36 research outputs found

    Understanding sedimentation trends to enhance sustainable reservoir management in the Angereb reservoir, Upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia

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    Reservoir sedimentation is a significant issue that shortens reservoir life and impacts operations such as irrigation, hydropower, and drinking water supply because it significantly reduces the reservoir’s initial capacity. Information on changes in the storage capacity is required to reduce the risk of reservoir sustainability. This study was conducted on the Angereb reservoir in the sub-humid region of Ethiopia, in the Upper Blue Nile Basin. Bathymetric surveys and ArcGIS 10.8 were used to estimate the sedimentation and service life of the Angereb reservoir. A Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) surface was developed from the survey data to estimate the volume of the reservoir. Based on the findings of this bathymetry a total of 2.18 Mm3 of sediment was deposited on the reservoir bed between 2007 to 2022. Storage capacity was decreased by 62.28% in 16 years of operation and caused an average annual volume reduction of 3.9%. The sediment yield (SY) and specific sediment yield (SSY) of the Angereb watershed revealed 192715.5 and 170312.5 m3 year−1 and 3043.2 and 2689.4-ton km−2 y−1 for trap efficiencies of 70.1 and 80% calculated with two methods, respectively. The SSY has increased by about 50.3% to the minimum and 70.1% to the maximum indicating more degradation of the watershed in sixteen years. The gross storage capacity loss of the reservoir was about 75% which was 5.3 Mm3 in 1997 and reduced to 1.32 Mm3 in 2022 with an annual reduction of 2.9% in storage capacity. The reservoir will be filled up by sediment in 7 years if the incoming sediment remains the same in the future. These findings will serve as a call for action in the watershed and a foundation for managing the accumulated sedimentation in the Angereb reservoir and for developing sediment control and management strategies for similar reservoirs

    Variability of soil surface characteristics in a mountainous watershed in Valle del Cauca, Colombia: Implications for runoff, erosion, and conservation

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    Understanding catchment sediment or solute transport frequently relies on understanding of soil nutrient conditions and physical properties. This study investigates hydropedological patterns in a tropical catchment by understanding soil nutrient and soil surface changes. Soil nutrient concentrations and hydraulic properties were measured from the La Vega micro watershed in the southwestern Colombian Andes at 16 distributed locations in four elevation ranges (between 1450 and 1700 m a.s.l.). The site is a part of a conservation partnerships which implements programs and monitor impacts. Soil samples were analyzed for total nitrogen (TN), Bray II-available phosphorus, exchangeable cations, pH, organic matter, and texture. Soil hydraulic conductivities at two depths (0–5 cm and 5–10 cm) were determined in conservation implementation areas (enclosures and natural regrowth). In the upper elevation range, regrowth of natural vegetation was found on deep soils (∼3 m) with moderate infiltration (26 cm hr−1), the lowest bulk density (0.92 g cm−3), and the highest TN (0.4%). The lowest elevation (mixed land use of grazing and riparian forests with deep profiles) had the lowest infiltration (4 cm hr−1), highest bulk density (1.02 g cm−3), and the lowest TN (0.26%). In the middle elevation ranges, conserved tropical forest vegetation were located on shallow soil depths with high organic matter (∼6%) and high infiltration (86 cm hr−1). The lowest infiltration rate average (2.3 cm hr−1) exceeded the estimated erosive regional precipitation intensity (∼2.5 cm hr−1) about 60% of the time, while the median infiltration rate (10 cm hr−1) exceeded rainfall intensities 94% of the time, indicating that infiltration excess and saturation excess runoff mechanisms are both present. Coupling data with sediment concentration and solute concentration patterns can help discern correlations between scales and will help to monitor effectiveness of conservation programs aimed at sustaining ecosystem services

    Dynamics of soil quality in a conserved landscape in the highland sub humid ecosystem, Northwestern Ethiopia

