166 research outputs found

    Les interactions sociales de l’élève immigrant à Montréal

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    Les enjeux scolaires de la diversité ethnoculturelle à Montréal, régulièrement alimentée par l’immigration, ont surtout été étudiés par rapport à la réussite académique. Pourtant, les interactions sociales négatives ou le manque d’interactions positives subis par un élève constituent un risque pour le développement psychosocial. Pour l’élève immigrant, ce risque se complexifie en se greffant à d’autres défis : perte de repères, nouveau réseau social, décodage intensif des codes de sociabilité, etc. Par une approche ethnographique combinant séances d’observation et entrevues avec divers protagonistes (enfant, parent, enseignant), cet article décrit des dynamiques d’interactions sociales de classes pluriethniques et présente deux profils relationnels contrastés (rejeté et populaire). Les bénéfices d’une compréhension fine des dynamiques relationnelles sont analysés : pour la gestion de classe en contexte pluriethnique, une meilleure compréhension du stress scolaire de l’enfant immigrant et un accompagnement efficace de son processus de socialisation à l’école par l’enseignant et les parents.The academic challenges of ethnocultural diversity in Montreal, often fuelled by immigration, have usually been been analysed in terms of academic success. However, negative social interactions or lack of positive interactions experienced by students constitute a risk for their psychosocial development. For immigrant students, that risk becomes more and more complex by being grafted with other challenges : a loss of landmarks, a new social network, intensive decoding of codes of sociability, etc. Based on an ethnographic approach combining observation meetings and interviews with various protagonists (children, parents, teachers), this article describes the dynamics of social interaction in pluri-ethnic classes and presents two distinct relational profiles (rejected and popular). The benefits of a finely tuned understanding of relational dynamics are analysed: for class management in a pluri-ethnic context, for a better understanding of the school-related stress experienced by immigrant students and as well as for an effective support by the teacher and the parents of students' socialization process at school

    Vécu identitaire d’élèves de 1ère et de 2ème génération d’origine haïtienne

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    Cet article présente les résultats d’une recherche qui compare le vécu scolaire et identitaire d’adolescents montréalais d’origine haïtienne de première et de deuxième générations d’immigrés. La moitié d’entre eux, récemment immigrés, sont nés en Haïti et y ont été scolarisés les premières années, tandis que les autres, de parents immigrés, sont nés et ont grandi au Québec. La considération de ces deux groupes de jeunes permet de vérifier les différences et ressemblances dans leur adaptation scolaire et leur sentiment d’identité, par rapport au pays d’origine/pays de résidence. Comparés à ceux de deuxième génération nés et socialisés au Québec, les adolescents nés en Haïti se montrent-ils plus repliés sur leur culture d’origine et moins proches de la société d’accueil? L’analyse des données issues d’entretiens individuels et de groupe révèle que les jeunes ayant participé à cette recherche, de deuxième ou de première génération, sont préoccupés par des obstacles liés à leur statut (personne d’origine immigrée) et à leur ethnicité (personne noire). Ils parviennent, de manière générale, à conjuguer valeurs haïtiennes et québécoises dans leur construction identitaire personnelle. Cependant, ils expriment une certaine distance face au groupe majoritaire, vu comme responsable de la stigmatisation de l’image collective de leur communauté. La recherche a permis de mieux comprendre les interactions sociales des jeunes d’origine haïtienne en milieu scolaire, ainsi que les enjeux de l’identité dans un espace multiculturel.This study describes the results of a study which compared the educational and identity experiences of teenage students of Haitian origin in Montreal who belonged to the first or second immigrant generation. Half of the students, who had recently immigrated, were born in Haiti and had completed their first years of schooling there. The others, whose parents were immigrants, were born and raised in Quebec. By studying these two groups of youths it is possible to examine the similarities and differences in their adaptation to the school system as well as their cultural identity regarding their home country and country of residence. Compared to their peers who were born and socialized in Quebec, do the adolescents born in Haiti turn more towards their culture of origin and feel less close to the receiving community? Individual and group interviews revealed that the youths from both generations who participated in the study are very concerned about obstacles linked to their race and their status as immigrants. Most of the time, they manage to combine values from both Haitian and Quebec cultures in constructing their self-identities. Nonetheless, they feel a certain distance from the majority group, who is perceived as being responsible for the stigmatized collective image of their community. Finally, this study leads to a better understanding of the social interactions of teenagers of Haitian origin within the school and the challenges arising from identity development in a multicultural environment

