54 research outputs found
Integrable Deformations of Sine-Liouville Conformal Field Theory and Duality
We study integrable deformations of sine-Liouville conformal field theory.
Every integrable perturbation of this model is related to the series of quantum
integrals of motion (hierarchy). We construct the factorized scattering
matrices for different integrable perturbed conformal field theories. The
perturbation theory, Bethe ansatz technique, renormalization group and methods
of perturbed conformal field theory are applied to show that all integrable
deformations of sine-Liouville model possess non-trivial duality properties
Differential equation for four-point correlation function in Liouville field theory and elliptic four-point conformal blocks
Liouville field theory on a sphere is considered. We explicitly derive a
differential equation for four-point correlation functions with one degenerate
field . We introduce and study also a class of four-point
conformal blocks which can be calculated exactly and represented by finite
dimensional integrals of elliptic theta-functions for arbitrary intermediate
dimension. We study also the bootstrap equations for these conformal blocks and
derive integral representations for corresponding four-point correlation
functions. A relation between the one-point correlation function of a primary
field on a torus and a special four-point correlation function on a sphere is
Conformal Toda theory with a boundary
We investigate sl(n) conformal Toda theory with maximally symmetric
boundaries. There are two types of maximally symmetric boundary conditions, due
to the existence of an order two automorphism of the W(n>2) algebra. In one of
the two cases, we find that there exist D-branes of all possible dimensions 0
=< d =< n-1, which correspond to partly degenerate representations of the W(n)
algebra. We perform classical and conformal bootstrap analyses of such
D-branes, and relate these two approaches by using the semi-classical light
asymptotic limit. In particular we determine the bulk one-point functions. We
observe remarkably severe divergences in the annulus partition functions, and
attribute their origin to the existence of infinite multiplicities in the
fusion of representations of the W(n>2) algebra. We also comment on the issue
of the existence of a boundary action, using the calculus of constrained
functional forms, and derive the generating function of the B"acklund
transformation for sl(3) Toda classical mechanics, using the minisuperspace
limit of the bulk one-point function.Comment: 42 pages; version 4: added clarifications in section 2.2 and
footnotes 1 and
Thermodynamics of 2D string theory
We calculate the free energy, energy and entropy in the matrix quantum
mechanical formulation of 2D string theory in a background strongly perturbed
by tachyons with the imaginary Minkowskian momentum
(``Sine-Liouville'' theory). The system shows a thermodynamical behaviour
corresponding to the temperature . We show that the
microscopically calculated energy of the system satisfies the usual
thermodynamical relations and leads to a non-zero entropy.Comment: 13 pages, lanlmac; typos correcte
Structure-related bandgap of hybrid lead halide perovskites and close-packed APbX3 family of phases
Metal halide perovskites APbX3 (A+ = FA+ (formamidinium), MA+
(methylammonium) or Cs+, X- = I-, Br-) are considered as prominent innovative
components in nowadays perovskite solar cells. Crystallization of these
materials is often complicated by the formation of various phases with the same
stoichiometry but structural types deviating from perovskites such as
well-known the hexagonal delta FAPbI3 polytype. Such phases are rarely placed
in the focus of device engineering due to their unattractive optoelectronic
properties while they are, indeed, highly important because they influence on
the optoelectronic properties and efficiency of final devices. However, the
total number of such phases has not been yet discovered and the complete
configurational space of the polytypes and their band structures have not been
studied systematically. In this work, we predicted and described all possible
hexagonal polytypes of hybrid lead halides with the APbI3 composition using the
group theory approach, also we analyzed theoretically the relationship between
the configuration of close-packed layers in polytypes and their band gap using
DFT calculations. Two main factors affecting the bandgap were found including
the ratio of cubic (c) and hexagonal (h) close-packed layers and the thickness
of blocks of cubic layers in the structures. We also show that the dependence
of the band gap on the ratio of cubic (c) and hexagonal (h) layers in these
structures are non-linear. We believe that the presence of such polytypes in
the perovskite matrix might be a reason for a decrease in the charge carrier
mobility and therefore it would be an obstacle for efficient charge transport
causing negative consequences for the efficiency of solar cell devices
Boundary RG Flow Associated with the AKNS Soliton Hierarchy
We introduce and study an integrable boundary flow possessing an infinite
number of conserving charges which can be thought of as quantum counterparts of
the Ablowitz, Kaup, Newell and Segur Hamiltonians. We propose an exact
expression for overlap amplitudes of the boundary state with all primary states
in terms of solutions of certain ordinary linear differential equation. The
boundary flow is terminated at a nontrivial infrared fixed point. We identify a
form of whole boundary state corresponding to this fixed point.Comment: 54 page
AlGaAs/GaAs Quantum Well Infrared Photodetectors
In this article, we present an overview of a focal plane array (FPA) with 640 × 512 pixels based on the AlGaAs quantum well infrared photodetector (QWIP). The physical principles of the QWIP operation and their parameters for the spectral range of 8–10 μm have been discussed. The technology of the manufacturing FPA based on the QWIP structures with the pixels 384 × 288 and 640 × 512 has been demonstrated. The parameters of the manufactured 640 × 512 FPA with a step of 20 μm have been given. At the operating temperature of 72 K, the temperature resolution of QWIP focal plane arrays is less than 35 mK. The number of defective elements in the matrix does not exceed 0.5%. The stability and uniformity of the FPA have been demonstrated
Non-Perturbative Effects in Matrix Models and D-branes
The large order growth of string perturbation theory in conformal
field theory coupled to world sheet gravity implies the presence of
non-perturbative effects, whose leading behavior can be
calculated in the matrix model approach. Recently it was proposed that the same
effects should be reproduced by studying certain localized D-branes in
Liouville Field Theory, which were constructed by A. and Al. Zamolodchikov. We
discuss this correspondence in a number of different cases: unitary minimal
models coupled to Liouville, where we compare the continuum analysis to the
matrix model results of Eynard and Zinn-Justin, and compact c=1 CFT coupled to
Liouville in the presence of a condensate of winding modes, where we derive the
matrix model prediction and compare it to Liouville theory. In both cases we
find agreement between the two approaches. The c=1 analysis also leads to
predictions about properties of D-branes localized in the vicinity of the tip
of the cigar in SL(2)/U(1) CFT with c=26.Comment: 27 pages, lanlmac; minor change
Integrable Structure of Conformal Field Theory, Quantum KdV Theory and Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz
We construct the quantum versions of the monodromy matrices of KdV theory.
The traces of these quantum monodromy matrices, which will be called as ``-operators'', act in highest weight Virasoro modules. The -operators depend on the spectral parameter and their expansion
around generates an infinite set of commuting Hamiltonians
of the quantum KdV system. The -operators can be viewed as the
continuous field theory versions of the commuting transfer-matrices of
integrable lattice theory. In particular, we show that for the values
of the Virasoro central charge
the eigenvalues of the -operators satisfy a closed system of
functional equations sufficient for determining the spectrum. For the
ground-state eigenvalue these functional equations are equivalent to those of
massless Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz for the minimal conformal field theory
; in general they provide a way to generalize the technique
of Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz to the excited states. We discuss a
generalization of our approach to the cases of massive field theories obtained
by perturbing these Conformal Field Theories with the operator .
The relation of these -operators to the boundary states is also
briefly described.Comment: 24 page
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