644 research outputs found

    The Grand Experiment of Communism: Discovering the Trade-off between Equality and Efficiency

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    This paper aims to explain the rise and fall of communism by exploring the interplay between economic incentives and social preferences transmitted by ideology. We introduce inequality-averse and inefficiency-averse agents and analyze their conflict through the interaction between leaders with economic power and followers with ideological determination. The socioeconomic dynamics of our model generate a pendulum-like switch from markets to a centrally-planned economy abolishing private ownership, and back to restoring market incentives. The grand experiment of communism is thus characterized to have led to the discovery of a trade-off between equality and efficiency at the scale of alternative economic systems. While our focus is on the long-run transitions from capitalism to communism and back observed in the course of the 20-th century, the model also derives conditions under which the two systems converge and become stable.

    Political institutions and central bank independence revisited

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    We build on earlier studies regarding Central Bank independence (CBI) by relating it to political, institutional and economic variables. The data suggest that CBI is positively related to the presence of federalism, the features of the electoral system and parties, the correlation between the shocks to the level of economic activity in the countries included in the sample and, for a sub-sample of economies, the convergence criteria to join the European Monetary Union (EMU).ICentral Bank independence; institutional systems; variable selection


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    The main objective of this article is understand the reality of the work of home caregivers in a city in the interior of Minas Gerais from five analytical dimensions (physical, cognitive, emotional, relational and sexual). The relevance of this study lies in the understanding of an activity that, although loaded with precariousness and inequalities, has been sparingly studied in the Brazilian academy. For the purpose of this study, of essentially qualitative nature, 10 semi-structured interviews with home caregivers of the elderly were carried out. The interviews were analyzed using the technique of french discourse analysis. It was observed that this activity has a strong physical character and presents itself as having a repetitive and precarious nature. In addition, it requires, from its executor, several emotional mobilizations in order to build a relationship of trust between patient and caregiver. It also demands a certain strategy of naturalization in dealing with the excrement or sexual parts of the elderly, and it requires previous learning (formal or informal) for its full exercise.El objetivo deste artículo consiste en comprender la realidad del trabajo de cuidadores domiciliares de ancianos de una ciudad del interior de Minas Gerais a partir de cinco dimensiones analíticas (física, cognitiva, emocional, relacional y sexual). La relevancia del estudio reside en la comprensión de una actividad que, aunque cargada de precariedad y de desigualdades, ha sido parcamente estudiada en la academia brasileña. Para fines de este trabajo, de naturaleza esencialmente cualitativa, se realizaron 10 entrevistas semiestructuradas con cuidadores domiciliares de ancianos, que fueran analizadas através de la técnica de análisis de discurso de inspiración francesa.  Se observó que tal actividad posee fuerte carácter físico y se presenta como teniendo naturaleza repetitiva y precaria. Además, exige, de su ejecutor, diversas movilizaciones de orden emocional para construir una relación de confianza entre paciente y cuidador. Demanda, aún, cierta estrategia de naturalización frente a las tareas de lidiar con excrementos o partes sexuales del anciano y carece de un aprendizaje anterior (formal o informal) para su pleno ejercicio.O objetivo deste artigo consiste em compreender a realidade do trabalho de cuidadores domiciliares de idosos de uma cidade do interior de Minas Gerais a partir de cinco dimensões analíticas (física, cognitiva, emocional, relacional e sexual). A relevância do estudo reside na compreensão de uma atividade que, embora carregada de precariedade e de desigualdades, tem sido parcamente estudada na academia brasileira. Para fins deste trabalho, de natureza essencialmente qualitativa, foram realizadas 10 entrevistas semi-estruturadas com cuidadores domiciliares de idosos que foram analisadas através da técnica de análise de discurso de inspiração francesa. Observou-se que tal atividade possui forte caráter físico e apresenta-se como tendo natureza repetitiva e precária.  Além disto, exige, de seu executor, diversas mobilizações de ordem emocional de forma a construir uma relação de confiança entre paciente e cuidador.  Demanda, ainda, certa estratégia de naturalização frente as tarefas de lidar com excrementos ou partes sexuais do idoso e carece de um aprendizado anterior (formal ou informal) para seu pleno exercício.DOI: 10.21714/2178-8030gep.v20.576

