134 research outputs found

    Prognostic factors in seminomas with special respect to HCG: Results of a prospective multicenter study

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    Objective: In a prospective multicenter trial, it was our intention to elucidate clinical prognostic factors of seminomas with special reference to the importance of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) elevations in histologically pure seminomas. Methods: Together with 96 participating urological departments in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, we recruited 803 seminoma patients between 1986 and 1991. Out of 726 evaluable cases, 378 had elevated, while 348 had normal HCG values in the cubital vein. Histology was reviewed by two reference pathologists. HCG levels were determined in local laboratories and in a study laboratory. Standard therapy was defined as radiotherapy in stages I (30 Gy) and IIA/B (36 Gy) to the paraaortal and the ispilateral (stage I) and bilateral (stage IIA/B) iliac lymph nodes; higher stages received polychemotherapy and surgery in case of residual tumor masses. Statistics included chi-square tests, linear Cox regression, and log-rank test. Results: The HCG elevation is associated with a larger tumor mass (primary tumor and/or metastases). HCG-positive and HCG-negative seminomas had no different prognostic outcome after standard therapy. The overall relapse rate of 6% and the survival rate of 98% after 36 months (median) indicate an excellent prognosis. The calculation of the relative risk of developing a relapse discovered only stage of the disease and elevation of the lactate dehydrogenase concentration and its prolonged marker decay as independent prognostic factors for seminomas. A more detailed analysis of the prognostic significance of the stage revealed that the high relapse rate in stage IIB seminomas after radiotherapy (24%) is responsible for this result. Conclusions: We conclude that HCG-positive seminomas do not represent a special entity. Provided standard therapy is applied, HCG has no influence on the prognosis. Patients with stage IIB disease should be treated with chemotherapy because of the demonstrated higher relapse rate outside the retroperitoneum. Copyright (C) 1999 S. Karger AG. Basel

    Hydrogen atom moving across a strong magnetic field: analytical approximations

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    Analytical approximations are constructed for binding energies, quantum-mechanical sizes and oscillator strengths of main radiative transitions of hydrogen atoms arbitrarily moving in magnetic fields 10^{12}-10^{13} G. Examples of using the obtained approximations for determination of maximum transverse velocity of an atom and for evaluation of absorption spectra in magnetic neutron star atmospheres are presented.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures, 5 tables, LaTeX with IOP style files (included). In v.2, Fig.1 and Table 5 have been corrected. In v.3, a misprint in the fit for oscillator strengths, Eq.(21), has been correcte

    Demography of Dialysis and Transplantation in Europe, 1984: Report from the European Dialysis and Transplant Association Registry

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    The demography of treatment of children by renal replacement therapy in Europe is presented based on returns of individual patient questionnaires to the EDTA Registry up until the close of 1984. Patient questionnaires for 1984 were completed by all centres which defined themselves as special paediatric units. A total of 4983 patients have been reported to the Registry up until 31 December 1984 as having commenced renal replacement therapy under the age of 15. Of these, 1570 were known to be alive on a defined form of treatment at the end of 1984 and still under the age of 15. The numbers of these patients kept alive by different forms of treatment in individual countries are presented. The stock of patients aged under 15 at the end of 1984 exceeded 30 per million child population in Belgium, France, Iceland and Luxembourg. The highest age specific acceptance rates for children onto renal replacement therapy during 1984 were noted in those aged between 10 and 14 at first treatment. Age specific acceptance rates for children varied greatly between individual countries, and 18 countries reported no new patients under the age of 5 during 1984. Transplant activity in paediatric patients during 1984 has been analysed and results on regrafting presented. Proportional distribution of primary renal diseases amongst children commencing therapy in 1984 is shown according to age at start of treatment. Haemolytic uraemic syndrome was reported as the cause of end-stage renal failure in 12.0% of children commencing treatment under the age of 5, and 12.3% of children between 5 and 9. Finally, information on cause of death in paediatric patients dying during 1984 is presented, and shows cardiovascular disease was the leading cause of mortalit

