20 research outputs found

    Demographic Profile of Spinal Cord Injury Patients Admitted in a Rehabilitation Centre: An Observational Study from Bangladesh

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    Background:  Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a life threating condition which has a profound impact in the morbidity and mortality. SCI causes lifetime sufferings and mostly occur among the young adults. Not only in Bangladesh but also worldwide, SCI is a devastating and burdensome condition. This research was conducted to see the demographic profile of SCI patients in Bangladesh. Methods and Materials: This is a retrospective analysis where data was collected from medical records of all SCI patients admitted in between January 2012 to December 2014 from Centre for the Rehabilitation of the Paralysed (CRP), Savar. Results: A total of 1172 SCI patients were analyzed. Most of the patients were in their second to third decade of life which consisted 28.8% (n=338). Among total respondents, 86.2% (n=1010) were male and 13.8% (n=162) were female. Most of the participants 61.1% (n=716) were from rural area. The main cause of SCI was fall from height (FFH) {45.8% (n = 537)} followed by the road traffic accidents (RTA) {24.7% (n = 288)}. Overall, 52.3% (n = 613) of participants suffered from traumatic paraplegia while 60.9% (n = 714) had complete lesion. Among the total participants, 30.70% (n = 359) of participants had skeletal level C1-C7 injury. Division-wise distribution shows that FFH is a major cause of SCI {14.84% (n = 174)} followed by the RTA which is a second most common cause in 8.95% (n = 105) of participants in Dhaka division while SCI due to bull attacks and bullet injury are a major cause in Khulna division {1.02% (n = 12)} and Chittagong division respectively. Conclusion: The data is collected from a tertiary level of rehabilitation centre where extensive demographic data was not previously represented. In many developing countries SCI is neglected, poorly managed and deprived from society. In addition, the present study suggests that demographic factors may affect the characteristics of SCI

    Geographical Modules of COVID-19 Pandemic in Bangladesh: Social Response and Action Taken

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    Objectives: This research attempts to figure out a comparative pattern of the social response from the peoples of Bangladesh as well as different communities and regarding actions taken by the government during the COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh. Else, this study also investigates the shortcomings of the different wing authorities of the Bangladesh Government to reach people of every corner of this country. Methods: In this research, different facts are analyzed from a statistical point of view. Authentic sources like reputed national and international newspapers, governmental release documents, release notes of WHO, etc. were considered for data collection to realize this country’s preparations against the COVID-19 pandemic. Results: From the statistical analysis, this study found that different government authorities partially failed to communicate the measures of the government to the wider public audience. This study has shown that having more tests could have prevented the spread of the virus in Bangladesh. The strong lockdown measures taken by the government were not enough as the population of this country is huge and it is really difficult to maintain social distance in a densely populated country like Bangladesh. Conclusions: The socio-economic condition and decision-makers’ shortcomings could have been overcome if the right plan and action had been taken at the right time. Until the vaccine is available it is recommended that people should keep social distance while going outside, using masks and protection should be mandatory. Furthermore, more health care professionals should be hired and trained to fight this virus.   Doi: 10.28991/SciMedJ-2021-03-SI-4 Full Text: PD

    Performance evaluation of a cabinet solar dryer for drying red pepper in Bangladesh

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    A cabinet type solar dryer was designed and fabricated over a collector and dryer area of 4.00 m2 and 7.5 m2 respectively for the geographical condition of Bangladesh. Red pepper was used to test the performance of the dryer. The upper tray and lower tray pepper drying needed 36 and 41 h to reduce moisture from 73% (wet basis) to 10% (wet basis) respectively and found 9 kg dried pepper from 30 kg fresh red ripe pepper. In contrast, open sun drying needed 85 h to reduce moisture from 73% (wet basis) to 11% (wet basis) and produced 2.43 kg dried pepper from 8 kg red ripe pepper. The average global radiation was about 133 W/m2 while the flux incidence and flux absorbed on collector was about 128 W/m2 and 103 W/m2 respectively. The average collector and dryer efficiency was about 48% and 34% respectively. The average exergy efficiency was obtained 63%. The average rate of top, bottom and side collector loss was 37 W/m2, 20 W/m2 and 3 W/m2 respectively. The upper tray, lower tray and open sun pepper seed germination was 76%, 81% and 85% respectively (P≥0.01). The redness value of lower tray pepper (a*=27.1) was higher followed by upper tray (a*=24.7) and open sun pepper powder (a*=21.1), which means direct exposure of sunlight diminishes the quality of pepper colour. The redness value of fabricated solar drying was significantly (P≤0.01) higher than that of open sun drying

