369 research outputs found

    Modelling of Metallurgical Processes Using Chaos Theory and Hybrid Computational Intelligence

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    The main objective of the present work is to develop a framework for modelling and controlling of a real world multi-input and multi-output (MIMO) continuously drifting metallurgical process, which is shown to be a complex system. A small change in the properties of the charge composition may lead to entirely different outcome of the process. The newly emerging paradigm of soft-computing or Hybrid Computational Intelligence Systems approach which is based on neural networks, fuzzy sets, genetic algorithms and chaos theory has been applied to tackle this problem In this framework first a feed-forward neuro-model has been developed based on the data collected from a working Submerged Arc Furnace (SAF). Then the process is analysed for the existence of the chaos with the chaos theory (calculating indices like embedding dimension, Lyapunov exponent etc). After that an effort is made to evolve a fuzzy logic controller for the dynamical process using combination of genetic algorithms and the neural networks based forward model to predict the system’s behaviour or conditions in advance and to further suggest modifications to be made to achieve the desired results

    Pregenomic RNA encapsidation analysis of eleven missense and nonsense polymerase mutants of human hepatitis B virus

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    We characterized 11 DNA polymerase mutants of human hepatitis B virus (HBV) which contain single missense or nonsense mutations in the various domains within this gene. Except for mutant 738, a tight association between DNA replication and RNA packaging of these missense pol mutants was observed. Further analysis of HBV core particle-associated RNA indicated that only the 3.5-kb core-specific RNA, but not the precore-specific RNA, is selectively packaged in this tissue culture system. Previously, we have demonstrated that only the 3.5-kb core-specific RNA can serve as an efficient template for pol translation. Taken together, our results suggest that selectivity of HBV RNA packaging occurs as a result of selective translation of pol-containing mRNAs. Furthermore, our data suggest that the RNA encapsidation domain of pol overlaps with all of the domains of pol involved in the synthesis of terminal protein, as well as DNA replication. Finally, on the basis of gradient centrifugation analysis, a pol defect appeared to have no negative effect on the assembly or stability of core particles. A new method to assay RNA encapsidation, as well as potential RNase H activity, is reported

    Penambahan Karaginan terhadap Mutu Sirup Kulit Kayu Manis

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    This study aims to determine the best concentration of carrageenan on the quality of cinnamon bark syrup. Research conducted experiments using a completely randomized design (CRD) with 7 treatment that K0 = without carrageenan ; K1 = Carragenan 1 %; K2 = Carragenan 1.2 %; K3 = Carragenan 1.4 %; Carragenan K4 = 1.6 %; Carragenan K5 = 1.8 %; K6 = Carragenan 2 %. The results showed that the concentration of carrageenan significantly affect the pH value, the viscosity of the sucrose concentration, homogeneity of the emulsion, the color of the hedonic test, the color and flavor of the descriptive test. Concentration K1 (addition of carrageenan 1 %) with a pH of 4.22; levels of sucrose 64.88 %; levels sinamaldehid 0.6429 %; viscosity 40.75 g/cm.s in the first week and 32.87 g/cm.s on the second week , the homogeneity of the emulsion 95.83 % in the first week and 94.17 % in the second week

    Sebaran Nitrat Dan Kualitas Perairan Di Dermaga Pulau Parang, Karimunjawa Pada Saat Pasang Menuju Surut