    Case Control Study on Dialysis Arthropathy: The Influence of Two Different Dialysis Membranes: Data from the EDTA Registry

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    In a retrospective case control study the prevalence of signs and symptoms of dialysis osteoarthropathy was analysed. Cases and controls had received over 9 years of maintenance haemodialysis uninterrupted by peritoneal dialysis or transplantation. The cases comprised 55 patients treated predominantly with polyacrylonitrile (AN69) dialysers. They were compared to a matched group dialysed exclusively with cellulosic membranes. Over 60% of all patients, cases and controls, showed one or more signs of disabling osteoarthropathy, with joint pains occurring more frequently in the older age groups. Twenty-seven of the 55 cases who had received less than 2 years of cellulosic membrane dialysis followed by 7-12 years of AN69 dialysis tended to have a lower prevalence of joint pains, carpal-tunnel syndrome and bone cysts. However, no statistically significant differences were obtained compared to the matched control group dialysed exclusively on cellulosic membranes (mostly cuprophane). The remaining 28 cases, who had been treated for more than 2 years with cellulosic membranes preceding the longer treatment period with polyacrylonitrile dialysers, showed a prevalence similar to that of their cellulosic controls. This study thus shows little, if any, influence of the two types of membranes on the prevalence of signs and symptoms of ÎČ2-microglobulin amyloidosi

    EDTA Registry Centre Survey, 1985: Report from the European Dialysis and Transplant Association Registry*

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    This paper summarises the information given on the 1985 EDTA Registry centre questionnaire which was returned by 82% of 1959 known dialysis and transplant units in 33 European countries. Trends in the use of different forms of renal replacement therapy are discussed, and attention drawn to the discrepancy between the EDTA centre and individual patient questionnaires as a source of demographic information on dialysis and transplantation. The results of special questions on dialyser re-use, dialysis equipment, AIDS, and hepatitis are presented, and information obtained from the special paediatric section of the centre questionnaire is also give

    Perturbative approach to the hydrogen atom in strong magnetic field

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    The states of hydrogen atom with principal quantum number n <= 3 and zero magnetic quantum number in constant homogeneous magnetic field H are considered. The perturbation theory series is summed with the help of Borel transformation and conformal mapping of the Borel variable. Convergence of approximate energy eigenvalues and their agreement with corresponding existing results are observed for external fields up to n^3 H ~ 5. The possibility of restoring the asymptotic behaviour of energy levels using perturbation theory coefficients is also discussed.Comment: LaTeX, 8 pages with 5 eps figure

    Demography of Dialysis and Transplantation in Children in Europe, 1985: Report from the European Dialysis and Transplant Association Registry

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    At the end of 1985 there were 5482 patients known to the Registry who started renal replacement therapy (RRT) between the ages of 6 months and 15 years. Of these, approximately 25% had died, 30% were still aged less than 15 years, and the other 45% were older. The acceptance rate of new patients over the last 10 years has slowly but steadily increased; six new paediatric patients per million child population probably represents the likely needs of the near future. Hospital haemodialysis remained the main form of renal replacement therapy in new patients, while 3 years after start of RRT, transplantation became the most frequently used replacement therapy; CAPD appeared to be used mainly in children with a short waiting time for transplantation. Out of the 384 grafts reported in 1985, only 16% were from living related donors; among 321 cadaver grafts, 24% were second and only 3% were third grafts. Glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis accounted for 50% of all primary renal diseases. During the last 5 years, the proportion with glomerulonephritis seems to have decreased slightly. Hyperkalaemia and fluid overload have still to be considered the main causes of death. Only in 17% of all cases was the cause of death reported as unknown or undetermine