    Phytochemical analysis and biological investigation of Cheilanthes tenuifolia (Burm.f.) Swartz

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    Introduction:Cheilanthes tenuifolia is an evergreen ornamental small fern, belonging to the family Pteridaceae, that grows in warm and rocky regions worldwide. Many species of Cheilanthes genus are evidently endowed with important phytochemicals and bioactivities. This study aimed to perform a preliminary phytochemical analysis of Cheilanthes tenuifolia leaves alongside an evaluation of free radical scavenging, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and clot lysis activities of extract fractions.Materials and methods: A preliminary phytochemical analysis was done after fractionation of ethanolic extract (ECT) with n-hexane (HCT) and chloroform (CCT). Then, 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging, egg albumin and RBC membrane stabilization tests, disc diffusion, and human blood clot lysis assays were performed.Results: Phytochemical investigations suggested that the plant is rich in alkaloids, glycosides, tannins, and flavonoids. All obtained fractions exhibited concentration-dependent radical scavenging, inhibition of egg protein denaturation and RBC membrane lysis capacities. Except for antifungal tests, ECT exhibited better DPPH radical scavenging, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and clot lysis capacities than HCT and CCT fractions. However, all fractions exhibited a mild anti-inflammatory activity.Conclusion:C. tenuifolia might be a good source of antioxidant, anti-microbial, and anti-atherothrombotic agents. Further studies are required to isolate and characterize the active principles liable for each bioactivity, along with possible molecular interactions

    Dog-Catcher Mobile

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    Short k-mer abundance profiles yield robust machine learning features and accurate classifiers for RNA viruses.

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    High-throughput sequencing technologies have greatly enabled the study of genomics, transcriptomics and metagenomics. Automated annotation and classification of the vast amounts of generated sequence data has become paramount for facilitating biological sciences. Genomes of viruses can be radically different from all life, both in terms of molecular structure and primary sequence. Alignment-based and profile-based searches are commonly employed for characterization of assembled viral contigs from high-throughput sequencing data. Recent attempts have highlighted the use of machine learning models for the task, but these models rely entirely on DNA genomes and owing to the intrinsic genomic complexity of viruses, RNA viruses have gone completely overlooked. Here, we present a novel short k-mer based sequence scoring method that generates robust sequence information for training machine learning classifiers. We trained 18 classifiers for the task of distinguishing viral RNA from human transcripts. We challenged our models with very stringent testing protocols across different species and evaluated performance against BLASTn, BLASTx and HMMER3 searches. For clean sequence data retrieved from curated databases, our models display near perfect accuracy, outperforming all similar attempts previously reported. On de novo assemblies of raw RNA-Seq data from cells subjected to Ebola virus, the area under the ROC curve varied from 0.6 to 0.86 depending on the software used for assembly. Our classifier was able to properly classify the majority of the false hits generated by BLAST and HMMER3 searches on the same data. The outstanding performance metrics of our model lays the groundwork for robust machine learning methods for the automated annotation of sequence data

