH)2D3] and DMSO to obtain characteristics of adherent cells and express CD14 protein; moreover, LPS at a low dose increased CD14 expression on surface of this cells. Conclusion: According to the our results, it is speculated that CD14 gene expression may be induced in human U937 and HL-60 cell lines by different factors including 1,25-D3, DMSO and LPS

    The synergistic effects of hydro and hormone priming on seed germination, antioxidant activity and cadmium tolerance in borage

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    This research investigated the effects of priming with water for 24 hours and hormone-priming with different concentrations of gibberellic acid (GA3) (50, 100, 150 mg L-1) for 24 hours and hydro and hormone priming techniques either alone or in combination on the germination, growth and biochemical properties of borage seedlings under cadmium stress conditions. The results showed that cadmium stress reduces seed germination and seedling growth indices. Seed priming led to a significant increase in the germination percentage and rate, seedling dry weight and length, seedling vigor indices, as well as the catalase and peroxidase activity of borage seedlings under both cadmium stress and non-stress conditions. Among the priming treatments, the combination of hydro and hormone priming showed the greatest effects on the improvement of germination and seedling growth under cadmium conditions, significantly greater than those achieved with the individual uses of hydro or hormone priming. At all levels of cadmium stress, utilization of combined hydro and hormone priming led to a 0.9 to 11.53-fold, and 0.95 to 2.63-fold increase in seedling dry weight as compared with the control treatment and individual use of hydro or hormone priming, respectively. The highest activity of catalase and peroxidase enzymes in borage seedlings was obtained from seeds primed with the combination of hydro priming with 150 mg L-1 GA3, which was significantly higher than those of the other treatments. Generally, at all levels of cadmium stress, combined hydro and hormone (specially 150 mg L-1 GA3) priming had the most positive effects on seed germination, growth and biochemical properties of borage seedlings

    Review on Effect of Bupropion on Attenuates Methamphetamine Self-administration in Adult Male Rat

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    Introduction: Methamphetamine is a highly potent, addictive drug that is widely abused in many countries around the world. Methamphetamine produces a general state of well-being along with increased wakefulness, talkativeness, and physical activity and decreased appetite. Behavioral treatment programs have had some success in the treatment of methamphetamine addiction, yet many patients continue to relapse after repeatedly seeking treatment. Thus, pharmacotherapies treatments for methamphetamine addiction are being evaluated. Bupropion is an atypical antidepressant with stimulant properties. This drug has been used off-label to treat methamphetamine addicts, thus prompting the need for systematic investigations of its efficacy. Methods and Results:Male wistar rats, weighing 200–250 g (8 weeks old) at the start of the experiment. In the self-administration study, rats were surgically prepared with indwelling jugular catheters. After the surgery rats were trained to press a lever of methamphetamine reinforcement (0.05 mg/kg/injection) in operant boxes under baseline conditions. When responding stabilized, rats entered the acute testing phase. Each rat was tested with a unique order of vehicle, 10, 30, and 60 mg/kg bupropion. Each solution was administered IP 5 min before placement in the chamber for a regular self-administration session and each test was separated by at least 2 maintenance days of methamphetamine self-administration without drug pretreatment. Bupropion pretreatment appeared to decrease active lever responding. Consistent with the active lever data, rats treated with 60 mg/kg bupropion took significantly fewer total methamphetamine infusions in comparison to the other 2 groups. When Control rats (n=6) (i.e., those pretreated with saline in the previous phase) were given an acute injection of 30 mg/kg bupropion, lever pressing decreased. Conclusions: Several questions remain about bupropion’s impact during withdrawal, abstinence, and relapse in a preclinical setting. Research investigating these aspects of addiction will help provide a clearer picture on the effects of bupropion on methamphetamine self-administration in laboratory animals and methamphetamine abuse in humans

    Qualitative and Quantitative Assessment of the Scientific Production of Kerman University of Medical Sciences Academic Members in Scopus Database

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    Background: The rapid growth of scientific production and the number of researchers has made decision makers think about scientific approaches for evaluation of the researchers’ performance. Scientometric indicators have been introduced to analyze science by quantitative methods. The aim of this study was to evaluate the scientific production of academic members at Kerman University of Medical Sciences (KMU) based on Scientometric indicators. Methods: This was a analytical survey research. The study population was scientific productions of all academic members of KMU until 22nd of August, 2014. Direct search of Scopus Database and checklist were used for data collection. Results: The highest mean (median) of published articles belonged to the Pharmacy School, while the lowest belonged to the Nursing and Midwifery School [17.66(20.50) and 3.08 (0) respectively, (P<0.0001)]. The highest H-Index was 17 and approximately half of the academic members had zero H-indices. A strong positive and significant correlation was found between academic members’ work experience and H-index (r=0.8, P<0.0001).There was also a positive and significant relationship between H-index and academic rank (P<0.0001). Conclusion: The results shows that scientific production of KMU academic members is not significantly different from that of other medical universities of Iran, but it is still far away from global standards. Therefore, policy makers should provide the scientific development requirements through wise planning

    Comparison of Microleakage of MTA and CEM Cement Apical Plugs in Three Different Media

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    Introduction: Microleakage is of the causes of endodontic treatment failure. The aim of this in vitro study, was to compare the microleakage of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and calcium-enriched mixture (CEM) cement apical plugs in three environments. Methods and Materials: A total of 130 human extracted single rooted teeth were collected. After decoronation, preparation of the root canal space and simulation of open apices, 5 teeth were selected as positive and negative control groups and the rest of the samples were randomly divided into two groups (MTA plug and CEM cement plug) and each group was divided into 3 subgroups (dry, contaminated with saliva and contaminated with blood). In each group apical plug was placed into the canal. After full setting of the apical plug, microleakage of the samples were evaluated using fluid filtration method and the data were analyzed using two-way analysis of variance. Results: In dry and saliva contaminated environments, the leakage of MTA samples were 40.906±2.081 and 39.608±2.081, respectively which was significantly more than that of CEM cement samples (26.977±2.081 and 27.000±2.081, respectively). However, in blood-contaminated environments, the amount of leakage in MTA group (21.640±2.081) was significantly lower than CEM cement group (44.358±2.081). Conclusion: According to the results of this study, in dry and saliva-contaminated conditions CEM cement provides significantly better seal in comparison to MTA.Keywords: Calcium-Enriched Mixture Cement; Microleakage; Mineral Trioxide Aggregat

    Developent of a new sesame product using QFD and DOE methods: A case study of sesame product in yazd

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    The aim of the study is to identify customer’s needs for new sesame products, converting requirements into product and process qualitative characteristics, and improving the new product quality. Based on morphological approach and point of views of the manufacturers of sesame products and customers(384 persons), new ideas were extracted and between them a chocolate sesame product was selected. By coducting a survey of consumer expectations(382 sam-ple) taste of new product was examined and translated into technical specifications. The paper considers the implementation of the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and DOE in BAH(Booz, Allen and Hamilton) framework for the development of new food products. It also aims to meet the challenge of satisfying customer’s inconstant demands and, in turn, to make the business thrive. The results show that main quality features for final product are in good taste, no bitter-taste and be Fresh. Satisfying these requirements are relative to parameters such as sesame variety, chocolate melting point, control of cooking time and oven temperature
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