    Survival on Renal Replacement Therapy: Data from the EDTA Registry

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    Extensive survival data are presented from the EDTA Registry's files for patients who started renal replacement therapy in 1970-1974 compared to 1980-1984. The contribution of the different treatment modalities (haemodialysis, continuous peritoneal dialysis, and transplantation) to the survival of patients according to geographical region is also shown. Survival on renal replacement therapy, irrespective of treatment modality and of primary renal disease, was best in the 10-14-year-old patients, with 58% at 10 years and 52% at 15 years, and decreased with rising age to 28% at 10 years and 16% at 15 years in patients aged 45-54 when they commenced therapy in 1970-1974. When comparing the 0-4-year-old with the 10-14-year-old cohort of the paediatric patients, 5-year survival rates for patients starting renal replacement therapy in the early eighties declined from 85% to 70% with decreasing age. Treatment policy, as reflected by the proportion of patients on different modes of therapy, varied markedly between European regions but affected survival to a small extent only. The large population with diabetic nephropathy incurred annual mortality rates 2-3 times greater than those observed in patients with ‘standard' primary renal diseases. Haemodialysis and continuous peritoneal dialysis, although not comparable because of important differences in selection policy, yielded similar survival rates. Patient and graft survival rates have improved markedly when comparing patients starting renal replacement therapy in the early seventies with the eighties; particularly for cadaveric transplantation. Patient survival after second grafting was similar to that after first grafting, with 83% at 5 years after second cadaveric grafting in the 15-44-year-old cohort, vs 85% after first cadaver transplantation in 1980-1984. Second cadaveric graft survival was superior to average first-graft survival for those recipients whose first graft had been functioning for more than 1 year. However, second-graft survival in rapid rejectors of a first graft as well as third cadaveric graft survival were curtailed by the large number of early losses, with only 52% of third grafts functioning at 1 year. For living related donor transplantation, parents were mostly used in children whilst identical siblings predominated in adults older than 45. In the early eighties, patient survival was 92% at 5 years for recipients younger than 15, 87% for the 15-45 year old cohort and 72% for those aged 45 or older. From the overall survival rates on renal replacement therapy obtained at 5 years in the early eighties, it appears safe to predict that at least 65% of young adults and 25% of patients aged 55-64 will be surviving at 10 years after starting therap

    Successful pregnancies in women on renal replacement therapy: Report from the EDTA Registry

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    This study reports the geographical incidence of successful pregnancies in women on renal replacement therapy (RRT) and related information on gestation and clinical status of newborns. The impact of successful pregnancy on graft function was assessed by means of a retrospective case-control study. Since 1977 special questionnaires have been sent to each dialysis and transplant centre which reported babies born to mothers on RRT on the yearly centre questionnaire. After 10 years of data collection, a total of 490 pregnancies and 500 babies were available for analysis. A percentage of 88.4 of the babies were born to mothers with a functioning graft, 11.2% to mothers on chronic haemodialysis, and the remaining 0.4% to mothers on CAPD. Almost 50% of all successful pregnancies werereported from the UK. The number of successful pregnancies increased steadily and in parallel with the increasing number of females of childbearing age with a functioning renal transplant. The majority of mothers delivered at age 24-32. For transplanted mothers delivery occurred most commonly during the 3rd and 4th year after successful transplantation. In approximately 85% of cases the duration of pregnancy was shorter than the lower 10th percentile of normal. Birthweight was reduced in accordance with gestational age. Newborn mortality was 1.8%. Fifty-three mothers with a successful pregnancy in 1984-1987 were computer matched with controls according to a number of criteria. The serum creatinine concentration recorded in coded form at the end of each year on the individual EDTA patient questionnaire was used to assess changes in graft function. In 94% of these cases the serum creatinine, recorded 0-11 months before delivery, did not exceed 160 umol/1. Graft function deteriorated in 18% ofmothers as compared to 24% of controls. Twentyfour to 36 months postpartum, changes of serum creatinine were similar in test cases and controls, suggesting that a successful pregnancy does not adversely affect graft function if this was stable and well preserved at the time of conceptio