    Les relations école – familles immigrées au Québec et en Catalogne

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    Cet article est une synthèse faite sur les relations école-familles immigrées au Québec et en Catalogne. Les auteures ont une longue expérience de collaboration dans ce domaine. Sont présentées les difficultés réelles ou projetées de ces relations. Les recherches recensées explorent la problématique selon des enjeux sociétaux relatifs à la diversité ethnoculturelle dans les deux contextes (en particulier à l’école), du point de vue du profil socioéconomique des familles, à travers la réalité de la communication avec l’école et le suivi scolaire fait par les parents. Les auteures ont questionné la manière dont la formation initiale des enseignants, au Québec et en Catalogne, intègre la problématique de la diversité ethnoculturelle, donc les relations école-familles immigrées, à travers ses curricula. En conclusion, des idées directrices de l’interculturel sont présentées, une modalité de formalisation de la diversité pour sa reconnaissance et sa prise en compte effective dans les politiques et les pratiques, pour une synergie entre l’école, la communauté et différents partenaires afin de soutenir les familles immigrées dans l’actualisation de leur capital socioculturel et l’engagement dans la scolarité de leurs enfants.This article is a synthesis on relationships between schools and immigrant families in Québec and Catalonia. The authors, who have extensive experience in this field, present the real or projected difficultieswithin these relationships. The research the authors collected explores the problembased on societal issues related to ethnocultural diversity in both contexts (particularly at the school), in terms of the families’ socio-economic profile, the reality of communication with the school, and the parents’ scholastic follow-up. The authors question how the teacher’s initial training, both in Québec and Catalonia, integrated the problem of cultural diversity, and thus the relationships between the school and immigrant families. In conclusion, the article presents guideline ideas for interculturalismgeared to formalizing the diversity so that it can be effectively recognized and considered in policies and practices, encouraging synergy between the school, the community and different partners in order the help immigrant families actualize their social capital and involvement in their children’s education.Este artículo es una síntesis de las relaciones escuela – familias inmigrantes en Quebec y en Cataluña. Las autoras poseen una larga experiencia de colaboración en dicho campo. Se presentan las dificultades reales o proyectadas de dichas relaciones. Las investigaciones inventariadas exploran la problemática a partir de los retos sociales relacionados con la diversidad etnocultural en los dos contextos (particularmente en las escuelas), desde el punto de vista del perfil socioeconómico de las familias, a través de la realidad de la comunicación con la escuela y del seguimiento escolar que los padres realizan. Las autoras cuestionan la manera en que la formación inicial de los maestros, en Quebec y en Cataluña, integra la problemática de la diversidad etnocultural y por lo tanto las relaciones escuela – familias inmigrantes, a través sus curricula. En conclusión, se presentan las ideas directrices de lo intercultural, una modalidad de la formalización de la diversidad a través de su reconocimiento y de su aceptación en las políticas y en las practicas, gracias a la sinergia entre la escuela, la comunidad y los diversos partenarios con el fin de apoyar las familias inmigrantes en la actualización de su capital sociocultural y de su compromiso con la escolaridad de sus hijos

    Les divers modèles de collaborations familles immigrantes-écoles : de l’implication assignée au partenariat

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    Ce texte concerne la réussite des relations entre les familles immigrantes et l’école et la compréhension des bricolages inédits qui articulent les stratégies des familles et celles du milieu scolaire. En effet, l’interdépendance entre les familles et les écoles est historique : selon les sociétés, les cultures et les politiques, elle a été instituée de diverses manières. À partir d’une recherche menée au Québec auprès de jeunes immigrants et réfugiés, l’article présente plusieurs modèles de collaborations familles-écoles favorables à la réussite scolaire des jeunes et intégrant divers acteurs, comme les jeunes, les parents, l’école avec ses intervenants et la communauté.This text focuses on the success of the relationship between immigrant families and school and seeks to understand the original patching up which articulate the families’ as well as the school’s strategies. Indeed, the interdependence between families and schools is historical : depending on societies, cultures and policies, it was instituted in various ways. Based on a research elaborated in Quebec targeting young immigrants and refugees, this article presents several models of families-schools collaborations that are favourable to the youth’s academic success and that integrate various actors, such as, the youth, the parents, the schools and their personnel, and the community.El presente texto trata del éxito de las relaciones entre las familias inmigrantes con la escuela y la comprensión de los arreglos inéditos que articulan las estrategias de las familias y las del ámbito escolar. En efecto, la interdependencia entre las familias y las escuelas es histórica : de acuerdo con las sociedades, las culturas y las políticas, fue instituida de diversas maneras. A partir de una investigación conducida en Québec con jóvenes inmigrantes y refugiados, el artículo presenta varios modelos de colaboraciones familias-escuelas favorables al éxito escolar de los jóvenes e integrando diversos actores como los jóvenes, los padres, la escuela con sus colaboradores y la comunidad