    Проблеми та перспективи розвитку нейромаркетингу: дослідження для Бангладеш

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    For improving marketing effectiveness, the producers and entrepreneurs today want to understand how human psychology and emotions influencing on decision making. In this instance, the concept of neuromarketing offers a chance to get accurate, factual data about the buying habits of target markets. This study has been intended to explore the challenges, prospects, limitation and potentiality of practising neuromarketing in the context of Bangladesh as a cutting-edge marketing issue with the purpose of providing corresponding recommendations. The status and future prediction of neuromarketing have been exposed through qualitative and quantitative analysis. The finding of the study has been supported by collecting data from 55 customers and 65 marketers as the respondents. The key findings of this study are quite impressive and prospective regarding the level of awareness, interest, acknowledgement and conviction towards practising neuromarketing in the context in Bangladesh. The contribution of this study can be breakthrough and pave the way for neuromarketing in Bangladesh. The findings of this study will be helpful for the marketing policy makers and govt agencies to introduce this new method of marketing tools in Bangladesh. Finally, some policy guidelines were provided based on findings and analysis. In that way, marketers have to promote initiatives to familiarize the devices of the neuromarketing, have to engage the educated customers to share their experiences while designing the marketing strategies and plans. The important conclusion that the education is one of the most important factors affecting the adoption of the neuromarketing practice. On the other hand, marketers should take initiatives to overcome some misconceptions regarding the harmful for the brain activity devices of the neurology.Сучасні тенденції розвитку інформаційних технологій обумовлюють необхідність використання нових сучасних маркетингових інструментів з метою підвищення ефективності проведення рекламних кампаній організації. При цьому необхідно враховувати, як психологія споживачів та їх емоції впливають на процес прийняття рішень щодо вибору товару. Авторами зазначається актуальність використання концепції нейромаркетингу, яка дає змогу отримати фактичні дані про споживчі вподобання групи споживачів цільового ринку. Метою дослідження є вчення проблем, перспектив, обмежень та потенціалу використання нейромаркетингу як найбільш сучасного маркетингового підходу з метою надання відповідних рекомендацій для компаній з урахуванням особливостей ринкового середовища Бангладешу. Автором узагальнено основні бар’єри та обмеження розвитку нейромаркетингу в Бангладеші як в країні, що розвивається. Використання якісного та кількісного аналізу дозволило автору визначити стан, місце та перспективи використання нейромаркетингу у бізнес-середовищі Бангладешу. У рамках дослідження було проаналізовано дані 120 респондентів (55 клієнтів і 65 маркетологів). Результати дослідження свідчать, що проведення нейромаректингових кампаній вимагає наявності як кваліфікованих спеціалістів-маркетологів, так і готових сприймати інформацію споживачів. Тому автор наголошує, що освіта є одним із ключових факторів, що впливає на поширення концепції нейромаркетингу в Бангладеші. Окрім цього, автор рекомендує проведення маркетологами ініціативних просвітницьких програм в локальних спільнотах щодо безпечності пристроїв та технологій нейромаркетингу з метою зменшення стереотипного мислення щодо їх шкідливості та небезпечності для функціонування організму людини

    Брендинг закладів вищої світи: проблеми та перспективи

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    В основу статті покладено гіпотезу, що протягом останніх декількох років брендинг відіграє значну роль у діяльності не лише компаній, а й закладів вищої освіти (ЗВО). Зміна середовища, включаючи соціальні, правові та економічні умови, зумовлює необхідність постійних змін у способах діяльності університету, що забезпечить їх функціонування в довгостроковій перспективі. У статті систематизовано та охарактеризовано сучасні концепції брендингу університетів Бангладеш державної та приватної форми власності, які сприяють їх популяризації. У рамках даного дослідження автори зазначають, що брендинг ЗВО Бангладеш є складним процесом, що пояснюється його безсистемністю та розгалуженістю основних стейкхолдерів ЗВО. Об’єктом дослідження обрано десять провідних ЗВО Бангладеш різних форм власності. Базу даних для аналізу склали результати опитування 400 респондентів (200 студентів, які наразі навчаються та 200 потенційних студентів ЗВО). При цьому вибірку сформовано методом випадкового відбору. У статті визначено силу та статистичну значимість впливу семи змінних (імідж університету, якість освіти, рейтинг ЗВО, репутація, місце розташування, політична ситуація та якість підготовки викладачів) на суб’єктивну думку респондентів. Результати даного дослідження свідчать про наявність широкого спектру критеріїв, згідно яких студенти обирають між приватними та державними університетами Бангладеш. При цьому отримані результати засвідчили невідповідність вибору респондентами ЗВО для навчання та очікуваними особистісним критеріями відбору. Аналіз результатів опитування підтвердив гіпотезу, що студенти обирають університети за якістю освіти та рівнем популярності його бренду. Окрім цього, автори встановили, що роботодавці зацікавленні у рекрутингу випускників топ-брендових ЗВО з метою підвищення ефективності діяльності своїх компаній. У майбутньому отримані емпіричні результати дослідження можуть бути корисними для науковців та менеджменту ЗВО державної та приватної форми власності.Branding is a very common issue for Higher Educational Institutions like other profitable organizations over the last few years. This study illustrates the present branding scenarios of different public and private universities of Bangladesh which will help to provide a vivid knowledge about the regional universities of Bangladesh. Addressing to the present branding challenges and issues, it was observed that the process of branding initiative is very complex due to multiple reasons, i.e. lack of consistency, accuracy, and commitment from the different stakeholders. For the purpose of the study, the top ten leading public and private universities have been selected for collecting data on brand initiatives. For the objective of the research, 200 existing students along with 200 potential students were selected. Students, qualified or eligible for university admission were taken randomly as the sample of the study. Several variables including images of the university, education quality, rank, reputation, location, political situation or influence and teachers’ quality have been measured through a seven-point measurement scale to evaluate the branding initiative. This study reveals that regarding the selection of the public and private universities in Bangladesh, students have a wide range of consideration; and their evaluation about the institution is in paradox, because the institutions they have intended to attend may not be going to fulfil their desired expectations in terms of different dimensions. Branding initiatives of the selected universities are not enough in these circumstances for branding Bangladeshi universities at an international level. Findings of the study have revealed that students are going to target the branded and reputed universities comparing to the quality of education. It has also been observed that employers also recruit graduates from the top-ranking branded universities for their organizational performance. The academics and the marketing policy makers of public and private universities will be assisted by the findings of this study regarding their branding issues in future. Lastly, the study highlights some limitations and future direction in this context

