29 research outputs found

    Supplementary Figure S5 from Characterization of C-ring component assembly in flagellar motors from amino acid coevolution

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    Depiction of representative DCA contacts (in green) as Gaussian interaction potentials driving the association of FliN<sub>C</sub> and FliM<sub>C</sub> (depicted in red and blue, respectively) in MD simulation. These predicted physical interactions are fulfilled in final model

    Prediction of FliN C-terminal homodimer

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    Prediction of FliN C-terminal homodimer through simulations with structure-based models driven by coevolution signals. The final model presented a RMSD of 0.81Ã… when compared to experimental X-ray structure (1O6A). This prediction was used as a validation step to support subsequent models

    Recurring Chemical Cross-Links in FliN/FliM C-terminal homodimerization

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    Chemical Cross-Links in FliN/FliM C-terminal dimerization that are present in both rotational states of flagellar motor. This dataset from literature was used to support predicted model for FliN/FliM C-terminal heterodimer

    MSA of FliM middle domain family

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    multiple sequence alignment used to compute coevolution signals in the middle domain of FliM protein from T. maritm

    predicted FliM homodimer model I

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    Predicted homodimerization interface of FliM middle domain in a parallel configuration that is compatible to the interaction mode of one rotational state suggested by cryo-EM data fitting and chemical cross-linking experiments

    predicted FliM homodimer model II

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    Predicted homodimerization interface of FliM middle domain in a twisted configuration that is supported by chemical cross-linking experiments and can be related to an alternative conformational state of flagellum rotation

    Supplementary Movie S3 from Characterization of C-ring component assembly in flagellar motors from amino acid coevolution

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    Last step of MD simulation for the prediction of FliM<sub>M</sub> homodimerization using coevolutionary signals. At this final stage, an oscillation between a parallel (mode I) and a twisted configuration (model II)

    Supplementary Figure S3 from Characterization of C-ring component assembly in flagellar motors from amino acid coevolution

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    DCA contacts obtained for FliN<sub>C</sub> considering the non-filtered FliMN_C Pfam domain (PF01052). DCA couplings related to FliN folding are highlighted with blue circles

    Supplementary Movie S1 from Characterization of C-ring component assembly in flagellar motors from amino acid coevolution

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    Prediction of FliN<sub>C</sub> homodimerization using coevolutionary signals. MD simulation was able to recover the X-ray complex model reported (PDB ID: 1O6A) with a lowest RMSD of 0.81 Ã…

    Supplementary Figure S7 from Characterization of C-ring component assembly in flagellar motors from amino acid coevolution

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    (A) Predicted parallel conformation of FliM<sub>M</sub> homodimerization in a side-to-side orientation (model I). (B) Predicted twisted conformation of FliM<sub>M</sub> homodimerization in a perpendicular orientation (model II). Representative DCA contacts used to drive FliM<sub>M</sub> association are represented in red