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    Pulau Parang yang terletak di daerah Taman Nasional. Karimunjawa, Kabupaten Jepara, Jawa Tengah dihuni oleh sebagian besar penduduk yang bermata pencaharian nelayan. Perairan yang dikelilingi oleh terumbu karang diduga merupakan derah perangkap nutrient sehingga perlu dilakukan pengukura kandungan nitrat disekitarnya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dan lokasi pengambilan sampel secara purposif. Lokasi sampling pada penelitian ini sebanyak 8 stasiun. Data yang digunakan untuk parameter kualitas perairan meliputi : DO, pH, salinitas, suhu yang di lakukan insitu. Data yang diperoleh diolah menggunakan software Arc GIS 9.3, sehingga menghasilkan output berupa sebaran distribusi spasial.Hasil penelitian yang didapat menunjukan nilai nitrat berkisar 0,0381 – 0,3828 mg/l sedangkan untuk kualitas perairan di dapatkan : pH 7,9-8,2 , Salinitas 32 ‰-34 ‰, DO 7-11 mg/l, suhu 28.6-30.2 ⁰C. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dan di bandingkan dengan baku mutu air laut untuk perairan Keputusan Mentri Negara Lingkungan HidupNomor 51 Tahun 2004 di ketahui bahwa di Perairan disekitar Dermaga Pulau Parang belum tercemar

    KOMUNIKASI KELOMPOK KOMUNITAS KUTUB (Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Komunikasi Kelompok Pada Komunitas Kutub)

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    In recent years Indonesia has experienced problems in literacy. In the Most Littered Nation In the World Survey conducted by Central Connecticut State University, Indonesia placed in 60th place from 61 countries. The Komunitas Kutub was also felt about this problem, which this community was worked in literacy field. Therefore, this research discusses about the group communication of the Indonesia Boekoe and the Komunitas Kutub. This research uses qualitative method in descriptive-analytical, through several data collection techniques, like: interview and observation. The research also uses social exchange theory. In social exchange theory occurs cost and reward. In addition, the researcher also uses literacy theory. The finding of this research that the Indonesia Boekoe as a foundation that works in literacy field, is able to establish group communication with the Komunitas Kutub for a long time. The literacy problems that occur in the Komunitas Kutub such as the decline in reading interest and the low intensity of writing, successfully completed by the Indonesia Boekoe. In the perspective of social exchange theory, the Komunitas Kutub is able to get benefit like the insights of essay writing technique, increase of reading awareness, free wifi access, and free library access from the group communication that is done by Indonesia Boekoe. While the reward of Indonesia Boekoe itself are the achievement of their missions, like: increasing literacy awareness and creating young writers. Then the cost that borne by the Komunitas Kutub is a sense of distress due to activities carried out by Indonesia Boekoe. Nevertheless, group communication between the Indonesioa Boekeo and the Komunitas Kutub was able to revive the culture of literacy in the Komunitas Kutub

    Sustainability of bio-mediated and bio-inspired ground improvement techniques for geologic hazard mitigation: a systematic literature review

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    This is a systematic literature review of quantitative sustainability assessments, focusing on life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA), of bio-mediated and bio-inspired ground improvement technologies applied to geologic hazard mitigation. The aims of the systematic review are to 1) compare the sustainability of various ground improvement techniques and, 2) to evaluate the rigor and consistency of sustainability assessment methods applied to these techniques. The literature review considers studies identified through keyword searches of bibliographic databases. After selection criteria were applied to ensure identified articles were within scope, a total of 8 articles were found which assessed bio-mediated and bio-inspired ground improvement technologies. The technologies represented in the literature include enzyme induced carbonate precipitation (EICP), microbially induced carbonate precipitation (MICP), and microbially induced desaturation and carbonate precipitation (MIDP). While sustainability is typically conceived to include environmental, economic and social impacts, most studies examined only life cycle environmental impacts, three included life cycle cost accounting, and none included social impacts. Analysis of the studies’ system boundaries show inconsistencies across studies, making comparison of results inaccurate. The most common environmental impact categories included in the identified studies are global warming and eutrophication. Raw materials production and field emissions from the biogeochemical reactions that drive the technologies are the largest contributors to these impacts. Based on the review, it is clear that a set of LCSA guidelines is needed to produce high-quality LCSAs that can be used in comparative assessments and to confidently identify processes where the impacts of bio-mediated and bioinspired technologies can be reduced

    Gonadotropins for pubertal induction in males with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism: systematic review and meta-analysis.