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    Several studies have assessed the dynamics of soil quality induced by soil and water conservation (SWC), but many showed disagreement over the efficacy of SWC interventions in the Ethiopian highlands. This study used a before and after soil and water conservation practices (SWCP) comparison approach to evaluate the effect of SWCP on soil quality dynamics. Fifty-four composite and 10 undisturbed soil samples were collected in 2012 (before SWCP) and 2022 (after SWCP). Statistical mean, analysis of variance, and principal component analysis were applied to test the significant differences among treatments. The findings demonstrated that SWCP has significantly improved most of the soil quality indicators such as soil organic matter, total nitrogen, available phosphorous, pH, total porosity, field capacity, and available water, and reduced the value of bulk density and coarse fragments. The interaction effect of landscape position and types of structures provided statistically significant results for soil organic matter, total nitrogen, magnesium, calcium, and base saturation. Soil and stone-faced soil bunds treated at lower landscapes were superior in improving soil quality attributes. The soil quality indexing showed, the overall soil quality improvement as a result of SWCP was about 32.15%. The level of improvement for different SWCPs was 32% for stone faced soil bunds and 33% for soil bunds. The findings revealed that SWCP implementation can improve soil quality. Soil organic matter is a key biological quality component that contributed 25% to the soil quality index and highly impacted soil physicochemical properties. We suggest additional assessment of best and integrated land management practices to ensure further improvement in soil quality, crop productivity, and ecosystem services in the subhumid ecosystems

    Ecological status as the basis for the holistic environmental flow assessment of a tropical highland river in Ethiopia

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    There is an increasing need globally to establish relationships among flow, ecology, and livelihoods to make informed decisions about environmental flows. This paper aimed to establish the ecological foundation for a holistic environmental flow assessment method in the Gumara River that flows into Lake Tana in Ethiopia and the Blue Nile River. First, the ecological conditions (fish, macro-invertebrate, riparian vegetation, and physicochemical) of the river system were characterized, followed by determining the hydrological condition and finally linking the ecological and hydrological components. The ecological data were collected at 30 sites along the Gumara River on March 2016 and 2020. River hydrology was estimated using the SWAT model and showed that the low flow decreased over time. Both physico-chemical and macroinvertebrate scores showed that water quality was moderate in most locations. The highest fish diversity index was in the lower reach at Wanzaye. Macroinvertebrate diversity was observed to decrease downstream. Both the fish and macroinvertebrate diversity indices were less than the expected maximum, being 3.29 and 4.5, respectively. The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) for 30 m and 60 m buffer distances from the river decreased during the dry season (March–May). Hence, flow conditions, water quality, and land-use change substantially influenced the abundance and diversity of fish, vegetation, and macroinvertebrate species. The pressure on the ecology is expected to increase because the construction of the proposed dam is expected to alter the flow regime. Thus, as demand for human water consumption grows, measures are needed, including quantification of environmental flow requirements and regulating river water uses to conserve the ecological status of the Gumara River and Lake Tana sub-basin

    Establishing Stage–Discharge Rating Curves in Developing Countries: Lake Tana Basin, Ethiopia

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    A significant constraint in water resource development in developing countries is the lack of accurate river discharge data. Stage–discharge measurements are infrequent, and rating curves are not updated after major storms. Therefore, the objective is to develop accurate stage–discharge rating curves with limited measurements. The Lake Tana basin in the upper reaches of the Blue Nile in the Ethiopian Highlands is typical for the lack of reliable streamflow data in Africa. On average, one stage–discharge measurement per year is available for the 21 gaging stations over 60 years or less. To obtain accurate and unique stage–discharge curves, the discharge was expressed as a function of the water level and a time-dependent offset from zero. The offset was expressed as polynomial functions of time (up to order 4). The rating curve constants and the coefficients for the polynomial were found by minimizing the errors between observed and predicted fluxes for the available stage–discharge data. It resulted in unique rating curves with R2 > 0.85 for the four main rivers. One of the river bottoms of the alluvial channels increased in height by up to 3 m in 60 years. In the upland channels, most offsets changed by less than 50 cm. The unique rating curves that account for temporal riverbed changes can aid civil engineers in the design of reservoirs, water managers in improving reservoir management, programmers in calibration and validation of hydrology models and scientists in ecological research

    Establishing Stage–Discharge Rating Curves in Developing Countries: Lake Tana Basin, Ethiopia

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    A significant constraint in water resource development in developing countries is the lack of accurate river discharge data. Stage–discharge measurements are infrequent, and rating curves are not updated after major storms. Therefore, the objective is to develop accurate stage–discharge rating curves with limited measurements. The Lake Tana basin in the upper reaches of the Blue Nile in the Ethiopian Highlands is typical for the lack of reliable streamflow data in Africa. On average, one stage–discharge measurement per year is available for the 21 gaging stations over 60 years or less. To obtain accurate and unique stage–discharge curves, the discharge was expressed as a function of the water level and a time-dependent offset from zero. The offset was expressed as polynomial functions of time (up to order 4). The rating curve constants and the coefficients for the polynomial were found by minimizing the errors between observed and predicted fluxes for the available stage–discharge data. It resulted in unique rating curves with R2 > 0.85 for the four main rivers. One of the river bottoms of the alluvial channels increased in height by up to 3 m in 60 years. In the upland channels, most offsets changed by less than 50 cm. The unique rating curves that account for temporal riverbed changes can aid civil engineers in the design of reservoirs, water managers in improving reservoir management, programmers in calibration and validation of hydrology models and scientists in ecological research

