7 research outputs found

    Neurotological Findings at a Health Unit for Adults with Cervicalgia

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    Abstract Introduction The cervical spine is a flexible link between the sensory platform of the skull and torso. The fundamental principle of its operation is due to the balance between muscle strength and flexibility, and any dysfunction of this balance causes neck pain, known as cervicalgia. Objective The objective of this study is to analyze the most prevalent neurotological findings in adults with neck pain. Method A cross-sectional study in which 33 adults from 50 to 83 years of age with neck pain were evaluated and underwent the following procedures: anamnesis, as well as ENT, audiological, and vestibular exams. Results The most evident neurotological symptoms were dizziness (75.7%), tinnitus, neck cracking, tingling in the extremities, and auditory problems (36.3% for each). The most frequently reported clinical symptoms were related to cardiovascular (69.7%), endocrine-metabolic (48.5%), and rheumatic (30.3%) systems. In the audiological assessment, 30 subjects (91.0%) presented hearing impairment in at least one ear, with sensorineural impairment being the most prevalent (88.0%). In the vestibular assessment, there were alterations in 13 subjects (39.0%) found in the caloric test. There was a prevalence of alterations in the peripheral vestibular system with a predominance of irritative peripheral vestibular dysfunction. Conclusion Neurotological complaints were frequent in this population, verifying the importance of these tests in the dysfunctions of the cervical region or the craniocervical junction

    Ataxia espinocerebelar tipo 6: relato de caso

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar as alterações vestibulococleares observadas em um caso de ataxia espinocerebelar tipo 6. O caso foi encaminhado do Hospital de Clínicas para o Laboratório de Otoneurologia de uma Instituição de Ensino e foi submetido aos seguintes procedimentos: anamnese, inspeção otológica, avaliações audiológica e vestibular. O caso retrata uma paciente com diagnóstico genético de ataxia espinocerebelar tipo 6, do sexo feminino, com 57 anos de idade, que referiu desequilíbrio à marcha com tendência a queda para a esquerda, disartria e disfonia. Na avaliação audiológica apresentou configuração audiométrica descendente a partir da frequência de 4kHz e curva timpanométrica do tipo "A" com presença dos reflexos estapedianos bilateralmente. No exame vestibular observou-se na pesquisa da vertigem posicional presença de nistagmo vertical inferior e oblíquo, espontâneo e semiespontâneo múltiplo com características centrais (ausência de latência, paroxismo, fatigabilidade e vertigem), nistagmooptocinético abolido e hiporreflexia à prova calórica. Constataram-se alterações labirínticas que indicaram afecção do sistema vestibular central evidenciando-se a importância dessa avaliação. A existência da possível relação entre os achados com os sintomas vestibulares apresentados pela paciente apontou a relevância do exame labiríntico neste tipo de ataxia uma vez que a presença do nistagmo vertical inferior demonstrou ser frequente neste tipo de patologia

    Vestibular Findings in Military Band Musicians

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    Introduction Exposure to music is the subject of many studies because it is related to an individual's professional and social activities. Objectives Evaluate the vestibular behavior in military band musicians. Methods A retrospective cross-sectional study was performed. Nineteen musicians with ages ranging from 21 to 46 years were evaluated (average = 33.7 years and standard deviation = 7.2 years). They underwent anamnesis and vestibular and otolaryngologic evaluation through vectoelectronystagmography. Results The most evident otoneurologic symptoms in the anamnesis were tinnitus (84.2%), hearing difficulties (47.3%), dizziness (36.8%), headache (26.3%), intolerance to intense sounds (21.0%), and earache (15.7%). Seven musicians (37.0%) showed vestibular abnormality, which occurred in the caloric test. The abnormality was more prevalent in the peripheral vestibular system, and there was a predominance of irritative peripheral vestibular disorders. Conclusion The alteration in vestibular exam occurred in the caloric test (37.0%). There were changes in the prevalence of peripheral vestibular system with a predominance of irritative vestibular dysfunction. Dizziness was the most significant symptom for the vestibular test in correlation with neurotologic symptoms. The present study made it possible to verify the importance of the labyrinthine test, which demonstrates that this population should be better studied because the systematic exposure to high sound pressure levels may cause major vestibular alterations

    Otoneurological findings prevalent in hereditary ataxias

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    ABSTRACT Objective To describe and compare the vestibular findings most evident among the hereditary ataxias, as well as correlate their clinical features with the nervous structures affected in this disease. Methods Seventy-five patients were evaluated and underwent a case history, otorhinolaryngological and vestibular assessments. Results Clinically, the patients commonly had symptoms of gait disturbances (67.1%), dizziness (47.3%), dysarthria (46%) and dysphagia (36.8%). In vestibular testing, alterations were predominantly evident in caloric testing (79%), testing for saccadic dysmetria (51%) and rotational chair testing (47%). The presence of alterations occurred in 87% of these patients. A majority of the alterations were from central vestibular dysfunction (69.3%). Conclusion This underscores the importance of the contribution of topodiagnostic labyrinthine evaluations for neurodegenerative diseases as, in most cases, the initial symptoms are otoneurological; and these evaluations should also be included in the selection of procedures to be performed in clinical and therapeutic monitoring

    Otoneurological findings prevalent in hereditary ataxias

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    <div><p>ABSTRACT Objective To describe and compare the vestibular findings most evident among the hereditary ataxias, as well as correlate their clinical features with the nervous structures affected in this disease. Methods Seventy-five patients were evaluated and underwent a case history, otorhinolaryngological and vestibular assessments. Results Clinically, the patients commonly had symptoms of gait disturbances (67.1%), dizziness (47.3%), dysarthria (46%) and dysphagia (36.8%). In vestibular testing, alterations were predominantly evident in caloric testing (79%), testing for saccadic dysmetria (51%) and rotational chair testing (47%). The presence of alterations occurred in 87% of these patients. A majority of the alterations were from central vestibular dysfunction (69.3%). Conclusion This underscores the importance of the contribution of topodiagnostic labyrinthine evaluations for neurodegenerative diseases as, in most cases, the initial symptoms are otoneurological; and these evaluations should also be included in the selection of procedures to be performed in clinical and therapeutic monitoring.</p></div