    The Grand Experiment of Communism: Discovering the Trade-off between Equality and Efficiency

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    This paper aims to explain the rise and fall of communism by exploring the interplay between economic incentives and social preferences in different economic systems. We introduce inequality-averse and inefficiency-averse agents responding to economic incentives and transmitting their ideology as they are affected by evolving outcomes. We analyze their conflict through the interaction between leaders with economic power and followers with ideological determination. The socioeconomic dynamics of our model generate a pendulum-like switch from markets to a centrally-planned economy abolishing private ownership, and back to restoring market incentives. The grand experiment of communism is thus characterized to have led to the discovery of a trade-off between equality and efficiency at the scale of alternative economic systems.capitalism, communism, inequality, inefficiency, ideological transmission, economic transititions

    The Grand Experiment of Communism: Discovering the Trade-off between Equality and Efficiency

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    This paper aims to explain the rise and fall of communism by exploring the interplay between economic incentives and social preferences in di§erent economic systems. We introduce inequality-averse and ine¢ ciency-averse agents responding to economic incentives and transmitting their ideology as they are a§ected by evolving outcomes. We analyze their conáict through the interaction between leaders with economic power and followers with ideological determination. The socioeconomic dynamics of our model generate a pendulum-like switch from markets to a centrally-planned economy abolishing private ownership, and back to restoring market incentives. The grand experiment of communism is thus characterized to have led to the discovery of a trade-o§ between equality and e¢ ciency at the scale of alternative economic systems

    The Grand Experiment of Communism: Discovering the Trade-off between Equality and Efficiency

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    This paper aims to explain the rise and fall of communism by exploring the interplay between economic incentives and social preferences in different economic systems. We introduce inequality-averse and ine¢ ciency-averse agents responding to economic incentives and transmitting their ideology as they are a¤ected by evolving outcomes. We analyze their conflict through the interaction between leaders with economic power and followers with ideological determination. The socioeconomic dynamics of our model generate a pendulum-like switch from markets to a centrally-planned economy abolishing private ownership, and back to restoring market incentives. The grand experiment of communism is thus characterized to have led to the discovery of a trade-off between equality and efficiency at the scale of alternative economic systems.capitalism; communism; inequality; inefficiency; ideological transmission; economic transitions

    On the Sustainability of a Monetary Union under External Shocks: a Theoretical Result and Its Application to the Gulf Countries

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    External shocks, be they political or economic, can pose a significant threat to the sustainability of a monetary union. This paper focuses on the openness of a monetary union, and examines how the degrees and characteristics of the sensitivities of its member nations towards external shocks affect the sustainability of the commitment which each of its members made when joining the union. Furthermore, we discuss the sustainability of the prospective monetary union among the Gulf Cooperation Council countries in the light of obtained insights.Monetary Union, Optimum Currency Areas, External Shocks, Gulf Cooperation Council

    Human rights and ethical reasoning : capabilities, conventions and spheres of public action

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    This interdisciplinary article argues that human rights must be understood in terms of opportunities for social participation and that social and economic rights are integral to any discussion of the subject. We offer both a social constructionist and a normative framework for a sociology of human rights which reaches beyond liberal individualism, combining insights from the work of Amartya Sen and from French convention theory. Following Sen, we argue that human rights are founded on the promotion of human capabilities as ethical demands shaped by public reasoning. Using French convention theory, we show how the terms of such deliberation are shaped by different constructions of collectively held values and the compromises reached between them. We conclude by demonstrating how our approach offers a new perspective on spheres of public action and the role these should play in promoting social cohesion, individual capabilities and human rights