19 research outputs found

    The prevalence and risk factors of gingivitis in a population of 6-year-old children in Iran

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    BACKGROUND AND AIM: Gingivitis is a reversible inflammation of gingival tissue. The prevalence of gingivitis is different in various communities. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of gingivitis among 6-year-old (± 3 months) children of Rayen, Kerman, Iran. METHODS: In this cross sectional study, 279 children (129 boys and 150 girls) from all Rayen’s nursery schools and primary schools were selected. Data collected through clinical examination with the consent of parents and teachers. Gingival Bleeding Index (GBI) was measured by using light and dental probe pressure. RESULTS: The prevalence of gingivitis was 37.8. There was statistically significant association between gender and gingivitis. Mouth breathing and toothbrush frequency were factors associated with gingivitis. CONCLUSION: This study showed relatively similar prevalence of gingivitis compared to other studies. The prevalence of gingivitis was more in boys than girls. Health educators and parents should have a more active role in children’s oral health education. KEYWORDS: Gingivitis; Prevalence; Mouth Breathing; Children; Gende

    The prevalence and risk factors of gingivitis in a population of 6-year-old children in Iran

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    BACKGROUND AND AIM: Gingivitis is a reversible inflammation of gingival tissue. The prevalence of gingivitis is different in various communities. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of gingivitis among 6-year-old (± 3 months) children of Rayen, Kerman, Iran. METHODS: In this cross sectional study, 279 children (129 boys and 150 girls) from all Rayen’s nursery schools and primary schools were selected. Data collected through clinical examination with the consent of parents and teachers. Gingival Bleeding Index (GBI) was measured by using light and dental probe pressure. RESULTS: The prevalence of gingivitis was 37.8. There was statistically significant association between gender and gingivitis. Mouth breathing and toothbrush frequency were factors associated with gingivitis. CONCLUSION: This study showed relatively similar prevalence of gingivitis compared to other studies. The prevalence of gingivitis was more in boys than girls. Health educators and parents should have a more active role in children’s oral health education

    Prevalence and Risk Factors of Bruxism in a Selected Population of Iranian Children

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    Objective: To investigate the prevalence of bruxism in Iranian children aged 6 to 12 years. Material and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 600 schoolchildren aged 6-12 years. The questionnaire consisted of two sections: the first section included demographic information, while the second evaluated the occurrence of bruxism. Kruskal-Wallis, Chi-Square, Fisher and Multinomial logistic regression were used. A level of p<0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: 698 questionnaires were distributed, of which 600 participants were returned. According to Multinomial logistic regression, awake bruxism was associated significantly with the following variables: age, sequence of birth, recurrent headache, gastrointestinal disease, nasal obstruction, neurological disorder, easy child crying, sleep disorders, talking in a dream and snoring and jaw disorder. Sleep bruxism was associated significantly with age, premature birth, allergy, gastrointestinal disease, drooling, mouth breathing, nasal obstruction, oral habit, nail biting, sleep disorder, jaw disorders, and family history. Conclusion: Pre-birth and post-birth factors play an important role in the prevalence of bruxism in society. It is possible to prevent complications of bruxism by informing parents and making a timely diagnosis. Parents should be aware of this occurrence to reduce possible related factors to teeth and the masticatory system

    Clinical and Radiographic Success Rates of Pulpotomies in Primary Molars Treated with Formocresol, BiodentineTM, and Endo Repair: A Randomized Clinical Trial

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    Objective: To compare the clinical and radiographic success rates of formocresol, BiodentineTM, and Endo Repair agents in primary molars after 12 months. Material and Methods: This randomized double-blind clinical trial was conducted on healthy children referred to the Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Kerman, Iran, in 2018. One hundred twenty children (human primary molar teeth) aged 3-9 years were selected and randomly divided into three interventions (with pulpotomy medicament agents), including formocresol, BiodentineTM, and Endo Repair. All pulpotomized teeth were restored using stainless steel crowns and evaluated clinically and radiographically during a 12-month follow-up. Fisher exact test was used to determine the association of categorical variables and the data were analysed with SPSS 25. Results: All the available teeth in formocresol and BiodentineTM groups obtained clinical success, whereas 62.5% of the Endo Repair group was successful in this regard. Radiographic success rates of the formocresol, BiodentineTM, and Endo Repair groups were 94.7%, 70%, and 28.1% after a 12-month follow-up, respectively. Moreover, pulp canal obliteration was observed in 26.3%, 25%, and 12.5% of the formocresol, BiodentineTM, and Endo Repair groups. Conclusion: This study reported a high rate of clinical success using both BiodentineTM and formocresol pulpotomy techniques. However, the radiographic success rate of formocresol was higher than that of BiodentineTM, and Endo Repair was not considered a suitable pulpotomy medicament agent

