1,472 research outputs found

    CF6 jet engine diagnostics program. High pressure turbine roundness/clearance investigation

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    The effects of high pressure turbine clearance changes on engine and module performance was evaluated in addition to the measurement of CF6-50C high pressure turbine Stage 1 tip clearance and stator out-of-roundness during steady-state and transient operation. The results indicated a good correlation of the analytical model of round engine clearance response with measured data. The stator out-of-roundness measurements verified that the analytical technique for predicting the distortion effects of mechanical loads is accurate, whereas the technique for calculating the effects of certain circumferential thermal gradients requires some modifications. A potential for improvement in roundness was established in the order of 0.38 mm (0.015 in.), equivalent to 0.86 percent turbine efficiency which translates to a cruise SFC improvement of 0.36 percent. The HP turbine Stage 1 tip clearance performance derivative was established as 0.44 mm (17 mils) per percent of turbine efficiency at take-off power, somewhat smaller, therefore, more sensitive than predicted from previous investigations

    CF6 jet engine performance improvement: High pressure turbine roundness

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    An improved high pressure turbine stator reducing fuel consumption in current CF6-50 turbofan engines was developed. The feasibility of the roundness and clearance response improvements was demonstrated. Application of these improvements will result in a cruise SFC reduction of 0.22 percent for new engines. For high time engines, the improved roundness and response characteristics results in an 0.5 percent reduction in cruise SFC. A basic life capability of the improved HP turbine stator in over 800 simulated flight cycles without any sign of significant distress is shown

    CF6 Jet Engine Performance Improvement: High Pressure Turbine Active Clearance Control

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    An active clearance control system was developed which reduces fuel consumption and performance degradation. This system utilizes compressor discharge air during takeoff and fan discharge air during cruise to impinge on the shroud structure to improve the thermal response. The system was evaluated in component and engine tests. The test results demonstrated a performance improvement of 0.7 percent in cruise SFC

    The CF6 Jet Engine Performance Improvement - Low Pressure Turbine Active Clearance Control

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    A low pressure turbine (LPT) active clearance control (ACC) cooling system was developed to reduce the fuel consumption of current CF6-50 turbofan engines for wide bodied commercial aircraft. The program performance improvement goal of 0.3% delta sfc was determined to be achievable with an improved impingement cooling system. The technology enables the design of an optimized manifold and piping system which is capable of a performance gain of 0.45% delta sfc

    CF6 jet engine performance improvement: New fan

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    As part of the NASA sponsored engine component improvement program, and fan package was developed to reduce fuel consumption in current CF6 turbofan aircraft engine. The new fan package consist of an improved fan blade, reduced fan tip clearance due to a fan case stiffener, and a smooth fan casing tip shroud. CF6 engine performance and acoustic tests demonstrated the predicted 1.8% improvement in cruise sfc without an increase in engine noise. Power management thrust/fan speed characteristics were defined. Mechanical and structural integrity was demonstrated in model fan rotor photoelastic stress tests, full-size fan blade bench fatigue tests, and CF6 engine bird ingestion, crosswind, and cyclic endurance tests. The fan was certified in the CF6-500c2/E2 engines and is in commerical service on the Boeing 747-200, Douglas DC-10-30, and Atrbus industrie A300B aircraft

    The CF6 engine performance improvement

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    As part of the NASA-sponsored Engine Component Improvement (ECI) Program, a feasibility analysis of performance improvement and retention concepts for the CF6-6 and CF6-50 engines was conducted and seven concepts were identified for development and ground testing: new fan, new front mount, high pressure turbine aerodynamic performance improvement, high pressure turbine roundness, high pressure turbine active clearance control, low pressure turbine active clearance control, and short core exhaust nozzle. The development work and ground testing are summarized, and the major test results and an enomic analysis for each concept are presented

    The CF6 jet engine performance improvement: New front mount

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    The New Front Mount was evaluated in component tests including stress, deflection/distortion and fatigue tests. The test results demonstrated a performance improvement of 0.1% in cruise sfc, 16% in compressor stall margin and 10% in compressor stator angle margin. The New Front Mount hardware successfully completed 35,000 simulated flight cycles endurance testing

    CF6 Jet Engine Performance Improvement Program: High Pressure Turbine Aerodynamic Performance Improvement

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    The improved single shank high pressure turbine design was evaluated in component tests consisting of performance, heat transfer and mechanical tests, and in core engine tests. The instrumented core engine test verified the thermal, mechanical, and aeromechanical characteristics of the improved turbine design. An endurance test subjected the improved single shank turbine to 1000 simulated flight cycles, the equivalent of approximately 3000 hours of typical airline service. Initial back-to-back engine tests demonstrated an improvement in cruise sfc of 1.3% and a reduction in exhaust gas temperature of 10 C. An additional improvement of 0.3% in cruise sfc and 6 C in EGT is projected for long service engines

    CF6 jet engine performance improvement program. Task 1: Feasibility analysis

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    Technical and economic engine improvement concepts selected for subsequent development include: (1) fan improvement; (2) short core exhaust; (3) HP turbine aerodynamic improvement; (4) HP turbine roundness control; (5) HP turbine active clearance control; and (6) cabin air recirculation. The fuel savings for the selected engine modification concepts for the CF6 fleet are estimated