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    OBJECTIVE: Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism is characterized by inadequate secretion of pituitary gonadotropins, leading to absent, partial, or arrested puberty. In males, classical treatment with testosterone promotes virilization but not testicular growth or spermatogenesis. To quantify treatment practices and efficacy, we systematically reviewed all studies investigating gonadotropins for the achievement of pubertal outcomes in males with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. DESIGN: Systematic review and meta-analysis. METHODS: A systematic review of Medline, Embase, Global Health, and PsycINFO databases in December 2022. Risk of Bias 2.0/Risk Of Bias In Non-randomized Studies of Interventions/National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute tools for quality appraisal. Protocol registered on PROSPERO (CRD42022381713). RESULTS: After screening 3925 abstracts, 103 studies were identified including 5328 patients from 21 countries. The average age of participants was <25 years in 45.6% (n = 47) of studies. Studies utilized human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) (n = 93, 90.3% of studies), human menopausal gonadotropin (n = 42, 40.8%), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) (n = 37, 35.9%), and gonadotropin-releasing hormone (28.2% n = 29). The median reported duration of treatment/follow-up was 18 months (interquartile range 10.5-24 months). Gonadotropins induced significant increases in testicular volume, penile size, and testosterone in over 98% of analyses. Spermatogenesis rates were higher with hCG + FSH (86%, 95% confidence interval [CI] 82%-91%) as compared with hCG alone (40%, 95% CI 25%-56%). However, study heterogeneity and treatment variability were high. CONCLUSIONS: This systematic review provides convincing evidence of the efficacy of gonadotropins for pubertal induction. However, there remains substantial heterogeneity in treatment choice, dose, duration, and outcomes assessed. Formal guidelines and randomized studies are needed

    Prevalence of obesity in patients suffering from migraine

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    Background: Migraine is one of the most common primary headaches, accounting for significant morbidity in patients suffering from it. An association between obesity and migraine has been documented in the past, despite some studies pointing to the contrary. Author’s purpose is to calculate the prevalence of obesity in migraine patients in order to contribute to the existing concepts. A positive correlation could lead to the employment of weight loss interventions in the management of obese patients with migraine.Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 400 patients, recently diagnosed with migraine, attending the Neurology Outpatient Department at the Dr. Ruth KM Pfau Civil Hospital Karachi were enrolled after taking informed consent.  Migraine was diagnosed using International Classification of Headache Disorders III (ICHD III) criteria. Height (meters) and weight (kilograms) were measured and body mass index calculated. This data was kept confidential. The results were tabulated and analyzed using SPSS version 19.  Continuous quantitative data were analyzed using chi square test. A p Value of less than or equal to 0.05 was considered significant.Results: The mean age of enrolled participants was 30.69±6.96 years, 204(51%) were >30 years of age, 159(39.8%) were male and 241(60.3%) were female, mean height was 1.55±0.1 meters, mean weight was 56.26±12.98 kg, and mean duration of migraine was 5.04±2.02 weeks. The prevalence of obesity in patients with migraine was 108 (27%).Conclusions: It was concluded that the prevalence of obesity in patients with migraine was 27%

    Grief experiences among female American and Arab undergraduate college students

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    © 2015 The Author(s). The purpose of this study was to compare the incidence of grief among American and Arab female undergraduate students, the effects of their grief, and risk of prolonged grief disorder. A total of 471 female undergraduate students, 308 (65.4%) from the United Arab Emirates and 163 (34.6%) from the United States, completed a survey about their grief experiences. Students experiencing a significant loss also completed the Prolonged Grief Disorder Questionnaire. Findings revealed that overall approximately 38.4% (n=181) of all 471 students experienced the loss of a significant person in their lives within the past 24 months; a similar percentage was found in each sub group. Students reported various grief effects with American students experiencing more effects related to sleep, relationships, academics, physical well-being, religion/spirituality, and outlook on life than Arab students. Only a small number (10, 5.52%) of students met the criteria for prolonged grief disorder; however, most students were female Arab students. Limitations of the study and recommendations for future research are provided