    Türkiye tarım kredi kooperatifleri için kurumsal performans karnesi önerisi

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Kurumsal performans karnesi geçmiş döneme ilişkin finansal verileri ele alan geleneksel ölçme yaklaşımlarının eksikliklerini gidermek ve ölçme sorunlarına pratik çözümler bulabilmek için geliştirilen bir yöntemdir. Kurumsal performans karnesi bir örgütün finansal performansını; müşteri, iç süreçler ve öğrenme/gelişme performanslarıyla dengeleyerek, uzun vadede başarıyı devam ettirebilmek için hangi alanlarda ölçüm yapması gerektiği konusunda geçerli olan bir ölçme sistematiği geliştiren stratejik yönetim aracı olarak değerlendirilmektedir. Bu bağlamda ülkemiz açısından stratejik öneme sahip tarım sektöründe kooperatifler önemli bir konumda bulunmaktadır. Kurumsal performans karnesi ile performansın ölçülmesi esas amacı sürdürülebilir bir şekilde ortaklarına hizmet etmek olan kooperatifler açısından önem arz etmektedir.Literatür incelendiğinde kurumsal performans karnesine ilişkin çok çeşitli alanlarda ve sektörlerde çok sayıda çalışma olmasına karşın kooperatifçilik sektörüne yönelik herhangi bir çalışmaya rastlanılmamıştır.Bu çalışmada kooperatiflerin hizmet kalitesini artırarak ortaklarına daha iyi ve kaliteli hizmet verebilmesi için stratejik ölçme ve değerlendirme sistemi baz alınarak geliştirilen, kooperatiflerin kendi yapılarına uyarlayarak kullanabilecekleri bir kurumsal performans karnesi oluşturulması amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma kapsamında verilerin elde edilmesinde kullanılan anket formu yöneticilerden oluşan 5 kişilik bir çalışma grubu ile yapılan 9 haftalık çalışmalar sonucu oluşturulmuştur. Sonrasında anket formu Tarım Kredi Kooperatifleri Merkez Birliği ve 17 Bölge Birliğinde çalışan 140 yöneticiye gönderilmiştir. Yöneticiler tarafından 105 ankete geri dönüş yapılmıştır. Elde edilen veriler ışığında, kooperatifler açısından kurumsal performans karnesi bağlamında önemli görülen stratejik amaç ve hedefleri ile bu amaç ve hedefleri test edecek ölçütler kurumsal performans karnesinin her bir boyutu için ayrı ayrı gösterilerek, kooperatiflerde kurumsal performans karnesi oluşturulması sürecinde kullanılabilecek ölçekler olarak önerilmektedir.The Corporate Performance Report is a method that is developed to eliminate the missing points of traditional measurement approaches dealing with the financial data of previous dates, and to find practical solutions for measurement problems. The Corporate Performance Report is evaluated as a strategic management tool, which has developed valid measurement systematics to determine the measurement areas to continue its success in the long term by balancing the financial performance of an organization with customers, internal processes and learning/development performances. In this respect, cooperatives have an important position in the agricultural sector, which has a strategic significance for our country. The measurement of performance with the Corporate Performance Report is important for cooperatives whose basic purpose is to serve their partners in a sustainable way. When the literature was reviewed, it was observed that although there are many studies on Corporate Performance Report in various fields and sectors, no studies were detected in the cooperatives sector.In the present study, the purpose was to create a Corporate Performance Report, which is developed to enable cooperatives to provide better and quality service to their partners based on a strategic measurement and evaluation system. The questionnaire that was used to obtain the study data in the scope of the study was created as a result of a 9-week effort with a 5-people workgroup of managers. The questionnaire was sent to 140 managers who worked at Central Union of Agricultural Credit Cooperatives and 17 Regional Units. A total of 105 questionnaires were returned by the managers. In the light of the data that were obtained in the present study, it is recommended that strategic objectives that are considered important for corporate performance report for cooperatives, and the criteria that will be used to test the objectives and targets of cooperatives are presented separately for each dimension of the Corporate Performance Report as scales, which may be used in the process of establishing Corporate Performance Reports for cooperatives

    Points de vue d'acteurs scolaires et d'intervenants communautaires sur les besoins d’élèves immigrants et de leur famille dans des écoles défavorisées à Montréal

