7 research outputs found

    Tourism crisis management in geoparks through geotourism development

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    The recent global financial crisis has negatively affected the tourism marketing as well as all sectors of the global economy. However, the crisis can create an opportunity for innovation in management and the emergence of new tourism products in tourism marketing. This study has two major purposes: 1) to introduce geotourism as a new niche tourism product for development of the local economy and 2) to investigate innovative strategies in geoparks, as geotourism destinations, for attracting more tourists to these territories. To this end, twenty five geopark strategies were analysed (20 in Europe and 3 in Asia – Malaysia, Japan and Iran, 1 in Australia and 1 in South America – Brazil). The results indicate that the authorities of geoparks try – on a small scale – to minimize the negative impacts of the crisis and develop the local economy by promoting geotourism and innovative strategies.A recente crise financeira mundial afetou negativamente a atividade turística do turismo, bem como todos os setores da economia global. No entanto, esta crise pode representar uma oportunidade para a inovação ao nível da gestão e para o surgimento de novos produtos turísticos. Este estudo tem dois objetivos principais: 1) introduzir o geoturismo como um novo nicho de mercado contribuindo para o desenvolvimento da economia local e 2) identificar estratégias inovadoras implementadas em geoparques, como destinos de geoturismo, com o objetivo para atrair mais turistas a esses territórios. Para este fim, foram analisadas as estratégias de vinte e cinco geoparques (20 na Europa e 3 na Ásia - Malásia, Japão e Irã, 1 na Austrália e 1 na América do Sul - Brasil). Os resultados indicam que os responsáveis pela gestão destes geoparques tentarm – em pequena escala - minimizar os impatos negativos da crise e desenvolver a economia local, atraés promoção do geoturismo e de estratégias inovadoras.publishe

    Geo-knowledge management and geoconservation via geoparks and geotourism

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    A geopark as a new tourism destination contains a number of geological heritage sites. Geoparks as an innovation for the protection of natural and geological heritage are a network of sites for the transfer of Earth knowledge and the popularisation of geosciences. Moreover, geoparks play an important role in rural development through local involvement in geopark and geotourism activities. This paper discusses the role played by geoparks in the conservation and geo-knowledge management. To this end, 25 geopark strategies were analysed (20 in Europe and three in Asia: Malaysia, Japan and Iran; one in Australia and one in South America: Brazil). The results indicate that finding, introducing and establishing geosites are the first steps for geopark creation. Furthermore, involving local communities in the conservation of geoparks and providing educational projects are key factors in the knowledge management and preservation of geoparks as new tourist attractions