    The association between growth factors and blood factors with early childhood caries

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    BACKGROUND AND AIM: Early childhood caries (ECC) is a specific form of rampant dental caries affecting infants and young children. ECC is still a problem that threatens the health of the community and its management is important. It is believed that the majorities of children with ECC also suffer from malnutrition, anemia, low weight and altered physical growth patterns. This study was undertaken to compare blood indices [mean corpuscular volume (MCV), hemoglobin and serum ferritin] in a population of children in Kerman, Iran, and the association between growth factors, blood parameters, and ECC. METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, 240 children were selected from Afzalipour Hospital of Kerman. The subjects consisted of 2 to 6-year children, who needed blood sampling for different diagnostic reasons. Data were collected through clinical oral examinations, anthropometric measures, blood indices measurement (MCV, hemoglobin and serum ferritin) and structured questionnaire in order to assess demographic characteristics, nutritional habits and the presence or absence of systemic conditions. Data were analyzed using SPSS software. RESULTS: The mean age of subjects was 50.79 months. Of 240 children included in this study, 124 (52.1%) were girls and the rest (47.9%) were boys. Statistical test revealed that there were statically significant differences in weight as well as the height of children in experimental and control groups (P 0.050). CONCLUSION: No significant association was observed between ECC and blood indices (MCV, hemoglobin and serum ferritin), but the mean height and weight in the caries-free group were significantly higher. KEYWORDS: Dental Caries; Iron Deficiency; Anemia; Preschool Child; Growth Factors; Blood Factors; Early Childhood Carie

    Preventive methods of dental caries is a problem of most general practitioners yet: A survey of knowledge, attitude and practice

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    BACKGROUND AND AIM: It is clear that education of parents and physicians regarding the importance of caries prevention will improve children’s dental health. Most of the times pediatric and general dentists are dependent on the knowledge base and attitude of pediatricians and family practice physicians for referral of infants and young children in need of preventive and restorative care. This study was conducted to assess the knowledge, attitudes and practice of general dental practitioners and pediatricians in relation to techniques used to prevent dental caries, including use of fissure sealants and fluoride therapy, in the south-east of Iran. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was conducted between 399 general practitioners and pediatricians in the south-east of Iran. Data collected through a self-administered questionnaire consisted of demographic characteristics, questions that evaluating, knowledge, attitude and practice level regarding preventive methods of dental caries. Then, scores were given to each question and sum of the scores was categorized to weak, moderate and good. These scores were evaluated as follows: 75%: good. Data analyzed by SPSS using independent-sample t-test and linear regression models. RESULTS: In this study, 399 questionnaires were completed including 352 (88.2%) general practitioners and 47 (11.8%) pediatricians. The findings indicated that general practitioners and pediatricians had moderate knowledge (52.6%), good attitude (76.9%), and moderate practice (38.6%) regarding preventive methods of dental caries. CONCLUSION: Although general practitioners and pediatricians have more communication and closer relationship with target group of caries unfortunately, they had not desirable knowledge and practice regarding fluoride and fissure sealant therapy. KEYWORDS: Dental Caries; Prevention; General Practitioner; Pediatrician; Knowledg

    Impact of Laughter Therapy on Anxiety and Pain in Pediatric Dentistry: A Double-Blinded Randomized, Controlled Clinical Trial

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    Objective: To evaluate the effect of laughter therapy on reducing anxiety and pain during dental procedures in children 5‒7 years of age. Material and Methods: 48 children aged 5‒7 years were included in this cross-over double-blinded clinical trial after the parents completed the Screen for Child Anxiety Related Disorder questionnaire (SCARED). After allocation into two groups: laughter intervention (A) and neutral intervention (B), the anxiety as well as pain were determined by Modified Child Dental Anxiety Scale Faces questionnaire (MCDASF) and the Wong-Baker Faces Scale, respectively. Also, the child’s behavior during the treatment was recorded using the Sound, Eye, Motor scale (SEM). Data were analyzed by SPSS 21 using Paired t-test, Independent t-test, Chi-square, Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon’s test. Results: The mean score of anxiety in the laughter intervention group (17.42±2.74) was significantly less than (22.06±2.16) in the neutral intervention group (p=0.000) and lower in boys in both groups (p=0.000, p=0.047). The mean pain severity reported by the children in the neutral intervention group (5.33±1.81) was higher than in the laughter intervention group (2.38±1.87; p=0.00) and higher in girls in both groups (p=0.02; p=0.03). Conclusion: The laughter intervention before dental procedures had a significant effect on reducing anxiety and pain during dental treatment