    Assessment of a Smartphone App for Open Channel Flow Measurement in Data Scarce Irrigation Schemes

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    Accurate water flow measurement ensures proper irrigation water management by allocating the desired amount of water to the irrigation fields. The present study evaluated whether the non-intrusive smartphone application “DischargeApp” could be applicable and precise to measure small canal flow rates in the Koga irrigation Scheme. The app was tested in unlined canals with flow rates ranging from 15 to 65 l/s using a 90° V-notch weir. The app is found to overestimate high flow rates. Another source of uncertainty is that the app employed a constant surface velocity conversion factor (C = 0.8) to compute discharge. The accuracy was enhanced by recalculating the measured discharge using a new surface velocity conversion factor that depends on depths. The new conversion factor decreased the errors of MAE and RMSE by 47% and 52%, respectively. Where channel and other optional measuring techniques are not available without interfering with the flow operation conditions in place, the DischargeApp devices can be used to measure flows. The DischargeApp could be used to collect data using local citizens in data-scarce areas. This study suggested reconfiguring the DischargeApp with a new surface velocity conversion coefficient based on flow depths in field conditions for better performance

    Water Balance for a Tropical Lake in the Volcanic Highlands: Lake Tana, Ethiopia

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    Lakes hold most of the freshwater resources in the world. Safeguarding these in a changing environment is a major challenge. The 3000 km2 Lake Tana in the headwaters of the Blue Nile in Ethiopia is one of these lakes. It is situated in a zone destined for rapid development including hydropower and irrigation. Future lake management requires detailed knowledge of the water balance of Lake Tana. Since previous water balances varied greatly this paper takes a fresh look by calculating the inflow and losses of the lake. To improve the accuracy of the amount of precipitation falling on the lake, two new rainfall stations were installed in 2013. The Climate Hazards Group Infrared Precipitation Version two (CHIRPS-v2) dataset was used to extend the data. After reviewing all the previous studies and together with our measurements, it was found that the period of 1990–1995 likely had the most accurate gauged discharge data. During some months in this period, the lake water balance was negative. Since the river inflow to the lake cannot be negative, water was either lost from the lake via the subsurface through faults, or the outflow measurements were systematically underestimated. Based on the evaporation rate of 1650 mm, we found that unaccounted loss was 0.6 km3 a−1, equivalent to 20 cm of water over the lake area each year. This implies the need for reliable rainfall data and improved river discharge measurements over a greater portion of the basin both entering and exiting the lake. Also, integrated hydrological and geologic investigations are needed for a better understanding of the unaccounted water losses and quantifying the amount of subsurface flow leaving the lake

    Relating Lake Circulation Patterns to Sediment, Nutrient, and Water Hyacinth Distribution in a Shallow Tropical Highland Lake

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    Excess sediment and nutrient losses from intensifying agriculture degrade water quality and boost plant growth. The relationship between circulation patterns, spatial water quality degradation, and water hyacinth infestation is not adequately studied. The objective of this study is, therefore, to investigate the effect of lake circulation patterns on sediment and nutrient distribution and its implication on the spread of water hyacinth in a tropical lake. This study was carried out in Lake Tana, the largest freshwater lake in Ethiopia, where sediment and nutrient concentrations are increasing, and water hyacinths have become a challenge since 2011. The lake circulation pattern was simulated by the Delft3D model based on a bathymetry survey, discharge, and meteorological forcings. To predict the transport path of sediments and dissolved nutrients, an inert tracer was released in the four main river inlets of the lake. Observed lake water level measurements were used to validate the model. Our results show that the lake circulation pattern could explain the transport path of sediment and nutrients and the location of the water hyacinths found in the northeast of the lake. Sediments and nutrients from the largest river, Gilgel Abay, in the southeast of Lake Tana, flow through the two outlets nearby with little sediment deposition due to the relatively short retention time. The phosphorus-rich sediments of the 24 h at 105 °C remaining three main rivers joining the lake at the north and east are transported to the northeast. Thus, the management and control of water hyacinths should focus on the northern and eastern catchment areas of Lake Tana