12 research outputs found

    Explainable AI: A review of applications to neuroimaging data

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    Deep neural networks (DNNs) have transformed the field of computer vision and currently constitute some of the best models for representations learned via hierarchical processing in the human brain. In medical imaging, these models have shown human-level performance and even higher in the early diagnosis of a wide range of diseases. However, the goal is often not only to accurately predict group membership or diagnose but also to provide explanations that support the model decision in a context that a human can readily interpret. The limited transparency has hindered the adoption of DNN algorithms across many domains. Numerous explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) techniques have been developed to peer inside the “black box” and make sense of DNN models, taking somewhat divergent approaches. Here, we suggest that these methods may be considered in light of the interpretation goal, including functional or mechanistic interpretations, developing archetypal class instances, or assessing the relevance of certain features or mappings on a trained model in a post-hoc capacity. We then focus on reviewing recent applications of post-hoc relevance techniques as applied to neuroimaging data. Moreover, this article suggests a method for comparing the reliability of XAI methods, especially in deep neural networks, along with their advantages and pitfalls

    Effects of chronic sleep restriction on the brain functional network, as revealed by graph theory

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    Sleep is a complex and dynamic process for maintaining homeostasis, and a lack of sleep can disrupt whole-body functioning. No organ is as vulnerable to the loss of sleep as the brain. Accordingly, we examined a set of task-based functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data by using graph theory to assess brain topological changes in subjects in a state of chronic sleep restriction, and then identified diurnal variability in the graph-theoretic measures. Task-based fMRI data were collected in a 1.5T MR scanner from the same participants on two days: after a week of fully restorative sleep and after a week with 35% sleep curtailment. Each day included four scanning sessions throughout the day (at approximately 10:00 AM, 2:00 PM, 6:00 PM, and 10:00 PM). A modified spatial cueing task was applied to evaluate sustained attention. After sleep restriction, the characteristic path length significantly increased at all measurement times, and small-worldness significantly decreased. Assortativity, a measure of network fault tolerance, diminished over the course of the day in both conditions. Local graph measures were altered primarily across the limbic system (particularly in the hippocampus, parahippocampal gyrus, and amygdala), default mode network, and visual network

    Diurnal variations of resting-state fMRI data : a graph-based analysis

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    Circadian rhythms (lasting approximately 24 h) control and entrain various physiological processes, ranging from neural activity and hormone secretion to sleep cycles and eating habits. Several studies have shown that time of day (TOD) is associated with human cognition and brain functions. In this study, utilizing a chronotype-based paradigm, we applied a graph theory approach on resting-state functional MRI (rs-fMRI) data to compare whole-brain functional network topology between morning and evening sessions and between morning-type (MT) and evening-type (ET) participants. Sixty-two individuals (31 MT and 31 ET) underwent two fMRI sessions, approximately 1 hour (morning) and 10 h (evening) after their wake-up time, according to their declared habitual sleep-wake pattern on a regular working day. In the global analysis, the findings revealed the effect of TOD on functional connectivity (FC) patterns, including increased small-worldness, assortativity, and synchronization across the day. However, we identified no significant differences based on chronotype categories. The study of the modular structure of the brain at mesoscale showed that functional networks tended to be more integrated with one another in the evening session than in the morning session. Local/regional changes were affected by both factors (i.e., TOD and chronotype), mostly in areas associated with somatomotor, attention, frontoparietal, and default networks. Furthermore, connectivity and hub analyses revealed that the somatomotor, ventral attention, and visual networks covered the most highly connected areas in the morning and evening sessions: the latter two were more active in the morning sessions, and the first was identified as being more active in the evening. Finally, we performed a correlation analysis to determine whether global and nodal measures were associated with subjective assessments across participants. Collectively, these findings contribute to an increased understanding of diurnal fluctuations in resting brain activity and highlight the role of TOD in future studies on brain function and the design of fMRI experiments

    Identifying diurnal variability of brain connectivity patterns using graph theory

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    Significant differences exist in human brain functions affected by time of day and by people’s diurnal preferences (chronotypes) that are rarely considered in brain studies. In the current study, using network neuroscience and resting-state functional MRI (rs-fMRI) data, we examined the effect of both time of day and the individual’s chronotype on whole-brain network organization. In this regard, 62 participants (39 women; mean age: 23.97 ± 3.26 years; half morning- versus half evening-type) were scanned about 1 and 10 h after wake-up time for morning and evening sessions, respectively. We found evidence for a time-of-day effect on connectivity profiles but not for the effect of chronotype. Compared with the morning session, we found relatively higher small-worldness (an index that represents more efficient network organization) in the evening session, which suggests the dominance of sleep inertia over the circadian and homeostatic processes in the first hours after waking. Furthermore, local graph measures were changed, predominantly across the left hemisphere, in areas such as the precentral gyrus, putamen, inferior frontal gyrus (orbital part), inferior temporal gyrus, as well as the bilateral cerebellum. These findings show the variability of the functional neural network architecture during the day and improve our understanding of the role of time of day in resting-state functional networks