    Correction of severe tooth rotation by using two different orthodontic appliances: Report of two cases

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    BACKGROUND AND AIM: Severe rotation of tooth is one of the most common problems in orthodontics and considered as a developmental phenomenon. These rotations can cause cosmetic problems, gingival recession, and traumatic occlusion. By using removable appliances, severe rotations can be treated. Furthermore, gingival damage, tooth attrition, and transposition of other teeth could be prevented. Early treatment of these rotated teeth could improve dental aesthetic affecting on child’s behavior and enhanced self-confidence. This case report presents two treated cases using the removable appliance in severe tooth rotations. CASE REPORT: Case 1: The severe rotation of right upper central incisor in a 9-year-old girl is corrected with removable orthodontic appliance and whip spring. Case 2: The severe rotation of left lower lateral incisor in an 8-year-old girl is corrected with a force couple and elastic anchored on the removable orthodontic appliance. CONCLUSION: In this paper, it was revealed that to correction the problem, in the first case a removable appliance with a whip spring was used and in the second case, a removable appliance in combination with bracket and elastic was efficient to prevent from a complicated orthodontic treatment in the future. KEYWORDS: Rotation; Removable Orthodontic Appliance; Correctio

    The Opinion of Dental Students of Kerman, Iran, Regarding their Achievement Level in Learning Objectives of Pediatric Dentistry Courses

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    Background & Objective: Pediatric dentistry is one of the basic sciences related to oral health. The aim of the present study is to assess the opinion of dental students of Kerman, Iran, concerning education in preclinical and clinical pediatrics in order to determined shortcomings and deficiencies. Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed on students who choose practical pediatric dentistry courses. Data collection was performed by a questionnaire which includes two parts; demographic characteristics and educational aims of pediatric dentistry courses. Student’s independent t-test, ANOVA, and chi-square were applied to analyze the data by SPSS software. Results: Results showed that 38.9% of students in the Pediatric-1 course evaluated their satisfaction with achieving educational aims as quite satisfactory, 47.2% as satisfactory, and 13.9% as unsatisfactory. The Pediatric 2 and 3 courses were evaluated as quite satisfactory by 54.3% and 35.5% of students, satisfactory by 25.7% and 58.1%, and unsatisfactory by 20% and 6.5%, respectively. Conclusion: In the Pediatric 3 course, more than 90% of students evaluated their achievement of educational aims as quite satisfactory or satisfactory. It seems that with increase in the number of courses passed, the level of achievement of educational aims also increases. Keywords Pediatric dentistry Learning objectives Program evaluation Student

    Evaluation of application of fix and removable habit breakers among a group of preschool children with thumb sucking habit in Kerman, Iran

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    BACKGROUND AND AIM: Thumb sucking has been reported as one of the etiologic factors for malocclusion. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of thumb sucking and use of different kinds of habit breaker (HB) appliances in children attending private kindergartens in Kerman, Iran. METHODS: The census method was used in the present cross-sectional study, and the study population consisted of all the children attending private kindergartens. A checklist was completed for each subject, and clinical examinations were done. Fisher’s exact test was used to evaluate the relationship between thumb sucking and the variables under study. Stata 13 was used for the analysis of data. RESULTS: Of 503 4 to 6-year-old children, 14 (2.8%) had thumb sucking habits at the time of the study. Among these 14 children, only 6 children used HBs fixed (4 persons) or removable (2 persons). CONCLUSION: The prevalence of finger sucking, its side effects, as well as using the HBs of this habit in children of Kerman kindergartens were not high. Furthermore, it has same rate like other cities. In this situation, it’s necessary for the personnel of kindergartens to notify their parents about the hygiene of the problems. KEYWORDS: Finger Sucking; Malocclusion; Pacifie