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    Dans une perspective compréhensive,  des acteurs scolaires (enseignants, directeurs) et des intervenants communautaires sont rencontrés dans le but  de croiser les regards sur les défis de l’intervention en milieu scolaire qui conjugue immigration et défavorisation socioéconomique. Aussi, dans un contexte nord-américain où le crédo de la collaboration école-famille-communauté devient prégnant, cette étude est l’occasion de mieux comprendre comment s’articulent les logiques d’intervention entre école et organisme communautaire.Dans une perspective compréhensive,  des acteurs scolaires (enseignants, directeurs) et des intervenants communautaires sont rencontrés dans le but  de croiser les regards sur les défis de l’intervention en milieu scolaire qui conjugue immigration et défavorisation socioéconomique. Aussi, dans un contexte nord-américain où le crédo de la collaboration école-famille-communauté devient prégnant, cette étude est l’occasion de mieux comprendre comment s’articulent les logiques d’intervention entre école et organisme communautaire

    Familles et réussite scolaire d’élèves immigrants du secondaire

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    L’article rend compte des résultats d’une recherche sur les trajectoires de réussite scolaire d’élèves immigrants à Montréal et Sherbrooke. Pour la majorité, il s’agit d’élèves passés par une classe d’accueil. À la suite d’entrevues, les chercheuses ont procédé par étude de cas en croisant les regards d’un élève, de son parent et d’un enseignant sur le vécu scolaire de l’élève. Ainsi, 24 cas ont fait ressortir différents niveaux de mobilisation qui concourent à chaque trajectoire de réussite scolaire. Également, nous avons modélisé une typologie des situations de réussite, selon le profil familial, qui comporte trois catégories : réussite-continuité, réussite-promotion, réussite pour la famille. Enfin, des aspects transversaux à la typologie sont présentés.The article presents the results of a research on the trajectories of immigrant students’ academic success in Montreal and Sherbrooke. The majority of these students attended a welcoming class. Using interviews as the chosen research method, case studies were conducted to analyze the point of view of the student, parent, and teacher on a student’s school experiences. Thus, twenty-four cases emphasized various levels of mobilization contributing to each trajectory of academic success. Furthermore, a typology of success situations according to family profiles was modeled in three categories : success-continuity, success-promotion, family success. Transversal aspects of the typology are presented.El artículo da cuenta de los resultados de una investigación sobre las trayectorias de éxito escolar de alumnos inmigrantes en Montreal y Sherbrooke. Por la mayoría, se trata de alumnos que pasaron por una clase de acogida. A raíz de unas entrevistas, los investigadores partieron de estudio de casos, cruzando las miradas de un alumno, de uno de sus padres y de un maestro sobre la vivencia escolar del alumno. Así, 24 casos hicieron resaltar diferentes niveles de movilización que corresponden a cada trayectoria de éxito escolar. Asimismo, hemos modelizado una tipología de las situaciones de éxito, según el perfil familiar, que cuenta con tres categorías : éxito-continuidad, éxito-promoción, éxito para la familia. Por terminar, presentamos algunos aspectos transversales a la tipología


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    İşletmelerin varlıklarını devam ettirebilmesi için sürekli kendilerini yenilemeleri gerekmektedir. Bu durumda işletmelerin başvurdukları kaynaklardan biri de bilgi teknolojileridir. Yakın geçmişte ortaya çıkan ve günümüzde daha yaygın bir şekilde kullanılmaya başlayan Kurumsal Kaynak Planlaması (KKP) ya da yaygın kullanım şekliyle ERP de bu sistemlerden biridir. Bu çalışmada sistemin işletmelere kurulumu ve bu süreçte işletmelerin yaşadığı sıkıntılar açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır. Araştırmada nitel bir araştırma stratejisi olan örnek olay yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Veriler mülakat ve katılımlı gözlem yoluyla toplanarak; uygulamada yaşanan güçlükler tespit edilmiş ve çözüm önerileri sunulmuştur. Anahtar Kelimeler: Kurumsal Kaynak Planlaması (KKP), KKP Kurulum Süreci, Uygulamada Yaşanan Güçlükler. JEL Sınıflandırma Kodları: L86, M15

    Proposal for Balanced Scorecard for Agricultural Credit Co-operatives in Turkey

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    In this study, the purpose was to create an Institutional Performance Report based on multidimensional measurement and evaluation system, which will increase the institutional performances of cooperatives, which are important for agricultural sector, which will contribute to the decision-making processes of managers, and which will be adapted to the structures of cooperatives. The questionnaire that was used to obtain the study data in the scope of the study was created as a result of a 9-week effort with a 5-people workgroup of managers. The questionnaire was sent to 140 managers who worked at Central Union of Agricultural Credit Cooperatives and 17 Regional Units. A total of 105 questionnaires were returned by the managers. At the end of the study, that the financial and common aspects are in the foreground in agricultural cooperatives, learning and development aspects are background was stated and solution suggestions were developed