    Graph-Based Analysis of Brain Connectivity in Multiple Sclerosis Using Functional MRI: A Systematic Review

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    (1) Background: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an immune system disease in which myelin in the nervous system is affected. This abnormal immune system mechanism causes physical disabilities and cognitive impairment. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is a common neuroimaging technique used in studying MS. Computational methods have recently been applied for disease detection, notably graph theory, which helps researchers understand the entire brain network and functional connectivity. (2) Methods: Relevant databases were searched to identify articles published since 2000 that applied graph theory to study functional brain connectivity in patients with MS based on fMRI. (3) Results: A total of 24 articles were included in the review. In recent years, the application of graph theory in the MS field received increased attention from computational scientists. The graph–theoretical approach was frequently combined with fMRI in studies of functional brain connectivity in MS. Lower EDSSs of MS stage were the criteria for most of the studies (4) Conclusions: This review provides insights into the role of graph theory as a computational method for studying functional brain connectivity in MS. Graph theory is useful in the detection and prediction of MS and can play a significant role in identifying cognitive impairment associated with MS

    Modeling Brain Functional Connectivity Patterns during an Isometric Arm Force Exertion Task at Different Levels of Perceived Exertion: A Graph Theoretical Approach

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    The perception of physical exertion is the cognitive sensation of work demands associated with voluntary muscular actions. Measurements of exerted force are crucial for avoiding the risk of overexertion and understanding human physical capability. For this purpose, various physiological measures have been used; however, the state-of-the-art in-force exertion evaluation lacks assessments of underlying neurophysiological signals. The current study applied a graph theoretical approach to investigate the topological changes in the functional brain network induced by predefined force exertion levels for twelve female participants during an isometric arm task and rated their perceived physical comfort levels. The functional connectivity under predefined force exertion levels was assessed using the coherence method for 84 anatomical brain regions of interest at the electroencephalogram (EEG) source level. Then, graph measures were calculated to quantify the network topology for two frequency bands. The results showed that high-level force exertions are associated with brain networks characterized by more significant clustering coefficients (6%), greater modularity (5%), higher global efficiency (9%), and less distance synchronization (25%) under alpha coherence. This study on the neurophysiological basis of physical exertions with various force levels suggests that brain regions communicate and cooperate higher when muscle force exertions increase to meet the demands of physically challenging tasks

    Decoding Task-Based fMRI Data with Graph Neural Networks, Considering Individual Differences

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    Task fMRI provides an opportunity to analyze the working mechanisms of the human brain during specific experimental paradigms. Deep learning models have increasingly been applied for decoding and encoding purposes study to representations in task fMRI data. More recently, graph neural networks, or neural networks models designed to leverage the properties of graph representations, have recently shown promise in task fMRI decoding studies. Here, we propose an end-to-end graph convolutional network (GCN) framework with three convolutional layers to classify task fMRI data from the Human Connectome Project dataset. We compared the predictive performance of our GCN model across four of the most widely used node embedding algorithms—NetMF, RandNE, Node2Vec, and Walklets—to automatically extract the structural properties of the nodes in the functional graph. The empirical results indicated that our GCN framework accurately predicted individual differences (0.978 and 0.976) with the NetMF and RandNE embedding methods, respectively. Furthermore, to assess the effects of individual differences, we tested the classification performance of the model on sub-datasets divided according to gender and fluid intelligence. Experimental results indicated significant differences in the classification predictions of gender, but not high/low fluid intelligence fMRI data. Our experiments yielded promising results and demonstrated the superior ability of our GCN in modeling task fMRI data

    The COVID-19 Infection Diffusion in the US and Japan: A Graph-Theoretical Approach

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    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was first discovered in China; within several months, it spread worldwide and became a pandemic. Although the virus has spread throughout the globe, its effects have differed. The pandemic diffusion network dynamics (PDND) approach was proposed to better understand the spreading behavior of COVID-19 in the US and Japan. We used daily confirmed cases of COVID-19 from 5 January 2020 to 31 July 2021, for all states (prefectures) of the US and Japan. By applying the pandemic diffusion network dynamics (PDND) approach to COVID-19 time series data, we developed diffusion graphs for the US and Japan. In these graphs, nodes represent states and prefectures (regions), and edges represent connections between regions based on the synchrony of COVID-19 time series data. To compare the pandemic spreading dynamics in the US and Japan, we used graph theory metrics, which targeted the characterization of COVID-19 bedhavior that could not be explained through linear methods. These metrics included path length, global and local efficiency, clustering coefficient, assortativity, modularity, network density, and degree centrality. Application of the proposed approach resulted in the discovery of mostly minor differences between analyzed countries. In light of these findings, we focused on analyzing the reasons and defining research hypotheses that, upon addressing, could shed more light on the complex phenomena of COVID-19 virus spread and the proposed PDND methodology