4 research outputs found

    Investigación sobre la relación entre el compromiso de los aprendices de inglés como lengua extranjera y sus emociones de logro

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    The examination of emotion and its contribution to L2 learning began four decades ago; however, despite the advancements in this area, there seems to be also a need for more research on the role of emotion in learning in the milieu of education. Accordingly, the present study has been intended to shed light on the relationship between Iranian language learners’ engagement and their achievement emotions. To this end, 403 Iranian English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners were recruited, and their achievement emotions and engagement were examined by completing the associated questionnaires. The data were analyzed by the numerical method of Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), and through the Smart PLS and MPLS, it was revealed that there is a considerable association between learners’ engagement and achievement emotions. The results also indicated that EFL learners’ achievement emotions could significantly predict their engagement in this setting. Moreover, considering various dimensions, it was found that enjoyment has a positive and significant effect on students’ engagement. However, some dimensions of emotions such as anger, anxiety, and hopelessness were reported to be insignificant. In a nutshell, the paper provides some implications for language teachers and learners.El estudio de las emociones y su contribución al aprendizaje de la L2 comenzó hace cuatro décadas; y aunque ha habido avances, parece necesario seguir investigando sobre el papel de aquéllas en el contexto educativo. Este estudio arroja luz sobre la relación entre el compromiso de los estudiantes iraníes de lenguas y sus emociones de logro. Participan 403 aprendices de inglés lengua extranjera (ILE) iraníes a los que se examinan sus emociones de logro y su nivel de compromiso a través de unos cuestionarios ad hoc. Los datos se analizaron según un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales mediante mínimos cuadrados parciales (SEM) y a través del Smart PLS y del MPLS se observó que hay una asociación considerable entre el compromiso de los estudiantes y sus emociones de logro. Los resultados también indicaron que las emociones de logro de los aprendices de ILE podrían, de manera significativa, predecir su compromiso en este contexto. Además, considerando varias dimensiones, se encontró que el disfrute tiene un efecto positivo y significativo sobre el compromiso de los estudiantes; sin embargo, emociones como la ira, la ansiedad o la desesperanza no resultan significativas. En resumen, el artículo ofrece implicaciones para docentes y alumnado de lenguas

    Book review

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    Data_Sheet_1_What I know, what I want to know, what I learned: Activating EFL college students' cognitive, behavioral, and emotional engagement through structured feedback in an online environment.docx

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    Given the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, online classes have received special attention worldwide. Since teachers have a lasting effect on the students, the teacher–student relationship is a pivotal factor in language learning classes. Students will not be engaged in class activities if they are not sufficiently challenged by them or if they do not find them interesting, especially in online classes. From this point of view, motivating, engaging, and testing techniques in online classes are highly important. The present study attempts to demonstrate a correlation between structured feedback and three types of engagement in an online class: cognitive, behavioral, and emotional engagement. The structured feedback, which is used at the end of each lesson lets the students express what they know, what they want to know, and what they learned. The sample of the study consists of 114 EFL third-year college students. The study's findings reveal positive and significant correlations between the three types of engagement; cognitive, behavioral, and emotional, and the use of structured feedback in online classes. In a nutshell, some academic implications and recommendations are provided.</p