    Design of fuzzy based controller for modern elevator group with floor priority constraints

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    The elevator technologies are developed to serve the requested passenger’s floors with high consideration of passengers’ satisfaction and elevator optimal performance. Responding to the issue, this paper focuses on development of an elevator group controller based on fuzzy algorithm. By introducing a fuzzy controller in an elevator system, this project is developed to manage the required passenger traffic density keeping passenger waiting times within reasonable limits. To increase the performance of the elevator group three major linguistic variables are introduced within a set of fuzzy rules. These include the average waiting time (AWT), power consumption (PC), and floor traffic (FT). When the passenger traffic is high, the low fuzzy control values reduce the importance of priority of floors rather the estimated arrival time is to be minimized. The simulation was accomplished to check the priority of fuzzy system graphically while the actual prototype of elevator system is programmed by PIC device as a controller. As a result a set of fuzzy rules was drawn based on practical considerations; mainly minimization of waiting time and energy consumption. When a few hall requests are registered, the elevator controller will decide which one of the elevators will serve which of the incoming hall requests. In order to manifest the work with actual elevator service, a computer simulation of a four-cars-elevator controller in a twenty storied building is accomplished by using MATLABTM fuzzy logic toolbox and implements the prototype experimental model

    Proposing an organizational framework for the Sharīʿah Secretariat of Islamic banks in Bangladesh

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    Purpose - Sharīʿah Secretariat plays a significant role in assisting Sharīʿah Supervisory Boards (SSBs) in their role in achieving Sharīʿah compliance in Islamic banks (IBs). The key objective of the study is to develop a organizational framework of the Sharīʿah Secretariat for the IBs in Bangladesh. Design/methodology/approach - The study applied qualitative case study research. The data have been collected from 17 respondents through semi-structured interviews from IBs and professional experts in Bangladesh. Findings - This study proposes a full-time Sharīʿah Secretariat and several departments for further enhancement of the Sharīʿah functions in IBs in Bangladesh. The framework proposed in this study covers the formation, functions, composition, qualification, reporting line, independence, remuneration and terms of appointment of the Sharīʿah Secretariat to set a uniform benchmark for all IBs in Bangladesh. It is anticipated that the outcomes of this research will assist to further strengthen the Sharīʿah governance of IBs in Bangladesh. Research limitations/implications - This research contributed to the national and global regulatory authorities and IBs by proposing a Sharīʿah Secretariat framework for the smooth functioning of the IBs in Bangladesh. The framework proposed in this study covers the formation, functions, composition, qualification, reporting line, independence, remuneration and terms of appointment of Sharīʿah Secretariat. Originality/value - This study proposed a framework which is considered the first organizational framework so far for the Sharīʿah Secretariat of IBs in Bangladesh. IBs can apply this proposed framework to form their Sharīʿah Secretariat structure