19 research outputs found

    “Sven and the Media Portal” : A Nomadic Use Case for the Extended Home

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    The Networked and Electronic Media Technology Platform (NEM) [5] states that users will consume an “innovative mix of various media forms, delivered seamlessly over technologically transparent networks, to improve the quality, enjoyment and value of life. [6] visualizes a future use case and some of the challenges that need to be addressed before the NEM vision becomes reality

    UPnP control point for mobile phones in residential networks

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    Together, Ericsson and HiA are studying the role of WiFi-enabled mobile phones in residential networks. This article describes a first step to allow mobile phones to discover and control networked residential media servers and renderers following the standards developed by the UPnP Forum

    Using SIP Presence for Remote Service Awareness

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    Residential networks usually protect its devices and services behind firewalls and use private IP addresses. Therefore, appliances within a residential network cannot be discovered and utilized from external networks by standardized technologies as UPnP. In this paper, we present our concept of “Service Presence”, based on the 3GPP Presence Service that makes the service presence information remotely discoverable

    Giovanni Boccaccio. Italienisch-deutscher Kulturtransfer von der Frühen Neuzeit bis zur Gegenwart

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    Italien und Deutschland – kaum zwei andere Kulturen in Europa sind so stark miteinander verbunden wie diese beiden, sei es geschichtlich oder kulturell. Am wirkmächtigsten war sicherlich die Übernahme des Gedankenguts der italienischen Renaissance, in deren Folge Wissen aus gesellschaftlichen, wissenschaftlichen und kulturellen Bereichen den Weg nach Deutschland fand, darunter auch die Kenntnis von Giovanni Boccaccios Werken, die sich auf deutschsprachige Kontexte auswirkten. Der vorliegende Tagungsband versammelt die Beiträge zur gleichnamigen Tagung „Giovanni Boccaccio. Italienisch-deutscher Kulturtransfer von der Frühen Neuzeit bis zur Gegenwart“ (Bamberg, 21. bis 23. November 2013), die sich mit vielfältigen Aspekten der Boccaccio-Rezeption auseinandersetzen

    Messung und Modellierung der Dienstgüte paketvermittelnder Netze

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    Variable and Scaleable Security Protection of Location Information in Mobile-IP

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    The amount of mobile and nomadic computing is expected to increase dramatically in the near future. Hand in hand with this ubiquitous mobile computing security and privacy problems show up, which have not been dealt with sufficiently up to now. The main problems are traffic analysis and the easy access to location information, for example in the popular Internet just by looking at the address headers of messages. The need for security and privacy supporting networks is discussed. We present the nondisclosure method (NDM) as a way to provide the user with variable and scalable security and privacy. We exemplarily demonstrate the applicability of NDM in an existing network by presenting an upward compatible protocol extension to the Internet protocol (IP), the secure IP in IP protocol. Its main design goal is the untraceability of network connections in mobile environment